Slayer Cospri's Malice CoC - Eye of Innocence/Charging Offensive memery

This is the Moderately Good version of this character, the Cospri's Malice CoC variant:
PoB Paste Link

For the Full Meme version, I intend to add it to the below post when it's done.

Shaper fight video for demonstration purposes:

+Trigger build fun: constantly cast lots of spells while moving with Cyclone
+Rapid recovery from gain-on-hit effects
+Always have 6 frenzy, 6 endurance, and 3 power charges up
+20% cull
+Blind on hit, acro and phase acro, shatters for corpse removal
-Requires a substantial budget
-Small EHP pool, can be one-shot
-Horrendously weak to chaos damage

3.7 introduces Charging Offensive, a passive node that gives you endurance and frenzy charges when hit while channelling; makes cyclone a channelling skill; and gives the Slayer a node that gives you a max endurance charge for each max frenzy charge.

The only problem is getting hit enough...

But to punch ourselves a lot, we'd need to be hitting enemies a lot. How about:

Sounds like a plan! Admittedly the kind of plan that looks a lot like "take a very good build and make it slightly worse to fit in a gimmick," but if it works anyway, what's the problem?

I would recommend levelling as an ordinary sword-based cyclone Slayer until level 68, when Cospri's Malice can be used, then transforming the build entirely. You can even take and refund the Slayer nodes not being used by this build, though if you want to save the respecs, I suggest taking the boss nodes (Headsman/Bane of Legends) first, as there are many bosses through the story and leech is only of moderate value when your damage isn't yet massive.

When switching, prioritise getting critical chance. There's no need to immediately use Eye of Innocence and Charging Offensive; you can simply go Cospri's CoC Slayer. This is in fact a good point to evaluate how you're doing and whether to continue following this gimmick build instead of simply getting a good damage amulet and killing everything with Slayer CoC.

To view leveling trees in the Build viewer, save this paste as a .build file and import it on the page.

Ascendancy: Slayer, taking Headsman, Bane of Legends, Overwhelm, and Masterful Form.
Bandits: Alira for resists and crit multi
Link to Tree

Gear and Alternatives

These constitute the build's core. Theoretically it might be possible to get the int elsewhere than a conversion jewel, I suppose.

A much better boot enchantment would be added cold damage if hit recently.


Oskarm are probably the best gloves; nothing else provides as much crit chance, accuracy, a free relevant curse, and some life as well. But in theory these are merely luxury.

The life gain on hit mod is very, very nice, as is the flat mana cost reduction. But they're not critical, if you don't mind being dependent on mana leech (picked up for one point in the Duelist area). Nonetheless, I strongly advise getting them as soon as possible.

Probably the best chest, but a corrupted 6-link with appropriate socket colours is likely to be fine.

Intelligence is crucial here, of coruse.

Cooldown reduction is a big luxury, but this slot can easily balance your resists and provide better EHP.

If you have generic added fire on a ring, you don't need this. But the jewel is a bit easier to get in combination with all the other things you want on rings. Note that the conversion applies to the flat phys that the cyclone gem now provides, meaning this covers both attacks and spells.

Gems and Links

Main (body): Cyclone - Cast on Critical Strike - (Vaal) Ice Nova - Hypothermia - Cold Penetration - *
The last support, in theory, is best being swapped between Increased AoE and Concentrated Effect. However, this is awkward - you'll want conc effect if you find a general in a monolith, but won't have time to hotswap. Critical Damage is a compromise solution. Elemental Focus could also be used here, as the spells from the swords will inflict chill, but I like to start chilling immediately for the defensive benefit.
Weapon 1: Glacial Cascade - Power Charge on Critical - Concentrated Effect
GC can hit multiple times, so it's suitable for being the power charge generator.
Weapon 2: Frostbolt - Hypothermia - Bonechill
Bonechill should go on something with a powerful one-shot damage. Or you could use Arctic Breath, and put Frostbolt on the PCoC set-up.
Four-socket item 1: Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Fortify, Vaal Grace
Simple enough. Leap Slam is great right now, it goes over obstacles, it stuns everything, it procs fortify.
Four-socket item 2: Cast when Damage Taken (6) - Summon Flame Golem (8) - Ball Lightning (9) - Frost Bomb (13)
Eye of Innocence has another advantage: you can fully automate things using CWDT and be confident they will happen regularly. This one should be leveled up such that Frost Bomb goes off whenever it's off cooldown but not more often that that.
Four-socket item 3: Discipline, Zealotry, Precision (10), Steelskin
Steelskin might seem like an odd choice compared to Immortal Call given that it will take damage from Eye of Innocence, burning through the shield quickly. However, I use it almost entirely to survive chaos damage hits, e.g. from spitters in incursions. If you've solved that problem, or don't care about it, Immortal Call is undeniably better.


Nothing special here, make sure cold res is highest or tied for highest for the Wise Oak of course. Quartz Flask for the 10% dodge and spell dodge, since evasion suffers from diminishing returns and we don't need a Stibnite Flask to inflict blind. Make sure you have Staunching, Heat and Warding.

I usually go with Arakaali and Shakari for maximum chaos defence. But Gruthkul is essentially 5% flat phys, which is amazing. Switch around as required, of course.

Only ele reflect truly stops this build, but 90% chance to avoid ailments is extremely annoying and probably worth rerolling over. Legions are quite safe, use Vaal Ice Nova to break out the masses of ordinary mobs and then focus down the rares (and boss if applicable) on at least one side.

No map boss less than guardians poses even a slight challenge. Provided you're willing to learn their mechanics, Guardians and Shaper aren't hard either, though they can all easily one-shot you, so be prepared to die a little if you want to do this content, at least until you have some experience. It can be hard to see what they're doing beneath the deluge of spells, but it's good practice.

Final Thoughts
An alternative set-up might use Ngamahu's Sign, a different aura to Discipline, and a different Watcher's Eye. Deciding which way to go will come down to personal preference, economic availability of the ESGoH mod, and ability to balance resistances.

The build has some substantial optimisations still possible: 21/20 spell gems; balancing resists for the Wise Oak; and tuning the attack speed to get the most out of CoC. This last one might even make it better to not use the CDS belt, ironically enough.

The charge generation is powerful... I wonder...

Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing your comments, questions and criticisms.
Último bump em 6 de jul de 2019 11:40:24
(reserved for the Incredibly Dumb Idea version, when I respec into it)

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