[3.8] FrozenSentinel's Lightning Fast Budget Magic Finder - 500% Movespeed & 110% Item Quantity
Want to power farm currency from mapping? This is the build for you!
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Come check me out live at: https://www.twitch.tv/FrozenSentinel. Feel free to hang out, chill, and ask any questions. I am west coast NA so usually will be around after 5 PM PST week days and varied times on the weekend.
- Oct 6, 2019 HUGE Update: Totally reworked the build to account for changes in the last few leagues, major differences: - Dropped Blood Magic Support in exchange for Lavianga's Spirit flask, this gives us about 50% more damage, more survivability, and more gem slots at the cost of 1 flask slot. - Dropped Blink Arrow for Smoke Mine, this gives us a bunch more movement speed and better uptime on our dash skill. - Dropped Fast and Deadly for Endless Munitions, this gives us better clear and compensates for the TS helm enchant nerf. Overall the build is Faster, Stronger and Better than ever now in 3.8, LETS GO! - Sept 6, 2019 Update: (3.8 - BLIGHT) How has TS changed going into 3.8? 1. The +2 Secondary Tornado shot proj helm enchant is now only +1, this hurts but is not the end of the world. 2. Changes to fork:
We've fixed a bug that meant that secondary projectiles from Fork could hit the target that they forked from with certain skills. For players, this only applied to Tornado Shot and Barrage. This provided a huge unintended damage bonus to these skills.
3. Changes to chain:
We've also made some improvements to how all projectiles select targets when chaining. Previously, two projectiles from a single attack could attempt to chain to the same target, but only one would be able to hit. Now chaining projectiles won't attempt to chain to the same target unless no other targets are available, which significantly improves the clearing capabilities of Chaining projectiles when used with additional projectiles.
--- Removed all older updates as I've significantly reworked the guide in 3.8 --- ----------------------------------------- Videos
- (outdated) 39 second T6 Burial Chamber run to give an idea of what the build does: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGqg2blF-vE - (outdated) T16 run, although I suggest an aurabot or some gear swapping for best results: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_KD0RLt6ms - Solo farmed Mirror of Kalandra from Alc and go T4 burials using this build: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/491201518 Build Introduction
What makes this build different than other Windripper Tornado Shot Builds?
- Permanent up-time on Divination Distillate (while using flask effect nodes) gives us 20% increased item quantity, 66% increased item rarity, 55% to all Elemental Resistances and constant life regeneration which out heals our blood rage. - Permanent up-time on Vaal Haste gives us 31% increased attack speed and 14% increased movement speed. - Crazy amount of movement speed. - Not reliant on Headhunter to clear fast. - No need for mana leech, regen, or gain on hit, unaffected by "No Regeneration", and "no leech" map mods.
How does this build work?
This build revolves around the unique Divination Distillate flask while using "increased Effect of Flasks on you" nodes in the tree to get 20% increased item quantity, 66% increased item rarity, 55% to all elemental resistances and constant life regeneration. The problem with Divination Distillate is that it is not a utility flask, instead it is a hybrid flask meaning once your life and mana are full, it will deactivate. My solution to this problem was the Soul Catcher unique flask. This flask has the modifier Cannot gain Mana during effect allowing us to deplete our mana without it refilling. The result is that while Soul Catcher is active and your mana is not full, Divination Distillate will never shut off! Another advantage of Soul Catcher is Vaal Skills used during effect have 40% reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration, what this means for us is essentially permanent up-time on Vaal Haste with a 2.78 second soul gain prevention and a 4 second duration. But the Soul Catcher flask introduced another problem along with it's advantage; Cannot gain Mana during effect. The solution here was to use the Lavianga's Spirit unique flask. This completely eliminates our reliance on mana and also allows us to run no-regen / no-leech maps with no problems. Not needing to spend mana comes with another advantage; We can reserve almost all our mana! (we only need enough mana to cast blood rage although I would recommend having enough to cast TS for when you have no flask charges). I took advantage of this by doing a 5L Herald of Ice setup that reserves 35% of our mana and gives us power charge generation, innervate (a lot of flat damage for TS), and a much more consistent onslaught than an abyss jewel grants. These supports also mean our Herald of Ice itself does a lot more damage: Everything else in the build is fairly similar to the traditional Queen of the Forest Windripper build, except I have put much more focus into maximizing clear speed. For those who aren't familiar with Queen of the Forest builds, what make's it good is 1% increased Movement Speed per 600 Evasion Rating, up to 75% this caps out at 45000 evasion. We easily reach (and exceed) this evasion number almost entirely through a level 23 Grace gem and an Alchemist's Jade Flask of Reflexes: Core Mechanics and Stats
Most of our damage comes from the Deadeye Ascendancy (more on this in the Ascendancy section, flat added damage abyss jewels, added damage from gems/auras/buffs, Rigwald's Quills (or a rare quiver with good mods or +1 chain corruption), the +1 secondary projectiles helmet enchant, and Critical Strike scaling.
We have an insane amount of attack and spell avoidance, but most of our defense comes from our 50000+ evasion and Dodge/Spell Dodge from Acrobatics/Soul Catcher Quartz Flask.
Overall we have: - 80%+ chance to evade attacks (vs level 73 monsters) - 10%+ chance to avoid projectiles (Lunaris Pantheon) - 50%+ chance to dodge attacks - 10%+ chance to dodge spells - 5% chance to evade attacks if you've taken a savage hit recently (Garukhan Pantheon) - 5% chance to dodge attack and spell hits if you've been hit recently (Lunaris Pantheon) - 5% chance to dodge attack hits while phasing (Freedom of Movement passive) - Permanent Phasing (Freedom of Movement passive) - Immunity to Corrupting Blood (from corrupted abyss jewel) - 75% all elemental resistances (thanks mostly to Divination Distillate) - Immunity to Curses OR Immunity to Freeze. (You can drop "of Reflexes" suffix on Jade Flask if you have enough evasion) - Constant Life gain from Divination Distillate Flask Overall you shouldn't die often if played correctly, but if you do, there is always Cast on Death + Portal
Movement Speed
This is where the fun begins! The main reason I did not go with Headhunter is because of how much movement speed we already get, it's hard enough to control the character at 450% movement speed, any more is just overkill and doesn't provide much benefit. Sources of Reliable Movement Speed: - 100%+ - Alchemist's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline - 50% - Queen of the Forest (Hidden implicit movement speed reduction from chest pieces is negated by Art of the Gladiator passive) - 50%+ - Passives - 30% - Smoke Mine - 20% - Devoto's Devotion - 20% - Onslaught - 20% - Goldwyrm (With 10% Movement speed if not hit recently enchant) - 15% - Grace Watcher's Eye Jewel - 15%+ - Transcendent Spirit Jewel - 14% - Vaal Haste - 9% - Unnatural Instinct - 7%+ - Rare Shaper Amulet (Can divine to 8%) - 6% - Pantheon (Garukhan) - 4% - Rare Abyss Jewel Sources of Conditional Movement Speed: - 62% - Phase Run (Use in between shots, Mirage Archer does not cancel phase run) - 20% - Rampage (Gives 1% Movement Speed per 20 stacks - 400 stacks is a reasonable average estimate here) - 8% - Pantheon (Lunaris) Movement Speed Multiplier: - 10% to 20% more - Tailwind (Deadeye Ascendancy) Total: can get over500% PoB Movement Speed at MAXIMUM VELOCITY although more realistically around 400% most of the time.
Item Quantity / Item Rarity
Sources of Item Quantity: - 20%+ - Divination Distillate - 20% - Goldwyrm - 15% - The Pariah - 15% - The Pariah - 15% - Windripper - 10% - Shaper Amulet - 10% - Sadima's Touch - 5% - Bisco's Leash Sources of Item Rarity: - 65%+ - Divination Distillate - 30% - Windripper Total: 110%+ Item Quantity / 95%+ Item Rarity The Build
Overall this build is able to function on a less than 5 exalt budget, is mostly min-maxed on a 20 exalt budget and reaches perfection at around 40 exalts. Prices will vary by league!
This is my gear in Blight league, it is mostly min-maxed at this point:
Passive Tree / Path of Building
Level 95 and 85 trees 110% IIQ / 500%+ PoB MS
https://pastebin.com/Sn0srK27 ![]() (See gear progression in Notes section) Leveling trees - Level 75, 72 pts, 50 pts, and 31 pts https://pastebin.com/RWK0Yzme ![]() --- Removed all pre 3.8 PoB's as the guide has significantly changed ---
1. Freedom of Movement ![]() Great node, this Anointment saves you 5 passive points as you would normally travel here anyway. It's also really cheap to anoint. 2. Aqueous Accelerate ![]() This node gives us 2% quantity, 8% movement speed, and 8% attack speed but forces us to travel 5 nodes because we give up the Freedom of Movement Anoint. Take this if you think the above mentioned stats are worth 5 travel nodes. (Probably not, it's also expensive)
Why Deadeye?
Deadeye has by far the best clear speed of the 3 choices, it has the most damage, movement speed (because of tailwind), attack speed, and accuracy. Below are the Ascendancies in order of which to get first. 1. Tailwind This is one of the best ascendancy nodes in the game, it gives you (and your allies) up to 20% Action Speed Modifier, which multiplies your movement speed, attack speed, etc. It also gives a free 1000 evasion for our Queen of the Forest. 2. Far Shot Far Shot has insane synergy and basically acts as a 30% more damage multiplier for Tornado Shot. As confirmed by GGG, far shot is based on the total distance traveled, not the distance from the character, secondary projectiles, forks, and chains are a continuation of the original projectile: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/6zy27p/point_blank_mechanics/dn594gv/?context=5. This basically means Tornado Shot is almost always getting max use out of far shot: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Far_Shot 3. Ricochet Ricochet is almost unparalleled when it comes to clearing a map packed with trash monsters. It also has synergy with Far Shot. Combined with our Chain Gem our initial hit will do about 30% more damage. 4. Endless Munitions Since we don't have room for dying sun, an extra arrow is basically 20% more damage (5 -> 6 arrows which shotgun), 50% AoE is great for HoI to explode packs, and a bit of accuracy is nice. 4. Fast and Deadly (option 2) Fast and Deadly is another great option. Damage, attack speed, huge accuracy boost and blink arrow cooldown. I personally prefer Endless as we don't need the accuracy, and since we dropped blink arrow for Smoke Mine we don't benefit from cooldown either. Possible Alternatives to Deadeye? I did experiment with Pathfinder and there was an argument to be made for an extra 20% Flask Effectiveness (4% item quantity, 12% item rarity among other things), permanent elemental status ailment immunity, and much better flask up-time for situations where you aren't constantly killing. It's just hard to compete with the clear speed of Deadeye. If you do go with Pathfinder, take: Nature's Boon, Master Alchemist, Veteran Bowyer, and Nature's Adrenaline. Raider is also a good defensive option for higher tier mapping, but overall Deadeye is the best by far.
The Pantheon choices are pretty obvious here; Lunaris and Garukhan give great defenses while being the only Pantheons that give movement speed.
Definitely help Alira. 20% Critical Strike Multiplier and 15% All Elemental Resistances are better than any 2 passive nodes for our build. If you don't need the resists, kill them all.
Gem Links
Tornado Shot:
- Greater Multiple Projectiles - Mirage Archer - Chain (or Fork if you don't have Rigwald's Quills) - Added Cold 6th link: - Increased Critical Strikes for consistency - Elemental Damage with Attacks if you need more dps Portal Obviously Lightning Golem Lightning Golem is the best DPS Golem, feel free to try Ice Golem for better crit chance. Phase Run (optional) - Increased Duration - Enhance Optional, but gives a crazy amount of movement speed. It also has great synergy with Mirage Archer; Just shoot once, pop phase run, and fly through the map as everything dies. I personally don't use it anymore because of the micromanagement and gem slots required, I would rather just level more gems to sell. Smoke Mine - Increased Duration (optional) - Blood Magic Smoke Mine is basically a juiced up Blink Arrow. It can be used to travel, is almost instant, and gives a HUGE 30% movement speed buff. Increased duration is optional here. Blood magic is mandatory with this build as mines now RESERVE mana which means Lavianga's Spirit flask does not make it free and therefore you will not be able to use it when you have 0 mana. Blood Rage Attack speed, Life leech and Frenzy generation. Grace Lots of evasion for Queen of the Forest, and movement speed from our Watcher's Eye. Put this in one of your Pariah Rings. Herald of Ice - Innervate - Curse on Hit - Assassin's Mark - Onslaught This is our Buff Generator and Clear Speed helper. We get Innervate, Onslaught, and Power Charges from this. Precision Leave this at level 1 for the free critical strike chance and access to nice Watcher's Eye mods. Vaal Haste You can keep this up almost permanently thanks to the Soul Catcher flask.
Play Style
Don't die
This build is a lot of fun to play, you must constantly keep moving and killing or you will drop buffs and feel weak. Without flask charges you will degen to blood rage, have low elemental resistances, low evasion, struggle with mana costs, and have almost no elemental resistances or evasion. With how fast this build is, keeping flasks up is very easy. The skill rotation 1. Cast lightning golem, if it's dead. 2. Cast Smoke Mine often to keep up its movement speed buff. 3. Cast blood rage to spend some mana. 4. Use Soul Catcher to halt mana regen. 5. Use Lavianga's Spirit to remove mana costs. 6. Use all other flasks. 7. Mash all of your potions any time they are about to run out. 8. Cast Vaal Haste any time it's up and phase run is not active. (Don't cancel phase run with Vaal Haste) 9. Shoot Stuff with Tornado Shot. 10. Use Phase run after you've done steps 1 to 5. (using another ability cancels phase run) 11. Run around really fast and let Mirage Archer kill stuff until phase run ends. It may sound complicated but it is very fun and rewarding once you get used to it, the important thing is that you use blood rage immediately before using soul catcher so that your mana is "halted" at a less than full amount. Leveling and Gear Progression
Under construction
Gotta go fast Última edição por FrozenSentinel#0619 em 20 de out de 2019 23:44:53 Último bump em 28 de dez de 2019 09:58:36
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Updated build with tankier variant
Gotta go fast
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I saw this linked over on reddit. Looks interesting. I've tried MF TS characters in the past but I get too bored with them before I really get anywhere. I like the mechanics of this though. IIRC one of the past MF characters I played was lighting arrow. Do you think that LA might work in place of TS with this build? Maybe a stupid question, I don't know. I find the TS sound kind of annoying so I'm thinking if there is another skill that could be sued.
Thanks for the build though, I'm going to see if I have an old character that is re-specable into this to test it out. |
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" If you were bored with the other builds then this is definitely the right one for you. This is easily the most fun character I've ever played and there is never a dull moment to always be 0.1 second away from death if you make a mistake, while having all the tools to avoid death in most situations. (Although if that's too much I did post a significantly tankier version in the passive tree section with minimal difference in clear speed) LA is the best alternative bow skill to TS here and saves an insane amount of currency since the Tornado Shot helm enchant is so expensive. Even being the best alternative the clear speed noticeably slower. Gotta go fast Última edição por FrozenSentinel#0619 em 27 de mai de 2019 20:31:09
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why is it called budget? The build cost more then the headhunter it is supposed to farm for.
It‘s possible to get close that speed on a budget with Ele Hit. you lose the quant from windripper but the build would cost only 3 ex + mf gear (which is supposed to have dimishing returns. so i wouldnt count it‘s cost on a mf build.) You probably meant expensive when you said budget and other then that well done. you proved that ms is the most important stat on mf char. i just want to give an alternative for poor people that want to run burials close as fast as you did. |
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" Hi Friend, the only two expensive pieces that I am using (Devoto's with +2 TS and Unnatural Instinct) are both very optional. Excluding those, this build still clears extremely fast and costs less than 10 exalts. While I was farming my HH (which I ended up selling) I ran only 1 6L (the QoTF), A rare evasion helm with +2 TS I bought for 3 or 4 exalts, and some cheap 3 damage mod abyss jewels I bought for 20-40 c each. The clear was about 80% the speed I have now on a very small budget. And ele hit doesn't get anywhere near the clear speed of TS, even if you don't have TS helm enchant. Gotta go fast
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" On the low end it's 14ex. " Ok thanks for the info. I am sure I will tinker with this in 3.7. I started a TR character but I'm not sure I'll get far enough with it to really test your build. |
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Update; I've added a Headhunter + 2 IL version of the build. See passive section.
https://pastebin.com/sYg8yQHF Gotta go fast Última edição por FrozenSentinel#0619 em 30 de mai de 2019 00:10:40
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" Can you also explain how I should gear after blood aquaduct or at what time I should switch to using Tornado Shot with 5link? I know when starting the leageu it is really expensive so everyone will start without currency to buy any of the items required for the build. Any chance you can explain how you transition from bad gear to upgrading to either goldwyrm or pariah and in what order? Definitely going to play this build next leageu! Thanks for the guide and build. |
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" Hi Friend, This league I started with winter orb so I already had beaten uber elder and had some currency by the time I went Tornado Shot. IMO Racing for end game content as fast as possible is more profitable really early league so I didn't bother trying to magic find for the first 2 weeks. Also Tornado Shot on it's own is not a great boss killer so you either need to use another bow skill like Caustic Arrow (Caustic arrow is good for progression because it requires little investment and allows you to do any map mod, it also allows you to easily respec to TS when you want), or use another character for your atlas completion. Once you do have your desired Deadeye character leveled to blood aquaduct, focus on gearing as a classic clear speed focused Tornado Shot character. Don't worry about quantity gear early on as you won't do enough damage yet to clear properly with it. Also you might find lightning arrow is better than Tornado Shot until you get the helmet enchant, this is up to preference. Also don't worry about Divination Distillate until you get a 6L and some flat damage jewels, the blood magic gem will really destroy the DPS of a 5link. As I said in the guide, most of your damage comes from abyss jewels, passives, and leveled gems, you may need to supplement your DPS by other means until your DPS can survive on pure quantity gear. For a 5Link I would do GMP, Chain, Mirage Archer, Added Cold, Tornado Shot. Here is a PoB from my Tornado Shot character before I transitioned into Divination Distillate + Soul Catcher + Blood Magic gems: https://pastebin.com/XyWFtk2p You probably want something like this. Gotta go fast
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