[3.15] Curse by Walking Cursebot | 9 Curses with x3-5 Curse Effectivness | Occultist
1.Introduction and focus of the build
Welcome to my build guide. This is a Party Play Only guide so it will not be able to do content reliably on its own. Additionally this build was focused around the idea of a group of at least a Damage Dealer, an Aurabot and a Discbot, because of that I do not use any non-curse auras and am solely focusing on providing as many curses as possible and maximizing the effects of those curses. This guide includes 2 different Setups in gear for both an Elemental aswell as Chaos variant, both the Elemental aswell as the Chaos variant both have 3 Skill Trees a Starter Tree for people with less Budget/patience for Cluster Jewels, an Area of Effect which tries to get both high curse effect and area of effect of those curses (this version is the best in my opinion) and a Maximum Curse Effect Tree that sacrifices the area of effect to get the maximum amount of curse effect out of each cluster.
3.15 Expedition League Nerfs
The whide reaching nerfs in the expedition league completly missed this build for the most part. As the nerfs are mostly focused on nerfing damage and this build does not deal damage its not affected by them. The only nerfs affecting this build are the nerfs to the Flask system, "Basalt Flasks" are not a real way of scaling phys reduction anymore and you should use a "Taste of Hate" instead now. The change to the immunity mods on Flasks mean that for the "Heretic's Veil" variant the "Atziri's Mirror" unique will be a far better choice then it was before. The increased manacost multiplier on "Enhance" and "Empower" means that you have to go for more "Forbidden Words" Notables on your Cluster Jewels earlier aswell as for the Bow version you will have to focus on higher levels of "Awakened Blaspehmy" to be able to pay the reservation cost.
Old Nerfs
3.14 Ultimatum League Nerfs
In the Ultimatum League the Cluster Jewel Node "Dark Discourse" leads to a decrease of 36% curse effectivness, however "Abyss Jewels" are now able to roll "increased Effect of your Curses" because of that I left Jewel Sockets open in the build when points are available. Additionally i did some work on the Skill Trees and Items to compensate more for the lacking Curse Effect
3.13 Ritual League Nerfs
The nerfs to the curse cluster jewels result in a reduce of 72% curse effectivness in the build, on the higher end versions of the build this does reduce the power but isnt that significant as you still get to the x5 curse effect on the low budget version this loss is much more significant and makes the use of Replica Doedres Damning much more mandatory.
Alternativly you can specilize in a single curse such as Despair or Frostbite by duing this the utility of the build gets reduced quite significantly but the curse effectivness of the curse you specialize in will reach the x6 curse effectivness modifier resulting in significant DPS boosts for the party. All in all this nerf is a nuisance but you still get to -136% Elemental Resist against Sirus (-404% against non bosses) on the medium budget version
Pros & Cons
+Works with virtually any budget
+Increadibly simple gameplay +Big increase to both team survival and damage +Gear is nearly all Uniques (less trouble with rares) -NO solo viability, at all -Very squishy if you get out of range of your teams defensive auras -Needs a lot of hard to find cluster jewels -Can sometimes result in permafreezing of multistage bosses (there was a patch to fix this in Ritual League but because my group used Elemental Focus in Ritual we didnt test this)
Bandits: Kill em All
Pantheon: Lunaris+Abberath or Gruthkul PoB: https://pastebin.com/gutzwgDd Contains a Starter, Area of Effect and Maximum Curse Effect version for a Chaos oriented and Elemental oriented version of the build with both having a "Heretic's Veil" and Bow Settup. Recommended is the Area of Effect version. 2. Passive Tree, Equipment and Gems
Passive Tree+Cluster Jewels
The reason why we go for Occultist is to be able to curse Hexproof enemies through "Profane Bloom" and get an aditional curse from "Malediction"
Order: 1. Malediction 2. Profane Bloom 3. Vile Bastion 4. Void Beacon ![]()
The reason why we go for Occultist is to be able to get an aditional curse from "Malediction" and Wither stacks from "Withering Presence"
Order: 1. Malediction 2. Void Beacon 3. Withering Presence 4. Vile Bastion ![]()
Skill Tree
There are 2 different Skill Tree versions, one for if you do not have "Forbidden Words" on every cluster and one for if you do have it on every Cluster:
No Forbidden Words
With Forbidden Words
![]() For the Elemental version the optimal Cluster Jewel has both "Dark Discourse" and "Forbidden Words" For the Chaos version the optimal Cluster Jewel has both "Misery Everlasting" and "Forbidden Words"
Heretic's Veil
Weapon Slot 1: We are using the "Ephemeral Edge" as we do not care about dealing damage ourself but the "increased maximum energy shield" mod provides a nice and decent boost to survivability Weapon Slot 2: Now that we got a nerf to "Dark Discourse" we compensate this by using a ilvl 80 or higher Redeemer Shield to get access to the "increased Effect of your Curses" mod, if you did not get enough Attributes on your Cluster Jewels you can additionally use the Shield to fix your Attributes. Helmet: In this version the "Heretic's Veil" is a Mandatory Item as it allows us to use 3 Curses ("Enfeeble", "Temporal Chains" and "Elemental Weakness") as Auras together with a "Enhance Support" at reduced Manareservation Body Armour: To fit all the curses we use a "Doedre's Skin" which has the Unique Skill "Summon Doedre's Effigy", this skill Summons an unkillable Totem that applies all Hex-Curses that are Socketed in "Doedre's Skin" as Auras that ignore your curselimit but have 25% reduced Curse Effect, if you bind "Summon Doedre's Effigy" to your leftclick you can quite litterally play this build with only one button Gloves: We use the "Vixen's Entrapment" because they are the only gloves that give you an additional curse. Boots: In the Boots slot we start out with "Windscream" boots, because they are a cheap way to get an additional curse. Later we then upgrade them into "Windshriek", which give an additional "60% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills" Amulet: We want an amulet with a "You can apply an additional Curse" corruption to allow you to use "Assassin's Mark", preferably a "Jinxed Juju" for the "increased Effect of your Curses" mod. With the new corrupted Oil from Blight we can focus on getting a perfect curse roll on our corrupted "Jinxed Juju" and then annoint it with most optimally "Charisma" to ease the burden on our Manareservation Rings: It is vital that we go for two "Replica Doedre's Damning" these Rings are the reason why we try to get as many "You can apply an additional Curse" mods as they reduce the amount of curses you can cast by one in exchange for a big boost to curse effect. Belt: With the introduction of "increased Effect of your Curses" as mods on "Abyss Jewels" the optimal choice becomes a "Stygian Vise" to allow us to use one more of those Jewels aswell as fix our Attributes at the same time.
Bow Curse
Weapon Slot 1: For the Bow version we are using a Rare Bow with an effective +5 to our socketed gems, sadly this Bow uses 2 delve only modifiers that can not be crafted so you either need to go delving yourself or buy it from someone that does Another small upgrade to this bow would be to have the "+8% to Quality of Socketed Gems" craft instead of the for us useless chaos damage. Weapon Slot 2: In our Offhand we are using a Rare Quiver to either fix our Attributes or a "Soul Strike" to increase our defensive capabilities. Helmet: Here we use a Rare Helmet that has the "5% Reduced Mana Reservation" Essencemod that you get from the "Deafening Essence of Loathing", any Energy Shield Rolls or Attribute fixes are appreciated, if you have the extra exalts to spend you could get a base with the "30% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect" or "30% increased Assassin's Mark Curse Effect" enchantment Body Armour: To fit all the curses we use a "Doedre's Skin" which has the Unique Skill "Summon Doedre's Effigy", this skill Summons an unkillable Totem that applies all Hex-Curses that are Socketed in "Doedre's Skin" as Auras that ignore your curselimit but have 25% reduced Curse Effect, if you bind "Summon Doedre's Effigy" to your leftclick you can quite litterally play this build with only one button Gloves: We use the "Vixen's Entrapment" because they are the only gloves that give you an additional curse. Boots: In the Boots slot we start out with "Windscream" boots, because they are a cheap way to get an additional curse. Later we then upgrade them into "Windshriek", which give an additional "60% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills" Amulet: We want an amulet with a "You can apply an additional Curse" corruption to allow you to use "Assassin's Mark", preferably a "Jinxed Juju" for the "increased Effect of your Curses" mod. With the new corrupted Oil from Blight we can focus on getting a perfect curse roll on our corrupted "Jinxed Juju" and then annoint it with most optimally "Charisma" to ease the burden on our Manareservation Rings: It is vital that we go for two "Replica Doedre's Damning" these Rings are the reason why we try to get as many "You can apply an additional Curse" mods as they reduce the amount of curses you can cast by one in exchange for a big boost to curse effect. Belt: With the introduction of "increased Effect of your Curses" as mods on "Abyss Jewels" the optimal choice becomes a "Stygian Vise" to allow us to use one more of those Jewels aswell as fix our Attributes at the same time.
Heretic's Veil
Weapon Slot 1: We are using the "Ephemeral Edge" as we do not care about dealing damage ourself but the "increased maximum energy shield" mod provides a nice and decent boost to survivability Weapon Slot 2: Now that we got a nerf to "Dark Discourse" we compensate this by using a ilvl 80 or higher Redeemer Shield to get access to the "increased Effect of your Curses" mod, if you did not get enough Attributes on your Cluster Jewels you can additionally use the Shield to fix your Attributes. Helmet: In this version the "Heretic's Veil" is a Mandatory Item as it allows us to use 3 Curses ("Enfeeble", "Temporal Chains" and "Despair") as Auras together with a "Enhance Support" at reduced Manareservation Body Armour: To fit all the curses and also be able to curse Hexproof enemies we use "Cospri's Will" Gloves: We use the "Vixen's Entrapment" because they are the only gloves that give you an additional curse. Boots: In the Boots slot we start out with "Windscream" boots, because they are a cheap way to get an additional curse. Later we then upgrade them into "Windshriek", which give an additional "60% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills" Amulet: We want an amulet with a "You can apply an additional Curse" corruption to allow you to use "Assassin's Mark", preferably a "Jinxed Juju" for the "increased Effect of your Curses" mod. With the new corrupted Oil from Blight we can focus on getting a perfect curse roll on our corrupted "Jinxed Juju" and then annoint it with most optimally "Charisma" to ease the burden on our Manareservation Rings: It is vital that we go for two "Replica Doedre's Damning" these Rings are the reason why we try to get as many "You can apply an additional Curse" mods as they reduce the amount of curses you can cast by one in exchange for a big boost to curse effect. Belt: With the introduction of "increased Effect of your Curses" as mods on "Abyss Jewels" the optimal choice becomes a "Stygian Vise" to allow us to use one more of those Jewels aswell as fix our Attributes at the same time.
Bow Curse
Weapon Slot 1:
For the Bow version we are using a Rare Bow with an effective +5 to our socketed gems, sadly this Bow uses 2 delve only modifiers that can not be crafted so you either need to go delving yourself or buy it from someone that does Another small upgrade to this bow would be to have the "+8% to Quality of Socketed Gems" craft instead of the for us useless chaos damage. Weapon Slot 2: In our Offhand we are using a Rare Quiver to either fix our Attributes or a "Soul Strike" to increase our defensive capabilities. Helmet: Here we use a Rare Helmet that has the "5% Reduced Mana Reservation" Essencemod that you get from the "Deafening Essence of Loathing", any Energy Shield Rolls or Attribute fixes are appreciated, if you have the extra exalts to spend you could get a base with the "30% increased Despair Curse Effect" or "30% increased Assassin's Mark Curse Effect" enchantment Body Armour: To fit all the curses and also be able to curse Hexproof enemies we use "Cospri's Will" Gloves: We use the "Vixen's Entrapment" because they are the only gloves that give you an additional curse. Boots: In the Boots slot we start out with "Windscream" boots, because they are a cheap way to get an additional curse. Later we then upgrade them into "Windshriek", which give an additional "60% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills" Amulet: We want an amulet with a "You can apply an additional Curse" corruption to allow you to use "Assassin's Mark", preferably a "Jinxed Juju" for the "increased Effect of your Curses" mod. With the new corrupted Oil from Blight we can focus on getting a perfect curse roll on our corrupted "Jinxed Juju" and then annoint it with most optimally "Charisma" to ease the burden on our Manareservation Rings: It is vital that we go for two "Replica Doedre's Damning" these Rings are the reason why we try to get as many "You can apply an additional Curse" mods as they reduce the amount of curses you can cast by one in exchange for a big boost to curse effect. Belt: With the introduction of "increased Effect of your Curses" as mods on "Abyss Jewels" the optimal choice becomes a "Stygian Vise" to allow us to use one more of those Jewels aswell as fix our Attributes at the same time.
The Flasks we are chosing are the same for all versions and solely focused on defense, a "Ruby Flask","Sapphire Flask" and "Topaz Flask" for further reduction of elemental damage taken, a "Quartz Flask" for the Phasing so that we dont get stuck in enemies and a "Quicksilver Flask" to have enough movementspeed to never fall behind our group. You also want to get "Curse Immunity", "Shock Immunity", "Freeze Immunity" and "Ignite Immunity" as mods on these flasks If you are lacking physical damage reduction a "Taste of Hate" could be used instead of the "Quicksilver Flask"
Gem Setup
The only curse we could run and do not is "Punishment" the reason for this is that if an enemy cursed with it dies it deals damage to enemies around it which can result in stealing kills and reducing our effective "Item Quantity" and "Item Rarity"
Heretic's Veil
Helmet: In the Helmet we link "Enfeeble", "Temporal Chains", "Elemental Weakness" and "Enhance Support". "Temporal Chains" and "Enfeeble" will result in enemies hardly moving at all and if they by offchance still get to damage you their damage will be significantly reduced this makes them the strongest defensive curses we can use. "Elemental Weakness" is going to reduce the elemental resistance of enemies significantly resulting in a huge boost of damage that has even bigger impact on bosses, even if you are only dealing one elemental type as damage in your group it outclasses the monotype curses because of its Quality scaling. Armour: In our "Doedre's Skin" we are going to deposit the rest of our curses("Vulnerability","Despair","Conductivity","Flammability" and "Frostbite") "Vulnerability" and "Despair" don't contribute much unless your damage dealer also uses DoTs for damage. "Conductivity","Flammability" and "Frostbite" further scale our elemental damage and as a bonus provide our damage dealer with very 100% chance to Ignite, Shock and Freeze Boots: The Boot Sockets are used for our "Assassin's Mark" setup, "Empower Support", "EnhanceSupport" and "Enlighten Support" are used as purely numerical improvements. "Assassin's Mark" increases the critical strike chance and critical strike multiplier of attacks on the target which makes it one of the easiest and best ways to scale damage on bosses. Using an "Anomalous Assassin's Mark" grants the skill an aditional "Cursed Enemies take 4% increased damage" modifier at 20% Quality, this makes "Enhance Support" by far the strongest support for it as this value gets scaled with curse effect. Gloves: Our Utility Skills are socketed here, "Portal" because noone wants to carry "Portal Scrolls" and we use "Dash" over "Flame Dash" as the later can damage enemies and steal kills away from our culler because of that, "Faster Casting Support" and "Second Wind Support" make the active skills more confortable to use.
Bow Curse
In our Bow we link "Elemental Weakness","Temporal Chains","Enfeeble","Awakened Blasphemy Support","Empower Support" and "Enhance Support". We need to use "Awakened Blasphemy Support" to turn our curses into Auras, the Awakened version is sadly mandatory because of its lower mana reservation multiplier which is needed. "Temporal Chains" and "Enfeeble" will result in enemies hardly moving at all and if they by offchance still get to damage you their damage will be significantly reduced this makes them the strongest defensive curses we can use. "Elemental Weakness" is going to reduce the elemental resistance of enemies significantly resulting in a huge boost of damage that has even bigger impact on bosses, even if you are only dealing one elemental type as damage in your group it outclasses the monotype curses because of its Quality scaling. "Empower Support" and "Enhance Support" provide us with huge boosts to our curses base stats making them mandatory in this settup if we want to beat out the "Heretic's Veil" setup. Armour: In our "Doedre's Skin" we are going to deposit the rest of our curses("Vulnerability","Despair","Conductivity","Flammability" and "Frostbite") "Vulnerability" and "Despair" don't contribute much unless your damage dealer also uses DoTs for damage. "Conductivity","Flammability" and "Frostbite" further scale our elemental damage and as a bonus provide our damage dealer with very 100% chance to Ignite, Shock and Freeze Boots: The Boot Sockets are used for our "Assassin's Mark" setup, "Empower Support", "EnhanceSupport" and "Enlighten Support" are used as purely numerical improvements. "Assassin's Mark" increases the critical strike chance and critical strike multiplier of attacks on the target which makes it one of the easiest and best ways to scale damage on bosses. Using an "Anomalous Assassin's Mark" grants the skill an aditional "Cursed Enemies take 4% increased damage" modifier at 20% Quality, this makes "Enhance Support" by far the strongest support for it as this value gets scaled with curse effect. Gloves: Our Utility Skills are socketed here, "Portal" because noone wants to carry "Portal Scrolls" and we use "Dash" over "Flame Dash" as the later can damage enemies and steal kills away from our culler because of that, "Faster Casting Support" and "Second Wind Support" make the active skills more confortable to use.
Heretic's Veil
Helmet: In the Helmet we link "Enfeeble", "Temporal Chains", "Despair" and "Enhance Support". "Temporal Chains" and "Enfeeble" will result in enemies hardly moving at all and if they by offchance still get to damage you their damage will be significantly reduced this makes them the strongest defensive curses we can use. "Despair" is going to reduce the chaos resistance of enemies significantly resulting in a huge boost of damage that has even bigger impact on bosses. Armour: Use any defensive or Utility Setup you like in here you have the space and its not needed for the build to function. A good settup could be a "Vaal Discipline" or a "Cast When Damage Taken" with "Steelskin" or "Immortal Call" Boots: The Boot Sockets are used for our "Assassin's Mark" setup, "Empower Support", "EnhanceSupport" and "Enlighten Support" are used as purely numerical improvements. "Assassin's Mark" increases the critical strike chance and critical strike multiplier of attacks on the target which makes it one of the easiest and best ways to scale damage on bosses. Using an "Anomalous Assassin's Mark" grants the skill an aditional "Cursed Enemies take 4% increased damage" modifier at 20% Quality, this makes "Enhance Support" by far the strongest support for it as this value gets scaled with curse effect. Gloves: Our Utility Skills are socketed here, "Portal" because noone wants to carry "Portal Scrolls" and we use "Dash" over "Flame Dash" as the later can damage enemies and steal kills away from our culler because of that, "Faster Casting Support" and "Second Wind Support" make the active skills more confortable to use.
Bow Curse
In our Bow we link "Despair","Temporal Chains","Enfeeble","Awakened Blasphemy Support","Empower Support" and "Enhance Support". We need to use "Awakened Blasphemy Support" to turn our curses into Auras, the Awakened version is sadly mandatory because of its lower mana reservation multiplier which is needed. "Temporal Chains" and "Enfeeble" will result in enemies hardly moving at all and if they by offchance still get to damage you their damage will be significantly reduced this makes them the strongest defensive curses we can use. "Despair" is going to reduce the chaos resistance of enemies significantly resulting in a huge boost of damage that has even bigger impact on bosses. "Empower Support" and "Enhance Support" provide us with huge boosts to our curses base stats making them mandatory in this settup if we want to beat out the "Heretic's Veil" setup. Armour: Use any defensive or Utility Setup you like in here you have the space and its not needed for the build to function. A good settup could be a "Vaal Discipline" or a "Cast When Damage Taken" with "Steelskin" or "Immortal Call" Boots: The Boot Sockets are used for our "Assassin's Mark" setup, "Empower Support", "EnhanceSupport" and "Enlighten Support" are used as purely numerical improvements. "Assassin's Mark" increases the critical strike chance and critical strike multiplier of attacks on the target which makes it one of the easiest and best ways to scale damage on bosses. Using an "Anomalous Assassin's Mark" grants the skill an aditional "Cursed Enemies take 4% increased damage" modifier at 20% Quality, this makes "Enhance Support" by far the strongest support for it as this value gets scaled with curse effect. Gloves: Our Utility Skills are socketed here, "Portal" because noone wants to carry "Portal Scrolls" and we use "Dash" over "Flame Dash" as the later can damage enemies and steal kills away from our culler because of that, "Faster Casting Support" and "Second Wind Support" make the active skills more confortable to use. Última edição por IceMagma#3196 em 21 de jul de 2021 12:55:39 Último bump em 24 de ago de 2021 08:10:21
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How would you league start this though?
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Also would like to leaguestart this, what builds does this league start best with as a duo? Or would aurabot be better for duo
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Hi, I am not the author but am looking into league starting this build and I am going to run a Bane/Ed start. Simply path to the right of the tree and pick up some damage over time, chaos and curse nodes. You can do this until around level 60 which will get you through the acts and then you can start pathing along the upper and left nodes to the jewel sockets and by level 85 you can probably think about re-speccing, if not sooner.
Keep in mind though I will be leveling with a group but that is just what I have mapped out. |
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" " Sorry both of you for the late response (especially since the league start is basicly already over at this point), the way you would leaguestart this is by either doing a safe and easy build such as Bane or Vortex and respecing once you have the needed points/wanna play in a group or the methode i use is that I level with the group I play with regularly I am however not the most experienced in leveling and doing the acts (mostly because i am just to stubborn to listen) so for help with how to level Bane or Vortex builds before the respec i would recommend listening to the opinion of people that actually know what they are talking about in that instance. When playing as a group you should either have an Aurabot and/or Discbot in your group to have the needed survival, however i would only really recommend doing this if you are in a group of 3+ if you are duoing you should probably just play with them through the acts as a Bane or Vortex build and respec to spare you the frustration of dying to often. |
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hey there! where do u get stats from to wear equipmente? no str, no dex
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" You can get them from the cluster jewels or if you dont have enough stats through those because of bad roles you can use your Belt or an extra Skillpoint to fix those stats, if you are on the medium budget version you can also swap out the shield for just a ES shield with some Dex or Str Última edição por IceMagma#3196 em 25 de fev de 2021 18:54:06
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Replica Doedre's Damning You have there the wrong Ring in the description, maybe some do the mistake that they use the Replica Version, but than they have 1 Less Curse per Ring :D
Didn`t See the Pantheons you use on the build, maybe im to stupid^^ and when i am right ( tested it in a Duell with a friend ) you dont need so much aditional curses. because the curses in the breast don`t count to the limit or, i`m not a pro in POE so maybe i`m wrong Última edição por mosmax2#1610 em 21 de abr de 2021 10:28:52
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" Can you point out where exactly, we want Replica Doedre's Damning because of it granting us (if we use 2) 84% increased curse effect so if at any point i referenced the non Replica version that is a mistake i should fix. " You are neither stupid nor blind, i didnt include it because i am the kind of person that sets them once and forgets they exist. The best combination is probably Lunaris + Abberath or Gruthkul. Lunaris mainly for the Physical damage reduction and Avoiding Chained Attacks, Abberath if you are like me and hate burning ground or Gruthkul for more Physical damage reduction. |
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ah no, than maybe i understand it :D
the replicas are right, they do 1 fewer curse and in the description is that they give one Elemental, Heretics Veil because the amulet adds one, malediction, passive, gountlets, boots so one normal 1 + 5 -2 (rings) are 4 curses plus 5 from the breast :D Última edição por mosmax2#1610 em 21 de abr de 2021 10:47:22
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