3.12 | Lyends' Definitive Spectre Guide! - All Content / Budget / 50M+ Dps / 9k+ HP / Leveling Guide
![]() Hi there! I'm Lyends, and it's time we talk about Spectres! I wanted to make a guide for all of the people looking to get into a minion build or want to play something similar to what I’m playing this season. Spectres are decently tanky melee or ranged spell caster ghosts of dead mobs you reanimate to do your bidding. There are hundreds of spectres you can choose from that can deal Lightning, Cold, Fire, Physical & even Chaos damage! With a wide array of possibilities you can tailor a build to your liking in terms of Spectre type & build path! I want to make it as friendly as possible to beginners who have never played a minion build but also go in depth for people who want to go further. If you have any questions at all please feel free to ask or come by my stream Ill be more than happy to help! You can find me on Twitch here - https://www.twitch.tv/leeends Changelog
9/23/20 - After playing Heist and discovering all there is to it, I have made some more updates to better reflect the current state of Spectres and added some new tools to play with! I am also shifting the build over to armor & life stacking as it would do better. 9/16/20 - Updated to 3.12! 6/23/20 - Updated to 3.11! Im experimenting with an armor stacking version of this too that I will update the guide about at a later date! 5/2/20 - Updated Scinteel Synthite recommended gems, minor gramatical tweaks, fixed one broken link, added Thaumaturge video! 5/2/20 - There is now a changelog! 3.11 Harvest
Harvest is here! With it brings some nerfs to our build. Vicious Bite was nerfed from +50% Multiplier to +20% which sucks but we still can hit over 50m dps easily! It also brought the additions of Glancing Blows & moved Unwavering Stance closer to us which gave us a HUGE boost to tankiness! Late game this build is honestly unkillable by anything other than super unlucky sirus DIE! lasers that managed to not get blocked 3 times in a row. Gear is the same but I'm experimenting with an armor version that was an idea that came up in 3.10. I will update the guide if its worth looking at! 3.12 Heist
Harvest is here! With it brings some nerfs to our build. Vicious Bite was nerfed from +20% Multiplier to +15% and from +50% Crit Chance to 30% which sucks but we still can hit over 50m dps easily! Glancing Blows also recieved a small nerf and Mistress of Sacrifice was further nerfed too. Overall GGG didn't like our build this season. In terms of gear we are looking for the same gear and I will update the guide with alternative quality and replica uniques as they get datamined at the start of Heist! Lastly, the ever so popular Redemption Sentries were nerfed by 33% which sucks but Scinteels were luckily left untouched! If you do want to run Redemption sentries, you are going to be more pressured into getting a super expensive 7 link helmet to have extremly high boss dps where you kill the boss in 1-2 seconds. Now without further ado let's get into some Spectres! In this guide you can find: " ________________________________________________________________________ Videos Standard T16 Sulphite Promenade w/ Scinteel Synthites Juiced T14 Delirium Ramparts w/ Scinteel Synthites Sirus DELETION w/ Baranite Thaumaturges More to come! ________________________________________________________________________ An Intro to Spectrography Path of Building
Before we start I HIGHLY recommend you download Path of Building if you don’t have it. If you do, I HIGHLY recommend to swap to the Community Fork if you do not have it. It has much more accurate calculations that we rely on for the math.
If you don’t know what PoB is, it is a program developed by the community to simulate PoE. With it you can plan your build, see what different passives & gear will do to your dps, HP, ES, ect. & allows you to easily share it with others! It is widely used by pretty much everyone in the community and is the standard when discussing builds. PoB Community Fork: Download Once you have PoB you can import my build into it through the Pastebin link below. To import it: Copy the Pastebin link Click on Import/Export Build Click on Import from Pastebin… Paste the link Click on Import Pastebin Link: https://pastebin.com/SK2D8uB8 VERY USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS POB PLEASE READ VERY USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS POB PLEASE READ VERY USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS POB PLEASE READ If you go to the Tree section in the bottom left you will be able to change passive trees. This PoB features alot of them for different things! 1.) Leveling trees in increments of 10 from Level 10-90 These are designed to help you level a necromancer for this build! If you want more leveling info/help please visit the Leveling this Build section. 2.) This PoB was created with 3 price/progression points in mind: Earlygame - A 1-4Ex setup Midgame - A 4-50Ex setup Endgame - A 50Ex+ setup Because of this there are 3 different sets of trees at Level 95. These are ment to be guides on how you can put together this tree. The Earlygame version comes with 1 extra tree with no cluster jewels designed for the SUPER budget. HOW TO USE THIS POB CORRECTLY 1.) Pick your Pricepoint/Progression Passive tree (Earlygame, Midgame, Endgame) 2.) Pick the apropriate gear setup from the Items section. This can be found as a dropdown above all of the items. 3.) Thats it :) KEEP IN MIND: All of the items listed are GENERIC items ment to act as a guide. If you want more information on gear please visit the Gear section of this guide! Pros & Cons
Super strong on a budget!
Tons of variety in playstyle Super tanky 9k+ HP / Fortify / 50% Phys Reduction / 3 Endurance Charges / 76% All Res / 75% Attack & Spell Block / Tons of Regen High dps 50M+ Low APM Somewhat of an AFK Blight farmer Bad visual clarity at times All of your friends will hate your super OP and afk build! ________________________________________________________________________ Your Spectre & You The Basics
What is a Spectre
Spectres are copies of dead enemies that you can reanimate to do your bidding. Most of the mobs in-game can be reanimated & will gain the abilities of said mobs. These can range from supportive Spectres that buff you & your allies to absolute powerhouses of destruction that will delete everything on-screen (and 2 screens away) in 1 frame! Summoning To summon a Spectre all you have to do is simply target a corpse you want as a Spectre & just press your keybind for your Spectre gem. To precisely target a corpse go to your Settings -> Input -> Find & keybind to a comfortable key “Enable corpse targeting”. While that key is pressed you will highlight what corpse you are currently selecting for your spell. Hint: GGG doesn't know how hitboxes work and 99.9999999% of Spectres can easily be targeted by mousing near their feet. (Some don’t have a targeting outline unfortunately, THANKS GGG.) If you have Spell Echo linked to your Spectre gem take it off first as you will summon two Spectres each time with the 2nd one being a randomly selected corpse near your cursor. The rabbit hole of Spectre choices
There are WAY too many Spectres in PoE and in this section I will try to cover what I believe are Spectres worthwhile in pursuing broken down by damage type. I will be adding more with time!
Scinteel Synthite
Single Target DPS: 8 AoE DPS: 9 Survivability: 10 AI: 9 Found in: Cortex & Twisted Distant Memory Scinteels are in my opinion, the best of the best, the premier of the premier. They are the top dogs when it comes to their hybrid ability (a measure of Boss dps & clear speed) & I have been using them for most of the season. They have 3 attacks: A normal lightning projectile A sweeping laser beam A ground targeted AoE that leaves a DoT Scinteels are extremely strong in both their ability to pump out insane amounts of dps to one target & a pack at the same time. The ability that makes them shine above all else is the sweeping laser beam they do. It does absurd amounts of damage allowing for them to instantly kill a pack or do large amounts of damage to one target. Other than that they sometimes do their AoE to mobs really far away and spam their projectile basic attack. On top of all of this Scinteels have a 5x health multiplier making them OMEGA tanks. Mine currently have 300k HP and literally could care less that Sirus is spamming 15 DIE attacks at once every second. They also have a passive Energy Shield that is super strong allowing us to use Damage on Full Life with nearly 100% uptime on maps and 100% uptime on bosses. Recommended Gem Links Raise Spectre - Spell Echo - Minion Damage - Controlled Destruction - Damage on Full Life - Lesser Multiple Projectiles Alternatives Controlled Destruction -> Feeding Frenzy to afk Blights. Controlled Destruction -> Pierce slightly less dps but ALOT more clear speed. Lesser Multiple Projectiles -> Slower Projectiles to kill bosses faster (You really don’t need this they are op enough but it's here if you want it) Slave Driver
Single Target DPS: 9 AoE DPS: 5 Survivability: 5 AI: 10 Found in: Act 5 The Control Blocks The good ole reliable, the one thing you can always count on, the man that's always there for you. Slave Drivers used to be the “most op” Spectre before the 350 new additions in 3.10. With that said they are still very strong and super reliable. They have very strong single target dps and average clear speed. They have 1 attack: Lightning Surge Slave Drivers spam their Surge attack at supersonic speeds, while it is their only attack it is an AoE making them reliable for clearing & it has high base damage making them excellent for bursting one mob. Their AI is top notch making them extremely aggressive which is great for clearing. The only problem is they have extremely low health which is fine as it is more than enough to live everything. The problem arises on Sirus where their aggressive nature makes them consistently run into the storms and kill themselves as they don’t have enough HP to live it. For all content but Sirus they will live just fine. Recommended Gem Links Raise Spectre - Spell Echo - Minion Damage - Controlled Destruction - Concentrated Effect - Elemental Focus Alternatives Controlled Destruction -> Feeding Frenzy to afk Blights. Elemental Focus -> Lightning Penetration late game when your Drives do so much damage that Lightning Pen + Shock from their crits is higher DPS than Focus Baranite Thaumaturge
Single Target DPS: 10 AoE DPS: 4 Survivability: 9 AI: 7 Found in: Map Areas when The Crusader (Baran) is spawning mobs. The biggest HC nightmare and the bane of no shock immunity! The insta kill mob of legends! Thaumaturges are extremely busty spectres and can delete any mob in a fraction of a second if everything lines up properly. They can be a very very good bossing spectre but somewhat lack in clear speed. They have 3 attacks: A normal projectile auto A minefield of explosives A giant laser beam Thaumaturges will use their minefield attack on cooldown placing loads of mines everywhere that will explode a second later. These things do disgusting amounts of damage having one of the highest base scalings for any spectre in the game. If you can hold a boss in place for a second as all of your spectres do the attack it will insta kill even Sirus. Their laser beam attack is also great as it aids with their poor clear speed but has the downside of being a 8 second cooldown. Their AI is somewhat competent being on par for spectre AI with nothing noteworthy. Their health pool is also very large at 405% making them unkillable to anything but reflect. On top of that Thaumages have a very large Energy Shield allowing us to abuse Damage on Full Life. Recommended Gem Links Raise Spectre - Spell Echo - Concentrated Effect - Damage on Full Life - Minion Damage - Controlled Destruction Alternatives Controlled Destruction -> Feeding Frenzy to afk Blights Scale of Esh
Single Target DPS: 8 AoE DPS: 6 Survivability: 4 AI: 5 Found in: Esh’s Domain & Ech Breaches The friend with multiple friends! The lightning buggy boy that used to crash your game! Scale of Esh are a fun spectre offering a variety of decent attacks. What makes them special is that they summon mini versions of themselves! They have alright single target dps and decent clearspeed. Unfortunately their health pool is somewhat miniscule. They have 4 attacks: A Slave Driver esque Lightning Surge A Arc attack A stationary Ball Lightning A summoning skill Scales tend to spam their Arc attack and use their Ball Lightning & Lightning Surge whenever possible. Unfortunately, unlike Slave Drivers this attack has a cooldown of 5 seconds drastically reducing clear speed. Their Ball Lightning attack is spawned in one location and doesn't move. If you can get a boss to stand still this will absolutely delete them! Their summoning move summons tiny copies of themselves. This used to have no limit and you could have hundreds of tiny Scales everywhere but has since been limited to 3 (boo). Their AI seems to feel a bit on the lower end as they sometimes are not very responsive and their health pool is tiny making them very easy to be killed by bosses. Recommended Gem Links Raise Spectre - Spell Echo - Concentrated Effect - Minion Damage - Controlled Destruction - Feeding Frenzy Alternatives Feeding Frenzy -> Elemental Focus for higher dps Cold
Redeemer Sentry
Single Target DPS: 6 AoE DPS: 10 Survivability: 9 AI: 8 Found in: Map Areas when The Redeemer (Bird Lady) is spawning mobs. The fancy show off Robin Hood of dreams! The screen clear terror of legends and the coldest friend you'll ever have! Sentries are premier AoE oriented Spectres that have a wide array of tools they use against their enemies. While they have great AoE, their single target falls behind other Spectres making them a lower end choice for bossing. They have 4 abilities: A default basic attack A piercing projectile A projectile that breaks into multiple fragments A bomb attack Sentries swap between all of their attacks as they are in combat making them very strong for clearing but super weak for single target DPS as most of the attacks are horrible for throughput. Their piercing attack is the most deadly instantly being able to wipe a screen clear, which goes great with its low CD. Their AI is pretty good, usually liking to attack mobs off screen with Feeding Frenzy. Their HP is also excellent allowing them to never die to anything but the highest damage intake. Recommended Gem Links Raise Spectre - Damage on Full Life - Minion Damage - Controlled Destruction - Added Cold Damage - Lesser Multiple Projectiles Alternatives Controlled Destruction -> Feeding Frenzy to afk Blights Lesser Multiple Projectiles -> Greater Multiple Projectiles for even higher clear speed Lesser Multiple Projectiles -> Slower Projectiles for bosses Frost Sentinel
Single Target DPS: 6 AoE DPS: 9 Survivability: 7 AI: 6 Found in: Act 8 The Lunaris Concourse The blue ribbons of death! The most mesmerising display of beauty ever! The prettiest Spectre around! Frost Sentinels have excellent AoE capability with their built in Greater Multiple Projectiles. Because of this we can save a gem link and put it to work on higher single target DPS! They have 1 ability: A basic attack w/ built in Greater Multiple Projectiles Sentinels spam their basic attack which has a moderate scaling & built in extra projectiles. They can easily be scaled to great single target dps but are held back a bit by their lower quality AI. With all of that said they have a very high attack speed which makes them amazing for clear speed builds. Their AI tends to be a bit more passive which makes them a bit weaker with no Feeding Frenzy. On top of this they have slightly more health than Slave Drivers which makes them susceptible to dying to large bursts of damage but don't run around wildly which makes them a bit safer. They might be a bit hard to keep alive on Sirus making them not the greatest choice for bossing. Recommended Gem Links Raise Spectre - Spell Echo - Minion Damage - Controlled Destruction - Added Cold Damage - Hypothermia Alternatives Controlled Destruction -> Feeding frenzy to afk Blights Hypothermia -> Cold Penetration for higher clear speed Fire
Solar Guard
Single Target DPS: 7 AoE DPS: 9 Survivability: 7 AI: 9 Found in: Act 8 The Solaris Temple The flamey bois of legend! The giga laser shooters of old! Solar Guards have one of if not the best AoE clear in the game. Long have they been praised for their ability to delete screens insanely fast. They have 2 attacks: A default basic attack A laser of death Solar guards exell in AoE damage and clear speed because of their laser attack. While it has an 8 second cooldown, your spectres rotating between each one for different packs negates the downsides of it. When the laser hits its target it explodes adding even more AoE potential. With this said solar guards struggle a bit with single target dps as their default attack isn't too strong and they don't scale too well. With that said they still can delete bosses pretty quickly. Their AI is top tier with them constantly attacking mobs off screen. On top of this they have 198% health making them very tanky. They should have no trouble with living aany boss ability thrown at them and can handle all content efficiently. Recommended Gem Links Raise Spectre - Spell Echo - Concentrated Effect - Minion Damage - Controlled Destruction - Lesser Multiple Projectiles Alternatives Lesser Multiple Projectiles -> Increased Criticals for higher single target dps Controlled Destruction -> Feeding frenzy to afk Blights Concentrated Effect -> Increased Area of Effect for more clear speed Physical
Enhanced Vaal Fallen
Single Target DPS: 11 AoE DPS: 4 Survivability: 7 AI: 8 Found in: Delve Vaal Areas The literal NUKE of nukes. The deleter of any singular mob. The powerhouse of legends! Enhanced Vaal Fallen do one thing, DELETE a single mob. They have insane scaling and can absolutely shred anything in their way. They have 2 abilities: Elemental Hit Leap Slam Vaal Fallen has one of the highest scaling abilities in the game. On top of that it is the only attack they spam and when linked properly can absolutely shred any single mob. Their weakness is in their poor AoE which can be made up but in return makes them lose single target DPS. Because of this I recommend them as a bossing spectre but I've done plenty of maps with them and they have no problems. Their AI is pretty good with no feeding frenzy for a melee spectre. Their health is also very high making them a good frontline mob that should have no issues with dying to any content. Recommended Gem Links Raise Spectre - Multistrike - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Minion Damage - Melee Physical Damage - Concentrated Effect Alternatives Concentrated Effect -> Melee Splash for more clear speed Minion Damage -> Feeding Frenzy for afk Blights ________________________________________________________________________ Leveling There are two ways to go about leveling from level 1 to maps! Hollow Palm Technique
Hollow Palm Technique is a new Keystone added in 3.10 with the One With Nothing unique small cluster jewel. It adds ungodly amounts of flat damage to your skills and allows you to 1 shot everything through the Acts.
It is by far the fastest way to level ALL classes and you can put together a leveling kit from anywhere to 50c for the low end up to 2 Ex for a high end setup. I am someone who hates leveling and this has allowed me to level characters in 2-3 hours down from 4-5 hours previously. If you want more information on it check out my Hollow Palm leveling guide! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFycxoV4dag&t=1s Normal Leveling
If you don’t want to pursue the Hollow Palm Technique for leveling mentioned above, then we shall go into a leveling guide here.
Here are some uniques you can use to speed up leveling!
Goldrim is the strongest choice for all characters as it offers up to 40% to all resistances making leveling much smoother. You can pick 1 up for anywhere between 1 Alch to 2-3C for a max rolled one. Skullhead at level 36 is an alright option too if you want a bit less resistance but more life for you and your pets. Chest
Tabula Rasa is the premier choice for all characters as you can immediately use any 6 linked setup you want starting from level 1. Gloves
Lochtonial Caress are super strong gloves usable from level 1 allowing you to gain charges on kill. These are very nice and can carry you to maps easily. Flesh and Spirit are a pair of gloves usable at level 15. They grant you access to the Rampage mechanic that gives you extra damage and movement speed as you rack up more kills. On top of that you also cast special abilities at different Rampage levels. Boots
Seven-League Step are the premier leveling boots. No other pair of boots has more movement speed than them and they are usable at level 1. The 50% increase will massively help improve leveling time! Wanderlust are the next best pair of boots after Seven-League Step. Significantly cheaper but with the downside of having 30% less movement speed. Comes with the upside of Cant be Frozen which is nice in some acts. Bones of Ullr are a decent pair to use as well and can serve as a budget option for boots once you get to maps! They offer slightly less MS than Wanderlust but make up for it with their +1 to Zombies and Spectres granting you more DPS. Belt
String of Servitude with “x% increased Movement Speed during any Flask Effect” is your best option for a belt. It is usable at level 48 and offers the most movement speed available on any belt. Belt of the Deceiver is a wonderful alternative until 48 or to the end of the story. It offers a hefty amount of resistances and makes enemies near you Intimidated allowing any physical damage dealing pets to do 10% More damage. Amulet
Karui Ward would be your best option as it would give you the greatest amount of movement speed greatly increasing leveling time. Astramentis is a very nice necklace that can be used starting at level 20. It gives you a hefty chunk of all 3 attributes removing the need to worry about having enough stats to use gems & gear while leveling. Sidhebreath is a nice alternative if you want your minions to do more damage instead. Anointing
If this isn't your first character that you are leveling i HIGHLY recommend you anoint whatever amulet you choose to level with the Freedom of Movement notable. This can be done with Sister Cassia in your hideout using a Clear, Sepia, & Violet oil. It gives you 10% movement speed & Phasing which allows you to move through enemies. It is super cheap and just speeds everything up. Rings
Perandus Signet is a nice option to start off with. Each one offers 2% increased experience and you can even use it all the way to maps if you want a bit of extra xp. Doedre’s Damning is excellent for the first few levels. Each one offers 5% resistance & some mana on kill which is handy when you have mana issues the first few levels. Le Heup of All is the strongest option at level 24 due to its superior resistances. Each one offers up to 30% resistance and when paired up with a Goldrim, this allows you to be resistance capped up until Act 10. Weapons
Lifesprig is your best option to start off with at level 1 until you can use better items. It offers a decent amount of tankiness with the life recovery and decent damage through its other stats. Ashcaller is a great option at level 18 giving you some extra SRS for a bit of damage. Queen’s Decree is an amazing weapon usable at level 27 and can be used all the way though the story and into maps if you so choose to. The +1 maximum to all minions is very strong especially for Spectres on top of the extra life and damage it provides for them. Victario’s Charity is your best-in-slot option late game and can be used at level 50. If you do plan to use it make sure to pick up Necromantic Aegis in your passive tree otherwise it will be significantly weaker. This is due to your minions being able to proc the frenzy & power charges much more reliably than you can. Gems This is a section of what gems to run and what Acts you can change your build. Acts not listed mean there is nothing of importance to note. There is a TL;DR section at the bottom! Act 1
To start off I would level with Freezing Pulse until Level 10. This is due to Zombies & Summon Raging Spirits not being too strong to start with. I would recommend you pick up a Zombie gem and level it in a spare socket so it's ready to be used.
Freezing Pulse - Lesser Volley - Arcane Surge (keep Arcane Surge a low level for it to be up at all times) At level 10 I would swap over to Skeletons & Zombies. The Zombies might still be a bit too weak but we are rushing the Sacrifice notable on the tree which should give them the health regen they need to stay alive. You should also link them together in your Tabula so they can both benefit from the same support gems early on. Pick up Minion Damage, Summon Phantasm, & Melee Splash from Nessa and link them to your minions. At the same time, think about a movement skill, I prefer Flame Dash. Summon Zombie - Summon Skeleton - Minion Damage - Melee Splash - Summon Phantasm Flame Dash Act 2
At level 16 you get Melee Physical Damage which can be linked to your Zombies and Skellies. Also pick up Desecrate and put it wherever there is space. This allows you to summon corpses on demand if your Zombies die.
At level 18 you get Minion Speed, the same should be done for this as well. Replace Phantasms at this point. Other than this just kill all 3 bandits for 2 Passive Points. Summon Zombie - Summon Skeleton - Minion Damage - Melee Splash - Minion Speed - Melee Physical Damage Flame Dash Desecrate Act 3
At Level 24 you can use Auras, these will massively increase our dps. Pick up Pride, Dread Banner, & Hatred. Make sure you pick up the mana reservation at Sovereignty to be able to use it all. Also pick up Convocation, this allows you to summon all of your pets to you on demand & give them a bit of health.
Tip: You can put Convocation on your Left Click and it will automatically cast it for you on cooldown as you walk around with no extra effort! At 28 pick up Raise Spectre & Animate Guardian. Don't worry about these just yet! Just put them anywhere you have space so they can gain xp for later on. We don’t use Spectres until Act 5 & Animate Guardian until maps but it's CRUCIAL that the guardian is as close to Level 20 as possible. At 31 there's lots of upgrades to make! Pick up: Second Wind Impale x2 Feeding Frenzy At this point, you will want to split your Skellies & Zombies into 2 different links. Skellies can not become a “cooldown” of sorts where you can summon them as needed on tougher mobs and we will be orienting them towards high dps while they are up. Zombies are going to be shifted towards doing most of the carrying outside of bosses. Summon Zombie - Minion Damage - Melee Splash - Melee Physical Damage - Feeding Frenzy - Impale Summon Skeleton - Minion Damage - Melee Physical Damage - Impale Flame Dash - Second Wind (these 7 can go anywhere there's space) Pride Dread Banner Animate Guardian Hatred Desecrate Raise Spectre Convocation Act 4
At level 34 you have access to golems! Golems have their own action set & give you a nice buff too! You have the option of Stone Golem or Chaos Golem. Stone gives you a HP regen & Chaos gives you some physical damage reduction. Both are extremely strong.
At level 38 you can pick up Multistrike and this is going to make your DPS skyrocket! Remove Minion Damage from both Skellies & Zombies, then replace it with Multistrike. You also get access to Cast when Damage Taken which will automatically use whatever skill it's linked to whenever you take x amount of dmg based on its level. You can go back to Act 1 and pick up Steelskin and this will give you a wonderful automatic shield whenever you get hit! Summon Zombie - Multistrike - Melee Splash - Melee Physical Damage - Feeding Frenzy - Impale Summon Skeleton - Multistrike - Melee Physical Damage - Impale Flame Dash - Second Wind Cast when Damage Taken - Steelskin (these 8 can go anywhere there's space) Pride Dread Banner Animate Guardian Hatred Desecrate Raise Spectre Convocation Stone OR Chaos Golem Act 5
At the start of Act 5 you get access to Slave Drivers. You can swap over to these from Zombies if you’d like but I would instead recommend replacing Skellies with them if you want to use them. If not you can keep using Zombies & Skellies to finish off leveling then swap after Act 10.
If you do want Slave Drivers they can be found in The Control Blocks. This is the zone you go into directly from the Act 5 town. You can simply spam desecrate at the entrance untill Slave Driver corpses show up. Refer to the An Intro to Spectrography - Your Spectre and You - Summoning for more into! If you do want to swap to Drivers I recommend the following links 4 Link Summon Spectre - Spell Echo - Concentrated Effect - Feeding Frenzy 6 Link Summon Spectre - Spell Echo - Concentrated Effect - Feeding Frenzy - Minion Damage - Controlled Destruction Other than that there are no other changes to make until the end of Act 10! Once you reach the end of Act 10 please refer to the Skills section on how to transition to a Spectre build! TL;DR
Once you reach the end of Act 10 please refer to the Skills section on how to transition to a Spectre build!
1-10 Freezing Pulse - Lesser Volley - Arcane Surge 10-18 Summon Zombie - Summon Skeleton - Minion Damage - Melee Splash - Summon Phantasm Flame Dash 18-24 Summon Zombie - Summon Skeleton - Minion Damage - Melee Splash - Minion Speed - Melee Physical Damage Flame Dash Desecrate 24-31 Summon Zombie - Summon Skeleton - Minion Damage - Melee Splash - Minion Speed - Melee Physical Damage Flame Dash Desecrate Pride Dread Banner Hatred 31-38 Summon Zombie - Minion Damage - Melee Splash - Melee Physical Damage - Feeding Frenzy - Impale Summon Skeleton - Minion Damage - Melee Physical Damage - Impale Flame Dash - Second Wind (these 7 can go anywhere there's space) Pride Dread Banner Animate Guardian Hatred Desecrate Raise Spectre Convocation 38-Act 10 Summon Zombie - Multistrike - Melee Splash - Melee Physical Damage - Feeding Frenzy - Impale Summon Skeleton - Multistrike - Melee Physical Damage - Impale Flame Dash - Second Wind Cast when Damage Taken - Steelskin (these 8 can go anywhere there's space) Pride Dread Banner Animate Guardian Hatred Desecrate Raise Spectre Convocation Stone OR Chaos Golem Leveling Guide - Act by Act
Coming Soon!
This guide was written in 1 day and my hands hurt so this portion will come later. ________________________________________________________________________ Última edição por Allie#7385 em 23 de set de 2020 14:34:14 Último bump em 21 de mar de 2021 14:42:34
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Passives, Ascendancy & Pantheon Passives
All of the passive information can be found in the PoB link above in the An Intro to Spectrography - Path of Building section.
In the PoB link you can find: Trees every 10 levels from 10-90 to aid in leveling A Level 95 Dps oriented tree A Level 95 Balanced tree A Level 95 tree with no cluster jewels Ascendancy
For ascendancy we will be picking Necromancer. This is the Witch class that deals with minion and corpse based builds.
The order you should pick up everything is set for the first 2 and your choice on the last 2. Mindless Aggression Unnatural Strength These 2 have to be taken first and second because we rely on Unnatural Strength and its +2 to Minion Skill Gems. For Spectres, we start with 1 maximum summon which is increased to 2 at gem level 13. We get our final Spectre from Raise Spectre at level 25. The +2 from the Ascendancy makes reaching level 25 possible. The last 2 points are Mistress of Sacrifice & Commander of Darkness. Both are very strong and I leave it up to you on what you'd like to get first. Mistress of Sacrifice gives you the buff from your offering at 75% the power that your minions gain. This can be more or less thought of as 20% Movement Speed (if using Flesh Offering) & 27% Attack & Spell block (if using Bone Offering). Commander of Darkness gives your pets extra attack & cast speed per aura that is up & 30% increased damage, this can be thought of ~10% increased total DPS. You also gain 30% to all resistances which makes resistance capping significantly easier. Pick whatever of these 2 that you think would be more useful to you in your 3rd lab and the last one in Uber Lab. Bandits
For bandits we want to kill all 3 and gain 2 passive points. As a Necro we don't need Alira's resistances and mana regen and the other 2 are useless for us.
For pantheon we have the choice of 1 Major and 1 Minor God. These are unlocked as you progress through the story and will have all by Act 10.
You can upgrade them further by capturing the souls of specific map bosses with a Divine Vessel to make them more powerful. I highly recommend doing so as they provide massive benefits. For Major gods we have 2 choices: Soul of Lunaris Soul of Lunaris is in my opinion the strongest of the major gods and absolutely required for any minion build. The physical damage reduction is amazing as we will always be frontlining with our pets giving high uptime on the 8% bonus along with the movement speed. The bonuses are also very useful, giving us a chance to straight up avoid projectiles and have a chance to dodge additional attacks once we've been hit. Lastly, the Avoid Projectiles that have Chained is crucial for any map that has “Enemy Projectiles Chain x time.” Let's say a mob shoots 15 projectiles and all 15 hit our pets. Well since those 15 projectiles can chain they have a chance to all target you and you not get shotgunned by 15 hits. This prevents that by making you untargetable once they begin to chain. Useful, no? Soul of Arakaali Soul of Arakaali is only really useful for afking Blights. The biggest difficulty in doing so is large chaos intake and this aids with it considerably. You only need to worry about upgrading this one once/if you wish to do afk Blights. For Minor gods we have 3 choices: Soul of Gruthkul The only thing that really kills us late game is physical damage so having up to 5% reduced physical damage taken is wonderful. The upgraded version also slows enemies that hit you, useful but not necessary if you don’t want to upgrade it. Soul of Abberath This is mandatory for Delving only. Once you get to 1000+ depth the fire patches in volcano biomes start to become death zones. This is mandatory to not instantly die to them. If you don’t plan to go that deep then this can be ignored. Soul of Shakari This is only required for afking Blights. Just like Soul of Arakaali, Shakari aids in reducing chaos damage intake and should be upgraded immediately if you plan to afk Blights. If you don’t plan to, this can be ignored. ________________________________________________________________________ Skills
Here we will discuss all of the gem links you would want & some alternatives!
Spectre 6 Link
There are WAY TOO MANY different ways to link your Spectres. Because this guide is a guide for ALL spectres I could sit here and list hundreds of gem links. If you want to know what links to put on Summon Spectre then i advise you to visit the “The rabbit hole of Spectre choices” section and use what I advised there for your chosen Spectre. If you'd like a recommendation I would pick the Scinteel Synthite as your main Spectre. They are the strongest and easiest to clear all content on with no gem swapping and worrying about their AI or their HP pool. Animate Guardian & Zombies
We will be putting Animate Guardian & Zombies in a combined 4 link in our helmet. A big reason we do this is because both are going to act as supports for our Spectres and they benefit from the same gem links. If you want more information on Animate Guardian & how to gear them please refer to the Gear - Animate Guardian section. With Animate Guardian and Zombies we want to add Meat Shield & Elemental Army. Optimaly get Alternative quality: 2 on Animate Guardian and default on Zombie Meat Shield Meat shield is here to set these 2 minions into Defensive mode which makes them stick closer to you while providing a massive amount of damage reduction. This is important as we DON'T want our Guardian to die. If he does die we lose all of the gear we gave him. This also allows the minions to taunt which will make mobs attack them rather than you. Optimaly get Alternative quality: 1 Elemental Army Elemental Army is here to further make our pets tankier by giving them extra maximum resistances. If you are running a Cold, Lightning, or Fire Spectre this also allows our pets to apply Exposure of the same element onto your enemies through the Aura choices based on what element you pick. This serves as an added benefit of making your pets tankier and providing a -10% resistance debuff to enemies! Optimaly get default Alternative Quality Alternatives Empower You can opt for not running Zombies late game and only running Animate Guardian. As you increase your dps your Zombies won't be necessary to apply Exposure onto enemies as they will get 1 shot and only bosses will need it which can be taken care of by the Guardian alone. This gives up an extra link to fit in Empower. Empower will give extra gem levels to your Animate Guardian making him significantly tankier and reducing the risk of him dying to 0. Feeding Frenzy You can also opt to drop Meat Shield and put Feeding Frenzy on Zombies & Guardian. This will make them Aggressive and provide Feeding Frenzy to your Spectres increasing their cast and attack speed. Normally we have this on our Golem but you can opt to put it here and give Meat Shield to the Golem as he's usually squishier. Optimaly get Alternative quality: 1 Golem You can also opt to drop Zombies and put your golem of choice in with the Guardian. Zombies are relatively useless as you grow in power and this would make the golem unkillable too. You can even choose to put Feeding Frenzy in too and drop Meat Shield as discussed above. Optimaly get Alternative quality: 2 Trigger Wand
In our wand we want to put all of the things that we want to automatically happen as we will be looking for a wand with “Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill.” More on the wand in the Gear section. Desecrate & Flesh Offering OR Bone Offering & a Brand Desecrate Desecrate is here to spawn corpses for you to use for Offerings. This is useful on bosses with no adds. Optimaly get Alternative quality: 2 For the offering you have 2 choices: Flesh Offering Flesh Offering gives your Spectres a significant DPS boost as well as granting you 23% movement speed through Mistress of Sacrifice. Use this if you feel tanky and want more DPS and clear speed. Optimaly get default Alternative quality Bone Offering Bone Offering gives you and your Spectres a large amount of both Attack and Spell Block along with it restoring your health every time you block. This makes you significantly tankier but at the cost of not gaining any DPS like Flesh Offering does. Use this if you feel like you have enough DPS and want more tankiness. Optimaly get Alternative quality: 1 Brand If you are running a Fire, Cold, or Lightning Spectre then we will be using Elemental Equilibrium to apply a -50% Resistance debuff to our enemies. We can do this automatically with the use of a brand in our trigger wand. We use a brand as we can have multiple out, they do AoE damage, and hop between mobs as they die making them have a high uptime. If you are using a Lightning Spectre you want to use Armageddon Brand. If you are using a Cold or Fire Spectre you want to use Storm Brand. If you are using a Physical Spectre then you can choose to put anything else you want instead of a brand as you don't use EE. IMPORTANT: Check the tooltip of your brand and make sure it DOESN'T do the same damage as your Spectres damage. If it does then you will hinder yourself as you will apply Elemental Equilibrium of their damage type and make you lose dps. If this is true you need to find what is giving you extra damage in that type. It is normally a bit of added spell damage on a wand, ring, amulet, or gem. It could also be you are using an Aura that gives you flat damage and it isn't supported by Generosity. Golem
For the golem you have 2 options: Stone Golem Chaos Golem Golems are a utility minion offering some useful skills and granting you a buff. Stone Golem gives you a HP regen buff while Chaos Golem grants physical damage reduction. They are both strong with my preference being Chaos Golem for mapping & Stone Golem for bosses & Blights. Whatever you pick link it with Feeding Frenzy. Optimaly get Alternative quality: 2 Feeding Frenzy Feeding Frenzy is here to provide the Feeding Frenzy buff to our Spectres. This grants them increased attack and cast speed which allows us to increase our Spectre’s dps with a gem outside of their 6 link! There are other alternatives for this and I would recommend you check out the Animate Guardian & Zombie section above. Optimaly get default Alternative quality Auras
Since we are talking about all spectres we have to break this down into different sections based on your Spectre’s damage type! Optimaly get Alternative quality 1 on all auras Lightning
For lightning based Spectres we want to use Wrath & Zealotry. Both of them offer increased damage and can seriously boost their output! You want to link this with Enlighten to give you a bit of extra unreserved mana to fit in other auras & Generosity. Generosity is important as Wrath would benefit you too and that would add lightning damage to your Armageddon Brand making you lose dps. This also boosts the effectiveness of the auras as Generosity makes them stronger which means more dps! Cold
For cold based Spectres you want to use Hatred & Haste. Hatred directly makes your Spectres do more cold damage and Haste just overall increases their cast & attack speed. You want to link this with Enlighten to give you a bit of extra unreserved mana to fit in other auras & Generosity. Generosity is important as it also boosts the effectiveness of the auras, which grants you more dps! Fire
For fire based Spectres you want to use Anger & Haste. Anger directly makes your Spectres do more fire damage and Haste just overall increases their cast & attack speed. You want to link this with Enlighten to give you a bit of extra unreserved mana to fit in other auras & Generosity. Generosity is important as Anger would benefit you too and that would add fire damage to your Storm Brand making you lose dps. This also boosts the effectiveness of the auras as Generosity makes them stronger which means more dps! Physical
For physical based Spectres you want to use Pride, Flesh and Stone & Dread Banner. Pride makes enemies around you take more damage the longer you stand around them. Flesh and Stone when in Blood Stance & linked with a Maim Support makes everything around you take even more damage! Dread Banner gives your minions a chance to Impale which massively increases damage! You want to link these with an Enlighten as they will consume a considerable amount of mana and this will allow you to fit in other auras! Dread Banner doesn't have to be linked to anything else and just put it where there is open space! Extras
These are extra Auras that can be used by all Spectres or that can benefit you in general. Pick whatever ones you like based on how much extra mana you have left over. Precision is just a flat critical strike chance buff. This aura is unique in that it reserves a flat amount of mana rather than a % which depends on the gem leve. You can level and delevel this gem with a scour orb to make it fit with however much mana you have left! Flesh and Stone is a very useful defencive aura when in Sand Stance. This blinds all nearby enemies reducing their chance to hit you from 95% to 50%! This makes you significantly tankier when added alongside its damage reduction from hits outside of its radius. Discipline grants you extra energy shield which is a massive amount of extra health making you even tankier. In our build we prioritize going hybrid (a mix of Health and Energy Shield) which makes Discipline even stronger. Aspect of the Spider is an aura that you must craft onto your gear through The Menagerie. To do so, you need to have an Open Suffix on any non unique item. Then you need to buy a Fenumus, First of the Night from another player via the trade website. You can then go to The Menagerie, right click the beast to add it then go to the altar, put the item you desire Aspect of the Spider in and use the “Adds Aspect of the Spider” craft to fight Fenumus and have it added. Aspect of the Spider is an aura that causes (literally) everything on your screen to be slowed by 15% and have spider webs applied to them. The webs make them take 5% more damage and all mobs can have 3 webs at once. This can be thought of as a 15% DPS increase to anything on your screen. Utility
Here are some utility skills that you can put wherever you have open space. Convocation Convocation allows you to teleport your minions to you and apply a hefty amount of life regen to them. This can be placed anywhere you want. TIP: Put Convocation on your Left Click that you usually use to move. In 3.10 instant skills can now be put on your movement key and be automatically cast as you move around without making you stop. Optimaly get Alternative quality: 2 on Convocation Optimaly get default Alternative quality on Second Wind Enduring Cry Enduring Cry gives us endurance charges which gives us up to 12% physical damage reduction & elemental resistances at maximum charges. It also applies a hefty amount of regen on us for a second allowing us to heal in boss fights with no health potion. I recommend you link Enduring Cry & Convocation together in your shield with Second Wind. This gives both of them an extra charge allowing you to use them twice in a row and it reduced their cooldowns too! Optimaly get Alternative quality: 2 Cast when Damage Taken & Steelskin CWDT & Steelskin is a combo as old as time itself. It's super reliable and will give you an added layer of defence. You can put these two anywhere you can fit them. Recommended gem levels: End Game - CWDT 20 & Steelskin 20 - This is to mitigate high end burst damage from bosses or delirium when you have a large health pool and a hefty amount of regen. Mid Game - CWDT 11 & Steelskin 16 - This is to mitigate medium amounts of damage for when you don’t have a large health pool. You can also opt to not use CWDT and put Steelskin on Left Click instead of Convocation and use it manually. From personal testing both ways are just as effective. Optimaly get default Alternative quality on CWDT Optimaly get Alternative quality: 1 on Steelskin Flame Dash Flame Dash is my favorite mobility skill but you can opt to use your favorite instead! Other great choices are Dash & Frostblink but I recommend you link them with Second Wind to make them reliable. Optimaly get Alternative quality: 1 on Flame Dash If you don’t use Enduring Cry then link Flame Dash to Second Wind with Convocation for added convenience! ________________________________________________________________________ Última edição por Allie#7385 em 23 de set de 2020 14:49:26
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Here we will discuss gear! I will go over a bunch of items at different price points and what to look for in terms of stats! We will also talk about upgrade paths & Endgame Mirror tier options.
For the helmet start off with any helmet that has “+2 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems” and some nice Life or resistances. This is because we want to put our Animate Guardian in the helmet as each extra level on him grants a large amount of extra life. Just +2 levels makes him very beefy. Order of Importance +2 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems Tier 1-2 Life Dexterity (if you need more) Any other Resistance you need Chaos Resistance ________________________________________________________________ From there you would want to upgrade to a Bone Helmet and look for “+2 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems” or even “+3 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems.” On top of this look for “Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Life” this is a hybrid mod that effectively gives both your Guardian & all of your minions more life. Other than that just get more Life for yourself. Order of Importance Bone Helmet +2/3 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Life Tier 3-5 Life Any other Resistance you need Chaos Resistance You can even upgrade one more time to all of the above plus the stat “Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Damage” as it is a hybrid mod and it would increase your Spectre’s damage too. ________________________________________________________________ Mirror Tier A mirror tier helmet for this build would be a Bone Helmet with “+3 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems,” “Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Life,” & “Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Damage.” On top of that you would want to get an influenced helmet with “Nearby Enemies take #% increased Physical/Lightning/Fire/Cold Damage” based on your damage type. It would look something like this: +3 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Life Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Damage Nearby Enemies take #% increased Physical/Lightning/Fire/Cold Damage You would also want a Lab Enchant. For the lab enchant you can get one of the following: Spectres have 40% increased Damage Spectres have 12% increased Attack and Cast Speed Any reservation enchant for one of your auras Chest
For a chest start off with a Vaal Regalia that has the Incursion Hybrid Mod "+# to maximum life & +#% increased maximum Life." These are super cheap and offer tons of health on top of a Vaal Regalia offering tons of Energy Shield. For this build we will be focusing on going hybrid (a mix of Life & Energy Shield) and this is a perfect chest for that. You also want to try and find one with an Open Prefix to craft “Gain #% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield” this is effectively 10% More life. Order of Importance Incursion Hybrid Mod +# to maximum life & +#% increased maximum Life (search for % increased maximum Life & for 110 or more life) Open Prefix to craft “Gain #% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield” As much Energy Shield as possible Any other Resistances you need ________________________________________________________________ From here you would want to upgrade to a Delve chest that gives “+1 to maximum number of Spectres.” This is different from the other mods as in this one just automatically increases your cap by one. If you are at 4 you are now at 5 maximum Spectres. Try to get a Vaal Regalia if you can but they are super expensive. Also try to get an Open Prefix to craft “Gain #% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield.” Order of Importance +1 to maximum number of Spectres Open Prefix to craft “Gain #% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield” As much Energy Shield as possible (THESE ARE EXPENSIVE) ________________________________________________________________ Mirror Tier From here you would just want a better stated version of that is mentioned above. Ideally you would look for one with +100 maximum Life or higher and a nice set of resistances including some Chaos Resistance. BiS would be one that has has a Hunter’s Exalted Orb slammed onto it for “#% increased effect of Offerings.” It would look something like this: +1 to maximum number of Spectres Open Prefix to craft “Gain #% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield” +100 or higher maximum Life #% increased effect of Offerings Chaos Resistance Gloves
For gloves you just want to pick up any pair of gloves that have lots of life and resistances. IMPORTANT: Do not get any sort of added SPELL damage to fire/cold/lightning that matches your Spectre’s damage type. This will mess up with Elemental Equilibrium & make you lose DPS. Order of Importance Tier 1-2 Life Dexterity (if you need more) Any other Resistance you need Open Prefix for Minion Damage Armor/Chaos Resistance ________________________________________________________________ From there you have 2 gloves you can upgrade to: Breathstealer is a pair of gloves that offers a decent amount of resistances & some armor. What makes them special is that you can Anoint them just like you can with an amulet giving you even more choice. Breathstealers & an anoint makes these the strongest pair of utility and defence gloves you can get. A pair of rare gloves with “#% chance to Unnerve Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit” for elemental Spectres or “#% chance to Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit” for physical Spectres is your other option if you want a pair of gloves focused on more DPS instead. Unnerve/Intimidate can be procked by your Brand and is only really useful on killing bosses faster. You will have significantly less tankiness with these over Breathstealer though. Order of Importance #% chance to Unnerve/Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit Tier 1-2 Life Dexterity (if you need more) Open Prefix for Minion Damage Chaos Resistance Armor/Any other Resistance you need ________________________________________________________________ Mirror Tier Mirror tier gloves would be Anointed Breathstealer or Unnerve/Intimidate gloves corrupted with any of the following: Curse Enemies with Level # Elemental Weakness on Hit (Elemental Spectres Only) Curse Enemies with Level # Vulnerability on Hit (Physical Spectres Only) +# to Level of Socketed Gems +# to Level of Socketed AoE Gems (Put Auras in gloves) +# to Level of Socketed Aura Gems (Put Auras in gloves) #% increased maximum Life #% increased maximum Energy Shield Boots
For boots start with a pair of Two-Toned boots that give you a hefty amount of Life, Movement Speed, and some resistances. Order of Importance Tier 1-2 Life 20-30% Movement Speed Any other Resistance you need ________________________________________________________________ From there you want to upgrade to a pair of Elder boots that have “+1 to All Spectre Skill Gems.” We need to make our Summon Spectre gem reach level 25 and we can do that through +2 from Ascendancy, and then ⅔ of the following choices: +1 on boots, +1 on amulet, +1 on wand. This would be one of the places where you can get one of the last missing 3 levels. These are fairly cheap so it shouldn’t be too hard to get a good pair. Order of Importance +1 to All Spectre Skill Gems Tier 1-2 Life 20-30% Movement Speed ________________________________________________________________ Mirror Tier For your final upgrade you would want to either get a pair with “+1 to All Spectre Skill Gems” but with tier 1 rolls on everything else. I would also look for 30-35% Movement Speed at a minimum. On top of that you would also want one of the following Lab Enchants: 8% chance to Dodge Spell Hits if you've taken Spell Damage Recently 10% Chance to Dodge Attack Hits if you've taken a Critical Strike Recently 10% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently Regenerate 2% of Life per second if you were Hit Recently It would look something like this: +1 to All Spectre Skill Gems 30-35% Movement Speed Tier 1 Life Any other Resistances Another option is to go The Stampede. These set your movement speed to 150% which allows you to drop your Quicksilver Flask and any other bit of Movement Speed for other stats. The Stampede can also be anointed which allows for even more utility by picking up more damage or tankiness. NOTE: You will lose “+1 to All Spectre Skill Gems” this way. That means if you want to upgrade to The Stampede you will need to get at least +1 on your wand. More on that in the wand section. Amulet
For the amulet you want to start off with any ole amulet that is preferably a Dex base (we tend to base dex issues) with a bunch of life and any resistances you need. IMPORTANT: Do not get any sort of added SPELL damage to fire/cold/lightning that matches your Spectre’s damage type. This will mess up with Elemental Equilibrium & make you lose DPS. Order of Importance Tier 1-2 Life Dexterity (if you need more) Any other Resistance you need Tier 1-2 Energy Shield Open Prefix for “#% increased maximum Energy Shield” Chaos Resistance Open Suffix for Minion all res / Movement Speed ________________________________________________________________ From there you would look to get a Hunter influenced amulet that has “+1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems” on it. We need to make our Summon Spectre gem reach level 25 and we can do that through +2 from Ascendancy, and then ⅔ of the following choices: +1 on boots, +1 on amulet, +1 on wand. This would be one of the places where you can get one of the last missing 3 levels. (Side note these are EXPENSIVE so start with a crappy one and upgrade it later.) Order of Importance +1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems Dexterity (if you need more) Tier 1-2 Life Any other Resistance you need Chaos Resistance ________________________________________________________________ Mirror Tier Eventually we would want to upgrade to an Aul’s Uprising that makes one of the auras you currently are running free. This gives you extra unreserved mana to pick up more auras from the Skills - Auras section. Look for whatever the cheapest option is based on your auras. NOTE: You will lose “+1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems” this way. That means if you want to upgrade to Aul’s you will need to get at least +1 on your wand. More on that in the wand section. Belt
For a belt we just want a Stygan Vice with decent life & resistances. Order of Importance Tier 1-2 Life Dexterity (if you need more) Any other Resistance you need ________________________________________________________________ From there I would upgrade to a hunter influenced Stygian with the “#% increased maximum Life” mod on it for extra tankiness and look for even higher resistance rolls. Order of Importance #% increased maximum Life Tier 2-4 Life Any other Resistances you need ________________________________________________________________ Mirror Tier Endgame wound just be a super optimized stygian with all of the above mods, maybe a tier 1 chaos roll and the mod “#% increased Movement Speed during any Flask Effect” It would look something like this: #% increased Maximum Life #% increased Movement Speed during any Flask Effect Tier 1-2 Life Chaos Resistance Any other resistances you need Rings
For rings you would just want Amethyst or Unset rings. This build has trouble with having enough gem sockets to fit in every skill and Unset rings help with that. If you have enough sockets then Amethyst rings are the best due to them giving you Chaos Resistance. Elemental resistance capping should be easy so having a bit more chaos res is nice. You want to look for rings that come with high health, some resistances you need & more chaos resistance if you can get more. IMPORTANT: Do not get any sort of added SPELL damage to fire/cold/lightning that matches your Spectre’s damage type. This will mess up with Elemental Equilibrium & make you lose DPS. Order of Importance Tier 1-2 Life Dexterity (if you need more) Any other Resistance you need Tier 1-2 Energy Shield Chaos Resistance ________________________________________________________________ From there you can upgrade to have one of your rings have a Curse on Hit modifier on them. This can be either Elemental Weakness (if an elemental Spectre), Conductivity/Frostbite/Flammability (Based on your Spectres dmg type), Vulnerability (if a physical Spectre), or Assassin's Mark. This is highly crucial as they can be triggered by your Brand and it offers a massive amount of extra damage on bosses and tougher map mobs. Order of Importance Elemental Spectres Curse Enemies with Level # Elemental Weakness OR Conductivity/Frostbite/Flammability (Based on your Spectres dmg type) OR Assassin's Mark on Hit Tier 1-2 Life Dexterity (if you need more) Any other Resistance you need Tier 1-2 Energy Shield Chaos Resistance Physical Spectres Curse Enemies with Level # Assassin's Mark OR Vulnerability on Hit Tier 1-2 Life Dexterity (if you need more) Any other Resistance you need Tier 1-2 Energy Shield Chaos Resistance ________________________________________________________________ Mirror Tier Unfortunately there isn't anywhere else to go for a Mirror Tier ring other than that is stated above but with all tier 1 rolls or something similar. Rings are pretty easy to fill in on a minion build. You COULD try a Hungry Loop with Skellies/Zombies & all Awakened gems socketed in it as a meme item but I wouldn’t bother. Wand
For your weapon you want a Convoking Wand. These have the ability to roll minion modifiers and is the only useful weapon for a minion build. You need a wand with an Open Suffix so you can craft “Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill” onto it. This allows you to put Desecrate, an Offering & a Brand in there and have them automatically be used for you. IMPORTANT: Do not get any sort of added SPELL damage to fire/cold/lightning that matches your Spectre’s damage type. This will mess up with Elemental Equilibrium & make you lose DPS. Order of Importance Open Suffix for “Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill” A mix of Minion Damage & Minion Cast speed (1% Minion Cast speed = 3% Minion Damage) Try to aim for 30-40% Minion Damage & 10-15% Minion Cast Speed on your first wand. ________________________________________________________________ From there you can upgrade to a wand that has "+1 to All Minion Gems" OR "+1 to All Spell Skill Gems". We need to make our Summon Spectre gem reach level 25 and we can do that through +2 from Ascendancy, and then ⅔ of the following choices: +1 on boots, +1 on amulet, +1 on wand. Order of Importance Open Suffix for “Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill” +1 to All Minion Skill Gems OR +1 to All Spell Skill Gems A mix of Minion Damage & Minion Cast speed (1% Minion Cast speed = 3% Minion Damage) Higher values of Midion Damage & Minion Cast Speed are going to very quickly spike the price of the wand so look for something ~20-30% Damage & 10-15% Cast Speed and upgrade later. ________________________________________________________________ Mirror Tier The mirror tier wand for this build would be a +2 wand. This would have both "+1 to All Minion Gems" & "+1 to All Spell Skill Gems" along with an open Suffix for “Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill” & a hefty amount of Minion Damage & Cast Speed. It would look something like this: “Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill” +1 to All Spell Skill Gems +1 to All Minion Skill Gems 50% increased Minion Damage 20% increased Minion Cast Speed Shield
For your shield you want to use a Victario’s Charity. This is your BiS for dps as it provides your Spectres with Frenzy & Endurance charges. Make sure you take Necromantic Aegis otherwise its pointless to use it as you won't be generating charges fast enough. The Power charges don’t work on bosses as there isn't anything to kill so your DPS will be a bit lower. Nevertheless the Frenzy charges are on Hit so you will still benefit from those which will still provide a hefty amount of DPS. Magna Eclipsis is your option if you want a tankier build. With this you WOULDN'T take Necromantic Aegis and benefit from the stats of the shield yourself. This comes at a massive damage penalty ~50% as Power and Frenzy charges are a large portion of your Spectres DPS. Anoints
For anointment you want to pick up Death Attunement. This gives you one extra maximum Spectre and saves us 5 points from pathing to it. In this guide we go over a bunch of items that can be anointed alongside your amulet. If you decide to pick up some of these I will list some DPS and tank options in order of power. DPS Anointments Ravenous Horde Redemption Aligned Spirits Tank Anointments Soul of Steel Blood Siphon Thick Skin Golem’s Blood Cruel Preparation Barbarism Bravery Jewels
First lets go over the Unique jewels you want in this build. Unending Hunger Unending Hunter is the powerhouse that gives us all of our clear speed. It is a crucial jewel and should be bought ASAP. Every time our Spectres kill something they will gain a temporarily Attack & Cast speed buff that can stack up very quickly in a map. Glorious Vanity Glorious Vanity is a Timeless Jewel that does well… a lot. Don’t worry about all of it though! All you need to know is get yourself one that has the line “Bathed in the Blood of # in the name of Doryani.” Don't worry about that number it has, as long as it has Doryani in it it's perfect. What this does is it will transform all passive points around it into other points based on the number. We don’t care for what the number is as we are only using it to transform a Keystone into Corrupted Soul which is guaranteed by Doryani. Just socketed it in one of the 2 locations shown below and pick up the Keystone that has been changed. For the non Unique gems there are a couple of stats that you want to look for and I will break it down into sections for DPS and tankiness. DPS Order of Importance Minions deal #% increased Damage if you’ve used a Minion Skill Recently Minions have #% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you or your Minions have killed Recently Minions deal # to # additional Fire/Cold/Lightning/Physical Damage (based on Spectre) Tankiness Order of Importance # to maximum Life # to maximum Energy Shield Other than that there are some other important things that you need on your jewels: One jewel NEEDS to have Minions deal # to # additional Cold Damage This is because we are a crit heavy build and adding just a tiny bit of cold damage to them allows all Spectre types to shatter. This stops a lot of nasty on death effects from happening. One jewel should be corrupted with “Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you” This is only important for Sirus as his DIE laser will apply it to you and likely instantly kill you if you aren't immune to Corrupted Blood. Other than Sirus it's not important as summoning builds never have it applied onto them in maps. All of your remaining jewels should be corrupted with “1% reduced Mana Reserved.” This is an aura heavy build and because of this we need "1% Mana Reservation" on as many jewels as we can get to be able to use all of the auras that bring our damage to absurdity. Flasks
For flasks we have a couple of options on what we can run based on what you want. Pick whatever 4 + Quicksilver flasks that you prefer out of this selection. Quicksilver Flask The ole reliable, the go fast flask of opness. Nothing much to say here other than zoom zoom. A BiS Quicksilver would be Alchemist’s Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline. This combination is the most movement speed you can get out of one and a max rolled one is 2.5x the speed of a normal Quicksilver. Blood of the Karui Karui in my opinion is the best life flask as it heals a hefty chunk fairly quickly and then instantly fully heals you again at the end of its duration. It feels incredibly strong but if you'd prefer to run a normal flask then pick up a Bubbling Divine/Eternal Life Flask. Taste of Hate Taste of Hate is a very strong flask as it reduces incoming cold damage by 20% and converts some of the physical damage you take into cold damage. This can be thought of as 5% physical damage reduction. Basalt Flask A Basalt Flask will grant you 15% physical damage reduction making it an incredibly strong option in stopping physical damage. As it is the main thing that can kill us I highly recommend this one. Get an Alchemist's Basalt flask if you can as it will make the reduction stronger. Rumi's Concoction Rumi's is the tanky boy flask with its +3000 armor and hefty amounts of Attack and Spell Block. If you find yourself dying often try to fit a Rumi in. Quartz Flask A Quartz Flask offers 10% chance to dodge damage which is wonderful & it offers Phasing which is a massive quality of life being able to run though mobs at will. Mandatory for Delving in my opinion. Bottled Faith Bottled Faith is your option if you want more damage. It offers a nice bit of regen through the consecrated ground and up to 10% more damage through the “Consecrated Ground created during flask Effect applied 10% increased Damage taken to Enemies.” Don't worry about what the crit roll is as it doesn't do ANYTHING for a minion build. This is a late game optimization flask. Cluster Jewels
For cluster jewels we are looking to stack the notable “Vicious Bite” as it offers 50% increased crit chance and multiplier to our spectres. Stacking enough of these can lead to hilarious amounts of DPS very very quickly. Large Jewels For the Large Cluster Jewels you are looking for one as such: Adds 8 Passive Skills Added Small Passive Skills grant: Minions deal 10% increased Damage On top of that we need Vicious Bite, Renewal, and 2 Jewel Sockets. The reason we want Renewal is because our minions will be at full health 99% of the time and always benefit from the Double Damage making this the next strongest notable after Vicious Bite. This combination is very pricey and a good alternative is looking for a cluster jewel with more passive skills, 9 and 10 are substantially cheaper at the downside of them being less efficient. Start with just getting Vicious Bite & Renewal then upgrade to one with jewel sockets & later on less passive points. The most efficient cluster jewel is 8 passives, Vicious Bite, Renewal, 2 Jewel Sockets and SPECIFICALLY Raze and Pillage OR Rotten Claws. The reason we need one of those 2 is because it will push Vicious Bite from between the jewel sockets to the outside saving us 2 passive points. Medium Cluster Jewels For medium we want to get the Unique cluster jewel Megalomaniac. This jewel can roll ANY of the notables including Vicious Bite while normal medium minion clusters cannot. Optimally you would want Vicious Bite & Sublime Sensation but due to meta shifts these have become ungodly rare and pricey. I would start off by just getting Megalomaniacs with just Vicious Bite and then upgrading later OR using one of these other notables in place of Sublime Sensation. Alternatives to Sublime Sensation: Life
Click this link for a trade website search for all LIFE notables
Replenishing Presence Flow of Life Peak Vigour Fettle Feast of Flesh Surging Vitality Peace Amidst Chaos Wall of Muscle Adrenaline Holistic Health Heart of Iron Militarism Energy Shield
Click this link for a trade website search for all ENERGY SHIELD notables
Vile Reinvigoration Savour the Moment Energy From Naught Will Shaper Spring Back Conservation of Energy Resistance
Click this link for a trade website search for all RESISTANCE notables
Master the Fundamentals Exposure Therapy Prismatic Carapace Dragon Hunter Prismatic Dance Molten One’s Mar Blacksmith Non-Flammable Winter Prowler Alchemist Antifreeze Wizardry Sage Insulated Born of Chaos Antivenom Rot-Resistant Blessed Animate Guardian
Animate Guardian is a special minion that doesn't do anything unless you give it gear to equip. NOTE: When you give an item to your Guardian you CANNOT get it back. NOTE: If your Guardian dies it loses all of the items it has equipped and you must re-equip it. NOTE: DO NOT BRING YOUR GUARDIAN TO HALL OF THE GRANDMASTERS IT WILL GET 1 SHOT DUE TO PVP SCALING. WARNING: NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING can make your Animate Guardian tanky enough to go past ~1k - 1.5k depth in Delve. (Believe me i've lost 1 Guardian with 110k Hp, 80% All Res, 70% Phys Reduction, and 50k HP regen a sec to a 1 shot). If you want to go past that unsummon him while delving. Now that we have gotten the obligatory warnings out of the way let's talk what makes him so good and how do we make him immortal (because we can). Don’t be afraid about the big scary warnings as they are just there to let you know of what can but never will happen. Animate Guardian is your pal that all of your friends will be jealous of you for. He's the beefiest and tankiest mob in the game and doesn't give a shit if sirus wants to spam 168 DIE lasers a second at him. What the Guardian is good for is we can equip him with loads of gear that provides auras around him which can buff both us and our minions. We do also need to take a moment to focus on his tankiness so we never lose out investment into him. I will break this down in 2 days, a cheap 5c set of gear for him and an expensive 2Ex setup that will never get him killed. Cheap Setup
Weapon For the weapon we want to use a Dying Breath. This gives our minions 18% increased damage which is a nice damage boost. Helmet For the helmet we want to use a Leer Cast. Same thing as the Dying Breath, a nice 15% increased damage for our Spectres. Chest For the chest we want to use an Ambu’s Charge. This offers a bunch of nice tanky stats for him and a chance to gain endurance charges when he gets hit. The real kicker is the “Regenerate 2% of Life per second if you have been Hit Recently.” Remember he will have at least 50k HP so that 2% is worth 1k HP a sec. Gloves For the gloves we want to use Southbound. They offer a large chunk of maximum life and loads of cold resistance. We don’t care about the downsides of him never killing as he will never kill anything anyway. Boots For the boots we want to use Victaro’s Flight. These offer you and your minions 15% increased movement speed and are super nice to have. Expensive Setup
Weapon The weapon were upgraded to is a Kingmaker. This is the most broken weapon you could possibly give to your Animate Guardian. It offers a Culling Strike, 50% Crit Multiplier, and a Fortify Aura around the Guardian. Needless to say it is the BiS item on him. Helmet For the helmet you want a Mask of the Stitched Demon. What this does is it removes the ability for your Animated Guardian to have Energy Shield but for every 500 Energy Shield he SHOULD have, he instead gains 1% health regen. Chest For the chest we want a Vaal Regalia with the crafted mod “Gain #% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield.” This will give your Guardian 10% of his Maximum Life as ES which is eaten up by Mask of the Stitched Demon. Let's assume your Guardian has 60k Hp (A standard number). 6K of that hp is gained as Extra ES so he now has 6K ES. Mask of the Stitched Demon eats that 6K ES and grants him 12% health regen. A typical guardian has ~10% hp regen + 12% from stitched demon. Your Guardian is now healing for 22% of his hp a sec which is 13,200 HP a sec. On top of that he also has 80% to all Elemental Resistances from the tree & Elemental Army 25% Less damage taken from Meat Shield ~40% Physical Damage Reduction Mask of the Stitched Demon & a chest with “Gain #% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield” patches up the Guardian’s only weakness and makes him regen ungodly amounts of health a second. With this combo you never have to worry about him dying. Another stat you can look for is “Nearby Enemies are Blind” from the Redeemer Influence which adds another layer of defence to both him and you. Gloves For the gloves we want to use Southbound. They offer a large chunk of maximum life and loads of cold resistance. We don’t care about the downsides of him never killing as he will never kill anything anyway. Nothing changes here as these are BiS. Try to get a pair that has a max Life & Cold Res roll as they are cheap. (Optional) Get a pair that is corrupted with “#% increased maximum Life” for even more tankiness! Boots For the boots we want to use Victaro’s Flight. These offer you and your minions 15% increased movement speed and are super nice to have. Nothing changes here as these are BiS. (Optional) Get a pair that is corrupted with “#% increased maximum Life” for even more tankiness! ________________________________________________________________________ Recommended Upgrade Path
This is here for people who want a guide on how to put this together. Victario’s charity 6 Link Vaal Regalia Trigger wand Decent rares everywhere Cheap Animate Guardian Setup Curse on Hit Ring 21 Raise Spectre Gem +1 Spectre boots +1 Spectre Amulet + anoint Unending Hunger Glorious Vanity Cluster Jewels +2 Helmet Better Passive Tree Jewels Awakened Minion Damage Awakened Generosity Breathstealer + anoint Level 21 Animate Guardian & Expensive Setup +1 Spectre decent chest +1 Wand Auls Uprising 2-3 Awakened gems +3 Helm w/ Minion Life God tier Stygan 2-3 Awakened Gems Really good +1 Spectre boots Better rings Optimal Cluster Jewels Better +1 Spectre chest +3 Helm w/ Minion Life & Minion Damage Megalomaniacs All remaining Awakened gems Mirror Tier items ________________________________________________________________________ Endgame Farming
Here we will go over some tips to remember for farming maps.
Map Mods this build can't do: Elemental Reflect (Elemental Spectres) Physical Reflect (Physical Spectres) No Regen (it can do it but it's very annoying) Mapping While mapping the only thing you really need to look out for is large clumps of mobs. This build is prone to dying to a significant amount of physical damage being intaken at once but as long as you don't go head first into big melee packs you are fine. Porcupines are easy to deal with if you use Bone Offering, they even heal you! If you have a bit of added cold damage to minions on one of your gems it will also make the porcupines shatter a decent amount of the time. Bossing Bossing with this build is super easy and satisfying. All you mainly need to do is spam Enduring Cry to keep up charges & to heal when needed. Other than that just keep spamming Convocation to buff your minions and let them take care of everything! Atziri is a bit of a pain due to her reflection sometimes killing 2-3 of your spectres but is usually doable. Shaper, Elder & Uber Elder are all easy with no difficulty at all. Cortex is super easy to farm as all you need to do is worry about dodging mechanics. Sirus is incredibly easy and I've racked up over 500 kills this season offering carry services on this exact build. As long as you have corrupted blood immunity you can facetank the DIE! beam as long as you are well geared and use Bone Offering for the dodge. Delirium In terms of delirium everything is fine other than being prone to dying while looting but that's more of a personal problem. Just don't loot while 50 on-death effects happen at once (thanks Delirium very fun). Kosis and Omniphobia are easy to deal with as you just have to run in a circle around them. Once you have ~10Ex worth of gear Simulacrums should be fairly easy until wave 18-20. At the point I am with my gear I can AFK 19 and 20 as long as the mods aren't too rippy. Blight You can easily afk farm Blights as long as you put Feeding Frenzy on your Spectres so they attack off screen, swap to Arakaali and Shakari, and use Stone Golem. You might have to babysit it and put down 1-2 meteor towers every min or 2 but other than that it's pretty AFK. I usually AFK 2-3 every day while I eat when I stream and it goes very smoothly. Última edição por Allie#7385 em 7 de mai de 2020 01:50:42
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He carried all my content this league with this build looks OP. Bump.
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Amazing build
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Hi Madert!
I was just thinking about making a Spectre build and suddenly I find yours xD I just read the whole guide and I have a doubt: Can we run any spectre we want? can we mix them? for example 2 cold 2 fire? (taking in mind the Elemental Equilibrium ) or maybe 2 cold melee and 2 cold ranged? some compo you really enjoy? I'm just sure that for bosses always Enhanced Vaal Fallen xD I always have one doubt regarding minions builds: If you are mapping with some cold spectres and then you want to face Sirus. Do you have to go to look for Enhanced Vaal Fallen again? or if you spam desecrate at the HO at some point they will appear? (even if you are being using another ones for last hours / days) how this works? EDIT: I just read this... If you'd like a recommendation I would pick the Scinteel Synthite as your main Spectre. They are the strongest and easiest to clear all content on with no gem swapping and worrying about their AI or their HP pool. my apologies TY!! Última edição por Sanfear#6892 em 29 de abr de 2020 18:45:28
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" I wouldn't use multiple spectres due to EE being so strong. All of the spectres listed can work as strong bossers with Vaal Fallen being the strongest option if you just want to make a necro for pure bossing. In terms of Desecrate its wierd how it works. The best way to think about it is it will remembe your spectre for ~30 mins then it will refresh what its holding onto. It will auto add any spectres you currently have summoned to the pool too. |
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" Hi Madert! Thanks for your prompt reply! I was worried that every time I have to summon again the Scinteel Synthite I have to buy a Twisted Distant Memory map... I spent of my budget pulling this build together xD For now I enjoying it, but im little worried as I'm diying more often than I thought that it could happen. Probably is me or I did something wrong when I was creating the build Could you please check my gear below and see if everything is correct? Life: 3.976 Shield: 2.960 All resistences capped And chaos res: 46% https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMDAASzBx4LYQ18ES0VJxZvFy8aOBzcHRQdqh4IHxgkqicvKPo1kjbpOuk8LUZxR4VJUUmxSp9N41H7UilV1lXgVi5XyVhaWfNakWNBZOdmVGaeZ3FoWGjyaqxx83IPcql5f3yDfNl_xoCkg1-DzInYi3aMsY6-jxqPRo_6kFWSwZMnlG-VLpitoOahL6IApwiofayqr2ywd7QMtz64k76KwcXE9sauytPNFtOP0_vXltfP2L3fsOGI42rquuvu7Bjsg--I8B_w1fJF9zL5N_rS_gr-gf6P?accountName=Sanfear&characterName=Followmeandrun I've been doing Maps T14/15 (A8). Just with alch (trying to complete The awakening bonus objectives) (Edit: I just realized that i didn't do the 4th lab. Im gonna doing it right now) TY!! Última edição por Sanfear#6892 em 30 de abr de 2020 09:51:40
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