[3.15] [Ocultist] Chaos Explo Autobomber [342% AoE, full screen Death's Oath Aura]

As in tittle, i invented some intresting bulid. Dont whana spend a ton of time for explanation, so quick rundown:

80% chance to explo as chaos for 25% monster hp.
You can stack on cluster extra 20%, but that's work independ so... thanks ggg.

About 300 - 350% aoe for explosions.
Death aura for full screen with up to 500 k dps;
Fakehunter / Headhunter viable for MS + 1 inspired Learning (can swap some shit)
Up to 60k eHP vs ele and chaos. 90% Max chaos res. (xibaqua divine flesh)
Strougle with some phys dmg, but its fine - up to 20k eHP.
Cool even withdraw MTX (there is actualy none you can realy use for main skills)
Single target sucks - we die fast and requier weapon swap.
You can kill map boss on t16 but ... yea dont try conquerors.
EDIT: I succesfuly killed white a9 conquerors, 3 of them deathless.
The caustic arrow weaponswap with awakened supports do the work.
Cast on death portal is your friend :D


Showcase Video:

Still minmaxing.

Ok so how it works?
We run, Death aura deal dot chaos for whole screen, some things will die, they explode, explosions overlap. Boom - your entire legion is one shoted.
Requiers 4 pieces for start - 2 x obliteration, death oath + some chaos res jewels and curse on hit ring.
For good feeling prepare 10 - 15 exa.
For minamx - up to 100 but its just about geting cb immunity on jewels, double influenced helmet and gloves, some crazy stats on rings and so on so its not nessesary to do.
Personaly, in week 3 of Expedition 3.15 i succesfull farmed Tropical Island Delirium Map Device Mod for about 4 ex/h profit with this shit.
Died 1 - 3 times per map but .... cast on death portal saves the day.
Anyway i got to the boss while fog was still on my ass in 95% of cases.

Somebody ask for lvling and starting gear:Open spoiler for more info, but bevare! This is not a league starter!
You will have great clear speed but bosses will suck. If you whana farm legion that can be your second character. By myself im bossing with forbiden metaslave chaos potatoes totems. Preety good. Deathless Maven on 10 exa budget.
Still, after some investment (12 exa bow) i can even kill some conquerors, but its symilar to trying kill a bear with a stick.... not optimal xd.

For budget option, the difrence are just 3:
- change expensive uniques with rares;
- get cheaper single target weapon (silverbranch?);
- get any 8 passive 3 notable large clusters (just chaos dmg shit).

Basicly core is death's oath, wands, curse on hit ring and clusters.
And chaos res cap.

Here is some "template" that you can use. Just cap your resistance
(i dont realy know wtf is going here, but gem links and main idea stays same)
(change stats on rares and you should fit under 5 exa, maybe even less than 3)


For leveling i suggest using some blight or edc. We use same passives, so until lvl 70-ish we will focus on chaos damage, some life and little bit of AoE.
Lvling from scrach:
Start OSS (if you dont know whats this check on youtube) for act 1 and maybe 2.
In act one just right after geting to town check Rog shop for ANY wands and try get +1 chaos wand. Or buy for max 10 c.
Then grab rares on run, and buy EDC stuff for lvling on offhand.
Swap to edc after act 1 or something.... if you wish you can grab bane in act 3.
If you know little about the game, here is explanation:
Link Essence Drain with Void Manipulation, Swift Affliction and Eficacy.
Link Contagion with Increased Area of Effect and other chaos supports you wish.
Your goal is to cast contagion on pack of monsters, and then hit them with essence Drain Projectile. Essense drain will deal dmg, and when first minion affected by both spells dies, it will spread like a freak.
Grab Witcher and selfcast or link with spell totem + multi totems for boss fights.
Movement skill + arcane surge.
Some cast when damage taken or guard skill you chose.
Single target dmg setup should have the biggest links you have.
Use blight in it, link with same stuff that essence drain + infused channeling if have slots (tabula?).
This kind of setup is great clearspeed but only decent bossing, still good for acts.
If you still confused check Ziz or some other big streamer guide for EDC and just use my tree. Prio on Life and Dot/chaos dmg nodes.
Clusters at the end.

If you give it a try let me know how its going. Stay sane!
Última edição por Ciapciaq#1366 em 23 de ago de 2021 20:41:05
Último bump em 2 de set de 2021 17:02:39
I see you wearing Badge of brotherhood. Is there anything gain frenzy charge?
Anoiment on amulet. You can also use doedre elixir as a budget option.
Hey, any leveling advices for this build? Looking cool, I will try it.
Look fun & fanstatic, do you have pob for cheap version?
Updated, lvling andsetup above^
Última edição por Ciapciaq#1366 em 20 de ago de 2021 10:05:48
Tried looking up what OSS was and no luck.
chrischoi escreveu:
Tried looking up what OSS was and no luck.

Orb Of Storm.... baiscly orb of storm + frost bomb with onslaught was offen used to lvl up any caster characters before this league, have no idea how that looks like.

As i said, you can go standard essence drain contagion + blight for bosses, or just lvl with anything you feel confortable, but if you whana swap to that chest get at least lvl 70 and cap your chaos resistance with merc lab + some gear.

(take extra power charge on uber lab, before rush for explo and juice 60% chaos res)

I lvled up with EDC + Blight with just tabula, wunderlusts, goldrim, wand and shield with total +2 chaos spell skill gems. I have done 3 labs by myself, and ask friend to help with uber one. After i reach lvl 72? or slt i swap to death aura + 2 obliteration.
chrischoi escreveu:
Tried looking up what OSS was and no luck.

Here you have some OSS on caster, old shit but maybe still work.

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