[3.16][summoner][fire][inpulsa][golem] Immolation shock horde elementalist (10mln sirus dps, tough)

Immolation shock horde elementalist

LEVEL 100 reached!

- Very fun and interesting to play (probably best in that terms I ever played)
- well balanced
- great survivability, on the edge of being tanky IMHO (scourge can farm 9000 phys dmg taken on shift maps)
- can handle reflects mostly (not viable for uber atziri as animated guardian and spectres die fast)

- average league starter (needs lots of gem config changes during leveling, but otherwise you can gradually buy better and better equipment to reach very desired mods when going towards end game first time in league, farming lower level area content like 70-80 on lower class gear is fully possible)
- spectres and animated guardian happen to die, but if you're careful with extreme damage exposure, very rarely
- needs strong PC as with vaal skellies has 100+ total minions (high end from several years back is ok, I run Core i7 x4 4.2Ghz and GF GTX 1660)


Estimated Sirus/guardian DPS: ~10mln (assuming all minions excluding vaal skeletons with great gear and rich animated guardian setup) + culling strike

Best farming efficiency for this build:
- everything except what can kill your animated guardian, which are some bosses with extreme area damage or during build progression, when anim guardian is not tough enough, you need to avoid areas with over damage

Min budget to make it generally endgame content viable: 20-30ex
By viable I mean that you don't feel any slugish mob killing as well as can handle most bosses. And rather by engame content mean area level 82+. You mainly need this (only stuff that is more expensive is listed here and that is most crucial, for rest see below):

- elder helmet with +3 minion gem level and minion dmg support, better also with immolate support
- convoking wand with +1 to level of all spell or minion gems and big mana mana (as the build is MoM, you cannot afford not having like +100 or more mana on wand)
- hungry loop with socketed 4 proper supports (ring is cheap, gems if you level them from 19+ manually, cheap)
- at least some of minion gems being 21/20, ultimately all ofc
- rolled properly glorius vanity jewel
- cluster jewel with master of fire (see below)
- elder boots with spell totem support
- minion damage 8 passive large cluster jewel
- decent 6-link chest that should have gain % of life as extra es and possiblity maximum mana increased

PoB code link: https://pastebin.com/KdiL5dcG


BANDIT: Kill all.

Current gear at lvl100:

Skill list (for details such as supports, link config, alternate qualities see gear):
A) Full or mostly offensive/dps: Summon carrion golem, Herald of Purity, Raise Zombie, Raise Spectre, Summon Raging Spirit, Vaal Summon Skeletons
B) Defensive: Summon Stone Golem, Spirit Offering
C) Support: Spectral Shield Throw, Animate Guardian, Wave of Conviction, Desecrate
D) Movement: Shield charge, Flame Dash


-Glorius Vanity - socket near Pain Attunment or Eldritch Battery, which gets transformed to Corrupted Soul.
Best minor passives you can get: maximum life, minion damage, chaos resistance
Best notables (if socketed near Pain Attunement, Deep Wisdom becomes transformed): minion dmg and life, 10% phys to lightning conversion (so that wave of convictions applies lightning exposure for inpulsa and possible stronger shock because of dominant lightning dmg), Cult of Chaos

-Cluster jewels in socket near Resolute Technique.
-Megalomaniac with Master of Fire. Megalomaniac is best option here, because normal medium cluster jewel that can have Master of Fire, has nothing else useful. In this case mana increase is good as well as minion dmg booster
- Rotten Claws from minion damage base large cluster jewel is obviously not allocated, thus only 5 points are used from that jewel

- Single Anima Stone - carrion golems along with sentinels of purity are strongest minions, worth having extra golem
- The single abyss jewel in belt.
- Minion accuracy rating on basic jewels is the best offence mod possible as you anyway need to have like 3 minion accuracy mods. This way + the flat increase on the abyss jewel fullfils this need and you don't have to allocate any other minion accuracy nodes.
- Best implicits are: harvest - totem placement speed, then reduced effect of shock or chill, minion life, ES recharge rate, reflected physical damage reduction (as you do self attacks with dominant phys dmg) and because of Yugul pantheon it adds not to 0%, but to 50%, corrupted - increase of non-damaging ailments effect, area of effect, minion damage

1) 100% minion fire damage (triad grip 4x red socket)
2) Lowering fire res - stack as much as you can. Buffed flammability, fire exposure* and others, e.g. minion elemental penetration mastery on cursed, combustion ignite, animated guardian scorch
3) Elementalist minimal shock - now have 45%
4) Carrion golem boosted buff
5) Minion zoo - the more the better as this build focuses on raising dmg on enemies, more minions means another factor that multiplies total dps
6) Must have curse with hexproof penetration. Otherwise you loose lots of fire res lowering - all from curse as well as 8% from minion elm. penetration mastery. I use spectral shield throw with awakened hextouch.
7) Infernal legion support - use on duration minions as well as carrion golems, which are elem dmg immune. In helmet with +3 minion gem, you can raise infernal legion to lvl24, which gaves uber base burning damage. Infernal legion is great support as it remains significant even with massive carrion golem buff (which doesn't affect it as infernal legion doesn't hit) and adds AoE dmg to minions that otherwise dont have it or do it just a little with cooldown.
8) Animated guardian with Inpulsa and Gravebind gloves, which will cause all minion's kills to lightning explode enemies shocked by your self attacks. This needs premium animated guardian gear.

* Fire exposure. I do dual - Master of Fire from cluster jewel and wave of Conviction with more fire dmg conversion due to vaal jewel transformation of Deep Wisdom notable. Why 2 are good? Master of Fire is auto always on. Wave of Conviction is triggered, so it has long cooldown, but it has 5% higher fire res exposure and has longer range and if it applies lightning exposure instead of fire, its also good, because of inpulsa explosion dmg. This way you can stay behind your minions if things get hot, but strong survivability helps being close to enemies.

1) Keystones - Mind over Matter and Corrupted Soul from vaal unique. Then you have 3x flask combo life, mana, Sorrow of the Divine. Press all 3 and you get total refill of all Life, ES, Mana. Note that corrupted soul keystone ES 50% bypass of all non-c damage is a pro, because allows you to replenish ES with flask faster.
2) First prio life and mana then ES. As ES is gained from life as extra - corrupted soul and Gravicius chest armour mod. 9.7k total HP ATM.
3) Secondary - armour. Maybe it would be fine going full ES, but having full AR shield has its other advantages:
- Ar shield has great critical damage reduction mod
- more self dmg with spectral shield throw and shield charge. This is sometimes useful. E.g. killing enemy by yourself makes sentinels of purity spawn faster, benefits then better from gloom shrines
4) Cannot ignore chaos res. I would say about 0% is reasonable minimum.
5) Taunting minions. I have abyss jewel mod as well as anomalous herald of purity which has taunt from quality.
6) Important defensive mods - life and mana flasks recovery and rate, reduced damage from crits
7) This build has no guard skill, almost all of the gems are DPS. Only stone golem is defensive and spirit offering is minion defence more than offensive. Therefore passive defence investment is overall high

1) Because of MoM - Herald of Purity for minions with supports reservation fits great to have just enough mana as needed for MoM, providing you have allocated herald reservation cluster and mastery and stack mana along with life. Lightning mastery - increases and red to mana apply to shock effect at 30% value synergizes well.

2) Minion defence.
a) minions recover 5% minion life on minion death - massive, because when having both volatile/temporary and stable minions, the stable ones get that proc a lot. Additionally minion leech from passive mastery.
b) Spirit offering for elem reses and chaos. Physical damage to minions is almost negligible. As elemental immune golems literally never die.

3) I went for convoking wand + shield combo. Its better to attack then to cast as most often used self skill, because of the spiritual command notable that makes minion attack speed affect you. Also attacks use less mana, which is needed because of MoM based defence. Raging Spirits on totems, skeletons self cast. Cast speed is reasonable due to frenzy charges from spectre and onslaught flask.

5) Pantheon - Brine King and Yugul. You get stun/freeze/chill immunity or reduction, Yogul gives curse effect reduction and minion and self reflected damage reduction

6) Spectres. Now have 4: carnage chieftain, host chieftain, arena master, xoph's loyal (has cover in ash debuff, which inc fire damage taken by 20%). Death attunement for +1 spectre from annoint on amulet.

7) Golem config: 4 carrion, 1 stone for big regen buff.

8) Animated Guardian. Premium gear:


Helmet: Rare Warlord helmet with Nearby enemies have -#% fire resistance

Roles: fire res lowering, exploding enemies with inpulsa, bonuses from kingmaker and movement speed from victario's. Before reaching overall good minion defence from passive skills, having divergent spirit offering, and at least lvl/q 23/0 normal guardian gem or at least 22/20 divergent, use budget version (level here includes increases by mods and supports)

Budget version:

Animated Guardian has 3 basic roles: culling strike, scorching for more fire res lowering and Victario's flight movement boost. Painseeker gloves must have near top inflict non-damaging ailments mod roll.

Passive tree:
Part 1) Take a path to Resolute Technique, allocating during that: Lord of the Dead, Arcanist Dominion, exit Witch starting point now whereever you like (later its best to take ES nodes on Witch exit), Sacrifice, Spiritual Command, Purity of Flesh, minion cluster far left of Templar then Resolute Technique

Until you allocate Resolute Technique, just do self damage with any spell. After that switch to shield charge and shield crush as you dont have to care about accuracy rating anymore. Target skill is spectral shield throw, but you might lack dexterity then. Its good to allocate Spiritual Aid, because until early mapping, your self damage will be significant.

You can take Mind over Matter in that stage also.

Part 2)
Allocate upper right part from Witch up to herald reservation cluster (4 notables together): Static Blows (and lightning mastery inc and red to mana apply to shock effect), Ravenous Horde, Golem Commander, Presage. During that stage you can generally lean toward target skill set.

Part 3) Finally do in any order (if not done earlier BTW):
- cluster jewel cluster
- Witch ES and Mana cluster, upper right close to start
- extra mana and life nodes up-left to the witch and left of herald cluster with mastery
- path to Sanctity notable near Templar
- path to jewel socket near Pain Attunement or Eldritch Battery, which with vaal glorius vanity gets transformed to corrupted soul (in endgame without this keystone the builds goes down from great survivability to mediocre)
- Sanctum of Thought notable, which gives crit damage reduction
- Enduring bond for minion duration and dmg
- other basic jewel sockets
- other nodes and masteries that were not yet allocated, see passive tree

Corrupted Soul keystone from vaal timeless can be taken late (around lvl80-90).

Ascendancy order - any. Because while leveling and slowly gaining more sockets/links, gear with supports built in, you have to change configs a lot. The final config listed in my gear went through many changes before reaching this state. I took this order: Shaper of Storms, Liege of Primordial, Elemancer and Mastermind of Discord last one, as cluster jewel with master of fire is not sth that can be added early.

If you have any questions or want me to clarify sth better feel free to comment or ask me in game (FlameOvIncest) or discord (Fnts#5828)
Última edição por Fnts7#2833 em 30 de dez de 2021 06:40:27
Último bump em 25 de nov de 2021 13:12:04

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