3.2 Bloodwave Totemancer [Budget, New Player Friendly, 6 Totems, 100k+ per Totem,
![]() Come visit me if you have any questions. I may be playing this build or testing/working on my next build! 🐖TheNotoriousPIG's Twitch Live Stream Channel🐖 Pros/Cons
•Budget build once the economy settles, 1-2 weeks into a new league. •Safe - 5 totems with high knockback chance. Over 200% life on tree. Immune to all ele ailments. •Totems suck enemies into themselves! •Lots of potential with investment •Can do almost any map mods. Saves $$$! •Good boss killer. •Great at Breaches, Abysses, Harbingers and Capturing beast! Cons: •Not good league starter. Uniques will be expensive 1-2 weeks into the league. •Average clear speed. •Limited defenses. If totems fail to keep mobs occupied and you don't dodge, you can get popped. ______________________________________________________________________________ Playstyle With lots of totem placement speed, it should take 1.26 seconds to place all 6 totems. This will vary depending on how fast you move your mouse if you spread them out.
1. Chug Atziri's & Silver Flask
2. Drop 5 Shockwave Totems then 1 Searing Bond totem 3. Watch mobs die while you dodge stuff Against Bosses/Uniques/Bestiary Mobs/any longer fight 1. Chug Atziri's and Silver Flask 2. Drop 5 Shockwave Totems then 1 Searing Bond totem 3. Drop Orb of Storms 4. Watch mobs die while you dodge stuff 5. Re-cast Totems as they die or expire. ______________________________________________________________________________ Videos
Coming Soon!
coming soon! Path of Building at lvl 88
______________________________________________________________________________ Gear
Core Items: Tokuhama's Fortess: Gives us a 5th totem, lots of life and armour. Malachai's Awakening: We're already Bloodmagic cause of Toku, so we run this and get a good bit of flat ele dmg. Empire's Grasp: Empire's Grasp gives us reverse knockback, and with 55% knockback chance at almost 4 cast per second, does a very good job of keeping enemies in place! Essence Worm: Allows us to run Hatred which is a huge DPS boost. Clear Mind: Easy ~60% increased spell damage. Doryani's Cataylst: Not mandatory, but cheap and good damage. Leveling Tips (Adding More Soon!)
Since I highly advise against using this as a league starter, I'm going to assume you have some decent leveling gear/uniques, as well as some currency to buy some cheap stuff. I will also list some moderately priced leveling uniques in case you feel like spending a few Chaos. Also, go to the final gems setup and make sure you always have those gems leveling in your weapon swap or any extra slots in your gear. 1. Level 1: Start with Freezing Pulse - Added Cold - Added Lightning -I recommend 2 quicksilvers, 1 mana and 2 life flask. 3 Quicksilver are also fine. Up to you! Items: Goldrim - Wanderlust - Lifesprig 2. Level 4: get Flame Totem - Added Cold - Added Lightning -Now you just drop Totem and run, maybe shooting a Freezing Pulse to drive by mobs if you run out of Quicksilver charges. 3. Level 12: ==Kinda expensive route, but super fast== -Level 12 Get two Poet's Pens (Currently 20c each mid league) -Poet's Pen #1: Unearth - Lesser Multiple Projectiles - Bodyswap -Poet's Pen #2: Volatile Dead - Added Cold - Added Lightning -Attack Skill: Frenzy - Lesser multiple Projectiles - Life Gain on Hit -If you go this route, you don't even really need to drop totems to level. You use an attack skill and the Pen cast all the stuff for you! ===Cheaper route=== Storm Prison, Axiom Perpetuum, or any rares with lots of spell damage. 4. Level 16: Get and use Herald of Ice. -Nomic's Storm is 40% movement speed pretty much always up. -Atziri's Foible is a great mana item. -Perandus Blazon helps with attributes a bunch. 5. Level 18: You should be ready to swap to Frostbolt Totems by now. So setup Spell Totem - Frostbolt - Controlled Destruction - Elemental Focus - Faster Casting - Cold Penetration. Make sure to get 2x Frozen Trial jewels. If you're running Poet's Pens set your attack skill to Frenzy - LMP - Faster Attacks - Life Gain on Hi. Also, setup your Volatile Dead with Elemental Focus and Concentrated Effect. -Cold Pen isn't the biggest dps, but it helps against bosses. We should be one shotting mobs anyways, so killing bosses faster (safer) benefits us the most! 6. Level 24: Le Heup of All ring or even Thief's Torment at lvl 30 are both great! 7. Level 34/38: Replace Lesser Multiple Projectiles with Greater Multiple Projectiles. -Get Orb of Storms - Curse on Hit - Elemental Weakness - Summon Lightning Golem -Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 6) - Phase Run (lvl 8) - Immortal Call (lvl 8) ****CWDT Setup - Very important to only level these gems up as stated! If you're running Poet's Pens set your attack skill to Frenzy - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Faster Attacks - Life Gain on Hit **Reminder: Make sure you have gems that are needed for your final setup leveling in any extra slots, as well as in your weapon swap!*** 8. Level 61: This is where you switch to 5 Shockwave Totems and 1 Searing Bond Totem. Enjoy! Skill Tree, Bandits and Ascendency
Class: Templar. Bandits: Kill All! Ascendency: Hierophant. -1st-Persuit of Faith: 2nd totem, lots of totem stats, nice damage for you + totems. -2nd-Ritual of Awakening: 3rd totem. Super fast placement. Nice regen. -3rd-Illunimated Devotion: This pretty much does nothing for you until you get the 4th. Stupid Blood Magic :( -4th-Arcane Blessing: Huge boost, cause now you have perm Arcane Surge which gives you AoE, damage and immune to ele ailments. Skill Tree 47 Pts: Go to Sancitity then --> Light of Divinity --> Devotion --> Totemic Mastery -->Totemic Zeal. This gives us a nice balance of damage and life. You should get your Normal Lab towards the end of this. I recommend getting the Jewel slot above Devotion ASAP so you can switch from Flame totems to Frostbolt totems https://poeplanner.com/AAwAAGUADCUAAC_53YuMwJoJqtn8wGY8Be98n98Es6IA8B9o8po7gpvtPNWmV5QpT-w4OtgnL5BVGjivbAthxq4QzP6HeyD4kzwtg8y3Pv4K2L01krXybqpkhAag-b2Fe2ZUg19oWgRRAAAAAAA= 64 pts: Grab Bloodless --> Purity of Flesh --> Elemental Overload. Lots more life and EO is a big dps boost. Try to have Cruel lab. https://poeplanner.com/AAwAAI8ADCUAAET53YuMwJoJqtn8wGY8Be98n98Es6IA8B9o8po7gpvtPNWm7Dg62CcvkFUaOK9sC2HGrhDM_od7IPiTPC2DzLc-_grYvTWStfJuqmSEBqD5vXgNwBqpblivNugB57yfGJEUTfxL5CIabDbpJKoWb-NqbzuDX4V7ZlSdrqcI2CRWSGhaBFE6FoaCAAAAAAA= 86 pts: We will go full totems once we hit lvl 61 about the beginning of Act 9. So we grab Blood Magic since Tokuhamas forces us into it, we might as well grab the 35% life behind it. Then get Barbarism --> Juggernaut --> Fending and finally Ancestral Bond after getting lvl 61 and buying a Tokuhamas. Also, grab jewel sockets along the way and since we're going full totems now, we want to use our Hatred, so we'll prob need to grab two +30 Dex nodes to meet the requirements, unless you're lucky enough to have some nice dex on gear. https://poeplanner.com/AAwAALsADCUAAFr53YuMwJoJqtn8wGY8Be98n98Es6IA8B9o8po7gpvtPNWm7Dg62CcvkFUaOK9sC2HGrhDM_od7IPiTPC2DzLc-_grYvTWStfJuqmSEBqD5vXgNwBqpblivNugB57yfGJEUTfxL5CIabDbpJKoWb-NqbzuDX4V7ZlSdrqcI2CRWSPrSZp5Y5SoTWiuj8jpSDjzfv9tP4MMlvBRx2XyCB_jr6hh2rM9-_7AE5HXQaFoEUToWhoIAAAAAAA== 106 Pts: Grab Cruel Preperation and Blast Raduis and every life node that you can get without travelling. At this point all you're wanting to do is get tanky enough to survive when stuff smacks you while your totems deal the deeps. You should be lvl 83 at the end of this tree and fully capable of doing Merc and Uber lab. If not, do Merc and pay someone to carry you through Uber because you will really want them at this point. https://poeplanner.com/AAwAAOsADCUAAHL53YuMwJoJqtn8wGY8Be98n98Es6IA8B9o8po7gpvtPNWm7Dg62CcvkFUaOK9sC2HGrhDM_od7IPiTPC2DzLc-_grYvTWStfJuqmSEBqD5vXgNwBqpblivNugB57yfGJEUTfxL5CIabDbpJKoWb-NqbzuDX4V7ZlSdrqcI2CRWSPrSZp5Y5SoTWiuj8jpSDjzfv9tP4MMlvBRx2XyCB_jr6hh2rM9-_7AE5HXQ2t2HKTbFHwIEB4PbVcY6WEyzl5VSUz1fl_TyRTrhpldN4_6P8kGtjWhaBFE6FoaCrv3sLoGPnj4AAAAAAA== 123 pts: Grab 3 jewel sockets! 2 by Witch and 1 by Maruader areas. And the final few points are all up to you, if you want more damage you can grab Shamanistic Fury, Ironwood, Path of the Warrior and fill in the Elementalist node's wheel. If you want more life/regen you can go for Combat Stamina, Warriors Blood, Heart of the Warrior and even work your way to Muarander Start. Or, you can mix and match. I'll put both options below: Max damage version: https://poeplanner.com/AAwAAQ0ADCUAAIP53YuMwJoJqtn8wGY8Be98n98Es6IA8B9o8po7gpvtPNWm7Dg62CcvkFUaOK9sC2HGrhDM_od7IPiTPC2DzLc-_grYvTWStfJuqmSEBqD5vXgNwBqpblivNugB57yfGJEUTfxL5CIabDbpJKoWb-NqbzuDX4V7ZlSdrqcI2CRWSPrSZp5Y5SoTWiuj8jpSDjzfv9tP4MMlvBRx2XyCB_jr6hh2rM9-_7AE5HXQ2t2HKTbFHwIEB4PbVcY6WEyzl5VSUz1fl_TyRTrhpldN4_6P8kGtjdAf7-vz3Whl6-58g6eUXl3R_SynSsT2rjGe4XPtIBzcjxpoWgRROhaGgq797C6Bj54-AAAAAAA= Max defense version: https://poeplanner.com/AAwAAQ8ADCUAAIT53YuMwJoJqtn8wGY8Be98n98Es6IA8B9o8po7gpvtPNWm7Dg62CcvkFUaOK9sC2HGrhDM_od7IPiTPC2DzLc-_grYvTWStfJuqmSEBqD5vXgNwBqpblivNugB57yfGJEUTfxL5CIabDbpJKoWb-NqbzuDX4V7ZlSdrqcI2CRWSPrSZp5Y5SoTWiuj8jpSDjzfv9tP4MMlvBRx2XyCB_jr6hh2rM9-_7AE5HXQ2t2HKTbFHwIEB4PbVcY6WEyzl5VSUz1fl_TyRTrhpldN4_6P8kGtjdAf7-vz3WhleWjBBF8_FCDvDvZIjM89_FhjxtjEWOvuHNyPGmhaBFE6FoaCrv3sLoGPnj4AAAAAAA== ______________________________________________________________________________ Gem Setup
Shockwave Totem - Concentrated Effect - Elemental Focus - Controlled Desctruction - Physical to Lightning - Faster Casting
Orb of Storms - Curse on Hit - Elemental Weakness - Summon Lightning Golem or Summon Stone Golem Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 2)- Immortal Call (lvl 4) - Molten Shell (lvl 11) - Phase Run (lvl 4) Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 1) - Ball Lightning (lvl 1) - Greater Multiple Projectiles (lvl 1) Searing Bond - Burning Damage - Swift Affliction - Elemental Focus In Essence Worm Ring: Hatred Options: The defensive CWDT setup is recommended since it synergizes well with our build. The CWDT with Ball Lighthing is not really needed. I just run it cause it makes clearing easier maps much faster since I typically Shield charge into packs, get hit, and the Ball Lightning procs Elemental Overload most of the time which saves a little time not having to stop to drop Orb of Storms. When running higher tier maps, or harder mods, I do not recommend this play style cause you will die. So, play safe... as soon as you see a pack, drop totems > drop Orb of Storms > dodge stuff, continue after everything is dead. Non-Budget Options!
Things you can do to take this build to the next level: 1. Watchers Eye Hatred mods - phys converted to cold and added cold adds a lot of DPS. 2. Shaper Scepters with phys damage added as extra ele damage. 3. Opal Rings, especially ones crafted with Essences that increase lighting or cold damage. 4. 6 link Carcass Jack body armour - Will cost a decent amount of chromes to get 5B and 1R since it's ES/EV but nothing crazy. If you can afford the previous, this is nothing. Última edição por TheNotoriousPIG#6281 em 16 de abr de 2018 01:38:39 Último bump em 10 de mai de 2018 20:42:29
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sounds fun, trying this now
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" Great! I just added a leveling tips section to recommend some leveling uniques and gems as well as when to get them! Go check it out! |
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lol, u have SR on screens, not SW
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" There are 5 Shockwave totems, and 1 Scorching Ray totem. the SR totem links connect to all the SW totems, which keeps enemies taking the SR damage since they're sucked in. |
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