[3.2] SSF Hierophant 4x PurePhys Crit Warchief's feat. Dualcurse
![]() Hello and welcome to my post fellow exiles! In 3.2 i wanted something different than permaplay for a week, buy nice items and be done with it. So i decided to play ssf and got somewhat lucky with drops and fusings. I tried the tectonic jugg but realised it wasnt enjoyable for me, so i've gone the route of the newly buffed hierophant, and im feeling good with it. Sure, im not a pro like the common builders, nor i have the experience in it, but im quite comfortable with my build until as of now. If anyone is still reading this, i would appreciate any tips or pointing out mistakes i made. I know my totems somewhat lack accuracy and crit multi - but good items are hard to gather :D Pro: Totems - quite safe playstyle Mouse-only viable Crit = Knockback = Knockable bosses standing in a corner crying while some fierce Warchiefs use them as punching bags. You dont need uLab to obliterate :D SSF ready. Most important: Templar holding a staff is lookin op as f*ck :D Con: Totems - quite slow playstyle Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/afjsuG3d Oh man - 6linked Hege and you only play totems? Yes! I like the part where i am leaning in my chair, have my feet up on the table and just gently move the mouse a bit ... oh wait .. my bad, that part takes place the whole time playing :P My current equipment:
Passivetree: Damage:
unbuffed tooltip: 57% crit chance - 320 multi - ~27k per totem 4x p-charge, recently summoned totem: 83% crit chance - 320 multi - ~41k per totem Thats the tooltip, but the totems maim and enemies are cursed with vulnerability PoB says ~58k per totem - now go mapping and have some stacks of pursuit of faith active. Tooltip is around 48k-55k .. in breaches and at abyss it goes up to about 62k per totem. Gems
Totem: Warchief + melee phys + maim + brutality + faster attacks + increased critical strikes Aura: Blasphemy + enfeeble + vulnerability CWDT: CWDT + Immortal call + inc. duration + ice golem(for acc. and crit chance) Movement: LeapSlam + Faster Attacks + fortify Leveling:
Was pretty easy and straight forward. At first i took ancestral protector with melee splash and lowlvl uniques or weapons i found and headed straight for Ancestral Bond. Lucky me i found a pillar of the caged god und used this weapon until my mid 50ties where i found a Terminus Est which out dps'ed the Pillar quite a bit, despite having no sword nodes.
After Ancestral Bond i've gone straight down to Marauder to reach out the spine of the passive tree so around lvl 40 i was done with spreading and filling up the nodes. For normal and cruel lab i've taken the totem nodes to gather up to 4 warchiefs and regen. In Merciless Conviction of Power to gain some charges. I've done the ulab pretty late because i didnt feel any need for the passives i can choose from. So i just took the 2 smaller nodes for mana regen. I tried divine guidance but didnt feel any different than without it, except maybe beeing unable to cast a totem in a sketchy situation. But then again, im not a pro and not an experienced MoM player ;-) Further plans&Pantheon:
Getting inc aoe to the blasphemy setup somehow Finishing Lunaris and Shakari pantheon Media:
T7 Dunes Map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CasRIBT8n20
ULab 3rd Izaro - Fullkeyrun: pretty close call situation included^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gTXd0cswP0 As mentioned above - i appreciate any tips and suggestions or exploiting any flaws and mistakes i made. If you want to see the char in Browser -> https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Fetzi_at & "JettexBeastiary" So long... Jettex Última edição por Fetzi_at#5530 em 20 de mar de 2018 13:28:13 Último bump em 30 de mai de 2018 16:28:51
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My pro tipp: GID GUD!
Nice guide, nice guild :p <3 |
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Nice build!
If i am ever playing totems again, ill give this one a try. |
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Cool build!
But are you sure about the fourth totem? not sure that you need it. You might want to consider going down to the duelist area to pick up life instead, where you can also get some damage and attack speed. I also think you need to reach at least 90% hit chance since this is a crit build. Lion's Roar is a flask worth considering as well. Lastly, I would probably go for Alira as my bandit of choice. Edit: Checked out your profile. Get a diamond flask for sure. You should not need a mana flask at this stage. I'm not sure that you need to run vulnerability as an aura, you can just self cast it after you've summoned your totems. Might free up some mana if you decide you wanna go MoM. Cheers :) Última edição por Vedspisen#1370 em 22 de mar de 2018 10:59:28
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" Thx for your post! Due to playing ssf, lions roar isnt as easy to get as on poe.trade ;-) I just didnt get any flasks worth using. Atm. i have 86% hit with golem up and sitting on around 5.7k life at lvl 89. I'm i quite lazy player as you may have realised ^^ so a fourth totems works nice for me. standing behind while the warchiefs are knocking the bosses against the wall. |
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edit: just realized yours is SSF. I saw "hierophant crit warchiefs" and got excited. Still for non SSF people who may be interested I'll leave what I wrote:
--------------------------------------- A friend and I theorycrafted out something similar, and my friend built it this league. But we went the facebreaker route instead (still crit, rigwald's curse). I believe it offers massively more damage, though it runs an abyssus which is certainly a trade-off. It has MoM though so it also has massively more total "HP" pool than yours (5k life + 3.2k mana = 8.2k effective HP). Here's the paste: https://pastebin.com/hEhvxSPy He's sitting at 335k shaper dps per totem, with 4 totems. Lycosidae is a huge help for a crit build, since there's very little accuracy available starting in the templar area. The damage comparison isn't completely fair to your build, since for some reason you're not running any damage flasks. I added lion's roar, diamond flask, and silver flask to your setup, and your DPS went up to 68k vs shaper. Now admittedly lycosidae and rigwald's curse are expensive items, and gearing facebreaker's is generally tighter all around, so this is definitely a bit of a higher budget version than yours. But it isn't all THAT much higher. Setting aside the 6L (since you also have one) it is maybe ~5 ex worth of stuff. 10 ex if you count the hat enchant (he lucked into it on his first uber lab run, lol). Última edição por magicrectangle#3352 em 22 de mar de 2018 18:06:59
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I am starting this on my first ssf
can someone help out my ignorance and explain how hes getting 4 totems? thanks nvm in the acendency If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy. Última edição por jesterx93#2143 em 30 de mai de 2018 16:58:30
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