Red Ownage!!! (Russian Corner)

Attention! Russian Text Testing

Кто в бетте поделитесь впечатлениями стоит оно того или нет?

И поделитесь ключом, у кого есть плз :)
Google Translate:

Who's Betta share your impressions worth it or not?

And share a key, who have plz :)

Niiiice =)
Actually I'm glad, that Russian is working here.

So, Is it really worthy game or not?
chocopie escreveu:
Niiiice =)
Actually I'm glad, that Russian is working here.

So, Is it really worthy game or not?

Of course) I think...

Чего-то пустует комната. Русские есть?
A friend - a man whose betrayal becomes for us the biggest surprise.

Bernard Werber.

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