Need some help with build optimization for my Deadeye

So, I've been playing around with various builds and characters, and finally have a toon I'm happy with and want to invest in. (I've deleted the others since I'll never get back to them.) I've been doing pretty good up until Act 10 - a little squishy, but all the act bosses have been pretty easy so far.

I'm currently doing between 5.9k-7.9k dps depending on which of my two main skills I'm using, and with the decoy totem, the squishiness really wasn't an issue. And then I hit Kitava. Hot damn. Died 16 times in a row (goodbye XP!), and then accidentally hit Resurrect in Town instead of at checkpoint.

Realistically, I know my gear needs some major updating. I'm still running around in my level 45-50 gear, simply because I haven't found anything better. I've kinda hit a wall right now, because I'm not finding the drops I need, and I'm not finding the currency I need to buy the upgraded gear.

Is there something I'm missing? I'm a little too squishy at the moment to get my merc lab done (Izaro mobs tank me pretty hard). I'm not asking for free hand-outs or anything, just wanted to know if there's somewhere I could re-spec to optimize a little better (currently heading for the Iron Grip node) until I can get to maps where apparently the loot is? (And please don't tell me to switch to tornado shot, I HATE that skill with a passion.)

Último bump em 13 de abr de 2018 08:20:49
I haven't even looked at your build because it doesn't really matter too much at this point in the game. I often go into maps with 10 to 20 spare skill points just because I haven't figured out where to do them or in playimg scion and know i have to rspec after lab anyways.

Issue is kitava is much harder than any other boss at these levels. Make sure you are using a single target skill like barrage for best boss dps. You have 3 or 4 basic options
1) ask for help in global 820. People will kill him for free or for a couple chaos
2)spend a few more days running blood aquaducts or whatever level you want until you are level 70 or 75. You will probably find hear upgrades along the way. Go kill kitava after you have done this.
3)spend the money that you will spend on orb8 of regrets on hear. 5 or 6 chaos can get you resist capped and up your damage and life.
4) using current gear go suicide on kitava 50 times or however many times it takes until he is dead. Make a portal outside his chamber so if you accidently release back to town you can get to boss without walking. He will die sooner or later. It's not like you have any exp left to lose at this point.

Personally I would recommend option 1 (unless you are ssf). If you insist on killing him without help be prepared to die 15 or more times... most people without high level think gear die at kitava a lot.

EDIT: if you want to optimize your build go follow a guide. I have no idea what build you are using on a dead eye that would make you want to get iron grip.
Última edição por soteca em 12 de abr de 2018 16:39:03
Not quite the help I was looking for, since I'm already level 76. I'm not finding items with the sockets and the stats I want, and I don't want to waste what little currency I am finding trying to craft this stuff.

I don't need to buy orbs of regret either - I have 15 passive respect points, and another 10 orbs. If I need to make larger spec changes than 25 points, I might as well just re-roll. XD

Here's my ranger so far:

and this is where I'm planning on taking her (skill tree-wise):

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