[3.5] Gatlinger, AKA Lancing steel pure phys (WIP)
Hello guys,
First build showcased here. This build is very simple and it draws inspiration from many out there, namely the various Spectral Throw builds. The new skills lack a lot in terms of dmg potential for pure physical, compared to the elemental conversion, but i wanted to try the new impale mechanism a bit, and i think that with some attention to details it can work. Please do not expect millions of dps and shaper 1 sec facetank kills. This build is intended as the groundwork to hopefully see a full fledged all-round build in the future, possibly even league starter (to a degree). The main concept is: get Champion ascendancy, Master of Metal asap and Taunt ascendancy. Then focus on phys dmg, attack speed and proj dmg, with the obvious life/def combination in between. Pros and cons
Very short list:
Pros - pure phys: forget about ele conversion, reflect and which herald or aura to use. Just stack phys everywhere and you're done - not a flask build. You can ofc use them to improve the gameplay, but don't expect those pathfinder flask uptimes.. i use them only in tricky situations - with decent gear, you can do most content except phys reflect or very high phys resist Cons - I have no idea if this build is decent for shaper/elder or whatever the pros do these days.. - Damage can scale.. to a price, usually high. - Potentially weak in terms of life, if you don't get decent gear. My gear so far:
My tree at lvl 78:
Gem links and supports:
Our main skill, Lancing Steel:
The links are simple. Brutality for obvious physical dmg, vicious and slower projectiles to increase the dmg output, Maim for the "more" modifier to phys dmg and for the maim itself, which is nice, and Chance to bleed for the added flat phys dmg We get even more phys dmg thanks to our Herald of Purity and our Blasphemy setupd with Projectile weakness. Why PW and not vulnerability? I don't know honestly, i liked the free pierce and the projectile dmg. I'll see with vuln if it's better. Lastly, we use Dread banner because we inflict so many impales it's easy to sustain it even in boss fights, and honestly, the reduced enemy accuracy is really good. It's free evasion and real estate Explanations:
So, the only recommended uniques for this build are these 2:
2 x It's simple: we use whirling blades to move around and kite/position ourselves and get a whopping +4 projectiles, and then spam LS to create a sort of barrage, inflicting impale and destroying physically anything. The higher the Attack speed, the better, as well as flat physical dmg on every piece possible. To conclude: i know this is far from an optimal GG build, but it's my trial at the new skill in the more "pure" way possible of playing it. I'll let you know at what map lvl i am going to give up, as i suspect i will soon. In the meantime, i appreciate any advice that doesn't include "just play Arc/BV/CoC", cause well, i know. Último bump em 16 de dez de 2018 04:40:41
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Why abyssus? Only for more dying to syndicate members?
The critical strike bonus doesn't apply to projectile, so only for the flat damage it's a bad gain for 40% increased physical damage. Especially since you don't go the fortify way with extra armor to compensate it a bit. When there isn't enough damage there are less dangerous ways - double curse ring / boots and a second damage curse for example. |
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" You're right.. so far i haven't had major problems with Syndicate members.. died a couple of times but not so many, although i still have to go to high tier maps, so we'll see. For the double curse: those items can be very expensive, and i didn't plan to invest so much in this build. Also, with the banner, HoP, and Blasphemy +2 curses, i don't think i'll have enough mana.. |
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Windscream boots are 1 fusing.
They have more resistances than an abyssus, no life have both. And you take 40% less damage against physical. There is also a cheap ring. You don't need expensive stuff for 2 curses. |
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