Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

RubikMonat escreveu:
... Then I guess I'll regal it and take whatever comes so I can craft a cannot roll attack skills again and crusader slam.

That will do... Tier 5 crit chance for spells. It's not great but not useless.

2 open prefixes and one suffix. now for cannot roll attack mods and a crusader orb. (sorry to Enki if it feels like I'm spamming the thread I thought the crafting steps and choices and reasons would be helpful for others.)

That's unfortunate, but agree that it will do. As a side note, you may want to just make this particular staff "good" and not amazing since it's not an Eclipse staff base. So get it functional and then focus on other gear progression and swing back to crafting a better staff down the track.

wallofjustin escreveu:

1. Gem Quality: Why do we keep Arc at 0% quality? Is it because we dont use the "shock" mechanic (but instead use the crit mechanic which also shocks?) But if that's the case wouldnt stacking crit AND shock be beneficial or am I missing something?

2. In the Useful Large Cluster Passives under Lightning Damage implicit, why Snowstorm? I tried searching and it seems like a previous version of the build used the Three Dragon helmet to freeze instead of shock, but we're currently using the Devourer's diadem. Would Supercharge be better?

3. Continuing on the subject of cluster passives, is Stormdrinker useful for the penetration only? Because I find that I die from HP first rather than energy shield. Would Scintillating Idea (for 5% penetration) or Paralysis/Prismatic heart/Thunderstruck (30% increased lightning damage) or Corrosize Elements (for exposure) be better?

Not Enki, but some comments:

1. As you said, we get shock from our crits and any potential gain from Arc gem quality is negligible.

2. This puzzled me as well, I haven't used it in my take of Enki's build. I do not suggest supercharge as this build is heavily focussed around making critical strikes and powering up your non-critical strikes is not an effective use of a passive point. As a side note, I quite like Thunderstruck for its knockback.

3. This is up to preference to an extent -- having ES leech is quality of life, e.g. you can run 'no regen' maps more smoothly.
Última edição por mtotheroo#3582 em 5 de mai de 2020 02:41:07
RubikMonat escreveu:
Very helpful to watch, I havent done Sirus yet with an arc witch so thanks for sharing. On the edge of my seat at 3:45 with you dashing into that storm! I noticed you run 4 different golems rather than three with one twice and the taunt support gem, do you find that a lot better? Also I see wave of conviction go off with flame dash together quite often, is that just how you play it or do you have them linked?

I haven't really tried the other way, I just kinda didn't want to miss out on all 4 types of buffs.

And yeah since there is "Trigger a socketed spell when you use a skill" on the staff both wave of conviction and orb of storms goes of all the time. I really like not having to put them up manually, it makes dps pretty uncomplicated.
Enki91 escreveu:
Watch out in Deliriums, proper positioning is important so survive and you may need to recast golems fairly often! Unfortunately the current version doesn't synergize too well with the league mechanic and I wouldn't want to change the entire build mid-league, so i'll just leave this warning up and try to release a better build version for next league.

Welcome to my Arc guide!

With this guide I want to provide a simple & balanced caster build for beginners and veterans
that is fun and easy to play, scales well into endgame and has as few restrictions as possible.
It's not the strongest caster build out there, but it perfectly fits the niche I want it to be in.

Instead of just showcasing a build, this guide is made to be a comprehensive learning experience.
There's many indepth explanations and links to various wiki pages for new players to understand.
I've tried to keep it short, but some things just can't be explained properly with only a few words.

Don't be fooled by this guides age! I'm updating it for every league and change the build if needed, in total it must've been over 20 vastly different Arc builds since creating the guide. This also means that you can ignore any comments up until Page 1440, as they won't apply to the current build setup.

If you have any questions, please ask them in this thread or my stream!

About Archmage & Arcane Cloak

This is the most repeated question right now, so I want to adress why I've decided against them:

It's always risky to plan around stuff that you couldn't test before (yes, i'm no alpha/beta tester or GGG employee), especially if people rely on the guide right at leaguestart. It was obvious to me that both gems take specific investment to be worth the opportunity cost and that Archmage isn't going to work well with spammed skills, and both turned out to be true. However, the support seems to work great with an Unleash setup and with some research you will find a guide for that.

So in the end I went with the safer option, which was to exclude both and go with an Eldritch Battery setup instead. To my surprise, both gems do work with ES spent, unlike Arcane Surge or Inspiration, but their effect is still based on your current (unreserved) mana, which in our case is 0 or close to it and with that their effect is expectedly bad.

For the next content update (3.11) I will however consider a fully manabased setup including both of these gems, if they're not nerfed too much.

‣ 27th April 2020: Gear Section - removed Doryani's Delusion, too expensive thanks to the meta

Only showing the newest change, you can find the full changelog here!

Art done by sk_gunoo!


  • Videos
  • Path of Building
  • About this Build
  • Leveling this Build
  • Passive Tree, Ascendancy & Pantheon
  • Gem Setup
  • Gear, Jewels & Flasks
  • Mapping & Bossfights



T16 Shrine

Ripped the build in HC and don't feel like playing Standard, so these have to suffice for now!


Path of Building


Path of Building is a tool that lets you fully plan characters from scratch, check out other peoples setups or import your own character to check DPS & defenses or compare potential upgrades.

https://pastebin.com/r3EEZjCa (read the Notes after importing!)
Path of Building Github Page
Browser Version
How to import builds

LocalIdentity's PoB Fork adds lots of new features and missing stuff.

I know that some people jump straight to the PoB without ever reading the guide, which often leads to failure and is then blamed on the build. Don't be that person!
I've invested lots of time into this guide and find it very rude when people just disregard that
and ask about things that are already well explained. This unfortunately keeps happening.


About this Build


+ cheap & fully SSF-capable
+ smooth gameplay & progression
+ capable to do all bosses & mapmods
- no Life Regeneration with base build
- not the best boss DPS potential
- Golems are effing useless

Main Mechanics in this Build

Chaining: Arc is a lightning-based spell with the ability to chain from monsters and destroyable objects, even around corners and out of your line of sight! Each time it chains, it will also split to
a second nearby enemy from where it can't chain further. The amount of times Arc can chain depends on its gem level and can be increased by enchantments.

Crit: An effective way to increase damage which consists of two parts, Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Multiplier. The former decides if your hit crits or not, the latter decides by how much its damage is amplified. Crits also have a 100% chance to apply Elemental Status Ailments if all other conditions are met. It takes some investment to work properly however, so until reaching maps we use Elemental Overload instead.

Mind over Matter: This mechanic redirects 30% of damage we take to our mana. We couple this with Eldritch Battery to redirect it to Energy Shield instead, which allows us to fully reserve our mana for auras. To make this effective, we want atleast 43% of our lifepool as Energy Shield. Same as above, we keep this for maps to keep investment low during early game content.

Golems: A type of minions that grant buffs to the player while active, once per type of golem. With our Ascendancy and the Golem Commander notable we can summon a total of 4 golems.


Leveling this Build

Before you start

Here's a small collection of generic advice for newer players:

Information: Knowledge is a strong skill in Path of Exile, and it helps to know where to find it. First there's the ingame Help Panel, which you can reach through its icon next to your skillbar.
The Path of Exile Wiki should be your first stop for further information, poedb for plain data.
Lastly, Engineering Eternity has a youtube channel with lots of informative videos.

Lootfilter: You will soon realize that there's lots of redundant loot in this game, a good Lootfilter reduces screen clutter and highlights potentially valuable or important drops. Neversink's Filter is always a good start and you can further customize it at Filterblade.

Flasks: Unlike most ARPG's, this game is directly balanced around using all your flasks.
This goes beyond the typical life & mana flasks that you're probably used to from other games, during your act progression you'll gain access to various utility flasks which grant powerful buffs. Flasks can also be crafted, but it's not needed until maps so i've kept it for their own flask section. For now, focus on keeping your life & mana flasks updated, get all utility flasks from quests when mentioned and try to get a feeling for your flask usage.

Crafting: Gear can be enhanced in various ways through crafting and recipes, while the latter can also create currency used for crafting. You outlevel gear pretty quickly during act progression, so it's not advised to invest too much at this point. Limit it to Orbs of Transmutation, Orbs of Augmentation, Orbs of Alteration, Chromatic Orbs and various Essences you can find for now,
use Jeweller's Orbs and Orbs of Fusing only on useful gear you've looted. Try to focus on intelligence-based gear for additional defense and an easier time to get the right colors.

Crafting Bench: After unlocking your first hideout, you'll gain access to the Crafting Bench.
This can be used to craft a targeted affix on gear, if it isn't already there and has a slot available. Use it to craft any damage affixes, Life, Attributes or Elemental Resistances missing on your gear.
Recipes need to be found first, the Crafting Bench tells you all undiscovered recipe locations.

Trading: You can freely trade with other players if you have a Lv25+ char and aren't in SSF. Path of Exile's own trading site is good for buying gear, currency.poe.trade and poemap are convenient for bulk currency- and map trades. If you want to sell something, you either need premium stash tabs, set up a shop in the trade subforums or use Acquisition. For pricechecks, look for similar stuff on the trade site, check poe.ninja or use the trade macro (ctrl + alt + d).

Stash Tabs: The default stash space is pretty limited, if you like the game and are able to, consider buying more stash tabs. Getting a Currency- and Map Tab is highly recommended, Premium Tabs make trading easier and if you want, a Quad Tab makes a good dump tab.
Purchased tabs are account-wide, you won't lose them when temporary leagues end.
There's also a stash tab sale weekend each month, wait for that if you're not in a rush.

Full Leveling Section

Your journey through the ten acts can be seen as an extensive tutorial, slowly confronting you with the majority of game mechanics and increasingly more difficult enemies to learn to counter.

This section will help you while playing through the ten acts and shows the recommended
passive tree progression, gem setups, quest progression and exp farming zone for each act.
The passive tree goals are just a pointer, it's not a big deal if you're over- or underleveled.

Most builds don't come alive or work before reaching maps, and that's true for this build aswell. We finish the acts with a slightly different setup than what's planned for endgame, which reduces investment both gear- and passive-wise. Infact, you don't have to buy any gear until maps at all!

Keep in mind that this section includes major storyline spoilers, if you care about that.


Act 1

‣ Kill the Zombie, pick up Fireball and switch left-click to move-only
‣ Get Arcane Surge (keep it Lv1 -> right-click "+") from Large Chest and kill Hillock
‣ Buy Spark from Nessa, link it with Arcane Surge and throw away Fireball
‣ Check vendors for Boots with Movement Speed and a second Wand
‣ Get the Coast Waypoint, kill Hailrake on Tidal Island and get Quicksilver Flask in town
‣ Finish your quest in Mud Flats and Enter Submerged Passage
‣ Get the Waypoint, look for Flooded Depths and kill the Dweller of the Deep
‣ Get Orb of Storms, Frostblink and Passive Skillpoint in town
‣ Orb of Storms provides extra damage while you cast Arc within its radius
‣ Set Orb of Storms to "attack without moving" (left-click icon in skillbar)
‣ Enter Prison, get Added Lightning Damage in town and link it to Spark + Arcane Surge
‣ Check vendors for any item with 3-linked blue sockets if needed for above
‣ Craft two wands with this recipe: Magic-rarity Wand + Topaz Ring + Orb of Alteration
‣ If needed, the recipe for Topaz Rings is Iron Ring + Green Skill Gem
‣ Start looking out for 2x Sapphire Rings
‣ If needed, the recipe for Sapphire Rings is Iron Ring + Blue Skill Gem
‣ Complete Trial of Ascendancy in Lower Prison
‣ Kill Brutus, then get Clarity (keep it Lv5) and Flame Dash in town
‣ Replace Frostblink with Flame Dash and set it to "attack without moving"
‣ Progress to Ship Graveyard and get the Waypoint
‣ Look for Ship Graveyard Cave, get Allflame then get Cavern of Wrath Waypoint
‣ Travel to Ship Graveyard Waypoint and kill Fairgraves
‣ Go to town to get Passive Skillpoint and Arc
‣ Replace Spark with Arc and set it to "attack without moving"
‣ Equip Sapphire Rings and kill Merveil

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Ledge

Act 2

‣ Once in town, enter the Old Fields first
‣ Start looking out for 2x Topaz Rings
‣ If needed, the recipe for Topaz Rings is Iron Ring + Green Skill Gem
‣ Look for the Den, kill Great White Beast and get second Quicksilver in town
‣ Continue to Crossroads and get Waypoint
‣ Enter Chamber of Sins, complete Trial of Ascendancy on Level 2 and kill Fidelitas
‣ Get Herald of Thunder and Wave of Conviction (keep it Lv1)
‣ Wave of Conviction can be used to temporarily lower boss resistances
‣ Go back to Crossroads, enter Broken Bridge and kill Kraityn
‣ Back to Crossroads once more, enter Fellshrine Ruins and Crypt
‣ Complete Trial of Ascendancy in Crypt
‣ Back to town, enter Riverways and get the Waypoint
‣ Follow the path opposite of Riverways Waypoint until you reach Wetlands
‣ Kill Oak, get Wetlands Waypoint and go back to Riverways
‣ Go to Western Forest, get Waypoint, Help Alira and kill Captain Arteri
‣ Look for Weaver's Chambers and kill Weaver
‣ Get Elemental Focus and link it to Orb of Storms
‣ Go back to Lioneye's Watch and get Passive Skillpoint
‣ Make your way to the Ancient Pyramid, equip Topaz Rings and kill Vaal Oversoul

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Northern Forest

Act 3

‣ Start looking out for 4-linked Intelligence-based gear
‣ Focus on having 75% Cold-, Fire- and Lightning Resistance from now on
‣ Kill the Blackguards in City of Sarn and enter town
‣ Go to Slums, enter Crematorium, finish Trial of Ascendancy and kill Piety
‣ Get Sewer Key and Zealotry in town, replace Herald of Thunder with it
‣ Go back to Slums, enter Sewers, get Waypoint, find three busts and get skillpoint in town
‣ Get Marketplace Waypoint and finish Trial of Ascendancy in Catacombs
‣ Enter Battlefront, get Waypoint and kill Captain Aurelianus
‣ Go to Docks and get Thaumetic Sulphite
‣ Back to Battlefront, enter Solaris Temple and talk to Lady Dialla
‣ Destroy the Undying Blockade in Sewers
‣ Enter Ebony Barracks, get Waypoint and kill General Gravicius
‣ Enter Lunaris Temple, kill Piety and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Get Imperial Gardens Waypoint and finish Trial of Ascendancy
‣ Go to Library and finish Siosa's quest
‣ You can now buy all unlocked gems at Siosa (currency needs to be in bag!)
‣ Get Lightning Penetration and link it to Arc
‣ Get another Lightning Penetration and link it to Orb of Storms
‣ Get Second Wind and link it to Flame Dash
‣ Get Steelskin and Flesh and Stone, run the latter in Sand Stance
‣ Enter the Sceptre of God and kill Dominus

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Docks

Act 4

‣ Enter the Dried Lake, kill Voll and enter the Mines
‣ Free Deshret's Spirit in Mines Level 2, progress to Crystal Veins and get Waypoint
‣ Get Passive Skillpoint, Summon Lightning Golem and Summon Stone Golem in town
‣ Hold CTRL and put your golems into the secondary skillbar
‣ Complete the first Labyrinth, you can enter it through the Sarn Encampment
‣ Read up on the Lord's Labyrinth and Izaro to get an idea what's going on
‣ After finishing the Labyrinth, ascend to Elementalist and get Liege of the Primordial
‣ Go back to Crystal Veins, enter Kaom's Dream and kill Kaom
‣ Now enter Daresso's Dream and kill Daresso
‣ Get Spell Echo in town and replace Arcane Surge in your Arc Setup with it
‣ Link Arcane Surge to Flame Dash and still keep it Lv1
‣ Get Cast when Damage taken and link it to Steelskin, this will automate its casting when needed
‣ If you don't have a 4L for your Arc Setup yet, focus on this before continuing
‣ Kill Piety in Belly of the Beast, and finally Malachai in the Harvest

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Dried Lake

Act 5

‣ Kill Overseer Krow and enter town
‣ Find the Miasmeter in Control Blocks and kill Justicar Casticus
‣ Get Silver Flask and Skillpoint in town
‣ Replace a Life Flask with Silver Flask and try to roll of Staunching on it
‣ If you find a Basalt Flask from here on, keep it, we need it later
‣ Make your way to Templar Courts, kill Avarius and get any unique jewel in town
‣ Get Ruined Square Waypoint and optionally kill Utula
‣ Finish the quest in Reliquary and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Look for the Sign of Purity in Ossuary
‣ Kill Kitava on Cathedral Rooftop
‣ You will suffer a permanent -30% resistance penalty after this fight

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Chamber of Innocence

Act 6

‣ Clear the Twilight Strand to unlock Lilly as Skillgem Vendor
‣ Get to Mud Flats and kill the Dishonored Queen
‣ Enter Karui Fortress, kill Tukohama and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Use Soul of Tukohama for now
‣ Finish Trial of Ascendancy in Prison and kill Shavronne
‣ Enter Prisoner's Gate, kill Abberath and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Get Riverways Waypoint
‣ Enter Wetlands, kill Puppet Mistress and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Light the Beacon and kill the Brine King
‣ Use Soul of the Brine King for now

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Southern Forest

Act 7

‣ Find the Silver Locket in Broken Bridge and get Diamond Flask in town
‣ Replace a Quicksilver Flask with Diamond Flask
‣ Enter Crossroads, get Waypoint then enter Crypt through Fellshrine Ruins
‣ Finish Trial of Ascendancy and find Maligaro's Map
‣ Go back to Crossroads and enter Chamber of Sins
‣ Kill Maligaro in Maligaro's Sanctum
‣ Finish Trial of Ascendancy in Chamber of Sins Level 2 and enter the Den
‣ Make your way to Ashen Fields and kill Greust, then get Skillpoint in town
‣ Get Northern Forest Waypoint and enter Dread Thicket
‣ Collect all Fireflies and kill Gruthkul, then get Skillpoint in town
‣ Use Soul of Gruthkul
‣ Find Kishara's Star in Causeway and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Get the Vaal City Waypoint, enter Temple of Decay and go back to town
‣ Finish the second Labyrinth and get Elemancer
‣ Go back to Act 4 and get Summon Chaos Golem
‣ Get back to the Temple of Decay and kill Arakaali

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Northern Forest

Act 8

‣ Enter the Toxic Conduits and kill Doedre
‣ Go for Quay first, find Ankh of Eternity, kill Tolman and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Kill the Gemling Legionnaires in Grain Gate and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Enter Solaris Temple, get Sun Orb then enter Solaris Concourse and get Waypoint
‣ Go back to Doedre's Cesspool and go for the Grand Promenade now
‣ Get Bath House Waypoint and finish Trial of Ascendancy
‣ Enter High Gardens, kill Yugul and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Enter Lunaris Temple through Lunaris Concourse and get Moon Orb
‣ Go to Harbour Bridge and kill Solaris & Lunaris
‣ Use Soul of Lunaris

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Harbour Bridge

Act 9

‣ Find the Storm Blade in Vastiri Desert and speak to Petarus & Vanja in town
‣ Look for a blocked entrance in Vastiri Desert
‣ Go to town, talk to Sin and then to Petarus & Vanja
‣ Kill Shakari and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Get Foothills Waypoint, enter Boiling Lake and get Basilisk Acid
‣ Enter the Tunnel and finish Trial of Ascendancy
‣ Get Quarry Waypoint, enter Refinery and get Trarthan Powder
‣ Go back to Quarry and kill Garukhan and get Sekhema Feather
‣ Go to town and give the feather to either Tasuni or Irasha, get Skillpoint
‣ Enter Belly of the Beast and kill the Depraved Trinity

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Blood Aqueduct

Act 10

‣ Go left on Cathedral Rooftop and kill Plaguewing
‣ Now go right, enter the Ravaged Square and go south
‣ Enter the Control Blocks, kill Vilenta and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Optionally find the Teardrop in Reliquary
‣ Go back to Ravaged Square and get its Waypoint in the upper part
‣ Enter Ossuary, complete Trial of Ascendancy and get Elixir of Allure
‣ Get to Desecrated Chamber through Torched Courts and kill Avarius
‣ Finish the third Labyrinth and get Paragon of Calamity
‣ Enter the Canals and make your way to the final bossfight
‣ You will suffer another permanent -30% resistance penalty after this fight

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Desecrated Chambers


‣ Talk to Lani for two Skillpoints
‣ Find Kirac in the Templar Laboratory and finish his quest
‣ Now it's time to look at the second part of this guide!
‣ Gear up for endgame and switch to the endgame gem setup and -passive tree
Don't forget to unspec Elemental Overload!
‣ If you lack currency, run Currency Delve nodes and/or start doing the Chaos Orb recipe

tl;dr: Leveling Section

Spark -> Arc
+ Arcane Surge (Lv1) -> Spell Echo
+ Added Lightning Damage
+ Lightning Penetration

Orb of Storms
+ Elemental Focus
+ Lightning Penetration

Frostblink -> Flame Dash
+ Second Wind
+ Arcane Surge (Lv1)

+ Cast when Damage taken

Summon Lightning Golem
+ Summon Stone Golem
+ Summon Chaos Golem

Wave of Conviction (Lv1)

Clarity (Lv5)

Herald of Thunder -> Zealotry

Flesh and Stone

Life Flask
Life Flask -> Silver Flask
Mana Flask -> Quartz Flask
Quicksilver Flask -> Diamond Flask
Quicksilver Flask

Kill Kraityn - Kill Oak - Help Alira

Act 1 Passives
Act 2 Passives
Act 3 Passives
Act 4 Passives
Act 5 Passives
Act 6 Passives
Act 7 Passives
Act 8 Passives
Act 9 Passives
Act 10 Passives


Guide continues below! Everything down there is only relevant once you've reached maps!
Hello, I am a new player who tried to get into the game 5 times but never could because of how complex this game is.

Finally i found this amazing tutorial and decided to stick with it. The best part of it is the leveling section, which helped me tremendously.
Such an amazing leveling section should be included in every beginner build. I don't think that I could have made it without it to be honest.

Even though the game is overwhelming, this build is so fun that I thought I only played for an hour but in reality I've spent like 12 hours and I am already level 44. I never thought I would like this game, but amazing tutorials like this give us new players a chance to jump in.

Thank you for this great tutorial!
This guide!

Played a bit on pc shortly after launch, then came back to the game on console during the harb league. Decided to give it another go due to all the extra free time I have and I've absolutely loved it.

I wanted to play a lightning based witch since that's what I used to play back when I first discovered the game and I couldn't be happier to find Enki's write up.

Granted, playing a new league on xbox has its limitations, since you're pretty much forced to craft your gear, but it can be done and the fun's in the journey.

Yeah, I'll agree that the build is rather challenging and rippy, which makes leveling past 95 a bit of an issue, but that's what makes games rewarding. Zoomzooming across maps with a broken build has its appeal, but this seems more fun.

I'll list a few thoughts in the hope that someone might find them helpful:

- this build is your trial by fire when it comes to learning how to position and maneuver the character around whatever mechanics you encounter. If you can make this one work this league, you can play anything.

- you can roll maps with no worries about certain mods. You can run them wll. I find vulnerability the worst since it enhances the rip factor

- phasing is your friend. Flask or jewel; it doesn't matter. It enhances survivability greatly

- this build will deal with all endgame boses but it DEMOLISHES uber atziri. Seriously, if you feel like farming a boss for profit, that's the one.

All in all, i'm happy with my choice of guide to follow this league. Yeah, there's been times where I looked for viable herald stacking builds to switch to, but the prospect of making the game less challenging seemed boring.

That being said, I'm still unaccustomed with a lot of the newer features, so if anyone feels like looking through my build and pointing out potential improvements, i'd appreciate it.
Thankyou, for making my introduction to this game that much easier and less daunting. I am really enjoying this build so far, and have made it to act 7 without any problems.
First of all, thank you for the excellent guide. I learnt a ton of things and I am still learning while playing and re-reading your guide to understand things better.

However, there are situations where I die in one hit. It is so quick I cannot even press a key for a bottle before. There are some questions I have here:

1) I have approx. 3500 life and 1500 ES in map tier 4 as well as approx. 600 mana unreserved. I understood your guide that this enough for low-level maps. Elemental resistances are all at 75%, chaos resistance at 11%

2)When I use Wrath in addition to zealotry, flesh and stone and discipline, there is all mana reserved. What is the use of MoM then? Would it be better to use the passive somewhere else instead of MoM then? If I understand MoM correctly it does not use the ES protecting mana, correct?

3) I understand the idea behind the 5L/6S staff with the cast when using a skill craft. Where do I get that craft from when I play this char as league starter as it requires either buying such a staff at 40-60 chaos or getting it from Jun requiring many maps at tier 1 or 2 to craft it myself. Or is this planned for later in the game?

clerino escreveu:
2)When I use Wrath in addition to zealotry, flesh and stone and discipline, there is all mana reserved. What is the use of MoM then? Would it be better to use the passive somewhere else instead of MoM then? If I understand MoM correctly it does not use the ES protecting mana, correct?

3) I understand the idea behind the 5L/6S staff with the cast when using a skill craft. Where do I get that craft from when I play this char as league starter as it requires either buying such a staff at 40-60 chaos or getting it from Jun requiring many maps at tier 1 or 2 to craft it myself. Or is this planned for later in the game?

2: There is a little end of a sentence in the helmet part of the gear section which is easy to miss, I did the same thing.. You need one specific little node on the skill tree that doesnt even have a name. Search bar at the top of the passive tree for a node called "Influence" which is up near top centre. You need to pick just one of the minor steps leading toward the node named "influence" to get a 4% reduction in mana reservations which then lets you run 4 auras.

3: You need to spam Jun missions and unveil weapons, I'm doing the same right now. Be warned the betrayal final boss fight is chaotic and completely unintuitive, you NEED to watch some videos with spoilers to beat it. You can get a good flask from it though, and the helm that can drop is the one we use, so it's good to have a couple to put lab enchants on without overwriting an okay enchant hoping for a good one. So totally worth grindingnout the betrayal over a few times. Buffing breachstones makes good money.
clerino escreveu:

2)When I use Wrath in addition to zealotry, flesh and stone and discipline, there is all mana reserved. What is the use of MoM then? Would it be better to use the passive somewhere else instead of MoM then? If I understand MoM correctly it does not use the ES protecting mana, correct?

This build uses Eldritch Battery (from helmet or skill tree), which means your ES is considered mana for the purposes of MoM.
Última edição por mtotheroo#3582 em 5 de mai de 2020 19:11:04
Rarity: Unique
The Devouring Diadem
Necromancer Circlet
Quality: +26% (augmented)
Energy Shield: 171 (augmented)
Level: 70
Str: 98
Dex: 146
Int: 155
Sockets: W G-B-B
Item Level: 85
+1 to Level of Socketed Gems
Socketed Gems have 20% reduced Mana Reservation
Trigger Level 15 Feast of Flesh every 5 seconds
203% increased Energy Shield
10% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you use a Skill
Eldritch Battery
+9% to Cold and Chaos Resistances (crafted)
The spirit hungers for the flesh.

Hi thx for this wonderful guide
I think I am doing something wrong here
I am using the Devouring Diadem with
20 Lvl 20 Quality Zealotry Corrupted
20 Lvl 20 Quality Flesh and Stone Corrupted
20 Lvl 20 quality Wrath Corrupted
and I want to run a
19 lvl and growing Vaal Grace
I have take the 4 reduced point leading to influence
but still cant run those 4 auras
did I miss something?

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