PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

Varroh escreveu:
Is there any way to report a seller for listing fake buyouts? After finding the item via the indexer and contacting the seller I was informed that the price was a "guideline" and the real price is twice (!) the listed amount.

Hi there,

If you would like to report another player's actions, please contact us at "support@grindinggear.com" We will investigate the situation.
Please keep all posts on topic and be mindful not to post anything antagonistic or harmful towards other players. Any posts of this nature will be removed and the user may be placed on probation along with the thread being locked.
Please contact support@grindinggear.com if you need any help.
PixelRabi escreveu:
Hi Recently Im sure My character is ON THE LADDER , but why It still show me offline on xyz while Im playing POE?
Really Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed help T_T

Are you playing on your Ladder character when you're attempting to show up as "online" ? If you have a character that shows up on the ladder, poe.xyz.is will only display you "online" automatically if you're playing that specific character. If you're playing a lower level character, it wouldn't work.

If you'd like to show up as online for any character, you can follow the steps here to do so: http://poe.trade/online.html?2
This should be resolved as of approx 09:00 NZST. I apologize for the inconvenience.

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