Elemental Proliferation

Balance & Design
Último bump em 15 de nov de 2017 08:39:10
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BlastMonkey escreveu:
I want to say a sincere thank you to whoever came up with this support. It's just damn fun to play with.
Thanks, I think so too.
Kioller escreveu:
Does this work with "minion instability" and if so, do i just link it up with my minions?
No, minion instability, due to current engine limitations, doesn't "really" deal damage, and so can't cause anything that triggers on damage, such as burning. We hope to fix this in future.
Neonexe escreveu:
If you 1-shot a monster with a crit, you lose all the possible proliferating elements from it.

If you don't quite kill it and it burns to death in the next 0.1 secs it now acts as a burning pyre of vengeance on its fellows.

This seems very inconsistent, and it results in the incredibly annoying position of finding yourself doing too much damage to actually get any benefit from it! I really think it will come into its own if it's changed to have corpses radiate the burns/freezes that would have happened to the monsters if they hadn't instantly died.
Burning remains on corpses after death, and thus is still spread for it's duration. Frozen doesn't, because frozen things shatter if they die, however this is balanced to at least some extent because cold damage also has the chill effect which occurs on all hits with (significant) cold damage, rather than only on crits, and is also proliferated like the others.

So shocked is the one which is missing out here. It could possibly be made to stay on corpses after death, I'll bring it up with Chris and the balance guys at some point.
Aura logic is updated in 0.9.9 to allow the aura to assign kills back to the creator of the initial aura - for elemental proliferation, this will mean things dying to burns on other creatures you've set on fire will count as kills for you.
Strill escreveu:
Burning doesn't proliferate if the target shattered. Is this intended?
Yes. Shattered enemies no longer exist and thus cannot be spreading the debuff aura to other nearby enemies.
Elemental Proliferation is changing the elemental status ailments you put on monsters from being single-target debuffs to auras. If the monster isn't there anymore, any auras on it, including elemental proliferation, can't be spread.

This does mean there are times it's tactically better to freeze a monster then leave it alone and concentrate on other targets while it keeps things near it frozen. We consider this a fair trade-off for cold damage because it also gets the chill effect on all cold damage, that can be quite powerful proliferated.
Fire and Lightning only have burn and shock, respectively, on crit (or with bonus chance to occur) and these two persist on death. Cold gets freeze on crit that can't persist on death, and chill on all cold damage, requiring no crit or chance to occur.
Neonexe escreveu:
Mark how would you feel about making chill not proliferate, but letting shatter corpses prolif?
I would feel that's impossible because there are no "shatter corpses" - shattering deletes the monster copse entirely and just gives you a nice graphical effect to look at.
Which is not to say there might not be other ways to accomplish something similar, but they would require a lot of work and I am not personally convinced at that point it would be worth it - not that that's my call to make.
Umbraal escreveu:
Perhaps that in order to shatter, the original time of a freeze needs to have a threshold higher than the threshold for freezing.
This is already the case. You need to actually freeze the thing, meaning you need to deal enough cold damage proportionally to their life to create a freeze of at least 300ms.

However, confirming this allowed me to find a small bug whereby chills would not apply to already-frozen enemies (they should do so, because they'll probably last long enough to still be there after the freeze ends).
It ends when the initial freeze ends. The freeze caused by the mine will be an aura, affecting any other monsters near to those frozen monsters. When that freeze runs out, the aura is no longer affecting the others.
mokschi escreveu:
If I shock 3 clumped-up targets with lightning and elemental proliferation, do the shock-effects stack with each other?
Yes, up to the shock limit.
I checked, and currently EP is not affected by AoE increases. I'll fix that at some point.

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