Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
" I see. Thanks for the detailed explanation. I'm still bothered by the fact that only half of our dmg is cold, but I guess there's nothing better for the link either. |
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I tried to make 2 maps with ele reflect. No chance even with full topaz flask. Mobs packs were one shooting me. Also why are you running a Topaz Flask insteaded of sapphire? We have more cold damage.
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i got 3ex. which equipment should i upgrade next?
my gear
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I dont mind if you use the info OP if that helps your guide in any way
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hey i got 6c and 1ex. trying your build im level 42. what should i buy with these currencys i got. im kinda new. just got a lucky ex drop xD
IGN Iohengrin
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So, a very small and almost meaningless optimization:
Given the choice to path to a Jewel socket through +10 Strength or +10 Intelligence, which is better? |
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I am trying to beat act 4 cruel tonight and my build is here - https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMB37CCEI-mRKtVriycK3gFQhEtH8dBlnyDLYuus9D16-5tGZrghTIc3KcICPQi9EWdna7AVGwLU1IabOWLvOpqQ5Mn5CIb8S-df8bVpilPfscW8xGW7DgmPA5IBx6Cm13y44SVLu0gKgsN0fDVtobhc3BSY0OP-klRlnSiAInT6_XwHwSzjDbDCWjywGZVS7mTfA5h4vIdp1UmlVugFr9DyAdjy70=
Level 59 currently and following the void battery guide. I'm not sure where to go next. I know overall want I want but I'm not sure what is going to make finishing this act most feasible. I have 2,300 hp, 650 ES and two 4links atm. I want to start getting all the power charge nodes but I don't have a 5l to use power charge on crit yet. I could buy one but haven't gotten around to it. Only have 45chaos orbs to my name. I am using arc+spell echo+faster casting+lighting pen & vaal storm call, spell echo, increased duration atm. My dps seems good, but defensively I feel risky on talisman ATM. I have the cast when damage taken + enfeeble+chaos golem+immortal call setup but I have no way to gain endurance charges atm. I assume you use the HoT + curse on hit + warlords mark, but I read some people are using poachers mark instead? Any idea's what seems to best, I feel like I need to get these two setups ironed out before I keep moving on. Also would I see more dps with increased duration or lighting pen right now on vaal storm call? |
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@Sxing: I've used to have that in title and a section about MF-ing, which basically came down to you can go full MF for Dried Lake and some less MF for lower maps. Removed it because i thought that's kinda obvious anyway.
@Nishrek: Yep, you get alot of durability against phys damage through Lightning Coil, especially once you couple it with a Taste of Hate. I've tried different ways to get more physical defenses into this build, and the current setup was by far the best. @Jugles: All i can see is the free prefix for mana on your boots. Your wands could possibly be upgraded, although they're pretty good already. I'd say just save up for a 6L Coil and you're good. @Cigulinin_Mızıkası: Yeah, reflect maps aren't worth it with this build. I actually do run a Topaz and Sapphire (Taste of Hate) flask. The ideal setup would be Vessel on Vinktar and Taste of Hate, for those on a budget you can decide if you prefer a Sapphire or Topaz alongside with a Granite Flask. Those running a dagger and Whirling Blades could replace the Quicksilver with another resistance flask. @ironmaiden1220: I don't see much upgrade potential, either buy a Lv3 Empower, Lv21 Arc or save up for a 6L Lightning Coil. @hiera: Congrats on your drop! I would recommend to save up the exalt, until you can afford a Call of the Brotherhood - it'll be the most impactful, somewhat costly piece of gear. @Won7on: I'd take Strength, we got quite a good mana pool with the recent boost so the additional life is better. @jam3s121: While you don't have PCoC yet, the shadow power charge is wasted. Jewel sockets should also be kept for higher levels. You should start with fleshing out the builds base pathing and get all life nodes first. Take a look at the 80pt tree in passive tree progression, that's what yours should look like by now. The whole passive tree progression is meant for all listed 123pt trees, which are basically the same until 100pts. While you don't have CotB, use Herald of Thunder for curse application as mentioned in the gem section. Warlords is superior to Poachers, you get Life Leech, Mana Leech and Endurance Charges instead of some extra DPS from Frenzy Charges. For Vaal Storm Call, Lightning Penetration would be better in a 3L. twitch.tv/enkivt Última edição por Enki91#7725 em 28 de dez de 2015 12:41:29
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Appreciate it. I actually realized I missed a few from the base path. Going to hit those up later tonight with some respecs. I do have the power charge on crit gem, I just don't have a 5l to use it.
Looks like I jumped ahead on a few nodes I might respec to get some immediate health bonus instead of mana regen since i think i took 3 nodes that give roughly 30% mana regen rate.. but I missed one node that gives a flat 30% |
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Q: I am planning to use doryani's invitation to boost dps and get some leech. Lighting version are pretty costly comparing to cold one. So would I get decent upgrade by taking cold Doryani's (i have CotB ring)?
I bought Lightning version, so it buffs light damage first than 50% dmg becomes cold damage, if you have Call of Brotherhood ring. Life Leech-wise Cold Doryani's should be better i think. Última edição por HeyterVic#7786 em 28 de dez de 2015 15:58:02
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