Gone to play Warframe on Steam
[3.xx][Jan1/23] Lvl 93 Gladiator, d.o.t. Scorching Ray, Version 2.0 Noob Freindly
2 keypress to load tree
Just go to the forums, find a build you may like, copy the pasebin code [ex https://pastebin.com/XLSBk0UP], then go to path of bulding,import from pastebin, then just hit ctrl + v, then done, things shud be green.
Banndits Kill All 3 Pastebin -> Fork
No cluster jewels or Bot's here. Has alot of damage over time The gear is fairly cheap, maby 90 chaos at the most. Except for the staff, Divine Orbs And the gloves, 3 divine orbs And the helmet 1 divine orb Scorching ray doesen't hit, but holy flame totem hits, so the curse on the gloves transfers to the totem. turn those mobs into crispy critters I have alot of life regeneration Can spam holy flame totem & flame wall & scorching ray all day & never run out of mana. Never hear that "low on mana" nag again. I can easily get 3 piles of sulfite on a T 15 map. I spend about 30% of my time down in the mines. I got tons of resonators & a few fossils. Not bad for doing T14 T15 Maps You can equip a second trinket now, just do a trinket blurprint grand hiest. It is fairly easy. You can't give it to another character, he/she has to do the trinket grand hiest. It Is only good for in the rouge harbor. If you manage to get a real good one, It sells for 4 or 5 Ex. Looks Like
![]() I Will Create A Character Soon To Do Endgame. Última edição por Yavoue#5116 em 20 de jun de 2023 16:15:29 Último bump em 8 de set de 2023 08:31:25
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