[3.25] 🏹Doomfletch BaMa🏹- Cheap to start, clear atlas for cheap, 6-10m Pinnacle boss dps

Hello there!

This is a guide to explain the build.

If this guide is too long for you and you are an experienced player, "just" check the damage scaling TL:DR.

I saw RaizQT his BaMa youtube video and stole some tech there. And then I also saw AttemptCreate his PoB. He is a viewer in Woolfios stream and was nice enough to share the Doomfletch tech with me.

Those two builds combined made this cheap BaMa version possible.

I did shaper on a 2div budget and Maven on a 3div budget.

Some video showcase from >> 3.23 << (We had charms and That Which is Gone now):
3 maps showcase (Alch & Go Atoll, CDR reduction Forge of the Phoenix and 40% Delirious T16 Promenade): https://youtu.be/XSlUcrZwH18
Shaper: https://youtu.be/tvGFnRTTBaY
Maven: https://youtu.be/T99wmCn3Rb4


PoB may be a bit bugged. If that is the case, remove mirror Arrow of Bombarding Clones and add it again to the same support gems

4-5div budget has 6-8m pinnacle boss dps with all 3 clones up (You can double the PoB dmg cause arrows can overlap. With 3 clones...)
PoB: PoB: https://pobb.in/y5-kwDjOEgsp

~10div PoB is around 9-10m, depending on the exposure type we get from our Blink Arrow of Elemental Clones. Changes to the other PoB: Fortress Covenant (3div) + self-rolled Stygian Vise for res and a rare ghastly eye with some res and minion stuff for 1div)

Slightly upgraded ~10div PoB:


- 3.25
- TL:DR: Due the change of Hatred we loose a bit of DPS. But should still feel good [we loose rougly ~200k per clone]
- 3.25 brings Affliction corpses back!! --> Onslaught specters?
-Grace looses some base evasion rating. Since we use a lot of uniques that do not provide any defensive things, it is a small loss. We for sure die here and there a bit more often

- Added gear explanation
- Moved Flask section into the Gear section

- Added Flask section

- Updated current gear to reflect 20/20 gems and smaller upgrades (few abyss jewels exchanged, corrupted body armour)

- Added upgraded PoB
- Added some information in FAQ for further scaling ideas
- Added link for 3 map showcase

Pro and Cons
- Cheap to start and scale
- Can do nearly any map modifiers except for no life and no mana regen
- Viable for most league contents except for Ritual and Ultimatum.
- Chill Playstyle
- Has nearly everything as damage type: Some phys, cold, lightning and fire damage! (Chaos is missing, "sadly")

- It is cheap to start and scale, means that you will hit a wall where you need to invest into huge upgrades for further damage. See FAQ.
- Squishy, we rely on Evasion
- Was never meant to be able to do Uber Bosses except Uber Elder (but not Uber Uber Elder)
- We have to avoid league content where mobs can spawn directly next to us (Ritual, Ultimatum)

TL:DR Damage Scaling

Blink Arrow / Mirror Arrow spawns minions that do use our Bow and Quiver.

Doomfletch gains 100% of phys damage as Extra Damage of each element.

We stack a bunch of abyss jewels with "Minions deal # to # additional damage", therefore the Replica Shroud of the Lightless.

And our clear skill, Mirror Arrow of Bombarding Clones, is socketed in Replica Stampede for the "Socketed Travel skills deal 80% more damage", doubledipping the phys and elemental damage

Cool, thanks for the TL:DR. Is there more?

Well, of course there is!
- We use some further mods on our Abyss jewels such as Blind on Hit for defenses and "Minions deal #% increased damage if you've used a minion skill recently" for some more damage.
- Profane Proxy socketed with Ele weakness
- Ancient skull helmet for 50% increased damage and attack speed if crit recently
- Our minions do crit a lot thanks to the support gem Fresh Meat, giving them Adrenaline and Waking Fury (flat +3.9% crit chance and +60% crit multiplier)
- Guardians Elemental Relics do give you huge DPS boost after 2nd lab
- That Which was Taken gives us free onslaught
- Medium cluster with "Blessed Rebirth" makes our minions immortal for 4 seconds

What to watch out for on gear:

This is a budget PoB kinda without Replica Shroud of the Lightless and without Replica Stampede (and without Charms so you can use it as template for 3.23 and afterwards): https://pobb.in/e4mNoQ0QVaZe

Of course, the most important thing first: Abyss jewels
Ghastly Eye Jewels
- "Minions deal # to # additional physical damage"
- "Minions deal #% increased damage if you've used a minion skill recently"

Everything else is not mandatory but nice to have:
- Stats (dexterity / strength)
- Minions have #% chance to blind enemies on hit

If you like to do Labs or Katarina from Syndicate: Do NOT take "Minions have #% chance to taunt". For mapping it is nice; for bosses with phases it may "destroy" your boss, being him stuck for invulnerability phase for like 30-45 seconds... Unless you summon the minions far away.

Doomfletch - Nothing else.

- You want a rare quiver with those stats, preferably a Heavy Arrow Base (prioritize from top to bottom, res and life are most important):
Elemental resistances
Flat phys dmg
Increased crit chance with bows
Elemental damage with attack skills

- Ancient skull. 1-2c item.

Body Armour:
- If possible, Replica Shroud of the Lightless. You can also have good corrupted implicits like less chaos damage taken or "You take 50% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes"
- If you dont have currency, you can also "just" run a 5/6l rare body armour.
Links would be:
Mirror Arrow of Bombarding Clones - Fresh Meat - Minion Damage - Increased Critical Damage - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Increased Critical Strikes

Command of the Pit - Try to get it with 2 sockets. Else 1 socket. They are pretty cheap after a few days of league start.
Else you can run with rare gloves that have life/res until you can afford a Command of the Pit

Replica Stampede BiS
If you cant afford Replica Stampede, put your main skill into the Body armour and run with some rare boots that have res, life and movement speed - Dont forget that you can gain Cooldown Recovery of Travel Skills with Eater of Worlds.

Replica Dragonfang with +3 to Mirror Arrow.
Else any rare amulet with life / res will also do it.

Profane Proxy with Ele weakness socketed in - They are usually cheap after 1-2 weeks. The first week they can be like 100 chaos orbs ... If you cant afford Profane Proxy, run with 2 Bone Rings that give attack speed to minions.

Second ring can be any ring that gives life and res or, preferably, a Bone ring that also has "Minions have #% increased attack and cast speed"

Any rare belt that gives life and res - If you can afford it, use a stygian vise.

Cluster jewel:
A medium cluster jewel that has "Blessed Rebirth".
If you can afford it, you can use a cluster that has "Blessed Rebirth" AND Renewal.

Brutal Restraint:
Depends on where you place it.

You can also find other solutions with PoB and "Find Timeless Jewel" at the bottom (the near "Search" function for the normal passive tree):
Jewel Type is Brutal Restraint
Conqueror must be Balbala.
Jewel socket: Either Eternal Youth or Mind over Matter
Filter Nodes: Yes
Search for Node: "Add Minion damage"
It now adds a desired node. Change the last number to 2 or 3. 3 is way more expensive!

Example: maraketh_notable_add_minion_damage, 1, 0, 2

When you now click on search, it will show a bunch of different seeds that at least have 2x "Minions deal 20% increased damage". The last number on the filter is basically saying to PoB "We want at least two times that mod".

Examples for Eternal Youth:
939 - 3x
5738 - 2x
3058 - 2x
6170 - 2x
2465 - 2x

Examples for Mind over Matter:
7611 - 3x
4798 - 2x
537 - 2x
7662 - 2x
7622 - 2x (the one is xx62 and the other one x22)

3.23 specific, Charms:
- While there are at least five nearby allies, you and nearby allies have Onslaught
- Minions gain Added Physicial Damage equal to 10% of maximum Energy shield on your equipped helmet

Use utility flasks that provide benefits to you.
Recommended flasks for example:
- Bismuth flasks (ele res)
- Amethyst flasks (chaos res)
- Ruby/Sapphire/Topaz flasks
- Granite Flask (armour)
- Jade Flask (evasion rating)
- Quartz Flask
- Stibnite flask (20% more evasion rating)

Why not other flasks?
Quicksilver does nothing (Replica Stampede forces our Movement speed to always be 150% of base.

Diamond flask and Sulphur flask apply to your damage - But it is our minions that do damage and the flasks do not apply to them, therefore they dont increase our dps or anything.

Why only 4 flask setup?
We use Brutal Restraint in the name of Balbala so we can get The Traitor keystone (4 flask charges every 5 seconds for each empty flask slot)

Current flasks I use:

Current Gear:


How do I level this?
You can start this build right away with level 10. You just need a Mirror Arrow of Bombarding Clones and either a normal Blink arrow or a Blink Arrow of Prismatic Clones.

For starters, you can equip Storm Cloud and level until level 28. Then use Doomfletch and some flat phys damage items.

For Atlas passive Tree, your first aim is Enduring Bond (north from Passive tree). Then path towards the bow mastery at south-east of the guardian tree) and grab the CDR Mastery. After 2nd lab you will obliterate everything

Why dont we use Mirror Arrow of Bombarding Clones AND Blink Arrow of Bombarding Clones?
They both share the same amount of Clones. So we can only have 3 clones that use the "Rain of Arrows similar skill". BUT if we use either a normal Blink arrow or a Blink Arrow of Prismatic Clones, we can create additional clones that can help us

But wait. Isnt normal BLink Arrow better since the Prismatic Clone version only does 1 damage type (due similar to Elemental hit)?
Yepp. Normal Blink arrow would give us more damage. But it doesnt last that long. So I prefer the Prismatic Clones that also stay for 46 seconds, giving us more time to reposition ourself before having to spawn new clones

How can I improve this build further?
Drop the belt and use a well-rolled Darkness Enthroned belt. Socket the well-rolled "Minions deal # to # physical damage" and "Minions deal #% increased damage if you've used a minion skill recently" in there. To use this upgrade, you need some further res stats on your abyss jewels - Which can cost 1-3 divines each abyss jewel!

Another really, really and heavy cost upgrade could be 3 grand spectrums with minion crit multi - But those are expensive and in my opinion not worth to spend into this build - At least not this version.

Última edição por TheInfernity#7967 em 23 de jul de 2024 07:07:04
Último bump em 14 de jan de 2024 08:11:32
can you write something about the different gem levels ans why they are the way they are ?
nixtreffor escreveu:
can you write something about the different gem levels ans why they are the way they are ?

Heyhey! While leveling this char, I did hit a problem with my stats. Those are fixed easily later on with Brutal restraint for a lot of dexterity and some strength abyss jewels.

But I fixed the gem stuff meanwhile on my build but the build guide doesnt reflect it. Will update the current gear now :)

Edit: And the +3 Replica Dragonfang: Mirror Arrow benefits a lot from gem levels, therefore we use that amulet.
Última edição por TheInfernity#7967 em 12 de jan de 2024 17:50:32
thx for the reply. So i can max out all the gem levels if i have the stats for them ?

Also thx for sharing the build i enjoy it alot.
nixtreffor escreveu:
thx for the reply. So i can max out all the gem levels if i have the stats for them ?

Yes you can max out the gems once you have enough stats. And glad that you enjoy it! I tried to keep it as budget as possible for starters :D

Edit: I did take a quick look at your build. Damage-wise it does not look bad for starters. I would recommend you to switch the flasks. I did add a flask section into my build guide to explain why :)
Última edição por TheInfernity#7967 em 14 de jan de 2024 08:53:19

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