3.23 SRS Minion Instability Necro | Max Block - 100M | League Start / Uber Ready
Howdy from Texas yall, names tabl3s. Here to show yall my build. Made this little gem back in like 3.19. Been a very reliable league starter and just this league with the addition of Trans gems, I decided to push the build as far as I could. This is that form of the build. This is my take and my build based off my build philosophy. Lets get started. **Also, if anyone can help me with how to post a GIF to this post, I've been racking my brain trying to get it to work! Pros Smooth Progression as a league starter into end game Very High DPS 70-100+ million Max Block with Shaper Life Recover mod and 30% life recoup Shield Charge for map zooms VERY straight forward and noob friendly Void Stones on cheap budget Uber Boss killer on high investment Cons Minion build...its just not everyone's cup of tea No Spell Suppression Can be one shot if block fails (Shaper Slams, etc.) Average mapper (we are not Tornado shot) Crafting knowledge needed if you want to save DIV. Build philosophy
When I started making builds, I know I wanted first and foremost to have my builds be approachable, buildable and affordable, with the option of high investment later if the user wanted. In line with that philosophy, this build uses only a single medium cluster and that's it. Very basic passive skill tree. Our gear are pure red pieces and/or hybrid red blue for ease of gem use. Our gear is fracture crafted for the most part, making essence spamming an easy and straight forward process. The progression is quite smooth overall and the beginning gear is cheap. Perfect for a new budding POE player. I really love squeezing every bit of power out of my base passive skill tree as I can.
How the builds works
This builds damage is solely based on the minion instability keystone (Minions Explode when reduced to Low Life, dealing 33% of their Life as Fire Damage to surrounding Enemies). Our objective is to reduce the life of our SRS to low life so they explode, dealing massive amounts of damage. This is achieved through the Tavukai amulet and the infernal legion support gem. Since MI's damage is based on the life of said minion, we stack a ton of more/increased minion life, generic minion damage and minion crit multi. SRS of Enormity hits ALWAYS crit and since MI count as a "hit", it too also crits. And since MI always crits, our hits ALWAYS ignite.
Our defense is armor and block based, with high life, life recoup and life regen. The main focus of our defense is block and achieved through the Necro ascendency "Mistress of Sacrifice" which allows our bone offering to affect us as well at 50% of its value, bringing our block to a comfy 73/75. This offering has 100% uptime so you will always be at max block, so long as you have the trigger mod on your wand. Videos of Mapping and Boss Kills
Wave 30 Sim Clear - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCagktfDVFk Uber Kills - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxdQsg4rntQ&t=107s End Game Changes for 3.23 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6FzPePyYAI Video build guide - Coming soon, need to re-do with all the changes This build can do 100% Deli Maps but I think 80% is more efficient personally. I also could not get footage of this cause it lags me OBS like crazy! POBs
League Starter - https://pobb.in/rbokl2lsLfKK (Planning on Revemping and updating) This POB also has a full notes section that will help guide any new players on their journey with the build. End Game - https://pobb.in/a2wG6zkqtpvL (This has multi trees) Leveling Tips
The league start POB has all the tips and guidance in its notes section so I will just post that below... --- My typical early 3 link setup is SRS - Infernal Legion - Combustion My typical 4 link is SRS - Predator - Minion Life - Infernal Legion --- Bandits KILL ALL --- This build is very straight forward, always keep a mana flask handy until you get eldrich battery later on down the line. That passive alone is worth its weight in gold on this build. --- Unfort. this build has a few buttons. I prefer flame dash to be on space bar, bone offering to be on right click, curse on W and pred on Q. You do you in terms of key binds but that's my setup and I really love it. --- Feel free to use flesh offering in lieu of bone until you pick up your last ascendency point. --- This builds scales minion life, therefore we cannot use minion damage support gem. Keep that in mind. --- Keep desecrate at level 1. --- ACENDENCY CHOICES --- I like to go commander for the early resistance, then moving down into bone barrier for a guard skill and minion life. I save Mistress of Sacrifice for our uber. If youd like to be more tank, save Bone Barrier node for uber. --- You can either farm lab on league start for your Trans SRS Gem or buy one later in the acts. Your choice. --- Here are the gems you will need from the optional library quest in Act 3. - Feeding Frenzy Support - 1 Orb of Chance - Elemental Army Support - 1 Orb of Chance Gearing --- The mods we are looking for on gear, as a BASELINE are as follows... - Max Life - Resist (chaos last) - Minion Damage / Minion Life - Some ES for eldrich battery - Movement Speed (boots) - Life Regen Most of your gear early on will either be ES bases or hybrid ES/Armor. Eventually when I have the currency, I prefer to go full armor bases to help increase your phys. dmg. reduction. Hybrid has its place to and if you find one with good mods, absolutely use it. --- Alt Currency mods like eldrich/searing mods can be whatever youd like, generic max res, minion life / damage, damage or defense mods. I don't really concern myself with those mods until I get my end game pieces and can really hone in on the mods I want to min/max. --- Socket pressure is a bit tight and coloring should be very very straight forward and easy. We use mainly blue gems with the occasional red and green gems. --- Raw stat requirements arent too too bad. If you want evasion/armor bases for Spell suppression, then dex will be harder to get. I tend to run Armor/ES bases for easy gem coloring while leveling. Grab dex on the tree and/or rings and amulets if you need more. --- Be on the look out for minion wand bases! And or a minion wand with +1 to level of all minion skill gems. These are HUGE for leveling. Mapping --- Every mod is pretty much fair game but beware, crit/crit multi mods, mods that reduce your resistance, additional proj./chain, and reduced block chance can be EXTREMLY rippy until you get powerful enough to just one most everything. Run those mods with high caution early on. Also beware of no regen mods and mods that reduce your ES regen as that makes summoning SRS a bit of a pain in the butt. It can be done but i skip them cause, no thank you. End Game Gear
League Start Gearing - These pieces are extremely generic and found within the league start POB items section. Thank you :) I will be adding and subtracting to this guide as I find the time but what I have here should get most anyone started and rolling on the build. Thank you spending some of your quality time with here with me. IF yall have any questions please feel free to sound off in the replies. Or comment on one of my youtube videos here... https://www.youtube.com/@tabl3s Última edição por bbeberle#5753 em 27 de jan de 2024 03:44:50 Último bump em 24 de mar de 2024 13:51:10
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Última edição por bbeberle#5753 em 27 de jan de 2024 03:11:33
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I made this by accident trying to get my RF chieftain going. What are your thoughts about trying to incorporate this into your build? Maybe Koams heart with 7-8 link helm. EDIT: Maybe queens hungar Rotting legion Bloodbond Shadowstich (would love to get this to work) EDIT again, sorry don't mean to highjack your build with a one-off item. Última edição por LockedGoblin689#8704 em 27 de jan de 2024 22:41:54
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" No apologies needed, always fun to see some different stuff. Far as the helm is concerned, the burning damage mods dont do much for us, our ignite only tops at around a million dps so its really kind of meh as a mod. I think the helm works but its works as a different pathway to becoming more tanky. While not sacrificing to much in the way of overall DPS. I love the Bloodbond idea but I think id lean towards something like stasis prison and drop the life recoup we have, giving us temp rift as an oh shit button. Maybe even some how try to fit petrified blood into the mix for even more tankness. Interesting idea though, I've thought about a GG helm for SRS but deemed it too complex and expensive for the how I prefer to make builds. I think the helm works though, over all. Up to you what chest you prefer to run with. Última edição por bbeberle#5753 em 28 de jan de 2024 01:20:15
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Sort of same as yours, but i like AG and the new insanely good spectres.
https://pobb.in/jp9rz32hfVFT i do run with infernal for mapping regualar bosses and only use awakend ele focus on ubers. and i dont by meens to hijack your build, just giving another perspective Cheers |
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" I like AG as well but the added cost and the threat of it dying and losing it all...makes me not enjoy adding it into builds for people who may not be able to farm alot of currency. New specters are dope. Went with meatsack to keep it straight forward and simple and matched the scaling perfectly. Ele focus is probably more damage but I love the chunky ignites we get. Última edição por bbeberle#5753 em 29 de jan de 2024 18:22:05
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I understand what you mean with AG, but the mastery "minions recover 5% of life on minion death" is what makes it OP this league since my ag has 210k+ life, not even my "meatwall" that is zombies is dying, i have done everything super juiced T16 with over 8k+ wisp letting them stand in the middle of abyss (fully specced abyss) and nothing happens, not even close i cant even see the life bar move on the AG.
yea in PoB awakend ele is alot more, but i dont really feel it tbh the ailment is dope with "raze and pillage" since everything ignites. another helper i found is the charm "Cursed enemy has % to explode" not a must but really nice "mega pack" destroyer :) |
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" I think for a more advance play style the AG slaps just not my cup of tea for offering players content. Theres def some broken shit thatll make using it more reliable though 100%. I love anything ailment, I wish ignites did more on minions but its mainly poison that shines. My favorite is the offering scaling charm. Easy block chance, easy defense and more passive I can take to up my max life or damage. Lets get these AND Tats together and we will see some truly broken builds. |
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Nice build, just saw your 3.24 build update. Gonna run this and maybe transition into full spectres with the new Wraithlord helm
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