[3.2][Slayer/Reave/Blade Flurry] Embrace the Madness [Oni-Goroshi/Budget to End Game]
![]() Intro When Oni-Goroshi was added to the game I read a lot of good and bad things about it so I decided to try it myself. I usually base my characters on existing builds that I customize to my needs. This time I couldn't find a build that I wanted to play so I decided to create one myself. I wanted it to be able to handle all content : maps / bosses / uber lab... That's what this build can do (I know some hater is going to pass by and say it's a lie because this build can't do HoGM but I don't care). The result is surprisingly strong ! Even with low budget gear this build has very good clear speed, amazing single target DPS and great survivability. I was lucky to get 2 swords in about 6-7 hours of farming and they were strictly identical so I decided to have one for map clearing and one for single target and to swap according to the situation. I chose Reave for clearing because I had never tried this skill before and with the recent up in AoE it seemed to be able to clear almost the entire screen without moving. Single target skill is going to be Blade Flurry because I've done many build with it and as it isn't my favorite skill it has amazing single target DPS. Character is a Slayer because its leech capabilities will make it easier to handle the damage from Her Embrace. It also has a lot of cool things : 20% culling strike, immune to bleeding and stun while leeching, onlsaught, more damage if you've killed recently. For numbers take a look at my PoB : 7000 HP / 80% crit chance / 1 M DPS on Shaper with realistic setup / 50% movement speed / Less than 10 ex 1 month after league start You can also check my character : YameteKudasaiOniiChan 3.2 Update
New Slayer Ascendancy Many thanks to JYshadow for the picture below ![]() Overall I would say it's a buff for the build. Slayer loses stun immunity but Oni-Goroshi has it with Her Embrace so we don't care ! The only thing that could be considered as a nerf is Bane of Legends being moved after Headsman. This only means that we won't be able to level up with 20% life culling strike and free onslaught anymore. This will make leveling a bit slower but it's not that bad. Life Leech effects are not removed on full life has been moved to Brutal Fervour so we won't be able to have it as soon as before but it's not really a nerf since we still have it. The buffs are : Headsmand -> can't take reflected physical damage. Yay ! Now we can stop rerolling reflected physical damage on maps :) Brutal Fervour -> 30% increased damage while leeching. Nice to have as you'll always be leeching so it's like a perma buff. Endless Hunger -> immune to bleeding while leeching. We won't have to bother about bleeding during leveling ! This slightly changes the order I suggest you spend your ascendancy points in : Endless Hunger -> Brutal Fervour -> Headsman -> Bane of Legends (more details in the Ascendancy section) Oni-Goroshi drop rate changes : " Needless to say this was predictable. But that doesn't mean we won't be able to get the sword anymore. People will still be able to farm it and I believe it will still be easier (and cheaper) to get than any other 6 links "end game" weapon in the game. For those who don't believe in our great lord RNGsus it could still be purchased for a few exalts I think. The build will then be more expensive than before but not so much. The other changes from 3.2 patch notes don't affect the build. Oni-Goroshi
![]() https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Oni-Goroshi Everything you need to know about it (and how to farm it) can be found on the wiki. It's a nice 6 linked sword that grants a huge buff (Her Embrace) when you ignite an enemy. The only downside is while you have Her Embrace you take 0.5% of your total life and energy shield as fire damage per second per level. That is 45% of your maximum life at level 90. Pro's / Con's
+ good clear speed + amazing single target dps, melts bosses + invincible in uber lab + budget friendly because you get your 6L for free + Slayer ascendancy + Her Embrace makes you immune to almost everything + can do all content (99% of it) + very high leech will let you facetank a lot of things - can't do these map mods : - no leech - no regen - 60% less recovery - elemental reflect - physical reflect (unless you can equip Sibyl's Lament) Videos
T14 Dark Forest With Elemental Equilibrium and Enfeeble (far less damage and leech than usual) http://youtu.be/035ZBI6kkUc Chimera (deathless) (Starkonja's + Grace instead of Abyssus + Hatred) https://youtu.be/IVwt5zeSaMY Minotaur (deathless) (Starkonja's + Grace instead of Abyssus + Hatred) https://youtu.be/l6k9aphSwoc Phoenix (deathless) https://youtu.be/E6hpTNoxBqI Hydra (deathless) https://youtu.be/3Ymzrkgy0gg (as you can see in the videos I made many mistakes during the fights because it was only the 3rd or 4th time I was doing guardians. It went really smooth though, the fights were easy and the DPS is good even without Abyssus) Gear
My Gear
Abyssus for maximum damage, try to get one with minimum increased physical damage taken. Kaom's Heart to boost our life pool and because we don't need a 5 or 6 linked chest when we have 2 Oni-Goroshis. It also helps with the big hits we take with Abyssus. Get as much life as possible on gear. Starkonja's is used for Guardians fights because you'll take too much damage with Abyssus (Phoenix and Hydra are okay with Abyssus though depending on the map mods). Accuracy is a must have on gear, it gives a huge boost of dps. Flat physical and crit multi are nice to have but you should get life / resist / intel / accuracy first. - Atziri's, Lion's Roar and Diamond Flask are the dps flasks of this build. Lion's Roar can also be considered as a defense as it knockbacks enemies so they don't hit us. Get the curse immunity on Diamond Flask and you will never bother again with curses. - Basalt Flask with freeze immunity is great for defense. It helps balncing Abyssus Increased damage taken and freeze immunity is a must have when Her Embrace isn't up (for example when you open a strongbox or when mobs/bosses hit you before you hit them). - Writhing Jar is a must have too. First of all it's instant life and mana. Instant life gives you a quick boost before you leech really gets you full. Instant mana is useful in situations like you leap slammed too much and then you jump into a pack with not enough mana to attack. The 2 worms are the real deal here. When you kill them (they're low life so it's one shot) you get a massive leech that lasts for a really long time. This is super useful to boost your leech/regen in maps or versus bosses and it let's you run into traps in uber lab and trials as if they were just not there. Budget Gear
Budget options to start with are pretty straightforward : - get as much life as possible on gear - always cap your resists - don't forget some intel on gear - get some accuracy if possible because it is a huge boost to your dps - use Starkonja instead of Abyssus - equip any life + res chest instead of Kaom's Heart - you can use a Silver Flask but Slayer already has built-in Onslaught so it's just needed on bosses Jewels
For jewels I decided to go for abyssal jewels with life / increased attack speed if you've dealt a crit recently / blind Try to hit the same rolls as the one in my belt. At least +30 maximum life, 7% attack speed and 5% blind (damage roll is not relevant because I don't use a staff obviously) With 3 jewels (1 in belt and 2 in tree) you'll get at least +90 life, 21% attack speed (as the build is crit based it's up almost non stop) and 15% chance to blind on attacks (blind is a great layer of defense) They're really efficient for the build and cheap. I got mine for 3 - 5 chaos. There might be some more powerful options but they might be much more expensive and I didn't want to go full damage because Blade Flurry already does a lot of dps. Gems
Multi target Reave -> Increased Critical Strikes -> Multistrike -> Damage on Full Life -> Melee Physical Damage -> Increased AoE Increased crit is needed to get maximum uptime of Her Embrace. Damage on full life is better than Elemental damage with attacks because you will stack more physical damage this way and will have more dps against bosses. For those who ask : yes GGG confirmed that it works with blood rage even if you ingame life will appear lower than max. You will not benefit of the damage after a bug hit but your life will be full again in a second so it's not a problem. Increased Aoe helps clearing packs faster. Single target Blade Flurry -> Increased Critical Strikes -> Damage on Full Life -> Melee Physical Damage -> Maim -> Concentrated Effect Almost the same as above but with conc effect to get a lot more DPS while login some AoE. As this skill is only needed for bosses AoE isn't really important. Auras/Support Herald Of Ash -> Hatred -> Arctic Armor -> Enlighten (lvl 4) Herald of Ash gives the fire damage needed to ignite enemies and proc Her Embrace. Arctic armor helps balancing the increased physical damage taken from Abyssus. Hatred gives some nice cold damage to freeze and shatters those dangerous packs of Porcupines and other nasty mobs (when you one shot a pack of Porcupines with Abyssus there's a good chance their spikes insta kill you). Enlighten is needed with all these auras to free up some mana (Druidic Rites in the tree helps with the mana too while giving a sweet bonus to your flasks) Grace can be used instead of Hatred for more survivability. Budget option : replace Hatred + Enlighten with Enfeeble + Blasphemy Cast when Damage Taken -> Immortal Call CwDT + IC is mostly here to proc the huge regen boost from Soul Of Arakaali (I suggest you don't lvl it too much) Ancestral Protector / Blood Rage / Vaal Grace Ancestral Protector gives us a lot of damage. Drop it while you're fighting a boss and you'll hit faster. That means you get faster to 6 stages of Blade Flurry and more chances to blind per second. Vaal Grace offers a nice layer of defense because a Slayer doesn't have much except his high leech Movement Leap Slam -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify Leap Slam because the clear speed is better when you can jump pass obstacles and gaps. Fortify is another nice layer of defense. Jump into a pack and you get 20% reduced damage. Don't forget to use it on bosses too. Path of Building
- Get Frost Blades at first and use it with Ancestral Call + whatever support gems you want/need - It's ok to have a single target skill in your swap weapon too - If you have a Tabula put Ancestral Warchief in it with support gems you get from the vendor - Reave is level 12, get it as soon as you can and start leveling it - Upgrade/Add support gems as you level - Don't invest in critical strikes too early because you won't be able to handle the damage from Her Embrace - Always try to cap your fire resistance so Her Embrace does not too much damage - I started the tree with all those useless points you need to take to get to the interesting ones : http://poeurl.com/bJPU - Mana and life leech are useless during leveling because your damage is too low get anything from leech. Use warlord's mark instead with blasphemy - Then get life nodes (your 6L skill in sword will do enough damage to not care about taking damage nodes right now) : http://poeurl.com/bJPV - Get Blade Flurry at level 28 in act 3 - Get the right colors on you Oni-Goroshi sockets in act 4 when you all the right support gems become available - Do the lab as soon as possible, with the appropriate life pool and your dps it's really easy - Now you have to take some damage nodes to get access to the other life nodes : http://poeurl.com/bJPX - Get more damage and some mana/life leech : http://poeurl.com/bJPY - From here get the nodes you need : damage if you feel your damage is low, life leech if you feel your damage will give you enough life or if Her Embrace does too much damage, accuracy if it gets under 89%... - Don't get Vaal Pact before maps it's not needed, get crit nodes in the end when you ascendancy and leech can sustain your life even with high damage from Her Embrace Bandits
Alira for mana regen / crit multi / resists Ascendancy
For 3.1 : Endless Hunger -> Bane of Legends -> Brutal Fervour -> Headsman For 3.2 : Endless Hunger -> Brutal Fervour -> Headsman -> Bane of Legends 1)Endless Hunger gives leech and bleeding immunity : great for fast early leveling. 2)Brutal Fervour gives a nice damage boost and more importantly leech effects are not removed on full life. When we get this it's time to increase crit strikes to proc Her Embrace more often ! 3)Headsman gives a great damage and aoe bonus AND immunity to reflected physical damage. This is sweet for early mapping. Get this before you reach maps ! 4)Bane of Legends is the cherry on the cake. Onslaught for 20 seconds when you kill a rare or unique plus 20% life culling strike for tough bosses. Get it as soon as possible. Pantheon
Soul of Lunaris for the reduced physical damage taken and increased movement speed while mapping Soul of Solaris will be great for bosses (particularly if there are no adds) Soul of Arakaali for the reduced DoTs damage if your leech isn't high enough Soul of Gruthkul with captured Erebix to reduce attack speed of mobs and bosses Lab Enchants
Boots Attack and Cast speed if you have killed recently (good all around) Damage penetrates resistances if you haven't killed recently (only good for bosses) Helmet Ancestral Protector grants increased attack speed Blade Flurry increased damage Blood Rage grants increased attack speed Or any reduced mana reserved to be able to drop Enlighten Gloves Pick one you like because gloves enchants are pretty much useless for this build (and I got spiked gloves so I don't want to overwrite the explicit on them) Changelog
Edit 1 : changed Pantheon options because IC won't proc the regen from Arakaali while taking damage from Blood Rage + The Embrace Edit 2 : added videos of Guardians and PoB link showing the build used in the videos. Edited other sections according to the changes I made for these fights. Edit 3 : updated the guide for 3.2 now that new Slayer Ascendancy and full patch notes has been revealed. Edit 4 : fixed a mistake in PoB, pastebin link updated Última edição por iktose#1771 em 10 de mar de 2018 15:55:17 Último bump em 29 de dez de 2018 07:58:25
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Nice written Guide and Build, i give it a Try :-)
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Ty for your feedback ! Let me know how it is going with the build :)
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I need to lvl up my gems to get more dps for bosses, for map is good to, actually got 83lvl and 6.5k hp, reave dps is 30k, problem for me is Intelligence, need to find some good ring or amulet.
whats your dps at 90 lvl ? Anyway build is good for me :) |
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I'm already in love with you and this build because your guide is just AMAZING <3
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A realy nice guide. I like it. in Fackt i LOVE this blade ;D
but would it not be good to use a "Carcass Jack" (got a realy nice buff in 3.0)? cause of the bigger AOE (20%) and the up to 50% more AoE Dmg? you could also use a link for "Leap-Slam" with "FasterAttack", "Fortify", "Curse on Hit", "Poacher`S Mark"/"Warlords Mark"/"Assasin`s Mark" and "Increased Area of Effect Support" which would give us some Endurence-, Frenzy- or Power-charges for more survivability or Clearspeed. We could also use a "Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support" instead of the "Increased Area of Effect Support" which would give us quite Endurance-Charges AND Freenzy- or Power-charges It is possebly to get every buff, i tried it with a Tabula-Rasa. I only do not know how much it effects while mapping or high tier map-runs cause im currently only lvl 47... you also get only 3 charges each and stunning with LS could be a problem against higher mobs. in fackt i do not think the change might be usefull for High-end bosses but probebly for faster mapping/farming on mid-tier-maps. the biggest con would be the loose of 430 flat-life...... what would you think? |
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" I'm glad to know that it's good for you ! 6.5k seems good enough for most encounters. For you information my reave tooltip DPS is 97.5k in hideout without flasks. This build has more than enough strength and dexterity with the tree itself so intelligence is the only stat you need to get on gear. I know it can be tricky this is why I bought an amulet with +56 intel. With some (many) builds you have to get 2 stats from gear (intel + dex for example with the builds I'm trying at the moment). With this one you only have to worry about intel :) I imported my character's current state in PoB. Please see the pastebin below. https://pastebin.com/3qh6BEaw My DPS currently is (with ~18/20 gems) : Reave on maps with frenzy charges/flasks : 780k Blade Flurry on bosses with flasks : 1.6M (without flasks 750k) Blade Flurry on Guardians/Shaper : 1.49M (without flasks 696k) " Thank you very much, really appreciate the compliment :) " I'll think about this and answer when I get back from work ! Última edição por iktose#1771 em 22 de jan de 2018 13:03:11
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" Carcass Jack sounds good but if you try it in PoB it's not so good in my opinion. Assuming a perfect Carcass Jack instead of Kaom's Heart I get : +6.2% DPS +1 AoE radius +12% evade chance -8% Phys Damage reduction +12% to all elemental resist -1242 Total life The DPS is what you could get with only 1 good rolled jewel so I think it's not worth it. AoE radius is only +1 but nice to have. +Evade chance and +elemental resists are nice. Losing 1.2k life is a big no no for this build (at least for me). Because of the Abyssus you need some layers of defense + the biggest life pool possible to not die too often. And moreover I like to jump carelessly during maps and be able to survive even if I jump in the middle a nasty pack ^^ This build was also designed as a boss killer and a big life pool is very useful against Guardians/Shaper/Red Elder because if you're a bit slow to dodge it'll let you take a big hit or 2 without dying, and you can facetank everything else :) Your ideas with the charges are totally viable for mapping ! I thought about adding power charges to the build at one point by using curse on hit with leap slam or with herald of ice but came to the conclusion that it was not worth it (does not even work with heral of ice instead of hatred, cold damage is too low). While mapping with diamond flask up I'm at 80% crit. 3 power charges will only add another 7% crit and ~6% DPS. So I'd rather go for endurance charges for even more survivabilty and a more forgiving/relaxed gameplay even with bad map mods. As you said it will be useless for bosses but if all it takes is swapping 1 piece of gear between mapping and bossing it can be a nice addition to the build :) Última edição por iktose#1771 em 22 de jan de 2018 13:36:27
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Would using a Belly of the Beast be ok? I already have a 6 link one on my other character, at least this way I can use that and not have to buy another sword and Kaom's Heart.
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So at 90lvl i shoudl get like 90k dps ? Ofc with 20/20 gems and without flasks?
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