[3.19] SideFX Perma VLS has returned! NO HATEFORGE NEEDED
![]() Hello, I'm Sidefxmayinclde! So it's been some time since I last posted a build guide. I have done tons of testing on this and would love to share how to make all this possible! I loved the days of Hateforge VLS spamming and now we can relive that all again! PoB
This build is by no means "budget" and is very hard to get everything in order. I would not spec into this until near lv 85 and having some of the items. Section below on how to start farming for items you will need maybe w/ a different build Pros
+ Clear maps in minutes
+ High Dps + High Aoe + Overall Fun play style + Easy leveling w/ as normal LS Cons
- Expensive
- Requires of very niche things - Can be a headache until you have all the %'s correct. - Dory prototype build so random Lightning oneshots keklul This build replicates the old school VLS spamming Hateforge build that was made popular in Ultimatum league. Hateforge had returned on Kalandra league but w/ the previous league nerfs to the soul flask the only skill usable w/ it is Groundslam. Lets change that. ![]() ![]() Any questions please feel free to ask on my stream! Www.twitch.tv/Sidefxmayinclde or Click this image! please dont forget to FOLLOW to know when i go live! ![]() Bandits :
Kill all, Skill points are king! Required Uniques:
This is the item that makes dreams come true. The issue is this item drops from Atziri Normal (3 random mods) and Uber (4 random mods) There isn't much room for variants of the ring outside of the stats I have here. You can try one without the more damage, but everything else is 100% mandatory!
Also this build is all used on a ONE link skill gem! This belt is insane as we have perma fort there for perma onslaught! HH could also be used. These flask are needed to allow us to regain charges/ignore downtimes. With Soul Ripper you are going to want - charges and you will have to math how many charges you gain from your Jewels/Tree to know the min amount of - you will need on the flask. I started with a -30 and found -38 to be 100% uptime, (during maps you can skimp a little as you get charges from your Watchers eye) Prec mod a must, and You can go with either or vitality mods. I pref Life gain on hit. This jewel is another way for us to gain charges back *or not spend them* you will want 15/20 rolls like mine, otherwise you add to soulgain prevention (do not use until you get rare ring base) You are looking for 4/5 "Increased flask charges gained mods" Also you will want the god on this jewel as it gives charges per missing flask slots. I will post jewel numbers to watch later on. A Massive roll is needed for the final 8% reservation to fit all auras. Also adds in some easy grab spots for the previous jewel mods. These two bad boys allow you to well do double your damage. They make 1 hit of charges swing 2 times, and also give you 2x the chance to "refund" charges as if you spent 2. Kinda op but very expensive. (I played for a while without it's doable but it feels amazing with) This is a good filler jewel, adds tons of crit which synergizes with precision watchers eye mod. My current Yellows
This item base is required on the left slot of your rings. This counteract one of the unique jewels we use.
This amulet is made w/ kalanda Reflection tile, you use the base like the following Divine them to max and add whatever other mods you may want and swing the dice. you are aiming for 55-60% reduced vaal skill effect duration (this helps with Soul prevention timers) There is ways to get the timer down using non kalandra ammies/rings but will keep that secret for now. *sorry* Weapons like the following are also used for the Vaal mod on them, *these are my bricked fractur attempts* This helps with sustaining more charges *ups you from 2 stored to 3* A good Claw w/ Crit/attackspeed/high ele (lightning only in my case as im dory) like the following claw Some more examples of the rare ring. Stat Priority/Flask
-->Elemental Resistances - Crit - Attackspeed
Flasks : Gem links
6-Link Setup:
Anomalous Wrath -> Enlighten (3) -> Divergent Determination -> Divergent Vitality (What level you have this at depends on your int/mana to reserve all aura) -> Anomalous Defiance Banner -> Anomalous Grace 4-Link Setups: • Ambush -> Enhance (4) -> Blood Rage -> LifeTap • Anomalous Precision (lv1) -> LifeTap -> Ancestral Protector -> Divergent Frostblink • LifeTap -> Corrupting Fever -> Berserk -> Molten Shell 3-Link Setups: • Whirling Blades -> Faster Attacks -> LifeTap • LifeTap -> Divergent Mark on hit -> Assassin's Mark Ascendancy:
Champion : Unstoppable Hero -> Fortitude -> First to strike,Last to fall -> Inspirational
How to Level!
Honestly Just play as any other Lightning strike guide out there and transition into this version when you have some of the items, and near lv 85
Skill Trees:
Farming information
In order to start farming the bases for Amulet and Weapon there is a strategy for it, Use the following sextent by using x2 Uber atziri fragments ONLY for 100% Red Box chance in your maps, You will need to add a way to show Magic items on your filter that drop with the tag "of the underground" Or you will have to alt to check all loot on the floor (these sell very well) Also make sure you don't have the node on atlas skill tree to make boxes corrupt as this will just null the item drops! IMPORTANT Some Really old build guides of mine
3.0 Frostblades: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1848749
3.0 Mjolner Velocity: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1947046 2.6 Dreamfeather Wildstrike: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1877155 3.0 Caustic arrow: Occultist https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1886332 3.0 Caustic arrow: Trickster https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1931405 3.0 Dark Harakiri: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1968608 Último bump em 12 de out de 2022 21:38:40
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Good to see an old name with a new build! Excited to try this one out.
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For those who are wondering. This build is unaffected by the most recent hot fix to stop VLS from staying permanent This build still works 100%
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Fun looking build so thanks for the post. I was going to try this as the last project of the league but that ring appears all but non-existent sadly.
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