3.1 cyclone comk volatile dead/molten strike

That is my passive tree at level 83

Here is the first setup that I had

Found a Belly of the beast yesterday, trying to 6 link it to replace the Tabula Rasa

Plays extremely smooth, fun and satisfying.

*Edit on the gear, managed to chance a bisco and sold it


Even more satisfying

Feel free on giving me advice to improve :)
Última edição por clericmax em 18 de dez de 2017 21:43:33
Último bump em 21 de dez de 2017 14:39:50
that not too slow for molten strike ?
One thing that has me curious is why would you put molten strike in a ngamahu axe as you are not using any gem slots in the axe to boost the molten burst would you not be better just using a decent pdps axe?

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