WIP 3.1 FlameSurger~ maybe? Help!

General idea for this is to use flamesurge for single target between a 1 and 1.5 mill dps for single target


My questions
What should i use for clearing?
How to boost survivability?
What can i do to push my dps even farther with out mirror tier items?
Is there another cool single target skill that would our perform flame surge (not opposed to leaving fire based skills)?

Any help would be appreciated, this is basically my first caster ever and im starting the league late.

Último bump em 22 de dez de 2017 14:36:47
Shameless self bump because i need help in my noobish ways
2nd day bumb
Maybe try fire trap for clear? or go +2 bow and go for ignite chance gmp burning arrow to synergize with flame surge.

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