[2.5] Occultist CI Quad Curse Ethereal Knives Poison Build

I'm working on an Occultist build that I need some feedback on.

The general idea is an Ethereal Knives Poison build (to double dip on the projectile damage) that uses Occultist for the Energy Shield bonuses for better survival and the curse nodes to allow for extra damage and survival. Cospri's Will is used for more curses/hexproof and so we always poison.


Main Attack
Ethereal Knives -> Spell Echo -> Faster Casting -> Controlled Destruction -> Pierce -> Faster Projectiles (we got a bunch of projectile speed on the tree, so this might be able to be replaced with Added Chaos Damage for more damage)
Over 5 casts per second (lots of poison stacks), double dipping with the Pierce/Faster Projectiles damage, and a More modifier from Controlled Destruction for the base hit.

(Heretic's Veil) Enfeeble, Projectile Weakness, Warlords Mark
Projectile Weakness gives us the extra 50% pierce for a 100% pierce chance as well as double dipping damage. Warlord's Mark gives life/mana leech (freeing up some extra gem slots for EK for damage) as well as endurance charges. Enfeeble because... defense.

Cast When Damage Taken -> Temporal Chains -> Immortal Call -> Increased Duration
This is pretty obvious. Immortal Call for the defense (and it will expend our endurance charges for longer physical immunity). The temporal chains is on CWDT until getting gloves corrupted with Temporal Chains on hit.

Summon Chaos Golem -> Minion Damage -> Minion Life -> Minion and Totem Elemental Resists
Extra phys damage reduction, and some extra minor damage.

Whirling Blades
Whirling Blades -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify
Movement and defenses.



Cospri's Will - We use this so we can always poison and for the extra curse. Oh, and to be able to curse Hexproof enemies.
Heretic's Veil - So we can run curse auras easier, and get the +2 to curse gems.
Heartbreaker - Spell damage, energy shield, faster start of energy shield regen, and lets us use whirling blades. Oh, and it gives us culling which is nice.
Rainbowstride - Considering this for the spell block, but even with a 30% shield that's only about 8% spell block. If we stick in Rumi's Concotion we get some extra spell block during that as well.

Final Thoughts
So... thoughts? Will this be enough defense? Endurance charges, fortify, temporal chains/enfeeble, some block, and immortal call. Rumi's Concoction is a possibility for extra block too. We should end up with 9k+ energy shield as well, with the Occultist bonuses (damage not interrupting recharge and energy shield regen for enemies killed recently).
What about offense? According to Path of Building with some mock up gear I tossed in it says 51k skill dps with 135k dps including poisons. This drops for bosses to 39k/74k, though, due to the 60% less curse effect on bosses.
Último bump em 22 de mar de 2017 07:45:30
can you post a vid if you can just to see the build in a map?
I'm still working on leveling it up right now. Hopefully I'll be ready for mapping by tomorrow. I've got a bunch of the gear ready and waiting.
nice, build sounds fun. Looking forward to it
So I made it to level 71. I'm running Uber lab now for the last Ascendancy points. So far it's working out pretty well. My Ethereal Knives is still only level 17 and I've only got 5L atm so my DPS isn't as high as it should be.

Here's my current gear:

Tooltip DPS is 6.1k atm, but it doesn't take into account the curses or poison.

I'll update when I get everything leveled up and stuff... but so far I like this build!
Sounds like a nice build, might try it out if I get hold of Heretics, I like multi-curse builds.
So I've been looking into Flasks for this build. So far I see a few potential options.

Witchfire Brew looks to be pretty amazing. 50-70% increased Damage Over Time for the poison and free Vulnerability aura (good replacement for CWDT Temporal Chains before you have Curse on Hit corruption on gloves, or could replace it completely for more damage instead of survival) during flask effect means a bunch of extra damage, plus the 100% increased evasion rating (we end up with a bit of Evasion from Cospri's/Heretic's Veil).

Sin's Rebirth would be pretty great as it gives Unholy Might for extra chaos damage and with the bonus of removing burning. Unfortunately it's super expensive.

Rumi's Concoction for the pure defensive aspects. Extra Block/Spell Block should go a long way with Occultist's Wicked Ward/Vile Bastion.

For non-unique flasks I'm thinking Basalt Flask and Silver/Sulphur Flask with the usual modifiers (Bleed Removal, etc). Maybe some resist flasks to swap in for certain fights.

Also not mentioned in the original post (I'll update it as I figure out more stuff), I'm running Vaal Grace for some extra survivability. I also noticed I had some extra space both on the bar and in one of my 3Ls so I'm thinking of grabbing Rallying Cry. It adds Increased Damage so more poison double dipping, plus the mana regen can be helpful (bosses are hard to leech from since our leech source comes from Warlord's Mark, so 60% less effect of that and things like totems that just can't be cursed).

3L setup for these (in shield) would be Vaal Grace -> Rallying Cry -> Increased Duration
Level 78 now and really enjoying this build. The Rallying Cry was a good addition. I got a Silver and Sulphur flask for some more damage and those work really well. I'll probably pick up some of the unique flasks soon.

I'm going to try and get a video up by this weekend showing off some mapping. I'm busy Thursday so I won't get to play much, and I'd like to try and level up some gems a little (most are 17/18 still) so it runs just a bit better. Damage is decent right now but there's still room to grow between the low gem levels and still only using a 5L (with Faster Projectiles in there, which is the weakest damage gem).
Why Pierce?
Why Pierce?

Two reasons:

1) It makes clearing larger packs easier. Without pierce you're only hitting the front enemies and it takes longer to kill a full pack. With EK the projectiles pass through (and with Projectile Weakness it should be 100% chance) so you can hit a full pack with one cast.

2) This build greatly benefits from projectile damage since it double dips on the poison. And not only does the pierce gem add projectile damage but it is a More modifier.

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