You think I could get away with using a head hunter with this build?
Postado porBig Fried#8468em 22 de jan de 2023 21:29:21
I actually quit this build. In endgame there is just not enough damage for bosses or if you go damage you lake the defence so you get oneshotted. Way too frustrating to play.
Postado porpojogermany#5607em 25 de jan de 2023 07:19:02
Having a really bad time with mana usage. Watching the videos he's made I see his mana at ~100 and didn't see any mana issues. Mine is triple that even with reserve taking its chunk and I run out of mana and die frequently during maps. Am I doing something wrong? I have mana regen on gear but didn't see any on his so I'm super confused on what's going on
Postado porxDLucifer#0574em 27 de jan de 2023 20:22:37
Hey man, coming from a relative neophyte - GREAT guide. A hell of a lot clearer than others I've seen and i really appreciate the upgrading checkpoints you lay out through the maps. One suggestion though: If a certain modifier needs a certain influence - please inform the reader of that. ex: the +1 level to all lightning skill mods on an amulet is a crusader affix and just used about 40 chaos trying to roll it on an uninfluenced amulet. This might only help the rare / random SSF player like me, but it would still be immensely helpful
Postado porKizrakas#3208em 28 de jan de 2023 21:52:56
Shiriko escreveu:
This build feels so squishy, and I'm not even on t16 maps yet, its honestly frustrating
spent all the chaos and div I had and I can't even do a t13 blighted map, never had this bad a time in endgame before
You arent res capped, that should always be a #1 priority.
Postado porchaelp#2773em 29 de jan de 2023 22:59:24
Hi, having a blast with this build so far! Never been so powerful before.
I don't quite understand one thing about the build. It says I should aim to summon fire golem after i get anima stone but i can't have more sockets for it. I can probably buy a ring with a socket but build doesn't seem to mention anything about it. Am i missing something?
Postado porgane1404#1533em 31 de jan de 2023 12:22:13
gane1404 escreveu:
Hi, having a blast with this build so far! Never been so powerful before.
I don't quite understand one thing about the build. It says I should aim to summon fire golem after i get anima stone but i can't have more sockets for it. I can probably buy a ring with a socket but build doesn't seem to mention anything about it. Am i missing something?
Get rid of wave of conviction and get lightning exposure on your gloves
Postado porchaelp#2773em 31 de jan de 2023 12:25:51
chaelp escreveu:
gane1404 escreveu:
Hi, having a blast with this build so far! Never been so powerful before.
I don't quite understand one thing about the build. It says I should aim to summon fire golem after i get anima stone but i can't have more sockets for it. I can probably buy a ring with a socket but build doesn't seem to mention anything about it. Am i missing something?
Get rid of wave of conviction and get lightning exposure on your gloves
Ohh, thank you, I noticed that wave of conviction is missing on endgame build but not the exposure on gloves!
Tried to search but haven't found anything, would you mind answering this question as well? Is it possible to put the exposure modifier on item via a league mechanic or something, or do i have to specifically find an item with that mod?
Postado porgane1404#1533em 31 de jan de 2023 12:53:56
gane1404 escreveu:
chaelp escreveu:
gane1404 escreveu:
Hi, having a blast with this build so far! Never been so powerful before.
I don't quite understand one thing about the build. It says I should aim to summon fire golem after i get anima stone but i can't have more sockets for it. I can probably buy a ring with a socket but build doesn't seem to mention anything about it. Am i missing something?
Get rid of wave of conviction and get lightning exposure on your gloves
Ohh, thank you, I noticed that wave of conviction is missing on endgame build but not the exposure on gloves!
Tried to search but haven't found anything, would you mind answering this question as well? Is it possible to put the exposure modifier on item via a league mechanic or something, or do i have to specifically find an item with that mod?
Use the appropriate ichors as outlined by Enki.
Enki91 escreveu:
Step 3.7: Eldritch Implicits
This is the final step to refine your newly acquired gear. Eldritch currency can be used to add a Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds implicit, as long as the item doesn't have a different influence.
Highest priority is rolling #% chance to avoid Elemental Ailments on your boots, which is an Eater of Worlds implicit. If the Essence modifier on your boots is at 35%, using Greater Eldritch Ichors is enough, otherwise you need to use higher tier ichors or Orbs of Conflict to reach a total of 100% chance to avoid Elemental Ailments.
Next work on rolling Inflict Lightning Exposure on Hit on your gloves, another Eater of Worlds implicit. This automates your exposure application and lets you remove Wave of Conviction.
The remaining implicits are less important, finish them while moving to the next steps:
‣ +1% to all maximum Resistances (Body Armour, Searing Exarch)
‣ Wrath has #% increased Aura Effect (Body Armour, Eater of Worlds)
‣ Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells (Helmet, Searing Exarch)
‣ #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as # (Helmet, Eater of Worlds)
‣ #% chance to Unnerve Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit (Gloves, Searing Exarch)
‣ #% increased Action Speed (Boots, Searing Exarch)
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." - Harvest Manifesto 3/10/2021
So unbelievably inane it has to be memorialized. Última edição por Dspayre#7803 em 31 de jan de 2023 13:30:03
Postado porDspayre#7803em 31 de jan de 2023 13:27:48
Dspayre escreveu:
Use the appropriate ichors as outlined by Enki.
Oh yeah, should've red the guide properly rather than trying to google, feeling stupid. Thank you.
Postado porgane1404#1533em 31 de jan de 2023 15:16:02