Filtros de Itens de Lua Marks


Plataforma: Xbox (Última Versão Válida: 3.16.3b)
Criado por : Lua Marks
Atualizado por Último : 17 de dez de 2019 08:33:43

NeverSink's LOOTFILTER, in-depth, endgame+leveling 2in1, user-friendly, multiversion, always updated The most popular lootfilters, updated and refined since nearly 5 years. For more information and customization options, visit:


Plataforma: Xbox (Última Versão Válida: 3.16.3b)
Criado por : Lua Marks
Atualizado por Último : 17 de dez de 2019 08:33:22

NeverSink's LOOTFILTER, in-depth, endgame+leveling 2in1, user-friendly, multiversion, always updated The most popular lootfilters, updated and refined since nearly 5 years. For more information and customization options, visit:


Plataforma: Xbox (Última Versão Válida: 3.16.3b)
Criado por : Lua Marks
Atualizado por Último : 17 de dez de 2019 08:34:22

NeverSink's LOOTFILTER, in-depth, endgame+leveling 2in1, user-friendly, multiversion, always updated The most popular lootfilters, updated and refined since nearly 5 years. For more information and customization options, visit:

Wreckers Guides Filter - All-In-1 SSF

Plataforma: Xbox (Última Versão Válida: 3.16.3b)
Criado por : Lua Marks
Atualizado por Último : 14 de nov de 2021 08:22:57

Hey Everyone! This is a SSF filter for those that are playing my guide(s) and only want guide-specific gear to show. It'll give you a nice variety of options with gear while you level without having an overwhelming screen. This filter only filters gear. It shows ALL other types of drops (like Currency, Maps, Divination Cards, quality flasks and gems, obvious crafting recipes, etc.). You won't miss a thing. The filter is visually designed to help you recognize immediately (and easily) what has dropped and if you want it. If you're curious about the details of the filter's setup, I've explained it within the filter itself, at the top. Thanks for stopping by!

Wreckers Guides Filter - All-In-1 SSF

Plataforma: Xbox (Última Versão Válida: Não Especificado)
Criado por : Lua Marks
Atualizado por Último : 22 de fev de 2022 08:29:28

Hey Everyone! This is a SSF filter for those that are playing my guide(s) and only want guide-specific gear to show. It'll give you a nice variety of options with gear while you level without having an overwhelming screen. This filter only filters gear. It shows ALL other types of drops (like Currency, Maps, Divination Cards, quality flasks and gems, obvious crafting recipes, etc.). You won't miss a thing. The filter is visually designed to help you recognize immediately (and easily) what has dropped and if you want it. If you're curious about the details of the filter's setup, I've explained it within the filter itself, at the top. Thanks for stopping by!