🔥 [3.13✔️] Infernal Legion Skeleton Bomber + fork version w/o IL [VIDEO GUIDE] ✦ Anti-Summoner ✦

Welcome Exile. If you are tired of typical summoner builds, you are in the right place.

It is an interesting gimmick build, yet fully functional and viable for majority of content, including endgame boss fights. It have medium map clear speed and require some skill to use. Build is fully based around Infernal Legion Support and Minion Instability Keystone with Skeletons as main minion to deal damage. On that build you can easily achieve 90% physical reduction and have several layers of active defense with 8k HP+ and 21k+ armor.


After playing a bit with this build in the current state I made more DPSy fork version without Infernal Legion:

✦ Here is full video guide on YOUTUBE ✦

3.13 No changes
3.13 PoB (community fork ONLY): https://pastebin.com/c4cFDsAL

3.12 now forces anoint of Whispers of Doom for dual curse and some small adjustments. Glancing Blows and Mistress of Sacrifice nerfs are annoying but rather irrelevant and combo is still OP. Updated PoB: https://pastebin.com/bbcvwuqR

Maligaro's Lens version nerfed hard (HP gain cut in half from ~5k to ~2.5k on this build).

The radius at which nearby allies are healed when you die has been increased to 35 units (from 20). This affects all versions of the item. The amount by which allies are healed is now 1% of your maximum Life (from 2%), which existing versions can be updated to with the use of a Divine Orb and a temporary loss of your mental faculties.


Infernal Legion Support is an interesting new support skill in 3.8 Blight. However, it is rather useless as dot DPS for any endgame content. You either could justify it as additional DPS and try to counter burn with Elemental Resistances on your minions, or just go full on Minion Instability keystone to explode your minions. For viable damage source we need to build a lot of minion life and try to minimize delay between minion spawn and explosion from Minion Instability.

Soulwrest Phantasms is an interesting option with Cast when Channeling Desecrate + Bone Offering combo. However Phantasms lacks direction, and responsiveness of melee minions.

Zombies has huge health pool and with the new unique gloves Aukuna's Will allows you to reliably use them with Unleash Support. However I found that they are more clunkier that next option. Also good Zombie setup would cost a bit more and would bring almost the same damage.

Skeletons on the upside do have two interesting unique item interactions that are both used in this build.

1. Double Unique Earendel's Embrace Scepters allows you to stack burn on your skeletons and explode them with Minion Instability in ~1 second. It is basic additional mini Infernal Legion.

2. From Dust Unique Jewel is great synergy to general feel of the build. 1 second cooldown is actual benefit that restricts you from inefficient cycling through Skeletons without Minion Instability proc. Also ability to summon up to 8 Skeletons at once is the best mana management option for this build.

Endgame part of the puzzle that brings damage of this build to the next level is Elegant Hubris Timeless Jewel. We have at least two great spots with big number of free notable nodes in the tree for it. Hitting at least two node conversions is rather easy (got 3 workable jewels under 80c). Conversion that we seek is Axiom Warden that gives 80% more minion life. It is better than Slum Lord 80% damage, and most people would discredit these gems for sale in this Meta. Aim for two Axiom Wardens, hitting additional one or even Slum Lord would be godlike. And remember that you can actually Anoint distant nodes with current league mech.

Timeless Jewel is not necessary for this build, however improves its performance in T16, deep Delve and Endgame Guardian/Boss fights. Everything below is manageable without conversion jewel.


+ Can do any map mod.
+ Fresh concept.
+ Do not care about minion management/survival, suited for delve and boss killing.
+ Tankier than typical summoner, can hit 8k life with 90% phys reduction on relaxed defense budget of several Exalted.

- You need to press buttons, duh, just like melee.
- Offence budget in 3.8 would go over 10-15 Exalted fast (Empower, Enlighten, +3 Helmet).


While not the biggest damage dealer in the current summoner meta. It is definitely deadlier than any HoA or Soulwrest build. Have enough splash damage for medium-high speed clear and enough single target damage for any boss.

Fire damage of 8 skeleton explosion ranges between 3.5 and 4.5 million (Depends on gear, you can have some minion life on gloves as well as some damage on amulet. If you assign Gravepact and Enduring Bond instead of tank obviously you would have more damage).



Two skill tree versions are provided in PoB (Standard double Earendel's with Grand Spectrum Tank and Fortress Covenant with Shield Tank). Tree provided in PoB have "simulated" timeless jewel, Fortress Covenant and Vermilion rings.





Kill all baddies

Mindless Aggression - Bone Barrier - Unnatural Strength - Mistress of Sacrifice.
Note Commander of Darkness is really bad choice, since it gives elemental resists to the minions.
Corpse Pact do not worth 4 point travel for just a free shock when you can have Skitterbots.

Solaris/Lunaris + Ryslata/Garukhan



From Dust. 1 second cooldown is actual benefit that restricts you from inefficient cycling through Skeletons without Minion Instability proc. Also ability to summon up to 8 Skeletons at once is the biggest mana management option for this build.


Good Minion helmet is the key for good damage. There is no other option for this build to hit level 29 Skeletons. Prioritise +level of minion gems. Than Minion Life and Minion Damage Supports. Reduced mana reserved and Immolate Support are awesome additions on top.

1. Vaal Summon Skeletons. Remember that 21/0 gem is actually better damage for this build than 20/20 gem. Vaal version for extra carpet bombing.
2. Empower level 4. You would feel the difference when you upgrade to it.
3. Infernal Legion Support. DO NOT upgrade quality, it would increase skeleton burn time = slower Minion Instability proc.
4. Concentrated Effect and Increased Area of Effect Supports. Use them for bossing/clear respectively. Increased Area do work with Minion Instability. If you are just leveling/upgrading you can use only Concentrated Effect, but pair it with Abyssal Cry warcry gem for clear speed.


Endgame part of the puzzle that brings damage of this build to the next level is Elegant Hubris Timeless Jewel. We have at least two great spots with big number of free notable nodes in the tree for it. Hitting at least two node conversions is rather easy (got 3 workable jewels under 80c). Conversion that we seek is Axiom Warden that gives 80% more minion life. It is better than Slum Lord 80% damage, and most people would discredit these gems for sale in this Meta. Aim for two Axiom Wardens, hitting additional one or even Slum Lord would be godlike. And remember that you can actually Anoint distant nodes with current league mech.


Sceptre Earendel's Embrace. Build enabling part of the puzzle. Search for "Skeletons take 30% of their maximum life as Fire Damage" or close (bigger the number, faster Skeletons explode), than search for the biggest damage.

1. Leap Slam. Overall great movement skill, other options do not have utility/melee hit. You can proc Elemental Equilibrium on hit if you have cold or lightning damage on gear.
2. Faster Attacks. Without it Leap slam is not good enough.
3. Fortify. The best damage mitigation support gem. Obvious option since you can hit enemies with Leap Slam.


Yet another Sceptre Earendel's Embrace. Build enabling part of the puzzle. Search for "Skeletons take 30% of their maximum life as Fire Damage" or close (bigger the number, faster Skeletons explode), than search for the biggest damage.

1. Bone Offering level 13, 20 quality. Since we pick Mistress of Sacrifice Ascendancy, it is better to use it over offensive Flesh Offering. I found that this level is high enough and fast enough to proc with CWDT. Level can vary on your experience/lag/playstyle.
2. Desecrate level 12. Would allow you to proc Bone offering even in "corpse dry" areas.
3. Cast When Damage Taken level 9. Enables automation for this link chain. Linked to level of supported gems.


You can go for the Kaom's Hearth while you are leveling/upgrading. Used it everywhere up to T15. When you feel like you can set it up, go for it. Search for high health and armor. 6 sockets, 5 links. 6 links could be great but is very, very minor advantage.

There were several CWDT and Vaal Molten Shell setups that I tried. However, since most of the 3.8 RIPs come from Blight Fire Bat projectile spam + lag, found pure straight damage mitigation setups rather useless.

There is awesome Specte minion called Undying Evangelist from act 3 "Sceptre of God" area. They cast Proximity Shield ability witch counter any projectiles coming from the outside. With CWDT and Convocation we can "shit all over" Blight Fire Bats and other scary projectile content like Legion.

1. Raise Spectre. No need to go for level 21, you would have +2 levels (3 base Spectres) from Unnatural Strength Ascendancy and extra one from the passive tree. Because this build is heavy on minion life nodes we do not need actual Minion Life, Elemental Army or Meat Shield Supports. 70k base life easy.
2. Convocation level 5. Would teleport your minions to protect you and give them 1% health regeneration. Level 5 to work with level 1 CWDT. 20 quality would benefit the skill.
3. Cast When Damage Taken level 1. Important to have it at lowest value. Enables automation of Convocation. Your lag spike protection.
4. Immortal Call level 3. I find it is not only as important damage mitigation on CWDT, but as great visual tell in all of the PoE visual mess on the screen. Level 3 to work with level 1 CWDT. 20 quality would benefit the skill.
5. Increased Duration Support. It is very important. Proximity Shield ability of Evangelists have base 8 second duration and 18 second cooldown. This support allows to bring downtime to ~4 seconds, paired with desinc of 4 Evangelists it would guarantee almost permanent Proximity Shield uptime.

1. Enduring Cry or Abyssal Cry. Use first one for Endurance Charge generation. Second one if you lacks damage with Increased Area of Effect and use Concentrated Effect for the clear. Also it could help on Blight maps with some clever positioning. Both gems could benefit from the 6 link with Increased Duration Support but it so minor that I personally do not care.


Here you build up your extra defense and offence as well. You would not need all of it while clearing maps, but once you start deep delve, endgame bossing, etc you would enjoy extra comfort.
There is no strict gear requirements, just search for Flat Life, Armour, Resists and at least 30% Movement Speed.

Overall you build up -138% Fire Resistance on demand (50+44+44) and almost permanent 25% increased damage.

1. Arc. Your Elemental Equilibrium proc on demand. Hits up to 8 targets and have built in shock+.
2. Curse on Hit. Enables you to automate your Curses with Arc.
3. Flammability. Since Minion Instability do fire damage, we stack fire resistance debuffs.
4. Elemental Weakness. Another curse for more fire damage.

1. Summon Skitterbots. Unkillable shock+ minion (your extra 25% damage). Not only counts as minion for Bone Barrier Ascendancy, but is extremely effective at its role.
2. Flesh and Stone. Since this build do not build evasion, it is nice to have almost free 50% evasion from Sand Stance and 11% damage reduction from enemies that aren't nearby.
3. Determination. Enables usage of Watcher's Eye with Physical Damage Reduction and Chance to block while affected by Determination. Solid Aura. Would require level 4 Enlighten Support! If you do not have one yet use Purity of X with Physical to elemental conversion Watcher's Eye.
4. Enlighten Support level 4. Enables usage Determination over Purity of X.


Your personal Path of Exile puzzle. Use Rings, Amulet and Jewels to build up your:

- Flat Life
- Resists
- Dexterity to hit 111 Dexterity req.
- Added Cold or Lightning Damage (to proc EE from Leap Slam)
- Minion Life
- Minion Damage
- Armour
- Mana
- Flask Increased Duration

Avoid by any means Fire damage it would give +50% Fire resistance to enemy through Elemental Equilibrium!

For the flasks I would strongly recommend to gather standard compliment of anti-Curse, anti-Shock, anti-Bleed, anti-Ignite and anti-Freeze. While Bone Armour do have Bleed immunity, it go on cooldown as soon as Immortal Call proc from CWDT, it is last resort anti-Bleed with infinite charges.
Aim for at least two uses in prefix/suffix combination. And put anti-Curse on the longest non-Life flask. Do not forget to improve quality for longer duration.

- Basalt and Granite are two flasks that would give you maximum 90% physical damage reduction during their effect with Endurance Charges up.
- Life Flask of your choice for emergency heal.
- Quartz or Jade for extra layer of defence.
- Sulphur for extra 4% heal to you and Spectres.
- Quicksilver and Silver for extra movement speed.


So with some investment you can build up better passive tank for deep delve and more robust tanking elsewhere. While you can easily hit 90% Physical reduction with some armor gear and Basalt + Granite flask combo, you can actually achieve it by other means.

1. I would actually recommend to have not only double Axiom Warden (160% minion life), but also Eternal Resilience (Generate 1 Endurance Charge per second when hit for 4 seconds) on your conversion timeless jewel.

2. Get yourself good armor belt with raw 800+ armor. If you have at least decent armor focused gear elsewhere you already would be close to the goal.

3. Use 3 Grand Spectrum Crimson Jewels to get 1800 flat armor. Alongside with your Determination Aura and all other armor sources you can get up to 17k passive armor.

4. Use +1 Curse Anoint (1 black, 2 golden oils) or chest craft (3 Exalted) to free up 4 skill points for better tank.

5. Opt to Rumi's Concoction to get even more life on block synergy from Bone Offering and top up physical reduction to 90%. This however would force you to rely on Bone Armor bleed immunity. It is reasonable to run 2 life flasks for backup against bleed proc on guard skill cooldown. Basalt Flask is redundant at this point. You can run evasion or phasing flasks increasing your active defenses.

These simple manipulations would cost you some damage from the tree and more strict resist requirements on other gear. You would have something around 75% permanent physical damage reduction and it would go up to 90% from 2 of 3 available sources:
- Bone Barrier Ascendancy would grant additional 4% physical damage reduction when Skeletons up.
- Active Rumi's Concoction get you 3k flat armor.
- 3 Endurance Charges would give you 12% physical damage reduction.


Fortress Covenant unique jewel is interesting solution if you can make it work. It can free up your offhand, since it increases effect of Infernal Legion and Earendel.

- You would need at least 3 notables to make it useful with 1 Earendel, and one of them would require at least 2 point travel (5 point investment total).
- Abandoning both Earendel's do not work in 1 second detonation concept.
- Abandoning Infernal legion work, but leads to number of downsides for damage that you do not really need.
- Your Spectres would receive additional damage from notables as well.

+ 45% Minion damage (negates loss of second Earendel) and some minion block.
+ You can use shield. Big increase in armor, life and block synergy for Bone Offering.
+ With top armor shields and good armor overall you can forget about Grand Spectrum tank and use skillpoints from 2 socket nodes to get Sanctum of Thought and make up for Fortress Covenant notable use.
+ Overall shield setup can easily get over 21k passive armor versus 17k previously.

Practical use and conclusions.

So I end up using Lioneye's Remorse since had good one lying around. I boosted my health all the way from 7.7k to 8.3k. I also recrafted my chest hybrid health to "Gain 8% of Maximum life as Energy shield" giving me additional 800 energy shield. My armor was boosted significantly. Only things that I left behind were good corrupt implicits from jewels.

I used modified build heavily in 130% quality T15-16 maps alongside delve 250+. Spectres do die now. They were almost immortal before, tho. I would not say that it is significant and just brings up your typical minion management back. Spectres 70k life effectively cut almost in half making them... normal. But overall even with increased damage taken Undying Evangelists are great tanky minions and would not die unless it getting really hairy.

Is it worth it? Maybe. Gameplay do not change, damage do not change significantly. Honestly I have no close calls even on previous tank. It is nice to have more health and armor, but even 7.5k HP is high enough for majority of softcore content. Fortress Covenant is definitely endgame min-max tool when you are bored.


Standard setup with Arc is fine for everything. When you start going down in Delve some things become obvious.

You do not need all the damage that build provides all the time. You have no time for proper proc of Arc or even Storm Brand, leaving you without EE and curses. Defensive curses do sound more reasonable in such tight environment.

If you use Fortress Covenant setup you obviously can use Shield Charge. By itself this movement skill can easily apply Elemental Equilibrium in mass with cold or lightning damage on any of your gear.

Since you do not need Arc to proc EE, you can easily switch to Bane and remove Curse on Hit from the build. Bane is faster and more effective in curse application.

So now for the interesting part. You can use weapon switch mech to benefit yourself greatly on 1 button press. I found out that running the same weapon setups with two separate curse types and movement skills is most efficient. I do run Leap Slam with my Flammability and Elemental Weakness in first slot. And I do run Shield Charge with Temporal Chains and Enfeeble in the second slot.

Now you can have all the utility from the Leap Slam or Shield Charge when you need as well as switching from defensive to offensive mode on the bosses/rares in press of a button.

------- weapon swap -------


Milagro's Lens unique shield in combination with Necromantic Aegis keystone. This one is actually interesting. Have both upsides and downsides. Would require some investment to have the same HP and damage as standard version.

To hit Necromantic Aegis you need to free up 6 skill points. Dropping minor minion health/damage nodes is not enough, so you can actually cut corner with anoint of +1 Curse with Whispers of Doom notable (1 black, 2 golden oils) or with craft of +1 Curse on Body armor (3 Exalted). It would free up 4 points and would be enough to hit keystone without any major damage or HP loss.

So actual benefits are:
+ A bit faster proc of Minion Instability then ~1 second.
+ Free heal from minion explosion to you and Spectres, around 4k+ HP per 8 skeleton explosion.
+ 10% More Area of Effect of Minion Instability.

So downsides are:
- 50% resistance debuff apply to Spectres as well, not ideal.
- You have no block bonus from dual wield = less heal from Bone Offering block on heal and general defence.
- Heal only apply to nearby allies. So to visualize "nearby" you need skeletons exploding inside your Flesh and Stone Aura.

Personally I would prefer not to mess with Spectre tank and have more lag reliable block chance over periodic heal every explosion if you are in exact range. Since one-shot RIP meta is dominating PoE you can draw some conclusions.

May be better for majority of boss fights where you know your positioning. Worse for "surprise" endgame content, where you can just die under 1 second.
Última edição por Atataforthewin#6363 em 15 de jan de 2021 09:37:59
Último bump em 5 de ago de 2023 17:51:30
Short version.

Video Guide: 3.12 fork without Infernal Legion
Video: Shaper Realm, kill + clear.
Video: T15 118 quality, Shaper, Nemesis, Breach.
Video: T15 Blight Canyon Map clear


Double Earendel's Gear:

Fortress Covenant Gear Variation:



My build guides:

Here on the forum:

EMANCIPATED HOOKER, League Starter, Chain Hook, Chains Of Emancipation


Monk Inquisitor, Hollow Palm Technuque


Infernal Legion Skeleton Bomber

Cyclone Zombiemancer (NERFED, can be recovered tho)


YOUTUBE video guides:

EMANCIPATED HOOKER ✦ League Starter ✦ Chain Hook ✦ Chains Of Emancipation ✦

ARCHMAGE PATHFINDER ✦ Shock Nova ✦ MoM ✦ Agnostic ✦

MONK INQUISITOR ✦ Hollow Palm Technique ✦ Consecrated Path ✦


ANIMATE WEAPON POPCORN FACTORY ✦ Poet's Pen ✦ Infernal Legion Minion Instability


Última edição por Atataforthewin#6363 em 17 de out de 2020 07:45:53
If you are playing double earandel, Infernal legion is not required at all.

Just get a fortress covenant in the jewel socket near the Scion (the one in front of Shaper), get Indomitable army (+22% minion life on the way, it's good), path of the warrior and potency of will. The skeletons will still take 65% life in one second and you can remove infernal legion for another damage link (like elemental focus, for instance). You get 50% more damage this way for 10 points and a quite expensive jewel.

It's also possible to keep Infernal legion and get a shield for even more tankiness. In this case, you can spare 3 points, you don't need potency of will for skeletons to die under one second.
Última edição por Keyen#4575 em 29 de set de 2019 15:48:19
Keyen escreveu:
If you are playing double earandel, Infernal legion is not required at all.

Just get a fortress covenant in the jewel socket near the Scion (the one in front of Shaper), get Indomitable army (+22% minion life on the way, it's good), path of the warrior and potency of will. The skeletons will still take 65% life in one second and you can remove infernal legion for another damage link (like elemental focus, for instance). You get 50% more damage this way for 10 points and a quite expensive jewel.

It's also possible to keep Infernal legion and get a shield for even more tankiness. In this case, you can spare 3 points, you don't need potency of will for skeletons to die under one second.

Was avoiding Indomitable Army due to ele resist meddling with burn time of skeletons.
Fortress Covenant is nice idea, ditched it at start, since Jewel looked overpriced to me. Question is, do "Minions take 20% increased Damage" apply to burn time? I suppose so, you sound positive about it.

Shield sounds reasonable, but I doubt that extra 10 point trim would be better than even Lioneye's Remorse flat life + armor. All that left is to trim 4 points from Enduring Bond, and relocate two points transfer nodes. Than I would go into land of trimming mana management and resits, witch would lead to rather expensive gear in the range of several Ex per piece.

So we are left with option to ditch Infernal Legion to get more damage, making build technically not an Infernal legion build, crap =P.

Would experiment and try to hit 240% minion life conversion Jewel and compare it to this setup when I would have Ex.
Indomitable army is transformed (but even without fortress covenant, you should pick the two nodes before, it's 22% minion life without elemental resists), so you don't get harmed from the elemental resist from here (but you don't get the minion life either).

Yes, the increased damage taken apply to burning. So with Shaper + indomitable army + path of the warrior (+potency of will in case of a elemental focus way), you increase damage taken by 60% (or 80%). It's only 7 points for a shield, 10 is if you want to get elemental focus (because you need an higher amount of damage taken with 60% burning damage compared to 70%).

You can open new possibilities, like a life on block defense, with bone offering + empower into a invictus solaris/vix lunaris/Magna eclipsis, or just Surrender on top of bone offering, grating a nice sustain the build may lack.

In any case, your build is perfectly ok, since indeed, fortress covenant is way way way overpriced for the amount of builds who should use it, so it's not really "guide friendly". I just wanted to point out the possibility to you since you never mentionned it :p
Última edição por Keyen#4575 em 29 de set de 2019 17:33:25
Yup, I know that it is converted, overall it was less damage over having other nodes or having extra utility like 1 additional Evangelist (maybe I am overreacting with 4 Spectres).

Interesting stuff is getting instead of Arc shield setup with Shield Charge + Curse on hit + Flammability + Elemental Weakness in Fortify boots (expensive). Than ditch leap slam and have 3 sockets... for something. Maybe Holy Relic with Combustion Support to proc -19% Fire resit pared with Added Fire Damage. It do not proc ignite with default spell. At least when I tested it.

I would say Fortress Covenant + Shield is reasonable upgrade to more melee leaning build with Shield Charge.

Considering the build friendliness I am actually worried that most people would not even consider this build due to Timeless Jewel. Sounds scary, yet so simple and easy to reroll with divines.
Morning coffee brainstorm.

But what if we leave Infernal Legion as main mean of skeleton detonation? Then if my calculation is correct for Fortress Covenant with only 3 converted notables:

40% of life * 1.2 * 1.2 * 1.2 = 69.12% of life per second witch is enough to get to Minion Instability low life proc at 35% of life.

So now when we have free weapon slots, we can use custom crafted minion two hander or maybe a bow with... 5 blue 1 red sockets. Level 21 Skeletons in that weapon can hit level 30! with +1 level of gems and +2 level support gems. Level 30 grants us additional skeleton, and with +1 skeleton from different tree route, +1 from helmet and +1 from body armor craft we can get to 14 or even 15 with unique boots.

Then we ditch Minion Life or Minion Damage to use Spell Echo to cast them at once. And that brings me to around 5 million damage from 14 skeleton explosion. At least 25% total damage increase, with bigger skeleton coverage for the clear.
Most notable thing that using Spell Echo with 14 skeletons or Minion Damage/Minion Life with 8 skeletons give the same damage. PoE is balanced game...

So now I need a lot of currency. Problem is - there is no space for Leap Slam + Fortify then.
Última edição por Atataforthewin#6363 em 30 de set de 2019 03:47:12
Maligaro's Lens + Necromantic Aegis

Great off-hand for this build, way better than second Earendel's. It's a pity my SSFHC toon hasn't found one yet.
It is less damage, since Earendal give 40% minion damage and 6 node travel should come from somewhere. The best balance that I came up is getting 5% less life with 11% less total damage and no minion Area damage nodes when I go for Necro Aegis.

So tank sound reasonable, but it is not lag proof, since your skeletons explode at once, and you need cast them to begin with. So you have on/off ~4800 life heal (from 30k life 8 skeletons). So you can easily get under projectile volley between heals. And the worst part -50% resits would apply on your Spectres, witch like Fortress Covenant is major downside.

Personally I would not trade automated Proximity Shield on CWDT Convocation with on/off non lag-proof 4800 life heal. At least not with Blight/Legion bs projectile mobs.
Última edição por Atataforthewin#6363 em 30 de set de 2019 12:08:22
I use something similar. But I go all in

30% Earendel, infernal legion, fortress Covenant with 100% increased damage taken and Maligaros

Skellies take 154% damage per second.

My setup is

Skellies, spell echo, m life, m dmg, infernal legion and empower

With empower your skellies will have over 20.000 life. So they heal you for 400 each when they die (Maligaros Lense) . Since you cast 4 they heal you for 1600 per cast. With enough cast speed you can cast more than 4 sets a second and kill mobs and heal yourself and other allies pretty quick.

With 100% cast speed we shred through 16 skellies per second. That's 6400 life healed per socond. Numbers can go way higher.

You will basically be a healer that way.
Última edição por H463N#3978 em 30 de set de 2019 12:57:35

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