WIP : Ligntning conduit , brain storming build

Hello and Welcome to the Lightning conduit , brain storming

1 - This is not a build but a wish to shear ideas around LC
2 - English isn't my Mother Tongue, so please be merciful

This is not a build for the moment, but a note of all the ideas around lightning conduit = LC build, please note that all the calculation are on single target end game boss


Liste of ideas

We want a build who doesn't feel clunky , we will try to have a 1 bouton build. SO no self cast or totem LC or trap ...
The problem that we will have will be about the management of the CDR of lightning conduit when trigger , the shock will be manage for all the ideas by the elementalist

1: Spellslinger =SS
The first ideas who came to my mind was spells linger:
Because of the CD we will have 0,6 (CDR SS) * 0,6(crd reduc from SS) + 0,5 (CRD LC)= 1,16 cast by second
If we add CDR reduction and Castpeed , it will be 0,6*0,6*0,7 (crd reduction boot + glove) + (0,5*0,5(reduction from cast speed) = 0,252+0,25 = 0,5 => 2 cast by second with investissement

We was using a attack (barrage or frenzy ) with the ascendency of the elementalist + inc shock to proc the 60% or 65% shock effect , ans 2nd spell slinger with arc , chain and the new masteries ( shock in radius) to clear

In the following POB with average stuff / 120 MORE damage on the wand to simulate the shock buff of LC and storm call to simulate LC we got 252K by it , with 2hit second = 500K DPs

POB : https://pastebin.com/qkH6uAMt

2: Poetpen=Pp
After spelslinger , the second ideas was poet pen , with squire for the 6link:

Same problem, because of the CD we will have 0,15 (CDR PP) + 0,5 (CRD LC)= 1,53 cast by second ( seems better
If we add Castpeed , it will be 0,15+(0,5*0,5)=> 2,5 cast by second with investissement

We was using a attack (barrage or frenzy ) with the ascendency of the elementalist + inc shock to proc the 60% shock effect , ans 2nd spell slinger with arc , chain and the new masteries ( shock in radius) to clear

In the following POB expensive gear ( squire , LL , ash of the star ...) / 120 MORE damage on the wand to simulate the shock of LC and storm call to simulate LC we got 2,2M by it , with 2,5hit second = 5,5 DPS

POB : https://pastebin.com/9SUuPVLD

If we put away the expensive stuff and got a early stuff + 1 poet pen
We got 260K by it * 2,5 => 650K DPS in early


3: CWC Cyclone
Come the ideas of CWC with cyclone

this as to be tested , as we are not sure how it will work

CWC don't have cooldown but it's a trigger
So we can assume that only the the cast speed of LC will creat the CDR
we enough inc cast speed we can got the 0,3 CWC trigger

The ideas will be to us Cyclone CWC LC on a 6 link and use Mjolner with ARC + chaine to shock

In the following POB with average stuff / 120 MORE damage on the wand to simulate the shock of LC and storm call to simulate LC we got 245K by it , with 3,33hit second = 800K DPs


4: CWC storm burst
Come the ideas of CWC with orb of storm because the cast speed use to reduc the CRD of LC will provide dommage to storm burst

this as to be tested , as we are not sure how it will work (CWC trigger CRD)

CWC don't have cooldown but it's a trigger
So we can assume that only the the cast speed of LC will creat the CDR
we enough inc cast speed we can got the 0,3 CWC trigger

The ideas will be to us a staff with cast when channeling with storm burst and LC , could be a big boss killer

The following poe is around 2M DPS with early gear ( 60 MORE damage on staff to simulate LC buf with shock effect)

5: Asenath's Chant + Voltaxic Rift
Same as CWC, Asenath's Chant don't have CDC,
this as to be tested , as we are not sure how it will work (Asenath's Chant trigger CRD)

Asenath's Chant don't have cooldown but it's a trigger
So we can assume that only the the cast speed of LC will creat the CDR
we enough inc cast speed we can got the 0,3 Asenath's Chant trigger rate

Ideas, show with BOW attack and Voltaxic Rift and trigger LC with Asenath's Chant,

It cannot be a stater so no POB

6:Maligaro restraint BELT
Ok , we sayed no self cat , but in this case the shock is automatique (almost) so it don't feel so clunky

Shield charge + ailment prolif + Maligaro restraint => you have a shocking aura
Self cast LC and you kill all shock enemy

POB => around 3M DPS => even more with esh mirror stack


7:Storm brand
The ideas is to use storm brand to shock a pack , lc to kill , move one , brand recall , lc ... and cast after 12 sec a nex brand ( use inc duraction ... )

POB => around 2M DPS


Conclusion on the 14/08 ( edit 15/08)

If CWC work as we think , the cyclone version could be a strong League start otherwise, we can start on Spellsling, swap with a poet pen and then go squire and LL ,

The maligaro version will work for sure and could be a other game play => EDIT 15/08 => after some test it feel really clunky , you are shock only 3/4 second , in result if you don't us it and just shiled charge in the pack wit ele profil it's the same

Poet pen + squire seams to be for the moment the best end game possibility

EDIT 15/08 => the combo voltaxic rift and LA seams solid to inflict a big shock , so the version with Asenath's Chant could be a good end game

EDIT 15/08 -2 => the brand version seams to be the best start , no clunky tanki and with nice dps

This is the end

Other Guide

If you want make me happy you can check my other guide
- https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3180145

- https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3241364

Regards Exile

Última edição por Blauermond#6855 em 15 de ago de 2022 16:16:19
Último bump em 15 de ago de 2022 04:27:16
Hey I have a write up on the subject and an example build based on Voltaxic Rift and attacking with Lightning Arrow and detonating with Lightning Conduit. If you are interested. Might help you for your builds ;)
Última edição por Diacred#5203 em 14 de ago de 2022 16:34:56
Diacred escreveu:
Hey I have a write up on the subject and an example build based on Voltaxic Rift and attacking with Lightning Arrow and detonating with Lightning Conduit. If you are interested. Might help you for your builds ;)

Hi Mate

Thanks for your answer and to shear your work

I got a small problem with your POB

At the start the ennemies will not been shock ,
So I don't see how LA deal enough dommage to a un shock ennemies do proc the 105 shock effect

For information I tried to play with shock reflect and maligaro belt, but the shock on the player is only 4sec , so it doesn't feel good at all

Regards Exiles

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