[3.20] 🌿 Devon's Blooming Flicker 🌿 | Most content viable | Decent starter | 8M DPS
![]() 3.20 Changes for this build ---------------------------------- - Now has Vaal version! WOOOOOOOOOOO! - Built-in Splash damage from Tribal Fury! - Changed the skill tree slightly - Replaced Default Leap slam with Phantasmal - Still needs mana leech as before (passive tree or item) Conclusion: It's better! ---------------------------------- Pros + super fast + Boss killer + Map clearer + 4M+ DPS (8M+ with totems up) + lot of damage mitigation (phys red/suppression/fortify) + it's flicker Cons - uses 5 Uniques (3 can be replaced with rares) - can be expensive (Farruls fur, Exquisite blade, Starforge) - can't do phys reflect maps THE BUILD How does it work? Frenzy generation explanation:
Flicker frenzy charge generation is: 20% chance on hit (from the gem itself) + 20% chance on hit from Raider + 8% from Sword Mastery = 48% chance per hit to generate a frenzy. Multistrike is 3 hits per attack. 14.06% (0.52 x 0.52 x 0.52) chance to fail to generate a frenzy charge per attack so that means 85.94% to succeed per attack. Which means that every 9th attack will fail to generate a charge. What covers this is the inherent "charge" that flicker refreshes every 2 seconds. First the flickers cooldown is consumed and then the Frenzy charge is consumed, as soon as the cooldown of Flicker finishes it will consume that instead of a frenzy and so on.
IMPORTANT: This will be noticable on bosses if you don't have Terminus Est, Frenzy generation body armour, Farrul's Fur or Mark Mastery that all give Frenzy in some way. On mapping frenzy charges will be generated without a problem as each kill has a 20% chance of generating one + everything on hit from Flicker. You will hit once and kill 5 things at once anyway. Stationary effects and Flicker:
You are constantly stationary because you are technically always standing still even while teleporting. The teleport part though, counts as moving but it is instant and lasts for 0 seconds. That's why buildup stationary effects do not work but instant stationary effects, such as Arctic Armour, do.
How to play?
Blood stance for bosses, Sand stance for clearing.
Maps: Hold right click (if that's your bind for flicker) and occasionally leap slam further. Boss: Place totems before fighting a boss and hold right click again. Damage mitigated:
Physical: 85%% phys damage reduction, Arctic armour, Fortify and Endurance charges.
Elemental: 100% Spell suppression, Arctic armour, Fortify and Endurance charges. Videos and Gifs Early showcase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa5f5uQLTKQ Showcase [Mapping + Chimera + Sirus]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzApjFcugsc Path of Building - Pastabin https://pobb.in/PkA6GYZd2kxn (updated for 3.20, 09.12.2022) - rearanged skill points a bit - now has in-built splash damage from Tribal Fury Everything is inside, use this^ Alongside Normal/Cruel/Merciless/Endgame trees, to the bottom left where it says "Endgame (95)", click on that and you can swap out the trees to see what you need to prioritize. Also here you can check out the whole tree, gear, gems, enchants, damage, etc. Basically you can see everything that I used and what you should aim for. Leveling General tips:
Make sure to keep upgrading your weapons as you go on, attacks are fairly dependant on the weapons you're using.
- Use one Praxis ring or any form of mana leech to handle the mana costs - prioritize Life and Resistances -> a good starting item is Goldrim, you can basically wear it to maps with the resists it provides, afterwards you want an armor based helm with life and resists - boots should have movement speed -> Wanderlust are a great choice for starting out, later on equip armor boots with movespeed, life and some resistances - links are important, more links more damage -> at Act I you should have a 3L, at Act III a 4L and around Act V if you get lucky or buy one (shouldn't be too expensive) buy a 5L chest and throw an alch/essence on it - accuracy, attack speed, critical strike chance and spell damage ALL help you Guide:
As soon as you kill Hillock pick up Frost Blades as the quest reward. Use Frost Blades until you get 1 Transmutation. Once you have it, go to Nessa and buy Perforate. It will outperform Frost blades so that one is recommended to level with until you get Flicker and Frenzy charges from the Raider ascendancy. Keep an eye out for good 1h axes/swords or 2h axes and swords. It needs to be an axe or sword because of Perforate. Later on you will switch to only 2H swords. Also try and look out for items that have 3-linked red sockets. You will need it for your main link until you get the Normal lab ascendancy. After completing the quest Breaking some eggs go to town, take Dash from the rewards, go to Nessa and buy War Banner and Blood and Sand. Equip all of the gems if you have the slots for them. Dash will help you navigate gaps and ledges while the auras will help with clearing/damage. Blood stance for bosses, Sand stance for clearing. After killing Brutus pick up Precision as a reward, go to Nessa again and buy: Flicker Strike, Added Fire Damage and Maim. Hopefully you have found a 3-link item with all red sockets by now. Support your Perforate with Added Fire Damage and Maim. Don't forget to activate Precision that you bought and make sure to leave it at level 1. Try to place Flicker strike somewhere inside your gear since you want to be leveling it even though you wont be using it until you get the Raider ascendancy from Normal lab (you can place it in the secondary weapon slots that are toggled by X on PC). Before killing Merveil drop Perforate and pick up Spectral Helix and support it with Added Fire + Added Cold. Keep using this until you get the chance to use Flicker (Terminus Est or all of the required Frenzy generations). Passive tree, Bandits and Pantheon Passive Tree https://pobb.in/PkA6GYZd2kxn Bandits Recommended: - Alira - Need the +15% to all resistances, damage and regen is pog Pantheon BiS: Lunaris + Shakari - even more Avoidance and Degen resistance Alternative: Brine King + Ryslatha - Decent survivability on certain bosses, freeze can be a pain in the ass when there are no mobs to kill around All Links [from most important to least, prioritize like this] Body Armour (6L) Flicker(21/20) = Fortify(20/20) > Multistrike(21/20) > Impale(20/20) > Close Combat(20/20) > Brutality(20/20) OR Melee Splash(20/20) IMPORTANT: Brutality for bossing, Melee splash for mapping. Weapon (6L) Vaal Ancestral Warchief(20/20) = Ancestral Protector + Maim(20/20) + Brutality(20/20) + Melee Physical damage(20/20) + Impale(20/20) IMPORTANT: Maim is priority on Totem as it will buff your Flicker damage on bosses too. 1st 3L+1L = Enduring Cry(20/20) + Molten Shell(21/20) + Increased Duration(20/20) | Dread Banner(20/20) 2st 4L = Pride(20/20) + Flesh and Stone(20/20) + Arctic Armour(20/20) + Enlighten(3) Corrupted Gloves (+1 Max Frenzy) 4L = Assassins Mark(20/20) + Blood Rage(20/20) + Enhance(4) + Leap slam(20/20) NOTE: Arctic armour can be used in the budget version of the build where you use the Perfect Form body armour. Check gear below or inside PoB by switching gearsets. Gear Recommended during leveling: The best sword to have until you get a 550-600pdps rare. It maintains the frenzies porperly and provides decent damage. Tabula Rasa or any decent yellow 5L with life and evasion until you get the Influenced rare (+10% Frenzy on hit) or Perfect Form Body Armour. Leveling Gear
Example of leveling gear:
Example of leveling flasks: My Gear (Outdated - check PoB) IMPORTANT: 10% frenzy on Body Armour along with a 20%Q Flicker is necessary to maintain Frenzy charges properly on Single bosses that tend to move or where you have to dodge a lot. This variation deals quite a bit more damage compared to the budget one. ALTERNATIVE: Farrul's Fur - expensive but amazing chestpiece Starforge - expensive but BiS MANA: Make sure to at least have some source of mana leech. One 0.4% mana leech node or the equivalent on any item that can have it should do the trick (check my rings). The Cyclone gem in the chestpiece I was using to swap with Flicker when delving as it was easier to delve with cyclone of course (also remember to replace multistrike if you plan to do the same). Budget Alternative If you have Terminus Est, Body Amour can be anything more or less since frenzy sustain wont be a problem. Remember to use Arctic Armour with this alternative. This variation is more tanky because of Arctic Armour and it has an additional skill point because of Perfect Form "Phase Acro". Flasks Doedre's flask recommended to start you off on bosses when you don't have any frenzy charges. Anointment: The best Anointments: Frenetic - Damage, evasion, movement speed Discipline and Training - Much needed life. 2nd best Anointment: Tenacity My personal current achievements with the build: -15 Harvest Challenges -killed a lot of conquerors -killed Sirus (A5, died once) Hope you guys find it interesting! Check out what I'm playing this league and other guides: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2724153 "Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown "The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro "Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro Última edição por devon752#5895 em 20 de dez de 2022 05:38:28 Último bump em 12 de abr de 2023 08:10:24
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First of all thank your for your work. I am always happy to see flicker guides and players that likes it. Do you think raider ascendancy and flicker gem chance to generate frenzy charge are enough to sustain flicker? Is mana flask essential for the build? I see a mana leech node in cluster jewel section, would it be enough? Did you ever started flicker as league starter? Thank you in advance. IGN : Jarvandar Última edição por madgod88#6497 em 19 de jun de 2020 10:35:36
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Did you try Flicker+Nature's Patience? As far as I know the vines will break as soon as you use a movement skill, even if it is one where you count as stationary. I tried to make it work with Lightning Warp, since you count as stationary, too, but it breaks the vines as soon as you use it.
Would be great if they stayed with flicker, but I doubt it. |
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" 1.) No problem at all I enjoy doing it. 2.) Yes, it's actually precisely enough. Flicker frenzy charge generation is now: 15% chance on hit (from the gem itself) + 20% chance on hit from Raider = 35% chance per hit. Multistrike is 3 hits per attack. 65%x65%x65%= 27.5% to fail to generate a frenzy charge per attack so that means 72.5% to succeed per attack. Once you apply the 20% quality on the Flicker gem it comes to 60%x60%x60%=21.6% to fail to generate a charge. So that means every fifth attack will fail to generate a charge. What covers this is the inherent "charge" that flicker refreshes every 2 seconds. First the flickers cooldown is consumed and then the charge if flicker is off cooldown. This is only noticable at start with bosses as the gem is still not 20% quality. Worst case scenario is we will swap the helm enchant from damage per frenzy charge to "30% increased Flicker Strike Cooldown Recovery Speed." Which will reduce the Flicker Cooldown from 2s to 1,4s. On mapping frenzy charges will be generated without a problem as each kill has a 20% chance of generating one + the 20% from Flicker. You will hit once and kill 5 things at once anyway. Regardless, both scenarios are covered. 3.) Mana leech will be 611m/s according to PoE "calcs" section so the mana flask most likely wont be necessary. I placed it there just in case. 4.) Yes. As I said, a couple of them, one being last league even though I didn't make a guide for it. "Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown "The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro "Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro Última edição por devon752#5895 em 19 de jun de 2020 12:16:00
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" That would be heart-breaking but if that's the case I'll just find something else to compensate. *sigh* "Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro "Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro |
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" https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Grasping_Vines "Teleporting with any movement skill that instantly moves you (such as Flame Dash or Blink Arrow) instantly removes all stacks of the Grasping Vines debuff." I guess it is heartbreaking. IGN : Jarvandar Última edição por madgod88#6497 em 19 de jun de 2020 11:15:46
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" Will try it out still in standard. Maybe Flicker is an exception, which I doubt. regardless I'll just place the new jewel with regen there then. "Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro "Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro |
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Welp, grasping vines doesn't work with Flicker. Just tried it out, guess I should've done that sooner. Kinda silly that something that utilizes every single stationary thing in the game can't use the strongest stationary thing in the game. Oh well, time to rework my thumbnail and build name :D
I will replace it with the new Fragile bloom. Gonna have that juicy 1k life regen at least. That was the alternative anyway. "Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown "The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro "Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro Última edição por devon752#5895 em 19 de jun de 2020 11:58:00
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Thanks for making a 2h flicker raider build! I was looking to league start with one and i guess i found it.
c: |
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edit: im dumb
Última edição por havenclaw#6928 em 19 de jun de 2020 14:33:49
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