[On Hold] Bane Occultist - League Start/SSF Viable - All Content
Decided to put all my guides on hold for the moment. Thanks for your support if you've used this build or supported my content in the past.
Intro: This is a beginner-friendly, league-starter viable, solo-self-found viable, and comprehensive Bane Occultist guide. The leveling section in this guide is meant to take players with a fresh install or in a fresh league and get them into maps and started on a powerful character. Interested readers can find gear priority, stat suggestions, mechanics explanations, and a whole bunch of links that might be useful for newer players. If you're new and want to get through the story and get off to a good start I recommend reading through the guide completely before starting. Quick Reference:
Final Skill Tree
Item Stat Priority
The Essentials:
The Wiki - Enter a Quest Name, Skill Gem, Support Gem, Unique Item to learn everything you need to know about it: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki Path of Exile Trade - The official trade website. This game requires you to trade outside of the game but this is the site that's supported by the creators of the game. There is also poe.trade but you might as well use the official website if you're new: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade Neversinks Loot Filter - A lot of items drop in this game and it can be overwhelming trying to understand what's important and what's not. A loot filter helps with that. To see what it is doing you might want to consider checking out filterblade.xyz and clicking around in there to see all the different things that are being included/excluded when you choose a strictness setting: https://github.com/NeverSinkDev/NeverSink-Filter/releases PoE Lab - A website with not just links to the daily lab layouts but also some other links and guides: https://www.poelab.com/ Engineering Eternity - The gold standard for new player content. This particular playlist I've linked is his beginner series and is definitely worth the watch. I can vouch for how good this content is because it's how I learned how to play the game: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7GqFLebBU8inlrcqTZFXtIwP362XrdNe Intermediate Tools: PoE Trade Macro - Useful for trading once you get to maps. This helps you check the ranges on items or do cursory lookups of item value: https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro Path of Building - The game is essentially one big math equation when it comes to damage and this is basically a calculator for it. For people starting to ask questions like "What would be a bigger upgrade?" This is the tool for you: https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding Advanced Tools: Mercury Trade - When trading a lot of players this helps with kicking/inviting and automated messages: https://github.com/Exslims/MercuryTrade PoE DB - Comprehensive website that can be tough to navigate but has all the info you could ask for. https://poedb.tw/us/ ![]() PoB: https://pastebin.com/PnY9aSa5 YouTube: New Video for 3.9 Metamorph League! Full Playlist of all my videos related to Bane Occultist since the start of the guide! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thi3n Update Log:
3.12 Updates:
3.11 Updates:
1. Pros and Cons
In Depth Gear Explanation
Devouring Diadem. This helm really does a lot of work for the build. It saves 4 passive points from my current endgame tree by giving Eldritch Battery and also gives reduced mana reservation for gems inside. On top of that, the Feast of Flesh allows you to utilize corpse generation as a form of defense. Because this is a unique, good luck getting a relevant helm enchant. Luckily, none of the helm enchants are mandatory or fundamentally change the mechanics of the build. Before getting Devouring Diadem a generic rare will do the trick.
Stats to look for: Life > Resists > Energy Shield
Loreweave. The all-purpose Loreweave is great for this build. The maximum resistances 78 is the most important roll. After that life/attributes/energy shield are all nice to have. Pre-Loreweave any rare or generically strong chest like Belly of the Beast or Carcass Jack are fine but be careful for color requirements.
Stats to look for (if you're using a rare): Life > Resists > Energy Shield
Rare. Wands with Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time multiplier are great. A nice starter weapon is Cane of Unravelling and can be taken all the way to endgame. Shields you're really just looking for large defensive stats. It's worth noting that I encourage you to try out using a staff, dual wielding, and weapon/shield and seeing the pros and cons of each. I'll mention more about nodes in the tree in the 6. Tips and Tricks section later on. I would be remiss to not mention Bow/Quiver combinations as well. Currently this is capable of getting HUGE damage numbers with +Socketed Gems and great defensive options with quivers like Soul Strike. Min Maxers have some real options in the late game with weapon options.
Stats to look for (if you're using a rare): Life (if shield) > Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier > +Chaos Gems > Spell Damage/Chaos Damage > Resist (if shield) NOTE: A Wand is a great spot to craft "Trigger a Socketed Spell when you use a Skill". This will have exceptional synergy with Desecrate and Feast of Flesh (from the Devouring Diadem) mentioned later in 6. Tips and Tricks
Vixen's Entrapment. This glove really turns the defense of the build on and casts 2 defensive curses automatically when casting Bane. No glove enchant is particularly important but the one I like the most is the Reflection Enchant to create a mirror image that can prove useful for survivability. The spell damage implicit of Fingerless Silk gloves are also nice to have if you are using a rare.
Stats to look for (if you're using a rare): Life > Resists > Energy Shield
Rare. Stygian Vise is best in slot if you can get a good Abyss Jewel (more on this in the Jewel section below). The best endgame belt probably involves crafting with a Aberrant Fossil + Pristine and getting Generic Increased Chaos Damage and high life/resist rolls. I'm also a big fan of flask related rolls since resists can be grabbed on other pieces of gear and flask mods only appear on belts. I suppose Headhunter and Bisco's Leash should at least be mentioned for "speed clearing" but these are absolute luxuries and don't really take the build to new heights like they do for attack based builds.
Stats to look for (if you're using a rare): Life > Resists > Increased Flask Effect Duration/Increased Flask Charges Gained
Rare. 30 movespeed life and resists. Kaom's Roots are my personal favorite boots for Uber Elder because the Siphon slow that Elder does in that fight is only counted by Kaoms or being Juggernaut. Windscream/Windshriek are cool unique boots that can add some curse flexibility like adding in a Poachers Mark for mapping. A swap I like to do is to map with Windshriek (with my wither totem setup) and swap it out for Kaoms Roots for bossing. Also then swapping out Poachers Mark for Enhance
Stats to look for (if you're using a rare): Movespeed > Life > Resists > Energy Shield NOTE: Enchants are pure luxury again, some of my favorites are Regen if you've been hit recently or either of the dodge enchants.
Rare. Great place to grab some offensive things like Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier since it's a fairly rare stat for the build. Some uniques that are interesting with the build: Star of Wraeclast, Solstice Vigil, and Aul's Uprising.
Stats to look for (if you're using a rare): Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier > Life > Resist
Rares. Great place to pick up life and resists to support any uniques that you're working into the build. Some uniques that are interesting with the build: Doedre's Damning, Essence Worm, Mark of the Shaper
Stats to look for (if you're using a rare): Life > Resists > Energy Shield
Look for Increased Duration and removal of Bleed/Freeze/Curse.
Rares. Nothing fancy here. Great place to plug in life/es/resist and Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over time Multiplier. For the ultra rich there exists the Watcher's Eye Prismatic Jewel which can give bonuses based on the aura you're using. Faster Damage over time with Malevolence is great but anything else could be worked into the build.
Stats to look for on Rare Jewels: Life, Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over time Multiplier, Energy Shield, Increased Damage (Damage over Time, Generic Damage, Chaos Damage, Spell Damage). Stats to look for on Abyss Jewels: Life, Energy Shield, (Block if you are using a shield/staff), and any quality of life like onslaught on kill, phasing, or generic damage. NOTE: Below is a list of sample gear I used along with what content I was able to do with that gear. These gear choices are not always optimal. As a content creator I will try things out if they are new or different or just for variety sake. Use these gear snapshots as possible inspiration and not as an end-all-be-all for gear choices. The above In Depth Gear Explanation has my recommendations for new players trying the guide. 3.6 5-Link Uber Elder Kill
Couple Item Swaps for Mapping -
Bane - Despair - Swift Affliction - Efficacy - Controlled Destruction - Void Manipulation*
*NOTE: Consider Empower depending on what Path of Building deems appropriate for your build.
Temporal Chains - Enfeeble
Poacher's Mark
Malevolence. It's a more multiplier for damage.
Aspects/Arctic Armor/Clarity/Vaal Auras I really love Aspect of the Spider and Arctic Armor but I wouldn't call either of these mandatory. Watchers Eye modifiers like Mana Gained as Energy Shield (Clarity) or Dodge while Grace could dictate your other aura. Access to reduced mana reservation can be grabbed from the passive tree, an enlighten, or the Devouring Diadem helm.
Cast When Damage Taken – Unearth - Desecrate - Spell Cascade
Shield Charge – Fortify – Faster Attacks – Blood Magic – Culling Strike
Flame Dash/Lighting Warp/Illusory Warp/Frostblink
Chaos Golem
Decoy Totem
Vaal Haste
Vaal Grace
Bane > Damage Supports (All give .5% increase) > Curses
Alternatives: Profane Bloom is really the only mandatory node. If you go pure ES based then Wicked Ward and Vile Bastion are excellent. Pantheon:
The below is a comprehensive act-by-act breakdown intended to introduce players off of a fresh install into the game. If you are an experienced player consider just looking at the target trees and skipping the in-depth breakdown. The target trees are not to be strictly followed, in fact there are more points in the target tree in case you are ahead of schedule on levels/passives.
If this isn't your first character here are some recommended uniques that will make the leveling process easier (Remember this is SSF and League Start viable so none of these are required at all): Lifesprig, Goldrim, Tabula, Wanderlust, Axiom Perpetuum, String of Servitude (all resist), Le Heup of All, and buying skill/support gems with quality ready to be socketed in! General Leveling Tips-
Última edição por thi3n#0446 em 20 de abr de 2021 16:37:00 Último bump em 1 de fev de 2021 03:42:08
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6. Tips and Tricks
Mechanics of Bane
Devouring Diadem.
Boss Killing
Movement Abilities
What about X Item? What About Y Support? What about Z Ascendancy?
I always encourage people to make the build their own. All of my guides are just that, guidelines. Take what is useful and apply your own ideas and create ways to make it work for your situation.
The PoB link has the latest time I've played the build. However, I play the build so much that I mix things up to just to do it. The main reason I try out different things is really to hammer home a point I made throughout the guide: Don't be afraid to try things and make the build your own!
This is a tough question that will be very individual for each person. In general it depends on what you're lacking. Damage? More links then more offensive stats. Getting one shot? Make sure you have capped elemental resistances and get more life/mana/energyshield (whichever stat(s) the build is using). Also make sure not to overlook any defensive mechanics that the build is recommending (Block/Acro/MoM/Fortify). Make sure you go into the 2. Gear section to see my stat recommendations on each piece of gear.
All weapons listed above really have their own merits and is tradition with my build I do encourage people to try out everything and see what works for them. For the unitiated I will talk a little about the pros and cons of each.
Staves - Overall the easiest option and gives you much more link/chest flexibility. I really like this option for beginners and the Cane of Unravelling is an outstanding choice for league starting. The nodes on the tree which support also give block and area of effect which are both amazing stats for this build. Weapon/Shield - The while-holding-a-shield nodes on the tree are fantastic for the build and block is a really underrated form of defense. This is personally how I play the build because I like the flexibility of being able to get life/resistances on the shield and allowing for more greedy unique usage. (Love me some Kaoms Roots). The weapon of choice for this build is actually wands because of the Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over time Multiplier but you could argue for dagger/sword/scepters as they allow you to shield charge. Lots of options and unique choices with this as well. Dual Wielding - My least favorite for the endgame as the nodes are a bit out of the way but I need to mention how great Dark Arts is for leveling. This wheel on the tree make Flame Dash feel amazing. Dual wielding might also be the highest form of DPS in the game if this next option didn't exist. Bows - Big spenders looking for the links of a staff but then getting a free quiver of extra stats look no further. There exist insane bows intended to take gems that scale well with gem levels and bring them to new heights. Bane is a skill gem that benefits from levels. This option is for the ultra rich but needs to be mentioned for absolute min/maxers.
There are a lot of ways to take the build in SSF before you get this item. I would probably try and do traditional MoM with Acro/Phase Acro. Grab a ton of mana nearby on the tree until then and work in an instant Mana Flask
This is meant to be a league start viable build and while ES (low life and CI variants) can be much more damage they are more expensive and harder to gear. I do encourage people to use the guide as a guideline and break off the beaten path and experiment.
Great choices for Bane. I do encourage people to try out different versions of the build. Currently here is my take on the difference between them.
Occultist - Hexproof curse application. This makes Bane a one stop shop. Other builds will likely need to run Soulrend or another spell when your target is immune to curses. On top of this, Occultist has a free source of wither application making it even easier to use. Less buttons, straightforward and my absolute favorite for a beginners introduction to Bane. Trickster - So much quality of life. Free movement abilities, great damage over time synergy, and boatloads of cast speed for Soulrend. If you're looking for a completely different ability but scales in a similar way - consider taking the exact gear from this character and making a few tweaks for a Soulrend Trickster. A lot of concepts will apply. Ascendant - What can't she do? Hexproof I guess. Cospri's Will is a way around that but ascendant is an interesting choice nevertheless. Some attractive sub-ascenedancies at first glance are: Occultist, Pathfinder, Hierophant. The real power of Ascendant comes from the flexibility she gets in terms of passive points, access to jewels, and the ability to start anywhere from another ascendancy start location.
Other Guides Última edição por thi3n#0446 em 29 de abr de 2019 22:31:20
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in b4 3.7 nerf
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Isn't Windripper Tornado Shot better than KB?
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i heard bane is shit now
TN can you even explain what this skill is even good for? Última edição por frawrst#6156 em 19 de abr de 2019 19:21:39
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good for map clearing but bosses die a bit slow. i dont think i will try shaper or guardians with this because of the slowness,i'm sure they would kill me before i could kill them
ps,you played this as a trickster so why is the guide an occultist? Última edição por Lyutsifer665#1671 em 21 de abr de 2019 00:11:50
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a well written guide as always thi3n, thank you:)
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Hi thi3n,
The pastebin link for the build currently is pretty hard to follow in POB, because it looks like you have two sets of all the gear enabled. It's making it pretty hard to figure out what's what with the gearing and how it all works. Also, the video guide (which I came here from) has EB/MOM listed in your example, but it's not in the pastebin. I'm sure I missed something, but not sure what? Another thing, you mention the build being tanky and able to run everything and that's why you selected Occultist, but the pastebin shows the resistances only barely at 78% (not sure how you manage -res map mods?). Thanks in advance for any help or clarification you can offer. |
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"This is why we showcased the build on a 5-link against the current hardest content in the game. "This was not played as a trickster. I have a video of me killing uber elder on a 5-link. It wasn't super fast (around 3-4 minutes) but that's adequate for most players. You can use soulrend or essence drain or whatever you want to supplement single target damage if you want faster boss kills. "The helm gives you Eldrich Battery. Loreweave ignores -Max because it sets your resistances to 78. |
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Hi Thi3n, another great build!
Can I ask your opinion on soul rend vs bane vs storm brand (your other starter build) for mapping and bossing? |
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