Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
Love the build tho, it's working out very well, makes me feel it's going to go really crazy soon :)
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@DerStupid: Hey there! You could slap spell dmg with catarina on your wands, then get a 5l or 6l chest and maybe a vinktars. After that, look for a more crit based amulet. Anything else seems good unless you want more res for ele weak overcap.
@SilverWF: No worries, alira works fine just gotta have to spare a jewel socket from final tree. The roll on CotB is good enough, doesn't make much of a difference to get a higher rolled and overpriced one. @Temibrezel: Reduced Mana has been reworked and reduces only mana cost now, not reservation. Enlighten is the new Reduced Mana. @Raggon: The one big reason would be reflect. I haven't really balanced the build around Inquisitor, so it can happen that you deal more damage than you can take toward reflect rares with maxed out gear. If so, you'd have to sacrifice the rare ring slot for a Sybil's Lament and thus need to get almost perfect gear in other slots or skip Lightning Coil to cap res. @steve444: I'd recommend Arcane Potency first, then some jewel sockets unless you can't afford good ones yet. twitch.tv/enkivt
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If you replace 2 points, you can use 1 point of them very useful.
Your tree: http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAVBBQU1EQUFBQWVnU3pCVUlISGdkakNQUU9TQS1yRVE4UkxSR1dGbThXdnhvNEdtd2I4UnpjSFJRZ2JpTDBKSXNrcWlhVkp5OHBUeW9MS2pnc25EYnBPbGc2MkR2alFaWkVxMFQ3UloxSlVVbXhUQzFNczFBd1UxSlZTMVd1VmNaWEsxM3lYeXBoNG1RSlpsUnFRMnUzYkF0dEdYQlNkRlY4ZzMwWWZzZF94b0lRZ3B1RDI0VEZoVEtGZTRWOWlkT0tLSXcyam1TUEdvOUdqNmFQLXBCVmt5ZVZMcFowbXVDYnRaMnVvUy1pQUtjSXJKaXVzN2FHdHZxNWs3enF2WUstaXNCVXdHYkRDY002eTczUUg5RDExYWJYejl0ZTM0cmZzT0Z6NDJya0l1V0w2UUxyN3V2MTdEanRJTy1JNy12d0hfRFY4aDMzcHZrM19yTT0ACEFBQUFBUUFBAAA= Tree #1 (With Sanctity) http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAVBBQU1EQUFBQWVnU3pCVUlISGdkakNQUU9TQS1yRVE4UkxSR1dGbThXdnhvNEdtd2I4UnpjSFJRZ2JpTDBKSXNrcWlhVkp5OHBUeW9MS2pnc25EYnBPbGc2MkR2alFaWkVxMFQ3UloxSlVVbXhUQzFNczFBd1UxSlZTMVd1VmNaWEsxM3lYeXBoNG1RSlpsUnFRMnUzYkF0dEdYQlNkRlY4ZzMwWWZzZF94b0lRZ3B1RDI0VEZoVEtGZTRWOWlkT0tLSXcyam1TUEdvOUdqNmFQLXBCVmt5ZVZMcFowbXVDYnRaMnVvUy1pQUtjSXJKaXVzN2FHdHZxNWs3enF2WUstaXNCVXdHYkRDY002eTczUUg5RDExYWJYejl0ZTM3RGhjLU5xNUNMbGktdnU2X1hzT08wZzc0anY2X0FmOE5YeUhmZW0tVGYtczJqeWE5cz0AEEFBQUNBQWZRQVFIMEFRQUEAAA== Tree #2 (Without Sanctity, but 100% circle by "Doom Cast" http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAVBBQU1EQUFBQWVnU3pCVUlISGdkakNQUU9TQS1yRVE4UkxSR1dGbThXdnhvNEdtd2I4UnpjSFJRZ2JpTDBKSXNrcWlhVkp5OHBUeW9MS2pnc25EYnBPbGc2MkR2alFaWkVxMFQ3UloxSlVVbXhUQzFNczFBd1UxSlZTMVd1VmNaWEsxM3lYeXBoNG1RSlpsUnFRMnUzYkF0dEdYQlNkRlY4ZzMwWWZzZF94b0lRZ3B1RDI0VEZoVEtGZTRWOWlkT0tLSXcyam1TUEdvOUdqNmFQLXBCVmt5ZVZMcFowbXVDYnRaMnVvUy1pQUtjSXJKaXVzN2FHdHZxNWs3enF2WUstaXNCVXdHYkRDY002eTczUUg5RDExYWJYejl0ZTM3RGhjLU5xNUNMbGktdnU2X1hzT08wZzc0anY2X0FmOE5YeUhmZW0tVGYtczJTZGE5cz0AEEFBQUNBQWZRQVFIMEFRQUEAAA== Última edição por most1010#7437 em 11 de set de 2016 04:36:59
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Hello Enki91,
Thanks for your build, its generally working very well for me at the moment, although I do feel a little more squishy than I'd like. I need to cap my resistances but I'm not sure what to upgrade gear-wise next and wondered if you had any suggestions? At the top of my list at the moment is making the chest a 5L. |
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@most1010: You actually spend 1 more point than with my tree in those. No need to go through Lord of the Dead, goign through the witch starter nodes is exactly the same amount of points, but you gain 25% mana regen.
@Sinule: Helmet, gloves and belt got the biggest upgrade potential, try to cap your res by upgrading them. Ring and amulet are actually good, won't need something new in those slots anytime soon. Also fix your flask setup, having a proper setup will greatly help you with survivability. Good luck with the 5L, or hopefully surprise 6L! twitch.tv/enkivt
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No I spend same points like you, I replace 2 points for new 2 points, maybe you didnt saw that.
Maybe mana-reg. will be good, but most time you dont need that, thats why go for more armor and life-reg. :D |
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@most1010: Sorry but my final tree has 121pts (+2 bandits), yours has 122pts allocated. I take two points to travel to Deep Wisdom area, you take two points aswell plus add another node in the tree.
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Sorry if asked before.
Which class do you advice for a new HC character (essence HC league with no good gears in stash)? I would like to try the scion but it looks the weaker in terms of survivability. Or it's only my impression? |
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Any idea why Vaal Haste refuses to be supported by my cast when damage taken?
Última edição por Quietess#7452 em 11 de set de 2016 21:01:11
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@Kolera56: I'd go with a Witch. The reflected damage reduction is no joke, and you can still reach beyond 5k life + 1k unreserved mana. Even more if you sacrifice the glove slot for a rare pair.
@Quietess: Vaal skills can't be triggered. We just stick it in there so it benefits from the linked Increased Duration. twitch.tv/enkivt
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