Octavian's Spectral Shield Throw Deadeye. MF Shield Throw, 60%+ Quant.

This build guide, like all of my guides, is accompanied by a video overview of the build. Find it here to see the build in action - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLD7Q8lhGDw

Spectral Shield throw has been a disappointment for a lot of people. While I certainly can understand the sentiment, I think it stems from a combination of both the skill's downfalls on release as well as an overhyped atmosphere surrounding it. I'm not here to convince you that Spectral Shield Throw is the next Tornado Shot, or that it will be topping the charts anytime soon in really any regard - but rather, that it isn't bad. I would, personallly, place Spectral Shield Throw firmly in the Above Average category, with very solid clearspeed, a cool aesthetic, and a fun playstyle once the damage is properly scaled. That said, lets get down to business.

Lets first cover exactly how Shield Throw operates, since many decisions made in this build originate from the unique way in which it works. Shield throw will ignore your main hand weapon when determining your base dps, instead looking to your shield's base stats to calculate your damage. The calculation can be found on the skill gem itself, but in short it gives quite a lot of base physical damage, far more than your average one-hander would be able to achieve, albeit with pretty abysmal base crit and attack speed. This means that our best methods of scaling damage are going to be multiplicative, since we have such a large base of damage to work with. This is great news usually, and the reason why things like starforge and disfavour can achieve such huge numbers - however, unlike these weapons, shield throw doesn't have access to the incredibly powerful sword, axe, one handed, two-handed and other weapon specific nodes on the tree. This is limiting in terms of our options, but it doesn't make things impossible.

More generic ways to scale damage certainly exist, and this build takes advantage of a few of them. Crit works just fine, and with Magna already being such a great DPS option it makes a lot of sense. As well as that, ele conversion opens up a lot of percent scaling nodes we wouldn't otherwise be able to use. Projectile damage still applies, and is often paired with projectile speed - which is key to the build. Essentially, most of the passive tree is devoted to finding ways to make Shield Throw co-operate with damage scaling, which I would say it has accomplished rather well.

With that said, lets dig into the passive tree.

Skill Tree and Class Choice


I decided to go for a Deadeye with this build, with the goal being to scale clearspeed as much as possible. Tailwind is the main reason this ascendancy is a good choice for this, with animation speed scaling being an almost entirely new way to approach speed, working as something of a more multiplier to things like attack, movement, and cast speed. The rest of the ascendancy choices comprise Fast and Deadly in order to augment accuracy, and Far Shot into Ricochet for coverage. The full, current version of my tree can be found in this Path of Building link -


I've also put together a few leveling trees, with suggest itemisation and gem setups. Those are linked here, with one at level ~40


This one uses Ewar's Mirage and Frost Blades, which isn't how I ended up leveling as I prefer to level with the skill I'll be using in the endgame, and so suffered through shield throw from early levels. However, I wouldn't recommend it, as shields are very low dps early on, not really picking up until later (another thing which I think put some people off the skill). Frost blades works just fine, so give that a go to start with.

This second tree is around level 60, and is using SST.


Mutewind Pennant is the first half-decent shield you gain access to, and would be where I recommend switching to SST if you'd like. The onslaught on warcry is nice as well.

For bandits, go for Alira. Crit is good. Res is very helpful in an MF heavy build.

Alright, on to Itemization.


For endgame gearing, I've chosen to focus on a quantity stacking, magic find route. This is not strictly necessary, however, shield throw has good enough base damage that with proper scaling it is very possible to make it still shred any tier of map even with quite a bit of quantity focused gear. Lets start with the most important bit, the shield. You've got a few options here, but its gonna be hard to beat the pricetag on a Magna Eclipsis, the single best unique shield for DPS in a crit shield throw build.

Aim for one with as high an armor roll as possible, since this translates into damage. Your other options for your shield slot are going to be a quite high armor/evasion shield, but without the ES from magna, you'll have to make up crit elsewhere. I've done this with an elder body armor with base crit to attacks. This is the shield I've subbed in currently -

which I crafted using Deafening essences of dread until I hit an acceptably high %armor roll. Again, magna is so good that it is only about 10% less dps than this, and still comfortably able to clear everything I need it to. This upgrade is very much icing on the cake.

Next, your mainhand. You again have two options here - for lower tier maps (up until about tier 11) you can easily use a Cameria's Avarice, provided you can swing the strength requirement. This is the prophecied version of Cameria's Maul, which has the affix "trigger level 20 Icicle Burst on killing a frozen enemy". Icicle burst is a 100% physical to cold converted projectile attack that has ridiculous base projectile speed. This makes it incredibly synergistic in our build, and as such can be a valuable addition. However, giving up the weapon slot is harder to do in higher tier maps, where a powerful shaper-touched statstick would be your more desired option. The statstick I currently use is linked below - aim for something with at least one phys as extra mod and some multi. Rapier bases have multi as an implicit, and thus are quite nice.

Alright, lets get into the MF gear core. This stuff won't be new to anyone who's played an MF build or two in the past. The boot slot is taken up with Goldwyrms, rings will be two well rolled Ventor's (which will be most of the cost of entry to the build if you're concerned with cost) and the amulet will be either a Spinefuse talisman or a Shaper Touched amulet. I've gone with the shaper amulet in order to more easily get a good total Int roll.

On your ventors, prioritize 8+ quantity minimum, a decent res total, and a decent life value. Ignore rarity. On your goldwyrms, aim for as high quantity as you can afford.

If you have the correct watcher's eye, it is possible to also make use of a sadima's touch in this build. The one you're looking for is the physical damage converted to cold while affected by hatred affix. This is the one I currently use -

The helmet slot is taken up with a lightpoacher, which provides a significant amount of secondary coverage, augmenting clearspeed even further. You essentially need one with the extra secondary projectiles enchant for shield throw, which is usually fairly cheap. Also, you want it to specifically have a single abyssal socket.

For the belt, I'm currently using what I consider to be a highly underrated belt, The Tactician. This does mean I need to get strength and int rolls in a few places to activate it, and if I ever get around to farming up a HeadHunter, I think I'd switch over - but I've got too many projects this league to focus on that. In the meanwhile, Tactician is so damn good that it stands in just fine. This is the item for anyone not familiar - the prophecied version of The Magnate.

There are a few abyssal jewels in the build, and they're fairly simple. Since shield throw is incapable of using any weapon-specific damage scaling, most of what abyssal jewels offer isn't useful. However, there are some rather nice utility effects you can pick up, and lots of flat life is good. A few examples -

Things like strength, res, and int are all useful. Movement speed, crit chance, and even %increased damage on kill scale the build quite well as well. %physical gained as fire if you've crit recently is the holy grail, but quite expensive, especially with a good life roll.

For the body armor, I've opted for a rare chestpiece. To start with, a cheap corrupted six link with the right colors and usable life and res rolls is a great option. Once you want to fully optimize though, and switch off of magna onto a higher armor/evasion base, then you'll want an elder-touched chestpiece with base crit to attacks. These can get very pricey, with the one I purchased running me around 400 chaos. I wouldn't settle for less than t1 elder base crit, since just sticking with the magna and regular 6 link until you can get it works fine.

Last but not least, flasks. This build takes good advantage of two unique flasks, Atziri's Promise and Taste of Hate. The utility flasks besides these are a Diamond and Quicksilver, with a single life flask thrown in. If Taste of Hate is outside your price range, a Sulphur is a good option, since %damage is something shield throw lacks.

Gems! Get your gems here!


Lets start with Spectral Shield Throw, the main attraction.

The links I use for SST are, in order of importance -

Cold Penetration is hard to come by for SST, since you can't use anything that specifies penetration with weapons. Also, while Ele Focus is better damage than either of the crit gems, Herald of Ice is very strong, so freezing is good. Speaking of Herald of Ice, this is my setup -

Both curse on hit and onslaught do very little to nothing at all in terms of increasing mana reserved. The assassin's mark makes crits more reliable, which is great, while also providing power charge eneration. Onslaught gives us onslaught. Onslaught is good.

The next gem setup is variable depending on whether you're using Cameria's Avarice or not. If you are, then use these gems, socketed into the avarice -

This setup gives great coverage and damage, which causes the avarice to easily one-shot whatever it touches in lower tier maps, which is really where you should be using this weapon.

If you're using the statstick option, I'd recommend putting in a simple cast when damage taken.

Speaking of socketing things into items, lets go over lightpoacher real fast. Lightpoacher got nerfed pretty hard at the end of last league, but still makes a lot of sense in any build that can scale enough proj speed for it to still have good distance. This build is one of those. To that end, I use Faster Proj in the supports along with Chain and Inc. Crit for reliable crits.

For movement, a fairly standard shield charge setup is used. Shield charge is particularly good with deadeye, as tailwind stacks work extremely well with it, and you can generate them while charging about the place.

Auras consist of the earlier mentioned herald of ice as well as a Hatred. On top of that, I would suggest a Blood Rage for frenzy gen and faster attacks as well as Rallying Cry, since the animation speed scaling from Tailwind makes rallying cry almost instant.

That should about do it. For your pantheon choices, I'd suggest Brine King to deal with stuns and either upgraded Shakari or Garukhan for your minor god. Bandits, as I said earlier - help alira. I hope you enjoyed, and are perhaps willing to SST a chance. Thanks for reading!
Último bump em 19 de abr de 2018 14:18:47
Hi! Thank you very much for the guide.

I'm a rather new player, and I'm always amazed by people having tens of exalts. This league, I've started trading (thanks for the price check videos) and it's certainly helped. I've made 4 or 5 exalts (2 actual exalt drops, so not that much trading), and most of it is invested in a non-MF character, which should be able to handle the end game (though I'm still in tier 11 maps).

Would you recommend this build as a league starter (going without ventors until I can afford them) in order to fund a character capable of handling the end game? I know in the video you say the build can handle maps up to tier 11, but that didn't include bosses, right? What tier of bosses can the build handle? This is just to complete maps in order to get the atlas bonus.

Any other tips to farm up currency? Is party play recommended?

two things i dont agree with you:
1. going full crit instead of scaling a little attack speed and going EO/PB/IG

2. the weapon ele dmg nodes near ranger maybe dont give penetration but are still the biggest dps nodes after proj dmg and EO/PB/IG

nice mf version though
if u want an example for my ideas look at my SST deadeye "VroOmy"

Última edição por JoOnky em 18 de abr de 2018 02:44:10
JoOnky escreveu:
two things i dont agree with you:
1. going full crit instead of scaling a little attack speed and going EO/PB/IG

2. the weapon ele dmg nodes near ranger maybe dont give penetration but are still the biggest dps nodes after proj dmg and EO/PB/IG

nice mf version though
if u want an example for my ideas look at my SST deadeye "VroOmy"

Atkspd why? It doesn't affect the DPS of ST 100% as you'd think; It's not really working.
Última edição por Astroknight em 18 de abr de 2018 21:57:18
Astroknight escreveu:
JoOnky escreveu:
two things i dont agree with you:
1. going full crit instead of scaling a little attack speed and going EO/PB/IG

2. the weapon ele dmg nodes near ranger maybe dont give penetration but are still the biggest dps nodes after proj dmg and EO/PB/IG

nice mf version though
if u want an example for my ideas look at my SST deadeye "VroOmy"

Atkspd why? It doesn't affect the DPS of ST 100% as you'd think; It's not really working.

Shield Throw:

Attack Speed Modifiers: May not be acting as intended, with many modifiers not applying at 100% of their value.
"not working at 100% so i get NONE"

stronk logic
Why invest in something that isn't 100% going to work?

Also my DPS at level 90 is around 700k unbuffed w/o frenzy on POB. Crit is so much stronger than atkspd overall- his build is made to inflict ailments so he can freeze and shatter for the extra AOE from herald -(I use herald of ash and ele focus. for overkill)

IG is too far of an investment- good dps node but from his or my build it's like 7 points out of the way for ~20k dps.

PB I can agree with but the only issue I see is at some point you're just essentially playing frost blades if you want enemies to be close. (Plus higher chance of dying.)

EO is like IG, just too far unless you were to start scion or lose a lot of DPS.
Última edição por Astroknight em 19 de abr de 2018 12:30:40
Astroknight escreveu:
Why invest in something that isn't 100% going to work?

Also my DPS at level 90 is around 700k unbuffed w/o frenzy on POB. Crit is so much stronger than atkspd overall- his build is made to inflict ailments so he can freeze and shatter for the extra AOE from herald -(I use herald of ash and ele focus. for overkill)

IG is too far of an investment- good dps node but from his or my build it's like 7 points out of the way for ~20k dps.

PB I can agree with but the only issue I see is at some point you're just essentially playing frost blades if you want enemies to be close. (Plus higher chance of dying.)

EO is like IG, just too far unless you were to start scion or lose a lot of DPS.

u can farm maps easy and very fast without all three keynotes/investment into atk speed
but i wanted to kill bosses faster so i went my route

IG with the route there and str on items gives me ~50k in pob

PB as i said is just for bossing, all normal map packs die anyhow
as for range have a look at this for farshot/pb synergy i guess:

credit for this goes to some reddit guy, sry dont know the name
its not 100% accurate but thats kinda how it works

EO combined with the atk speed i get(anc protector etc) procs at bossmobs that dont die with 1-2
hits and covers all int req you might have + get access to another life node and jewel slot on the way + the option to go 2 curse if u are that hipster

speaking of curses proj weakness also dps/clear increase

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