[3.23] Chaos hit Reaper of revenants Occultist / In progress
Hey guys,
As I love the Reaper minion I will league start a minion occultist build (probably leveling and starting as skeletons/zombies). I have a limited knowledge on the game and took inspiration of different things I found on other build :), it is mapping oriented with Profane Bloom and not a really high single target dps. POB: https://pobb.in/AhTBXZMpjw9c DPS is calculated with every "on kill" boxes checked (as it is a mapper) and set on "default attack" with Reaper. I put 3 times Reapers, 30% less minion damage and 43% more for skeletons to simulate the Reaper of revenants gem effect. Built around Ancient Skull for the degen and hopefully trigger the Reaper's Consume skill consistently. Budget (level 75): 350k dps Reapers + 350k dps Skeletons Ivory Tower setup (level 90): 1m dps Reapers Endgame (level 100): 2.8m dps Reapers Too expensive for me (impossible to find Elegant Hubris/Ghastly): 4m dps Reapers Mandatory uniques for 90 setup: Ancient Skull Ivory Tower Triad with 4 white sockets Victario's Charity Severed in sleep Coruscating Elixir Brutal restreint Pros: triple reaper for triple fun Cons: probably too squeashy and may be cluncky between 75 to 90 setup. Doubts: Will the real dps be higher or lower than PoB as it is set on "default attack" and the reaper has long animations? Even if it is minion, is it "tanky enough" to not die every 2 secondes? Backup: probably Animate Weapon even if the scaling is different (flat damage good on AW but seems useless with Reapers). I will update this post and tell about how it is going and will upload some gameplay if the build is fun enough. Thanks for your time, have a great league start! Última edição por tagada69#5585 em 8 de dez de 2023 10:15:50 Último bump em 8 de dez de 2023 10:09:06
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