[3.12-3.15] Pure Bleed TANK / HC - Spectral Helix (Lacerate / EQ / Ect..)
3.15 UPDATE 8/4/2021 - Uh, just wow.. So after leveling to now 86 I can safely say that this build is an absolute beast even with just 1-2 exalt investment into the build at the moment.
While I am only at T6-T7 maps I have been playing the game long enough to know that this will do T16 content with just a few upgrades from my current POB. 3.15 POB - https://pastebin.com/AFwbw6qG I'll add videos when I get further into the league but for anyone wanting to try this this league I'd say its by far more powerful then any previous version as far as damage. I will still have to around with the build more to get 70/70 block + Divine Flesh to get the same defense as the leagues prior to this one as they keep nerfing DF and Block :( ![]() IGN : Destreaga Contact me if you have any questions!
Hey I would like to re iterate that this is a very slow project of mine, it also changes constantly depending on what skills are out. If you have any questions my answers may be delayed for some time at any given time. Thanks for your patience everyone.
I also want to thank everyone that takes the time to actually try the build and everyone that comments. I know its a little thing but people taking the time to try my build means a lot to me! Thanks all =) Thank you! THIS BUILD USES POB FORK EDITION https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/releases 3.12 UPDATE - 10/13/2020 Current POB - 9Mil Slam - 80%Chaos R - 90% Armor W/Flask - 73/73 Block - 250 HP on Block https://pastebin.com/520LFLuJ - How I roll my maps in SC, do not do this in HC (or know the mods) *Exalt drop* https://youtu.be/J3FyWIk9MwU Regular Mapping. https://youtu.be/ATEz98edk5c A6 Sirius Deathless. https://youtu.be/Z0FmTxjgjQ8 Lair of the Hydra. https://youtu.be/dlCdUFVYdK0
Old 3.12 Updates
3.12 UPDATE 10/11/2020 New videos focusing on TANK capabilities after getting both glorious vanity and surrender shield finally! The is pretty much done except META crafting / better gear for dps. At this point in the build it can do any content deathless. How I roll my maps in SC, do not do this in HC (or know the mods) *Exalt drop* https://youtu.be/J3FyWIk9MwU Regular Mapping. https://youtu.be/ATEz98edk5c A6 Sirius Deathless. https://youtu.be/Z0FmTxjgjQ8 Lair of the Hydra. https://youtu.be/dlCdUFVYdK0 10/8/2020 Still in midgame as my luck has been abysmal, as of doing the video I am currently atlas lvl 5, but with the pob down below could easily be doing atlas 8. End game is next! NEW VIDEO UP https://youtu.be/APFUAn-mh4E Without Glorious Vanity POB in Video - https://pastebin.com/tRW350Nn New POB WITH Glorious Vanity - Updated today after finding an empower 4 :D https://pastebin.com/8nnZHrXQ The key factors are these = 60-60 + Block 75% chaos resist 5k+ Health 70% armor with Flasks. 3.12 Updates 2/29/2020 Minor Updates in the leveling section (temporary) So, I would say this POB is mid game point, At this point you should have only spend roughly 50-100 or so C for 3.12 to be able to do T14-16 maps. POB - https://pastebin.com/XLMUrQyk The key factors are these = 60-60 + Block 75% chaos resist 5k+ Health 90% armor with Flasks. Your next aim is to get a glorious vanity jewel OR you can go for the surrender shield. I will probably go for Glorious Vanity next to see how much I can push chaos resist given the nerf to divine flesh. End Game is next. 3.12 UPDATE 9/22/2020 Massive update to Gem Links Section / Leveling Section for 3.12 3.12 UPDATE - 9/20/2020 For anyone who is interested in lvling with this build here is my POB at my current lvl 47 https://pastebin.com/A4WHsfEB and might I add it has been a very smooth ride thus far. Before you get EQ and four links I would recommend molten strike or frost blades for lvling, switching to pure phys EQ bleed at lvl 28 with four links. I'll update again as soon as I hit maps! I'll also be updating the entire guide soon to fit with EQ rather than Lacerate. IMO Lacerate doesn't compare these days because of the new slam skills, the switch from lacerate to EQ has made the build much better in many ways both offensively and defensively. I will not know how the divine flesh nerf has affected the build but I imagine it is minimal. 3.12 UPDATE - 9/21/2020 Just hit maps, all solo self found up to this point. 420k max hit Sdps. This is an excellent start as I transition into maps and has been the smoothest lvling experience I have had with this build. POB - LVL 70 - https://pastebin.com/7nMjuBRw Will upload new EQ videos and touch up the guide SOON! 3.12 UPDATE - 9/22/2020 Leveling Section Revised and UPDATED (Still WIP but should get you to red maps) Added new tab for seismic cry pob explanation. Added a new video. You can find the old lacerate videos there too but until they buff lacerate or nerf Slam skills, Slam skills it is. LVL 72 Uber Lab 4 link Deathless Run, little hairy at the end though haha. POB - https://pastebin.com/rZRLgZqZ https://youtu.be/6IxJi2XbY90 Lvl 75 - Once you get Jack the Axe / all ascendancies / 45-45 block / 4-link / you are completely map ready and red map viable (low red map) POB - https://pastebin.com/Yw8piqZx Pros MADE FOR HC Hit and Run playstyle ALL CONTENT Smooth Leveling 80% Chaos Resist 50% of Elemental damage taken as Chaos Damage 70% Block/Spell Block 294 health recovered on block 70% Phys damage reduction 90% ele resist in tree alone Cons No phys reflect Less block chance mods CAN kill you Slightly starved for int / dex Not "instant" damage
Why EQ over Lacerate?
Simple answer really, after the slam skills came out in 3.11 and I did some testing they will have to either nerf slam skills or buff lacerate for me to switch back. Yes with lacerate you can stack bleeds with crimson dance however you are stationary while you do it. With Pure Bleed EQ you can use hit and run to your advantage to do damage while you dodge one shots waiting for the aftershock while the damage is on par if not better then stacking bleeds with crimson dance.
How it works - Divine Flesh
By turning a Major Node into Divine flesh ![]() using the Glorious Vanity jewel ![]() we take 50% of Elemental damage as Chaos damage but also get a +5-10% to our max chaos resist. With the help of the small cluster jewel "Born of Chaos" ![]() and a few chaos resist gear pieces we can easily achieve 83% chaos resist. Couple that with 70/70 block 70% phys reduction and 294 health regained on block its almost impossible to die
How it works - Seismic Cry and Exerted Attacks
Here is the description of Seismic cry and why it is so important to the bleed damage we are able to achieve. Exerts the next 4 Melee Slam Attacks you perform Buff grants 5% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold per 5 Power, up to a maximum of 30% Exerted Attacks have 30% increased Area of Effect Exerted Attacks deal 30% more Damage Exerted Attacks have 30% increased Area of Effect per previous Attack Exerted by this Warcry Exerted Attacks deal 30% more Damage per previous Attack Exerted by this Warcry So as far as I understand on your last exerted attack you will be doing the max hit dps stated in the POB for the duration of the bleed. This means your damage will not constantly be that high however you do so much damage late game anyway it truly does not matter. What matters is TANK!
In following order For HC - Painforged / Versatile Combat / Blood in the eyes / Gratuitous Violence For SC - Blood in the eyes / Gratuitous Violence / Painforged / Versatile Combat
I personally go with Soul of Solaris (because of elemental weakness maps) / Soul of Tukohama (because we are stationary at times) but its entirely up to you.
Gem Links
EQ Links
For early game and before you get the necessary gear. POB https://pastebin.com/Yw8piqZx - Do not level Vulnerability past level 6 and Cast when damage taken past level 2, they are filling in until we get Impresence. Chest - Helmet - Gloves - Weapon - Shield - LATE GAME (WIP)
Lacerate Links
All awakening gems are Final Endgame items and you DO NOT need them to make the build work so just use normal Q20 until you can afford awakened. Lacerate - Aura's - Invest into enlighten when you can, until then drop warbanner and just use pride - flesh and stone - maim SHIELD (must be equipped in the surrender) - This is the a big part of the defense in this build and should be your first large investment ESPECIALLY on HC providing a grand total of 294 hp on block and a 10% cull. Movement - Because of the amount of dex you need for the build I personally love dash + second wind. But honestly any movement skill that works with axes will do. The rest - Leaves you 2 slots to play with if you are using Kaom's roots, which you should be. If you are not using kaom's roots a CWDT + Stone Golem or even a Immortal call + increased duration + blood rage (my advice is DO NOT run blood rage on HC unless you are sure you cannot die)
1. Use molten strike or frost blades to level with any weapons you can find until you get to level 28. Link EQ-Brutality-Meleephys-Fist Of War 2. You should aim for a POB to look like this - https://pastebin.com/7q5LLuJ7 3. EARLY MID POB AIM FOR THIS - https://pastebin.com/KLJ6WTRf 4. Glorious Vanity POB should look like this, and also dropping Impresence for a Vuln on hit ring. https://pastebin.com/8nnZHrXQ This is where it gets important especially if in HC MID GAME The key factors are these 60-60 + Block 80% chaos resist 5k+ Health 70% armor with Flasks. Your next aim is for a Surrender shield before moving onto meta items for that last bit of DPS. TBC END GAME (TO BE CONTINUED)
Gear / Cluster Jewels
Jewels Gear
Current POB
Lacerate - https://pastebin.com/MrYL6FYn (Outdated) 3.12 EQ (BEST CHOICE) - https://pastebin.com/8nnZHrXQ
Older Updates
3.10 UPDATE 4/14/20 New video up of Phoenix. New POB with Leveling guide in the form of points (equipment to aim for still same) New Ascension/Pantheon section New video up Tanking minotaur with only 39% block and 42% monster health New video of deathless shaper run New video of deathless hall of grand masters Achieved 1.55m shaper dps as of level 94 / pob updated. 3.10 UPDATE 4/15/20 Added a Links section that goes over all skills and links. Reminds me of Materia ! (FF7 Remake is BOSS) Added more comprehensive images to the How it works section Added Leveling section Updated POB, achieved 1.75m shaper dps T14 blighted map added (ANY CONTENT I SAY!!) 3.11 UPDATE - 6/19/20 Hey all, I just wanted to let you guys know that I am league starting with this build in harvest standard for testing purposes but will be building it for HC (and trying not to die once) for anyone racing this season. 3.11 UPDATE - 7/3/20 Hey all! So big update on the build. I am testing classes. For now we are actually much better off going Slayer in the beginning until you can afford The Surrender Shield. I want to test champion as well given the two handed update. Here is an update to the POB I am running at the moment. POB UPDATE - https://pastebin.com/YR83UAZU - Slayer Version 3.11 UPDATE - 7/4/20 Hey all, So as I head into red maps with this I wanted to give you yet another significant update on the build. After switching Champion for armor compensation (other defenses are perfect) I have achieved roughly 600k DPS with Kondo's and 79% phys damage reduction. Here is the updated pob - it is rather cheap setup to get into red maps. POB UPDATE - https://pastebin.com/p7PqbHa1 - Champion Version - Red Map Viable. 3.11 UPDATE - 8/29/2020 - Couple of updates. A. I have not had the time to update it as much as I would have liked this season so for those that were actually looking at the build with some guidance I do apologize. B. After meeting an awesome dude from Israel and getting some tips on crafting I have been able to push this build to 18mil dps in a single hit with earthquake. Yes there is some harvest crafting involved but compared to many other builds its pretty minimum and its absolutely not needed at all. POB UPDATE - EARTH QUAKE VERSION - WILL START THIS NEXT SEASON - https://pastebin.com/aU7y7Xn3
3.10 Videos (Outdated)
T14 Blight Map Deathless - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVO3WiwnlJ8&t=80s
3.12 Videos
A6- Regular Mapping. https://youtu.be/ATEz98edk5c A6 Sirius Deathless. https://youtu.be/Z0FmTxjgjQ8 Lair of the Hydra. https://youtu.be/dlCdUFVYdK0 How I roll my maps. Do not do this in HC without knowing the mods. https://youtu.be/J3FyWIk9MwU Última edição por Destreaga#2533 em 4 de ago de 2021 18:47:22 Último bump em 4 de ago de 2021 18:44:33
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New vid up
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Any leveling guide ? What skills to take in the tree first etc...
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" Hey! I updated the POB in the form of points 20 - 40 ect. Also placed a Ascension guide section. Hope that helps =) Thanks for the input! I'll eventually do a budget gear section more than likely but for now so many other builds have a melee budget guide you can look into. Its essentially the same. |
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Hai OP. Love the guide. Definitely what i'm looking for. Tankiness all day and DOT damage. Do you have any recommendation for cheap unique substitutes for each gear section?
Thanks! |
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Been playing this for a few seasons on sc, feel free to check out my setup i am pretty min maxed.
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" Heya ! Thanks for checking out the build, I added a couple of new sections as well as a leveling section. I really hope this helps and let me know if you have anymore questions! Thanks for the input. |
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" I am really digging the choice of unique items you have used on your character, I popped your character into POB and saw you managed to get 90% reduction with the aspect of the crab. Impressive I must admit! Its really neat to see how we essentially have the same outcome of the build but are built fairly differently as well. If you haven't already you should check out my pob and compare it with yours for sure! |
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" Thanks for the unique item suggestions! I would like to add Jack, the Axe is a decent axe to use. A few suggestions from me: Sections on: - Stats to look for in Rare items - Choice of anointments - Helmet enchantment - Priority items for progression I also would like to pick your brain on using blade vortex to proc bleed. Couple with your build, seems like it'll be a smooth one for mapping. But i'm not that good in theorycrafting. Appreciate your thoughts on this. |
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