Blazing Salvo Archmage Golemancer 40M+ DPS Unoptimized
______________________________________________________________________________ Hello everyone, this is a build guide for Blazing Salvo Archmage. This is my first guide, all feedback is appreciated. Any questions you may have you can leave here in the comment section. I will try my best to provide an answer. ![]() Video Showcase Here are some quick example of the build in action (deathless except Feared) T16 Atoll sextants and scarabs - Veritania Kill A8 @ 2:45 - 10 Boss Fight - Sirus A8 Final Phase - Elder with Maven Cortex Kill with Maven, no flasks @ 3:30 - The Feared (2 deaths) - Why Blazing Salvo ______________________________________________________________________________ Archmage gives added flat damage to spells. Each projectile receives the added damage. We have 8 projectiles to start and grab 4 from Greater volley for 12 (13 with enchant, 15 with Dying Sun, 16 with Awakened GMP). Every projectile is a more damage multiplier. This scales higher than with Arc. You also don't need to swap gems like with ball lightning. Why Elementalist ______________________________________________________________________________ Increased golem effect is strong. Insanely strong. Flame golem is +10% total damage. Stone golem is 440hp/sec regen. Chaos golem is +16% physical reduction. Ice golem is a ton of crit chance. But most importantly, lightning golem is a ton of cast speed. Pledge of Hands is unplayable without insane cast speed and lightning golem lets us get to 200% increased in addition to the 70% more cast speed from spell echo. You also get ailment immunity and You're getting survivability, damage, and quality of life with half of your ascendency. Grabbing reflect immunity lets you run a lot more content without worrying, not to mention the extra 4,000 elemental damage shield. Finally, the extra mana regen and increased exposure effect are both perfect for this build. Hierophant We miss out on the extra 10% mind over matter from Hierophant, but aside from that we're not missing anything. Chaos golem gives the same physical reduction 4 endurance charges, ice golem the same crit as 4 power charges, we have ailment immunity, and the increased arcane surge effect is about half as strong as flame golem's increased damage and no where near the increased cast speed we get from lightning golem. Don't forget we get the health regen from stone golem as well. Ascendant The real value in ascendent is flasks. With a cinderswallow or % of mana recovered per kill on shaper body armor you don't need a mana flask while mapping. With the damage thrown around here, only endgame encounters will take more than one cast. The mechanics of those fights don't let you sit and cast. The flask was a crutch for these builds before, with the amount of mana regen, its just not necessary. You recover your full 7K mana in about 2 seconds without flasks. See the Cortex kill for an example. Pros and Cons ______________________________________________________________________________ Pros: + very tanky with 4K+ Arcane Cloak, , 40% Mind Over Matter (can get +10% more from Watcher's Eye), 40% phys reduction with armor and golems (can get more from with Stubborn Student on Small Mana Cluster), 4K elemental shield, high base life regen + Agnostic regen + insane damage 40M+ on mid-tier gear + Ailment Immune + good clearspeed and can do most map mods without any problems + 1 button playstyle Cons: - Cannot do no regen maps - Cannot activate Righteous Fire on less recovery rate maps (10M less DPS, only matters for Invitations) Path of Building, Gear and Gem Setup ______________________________________________________________________________
Path of Building, Ascendancy, Bandits and Pantheon
My current PoB (lvl 92): (~40mil dps) Ascendancy order: Liege of the Primordial - Elemancer - Mastermind of Discord - Bastion of Elements Bandits: Kill all Pantheon: Major - Soul of the Brine King // Minor - Soul of Shakari These are my preferred choices although you can adjust according to what you need. I first was using Lunaris since half of the Brine king doesn't apply, but found the desire for stun protection.
Gearing Information
My Current Gear
Detailed Explanation
Mandatory: Pledge of Hands - this staff doubles our damage Atziri's Foible - The mana and regen are insane, itallows us to equip other gear with less attributes Essence Worm - The only way to get an aura Helmet: Crown of the Inward Eye is BIS. You might be able to craft an insane double-influenced elevated helm that is better but it's not worth the investment. The enchanted base is only 1-2ex currently as well. Body Armour: Shaper influenced, you want % of damage is taken from mana instead of life. After that, just fill out with flat mana, flat life, and resists. If you want to go deeper, % mana on kill and + crit chance are both on shaper chests as well and not to difficult to roll (crit can be forced with harvest too). If you want to use a double-influenced chest, I'd add in redeemer for increased mana recovery rate. Gloves: You're looking for a pair of ritual base gloves with 30% reduced mana and 30% chance when you pay a skill's mana cost to gain that much mana implicit. Which base doesn't matter since you don't get any energy shield with agnostic. Search for one with high flat life and flat mana rolls and fill out resists. If you want something influenced, culling strike or unnerve are the biggest impact mods (but you can get both on a medium curse cluster as well). Big investment, little return. Boots: Any rare with flat life, flat mana, good movement speed, and resists. You can use Essence of Zeal until you hit mana or life and bench craft the other if you want a specific base or buy an enchanted one. Enchantment is increased mana regeneration rate. Belt: Here you want a shaper/redeemer belt (ideally stygian) with increased mana recovery rate, flat life, flat mana. Grab a base belt, scour and use fertile catalysts. Then Lucent fossil until you have something you like. If you use a stygian, grab a jewel with more flat life and flat mana and whatever else you like. I prefer phasing, but it's not necessary. Ring: Flat life, flat mana, resists is all you need. The base can be Cerulean or resistances. If you're trying to find something cheap or already crafted, vermillion, coral, or paua are all great options. Temple rings are a great option too. Amulet Anoint: This is really open. There is no mandatory anoint. You can use this to fix stats/resistances if you need, get some mana recovery from Mind Drinker, extra curse to add conductivity to arcanist brand or Assassin's Mark on hit, or boost flasks effect and mana recovery with Aqueous Accelerant (my choice). If you find something better, please share. Unique Jewels: I use an intuitive leap to save 2 passives in the top socket and grab Enigmatic Defense for some block. This socket can also use healthy mind, which is a popular choice for many archmage builds. I find it sacrifices too much life in this spot. I recommend using Healthy mind in the socket on the left of the tree trading 20% life for 40% mana instead. We also have an anima stone to fit the 5th golem. Watcher's Eye: Lightning penetration is a cheap and powerful option. I used one with % chance to recover 10% of mana with clarity, but its not a very strong mod. If you have a larger budget, 10% of damage taken fro mana instead of life with clarity is your best option. Combine it with lightning penetration if you can. Cluster Jewels: We want a large 8 passive with Scintillating Idea. As long as it's on the path to the medium sockets, that's all we need. Other good passives are Storm Drinker, Vengeful Commander, and Sadist. Optionally, a medium crit cluster with 2 decent notables is a good choice. Pressure points is the best, the second notable can be basics of pain, magnifier, precise commander, or quick getaway. You could also use a small cluster for another scintillating idea for more damage or stubborn student for more defense. I don't think it's necessary and just opted for normal jewels Rare Jewels: % mana double crit multi is a fairly cheap jewel (10c-20c). You can also drop some crit for resistances or attributes if you need to fill them out here. I always try to get one with corrupted blood immunity and will sacrifice damage to do so. Flask Setup: Foreboding/Enduring Mana Flask of Warding ____ Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline to keep things moving ____ Diamond Flask of Quickening will help get through cast speed breakpoints Optional Uniques: Cinderswallow Urn is great for keeping mana up (especially if you don't have % mana on kill on your chest or Mind Drinker anointed Bottled Faith is insane, but expensive Dying Sun the +2 projectiles is a ton more damage and if your crit chance is high enough can beat out a diamond flask Atziri's Promise The next best for an offensive flask, the life leech is nice too Wise Oak This can be good, but it puts another hurdle in capping resists, especially if you are upgrading/changing gear still
Gem Setup
Pledge of Hands: Blazing Salvo - Archmage - Faster Casting - Spell Echo - Concentrated Effect - Greater Volley (could probably be Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles if you have extra money to spend, but I'm not sure how much this will change the projectile pattern) Body: Arcane Cloak - Arcane Surge - Increased Duration - Second Wind - Flame Dash - Sigil of Power (This doesn't need to be a 6L, but a 5L is worth it, just have sigil somewhere else) 3-Link: Arcanist Brand - Wave of Conviction - Sniper's Mark 2-Link: Clarity - Enlighten Support Ring: Wrath Unlinked: Lightning Golem, Flame Golem, Chaos Golem, Ice Golem, Stone Golem, Vaal Righteous Fire (just fit these anywhere) Alternate Quality gems are not necessary but useful if you are trying to minmax. Anomalous Golems all have increased buff effect Anomalous Spell Echo has increased cast speed Anomalous Wrath has increased effect Divergent Arcane Cloak has increased buff effect Divergent Righteous Fire has increased buff effect Anomalous Clarity has increasd mana flask recovery Thanks for reading, I hope you give this build a try! Última edição por Gameover0#1067 em 12 de mar de 2021 22:31:45 Último bump em 11 de mai de 2021 19:22:00
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Reserved for updates
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Playstyle is one of the most important aspect for me while choosing a build. So any gameplay video, especially endgame mapping/bossing would be very helpful.
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Looks like very interesting and not really expensive build, also hope for some gameplay videos.
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" I’ll work on some, any specific bosses? |
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" Can you please show your hotkeys and in what order to press the buttons? |
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I just posted a video of the build, that might help.
I use Blazing Salvo on right click, Arcane Cloak on left click, Arcanist Brand and Flame Dash on mouse buttons 4 and 5, and for bossing - Sigil of Power on E and Vaal Righteous Fire on R and T. Arcanist Brand casts Wave of Conviction and Sniper's Mark and your ascendency recasts your golems. |
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I have tested that build, looks very interesting and quite powerful but not really for me for some reasons:
1) Too laggy (11 fps vs harbingers) 2) Too squishy for me (i have not really good connection, so some builds really unplayable for me) But even with these problems i killed sirius guardians for few second and kill sirius a9 (die 4 times, but if you can dodge and have stable connection/pc it could be 1 death or even deathless). Some my items not really good and im lvl 91, so it influences the final result is not a small. Total cost ~20 ex.
Última edição por EtoVitya#1577 em 7 de mar de 2021 11:48:07
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" If you decide to spend any more time on this character, I'd recommend some more armor and mana, ideally an astral plate with flat mana (crafted is fine) and the same stats you currently have. You're missing out on about 10% phys reduction, 500hp on cloak, and pool for MoM. Outside of the lag issues, any thoughts on the build or how to improve? |
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" Maybe something like Cloak of Defiance instead of currently body armor. It will give us: 1) 1 free point (from MoM) 2) huge flat mana 3) good mana regen (at my PoB it goes from ~377 to ~775 (im not good and building, my real regen ing 601) Sure we will lose theoretically available on rare armor flat life, res, spell crit chance and recover mana on kill. Little update: 1) I have tested cloak of defiance and it feels good (at least for low budget, you can buy 5 link 6 sockets for ~50-60c) 2) Based on my own experience watchers eye mod "recover mana when you use a skill" makes gameplay much more comfortable. so it totally cost to pay a little bit more then for just wrath mod (1 ex vs 3-4 ex) Little update 2: Uber deathless, Shaper with few death (i cant dodge), Uber Elder (5 death, same dodge problem). Damage is very good. Última edição por EtoVitya#1577 em 8 de mar de 2021 07:10:32
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