[Poe 3.23] 82% IIQ 368% IIR "something like iimmortal" MF Chief

Hi everyone, this is not a guide, is only a showcase of my affliction experiene:


i'm not so experienced of autobomb build (btw i play since 2.3.....)
but i think is the right way to do an mf in this fun/remunerative season.

This is not a league starter char (league goes to the end...) due to the cost of the gears but i think that with normal items (not my expensive corruption version) u can afford juiced t16 maps and take your goals for build every other char u want!

Cannot use this for BossKilling or Ubers but it is a really money maker build!!!

Res: 90/90/90/77
Ehp 92k

Life Unserved: 3k
Life Regen: 1k

PdR: 83%

Tot Damage with DD: 1,4m
Tot Damage On Kill Explosion (from Hinekora): 25m

IIQ: 82% (if u want to can switch to the Pariah for moar Quantity but less Rarity - your choice)
IIR: 368%
60% inc wisp found (due to Warlock tree)

P.S. i use the maxroll.gg atlas tree with abyss strategy (same compass and gilded scarabs),wait for your impression for make this a real steamroller build!!

Última edição por Beskaius em 6 de mar de 2024 16:19:41
Último bump em 6 de mar de 2024 16:07:59

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