Hey Mathil!!!! Ignite Trinity Scourge Arrow Elementalist Concept (Untested Build Theory)

It's that time of the League again where I feel compelled to dump every single orb I have into a really sink or swim build concept and having spent a little time in PoB and reading up on how ignite scaling works in the PoE wiki I have determined that this might actually be a worth wile pursuit. Only time will tell.

PoB: https://pastebin.com/MKKjU773

TL:DR The Abstract...
The Elementalist node Shaper of flames... its cool... we like this
In its essence it simply allows us to focus nearly if not all of our support links into scaling burning damage and fire dot multi. With a good Physical/Fire bow (High flat base Damage MUST ACHIEVE HIGHEST DAMAGE TYPE FIRE) in conjunction with Hyrri's Ire for flat cold source and the new Storm Rider Boots will also provide a flat elemental source... thus enabling trinity support in our main skill.

These elements in conjunction Will ensure an enormous base hit for Ignite to scale off of. Jewelry options inject a bit of flexibility here. Ember wake seems like an interesting option... The Taming is an obvious option for THICCNESS...The Black Flame seems bad, but worth a quick play test.

-------------------------------The MeaT------------------------------

This is entirely conceptual at the moment and I have done zero playtesting as of writing this concept out... but this is how I figure stuff out so bear with...

Theoretically There is a Sweet spot with Trinity support that is very attractive to me. If using Immolate support in the main link set of, and a very careful balance of elemental damage it is theoretically possible to get the 3 schools of flat elemental damage all very close to the same value... if this is unclear think like 35k lightning 35k cold, but only 32k fire... with this "Sweet spot" achieved our initial hits (prior to pods bursting) will be considered as having either cold or lightning as their highest type which will trigger resonance of the fire school. then in theory (It really bears repeating) the Immolate support will trigger and we will gain considerable flat fire which will be applied to our Pod burst from the initial arrow. If this works the resonance will also thus apply its 50% more damage multi to this fire damage as well which should then push the fire figure over the cold and lightning causing 100% uptime on all the schools of elemental resonance. (This only Happens in our glove slot unfortunately)

Its important to consider that Void fletcher although Ideal for single target damage in a build like this likely will not successfully trigger trinity because it is unsupported... very unfortunate. This makes Drill neck unironically a very strong choice, but obviously a Self crafted quiver or potentially Hyrri's Demise could be slotted in instead.

If absolute perfection cannot be achieved, shaper gloves with the "Socketed Skills are Supported by Slower Projectiles linked to a barrage set up of either Lightning arrow, galvanic arrow or Ice shot (possibly best option with a Phys to lightning support link) Should achieve functional uptime. Alternatively Pennance Brand ensure that at the very least our fire resonance has 100% uptime but this is not at all ideal.

**Ailment Things** The Taming gives you a stacking (Hidden) increase of elemental damage per ailment. This build very easily stacks 3 ailments at least, Chill, Shock, Ignite, therefore 90% increased elemental damage. One taming is sufficient, 2 is fine, a curse on hit ring may prove better. Yoke of suffering is a great amulet option in a build like this and it ensures that all of our damage (elemental) shocks... which in theory means our shocks will be very big which will serve to scale our ignites even further in boss encounters.

***Other Things***
Sadist, Cooked Alive, and Cremator seem to be the best cluster options for Clear, and Utility, but not necessarily Single Target.

Because this is a Conversion concept, the optimal bow would be whatever gives the greatest Physical damage to the bow while also having very high "WED" and ideally also having the DoT Multi Suffix... A Tall Order no doubt.

Its unclear at First glance which is more optimal in terms of ascendancy... Realistically Shaper of flames is the only "Mandatory" notable, and in theory Stacking golem buff effect would be a very easy way to stack lots of accuracy without forcing the player to craft absolutely insane and niche gear options. This does however leave me scratching my head though. Is Mastermind of discord + Heart of Destruction better when combined with a Deamon Crown (Socketed skills apply all elemental exposure then applied by herald of thunder)... come to think of it, multiple exposures overwrite one another so... yeah either golems are the way, or the a warlord accuracy/accuracy per strength might be superior. *** Upon further examination the Cluster Jewel Notable "Corrosive Elements" Is likely the best option and also allows the player to build into golems without any real opportunity cost.

In a nutshell
*Shaper of Flame + Golem Stack
*High Phys priority Bow With Accuracy +dot Multi
*The Signal Fire Quiver
*Hysterically Unrealistic Watchers Eye
*Multiple applications of Trinity support in gloves and bow
*Elementally balanced Ice Shot Barrage set up in Shaper Gloves for *100% Trinity resonance in all schools

Trinity is only about a 8-10% greater damage per second at the highest end of the build and there is an argument to be made for completely ignoring the mechanic entirely (If you hate fun that is).

Scaling through Frenzy charges is entirely accessible and possible via a Farrul's Fur, this however will further complicate the Trinity support but without question will provide more avoidance... its difficult to call avoidance tankiness... This alternative would make the channeling of SA feel much smoother while still having similar top end damage but will unquestionable become an exponentially more expensive route to consider for damage scaling. this is likely the highest possible damage output with this build but with a cursory glance at the trade economy an optimal quiver alone would be 35Ex as of today and that's insane.

"The Admiral" Is a very interesting and compelling 3rd Body Armor option but there is virtually no way of knowing its efficacy without a play test.

Izaro's Turmoil is a fun jewel to consider in the mid to late build progression.

It would appear that the Taming no longer can be stacked with any added benefit.

Please be open minded
I acknowledge that most often this space is used for advertise "Guides"

I would love this to become a community experiment instead.

So, what did I miss?

Please keep in mind my goal is functionality and if it cannot kill Uber elder, Maven, Sirus... then the project is a failure. My goal is not shattering the damage ceiling nor am I really even attempting to "Invent" something new. simply put, ignite scaling in this way was once fashionable years ago, then in many ways it was nerfed, and now today there seem to be many new ways to go about resurecting this build and I think that sounds like a really fun opportunity to really hone our understanding of damage conversion scaling and damage type functionality (Burning damage vs DoT Multi vs Ignite).
I have never felt further from what I know and love
Última edição por Fauxxx_NL#0133 em 23 de fev de 2021 14:57:04
Último bump em 25 de fev de 2021 23:54:46
Oh another fun thing about making this build come to life...

Basically none of the required items, Bows, Quivers, Rings of this sort Exist in our current meta. Its a wide open market.
I have never felt further from what I know and love
I'm Building it...
It seems bugged
its expensive
its not good
its not bad either
I have never felt further from what I know and love

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