Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
Solaris Pantheon provides extremely good overall damage reduction once you've upgraded it, a little bit of both phys/ele reduction and most importantly, crit maps become much safer to run. The trigger limit only counts for multiple copies of the same spell linked to CwDt, it doesn't affect different spells and multiple CwDt gems. So all your skills linked to either CwDt will trigger as long as they aren't on cooldown. You could reroll your life flask to Catalysed and Basalt to Chemist's, that will give you more heal per second and two uses of Basalt, should help with surviving.
Thanks! I'm really pleased with the state of selfcast Arc right now, it's strong enough for all content but not too overpowered to warrant a nerf. I really hope GGG doesn't nerf Arc based on how it performs with traps and all that, and with that completely butchers selfcast again.
There's many reasons. First is that as a witch, the damage gain simply isn't that big. Inpulsa explosions infact lose damage when going crit, since to my knowledge they have no base crit themselves and only possible way to get that as witch would be Pure Talent - and with 0.5% base crit they still will barely ever crit. Next is investment. Crit needs substantially more passive- and gear investment until it works properly. We would lose 1k+ life, some mana, a gem slot, a flask slot and are more pressured into certain gear choices to make it somewhat work, and even then the crit chance isn't high enough for reliable critting as witch. Crit is more suited for Inquisitor, Assassin or Ascendant, and i'm sure there will be people working out such builds if the demand is there. But i'm not gonna abandon this thread just to go with a different class. twitch.tv/enkivt
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Thank you very much.
Growing old is a fact of life, growing up is an option.
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Thank you Enki. I remembered the article incorrectly, as it is explained pretty well. But thanks for clearing it up for me (and hopefully others) :)
I've thought about changing those flasks a bit, especially the life flask, as crit doesn't really do much for us anyway. So I'll get on that shortly. I do like having curse removal on a long-lasting flask, as it makes it easier to deal with map mods. But it may not be the best move here. It worked really well on this one for my other character: Would you say poison removal is more important than curses? That said, one of my problems is dealing with flasks. I'm not using them as much as I probably should. There is so much going on :( That other character happens to be a Jugg crit build, which is pretty darn good (except much worse clearing). As you say it requires very heavy investment into crit nodes, but it's pretty cool to crit on almost every hit (think PoB reports 80% crit chance, or thereabouts). Wouldn't be a great fit for this build, however. I suspect the answer is going to be "yes, use two fragility jewels", but I'll ask anyway. Currently I have four jewel slots, and have used Careful Planning for DEX requirements, Watcher's Eye and a crimson jewel (life, shock chance, shock duration). But would it overall be stronger to use two fragility jewels instead of two Abyss/regular jewels? For the moment at least I need to keep Careful Planning. Nowhere near enough DEX on gear to drop it. |
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this might sound dum but can you add up or send me the most perfect nd strongest endgame gear for this build ? cuz i want to make it my main ... nd play it in standard :|
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Could someone please take a look at my gear and help me become stronger any advice please im new this is my first build thanks for your time
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Oh boy. I blew my load on this thing. Hope it's good! xD
Have a level 2 Empower being levelled, so bought a corrupted level 3 on the cheap for a quick damage boost. That extra level is a big deal as currently it means the Arc is level 21, and gains an extra chain. Wished for a better "if you have shocked" modifier, but all the others are good, so I think it was the best I could afford. Took at least 100 chromes to swap the G for a R socket, but no matter, I got plenty of those. Pretty excited, and hope I won't get buyer's remorse. |
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" Hi. I took a look, and many items aren't really according to what is being recommended in the guide. So I think the best advice for the time being is to look over the Gear section in the guide first, and then see what you can find on the market. Do you have a decent chunk of chaos by now? You can buy a lot of good gear for 5-10 chaos per piece, and sometimes get very lucky too. If you can afford a 5-linked or even 6-linked chest, that will help out a lot. A 5-linked Inpulsa isn't horribly expensive, but if it's too much you can go for a rare with otherwise good rolls (life + resistances). |
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" I think you looked at the wrong character i have a 6 linked chest ive followed the best i could of the guide i just cant afford some of the items im still grinding. where do you guys grind im level 76 now. |
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" I assume it's WhereDoWeGo? It's the only Elementalist. In that case you have a 6-SOCKETED item, but not a 6-LINKED item. That's a very big difference. All the sockets need to be linked for all support gems to be able to support the main skill, in this case Arc. Right now Controlled Destruction and Increased critical strikes doesn't actually do anything. They level up, but they don't aid your Arc. Increased critical strike wouldn't be recommended anyway though. Seems like the guide has changed a bit on this point, but right now Efficacy is the 6th item, or Empower. The latter is not cheap though, especially a level 4 (and would require a red socket). If you look at for instance the chest I posted a little earlier, you can see that there are lines/links between all sockets, while in yours there are those lines between the top four sockets, but the last two are linked with each other, but not the top four. It's a minor detail of major importance. As for farming/grinding, I quite liked the Reliquary. Lots of enemies and high level (67). The layout is a pain though. The Blood Aqueduct is popular as well, but has a lower level (61). At level 76, that means you get quite heavily punished and gain much less XP than if you were, say, level 65. If PoB is correct here, level 67 would grant you 90% of normal XP, while level 61 is only 17%. edit: Taking the weapon as an example, here is a basic search. You probably want to refine it more, though. But it's possible to get a pretty decent weapon for the build for just 1-2 chaos. Última edição por Pangaearocks#3938 em 27 de jul de 2018 02:07:33
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Howdy, bois, i know its not about general questions thread, but i need some help with Uber Elder spawn.
As far as i know: 1. Elder (usual, white one) spawns randomly, since u enter Atlas. From 6 tier map his guardians begin to drop Shaper Memory Fragments, which u can exchange for Shaper orbs with Zana. 2. Bla-bla u killed white/yellow/red one + all guardians + Shaper. Took all 15 fragments. 3. Missions says: go to Shapers Realm. 4. All guids say: now u need to spread Elder influence IN SUCH WAY, that the Elder (red one) himself should appear (randomly) on tier 15 map(!!!). If this happens, then it might spread to guarians and then Shaper will cover with his influesnce all his guardians to protect them. All is correct? Questions: 1. Hot to do section 4? I will really appreciate eny help with this question and hope, that this information can help other players. Speacial thanks to @Enki ofc, since it wouldnt happen (all my noobish questions about Uber Elder) without his masterpice build and feedback work. |
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