Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
Anyone else having trouble loading the passive tree maps? It worked last week but now it just goes to 99% and gets stuck there?
Thanks in advance. Someone suggested clearing cache and I have done that on three different browsers but still I cant load the passive tree maps from the leveling section. Help. |
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What uncapped Resistances should I aim for when considering to upgrade to The Wise Oak? I don't really want to put countless hours into trading and planning the build just for the sake of having all Resistances on the same value. Is it still the best flask to use when all I do is aim for lightning resistance to be my highest?
If not, then what would be the next best flask to use for this build? |
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Hello everyone.
I want to thank you Enki for the guide, been following it and i'm loving my Witch, lvl 91 now. Could someone upload a Path of Building link with the complete BiS item setup? To compare my current damage to what i'm supposed to have. Thanks |
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Regarding the passive tree page issue, yes, I posted in the technical support thread. I suggest you bump that thread.
Última edição por pease1#6119 em 13 de set de 2018 19:49:05
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How are you guys doing with this build in the mine/delves?
I've played an Incinerate build up to now, which has been good fun, but I'm thinking about trying an Arc variant of that build. Incinerate is great for clearing in general, and the dps potential is sick, but due to it being a channeling skill it's a little tricky in delves due to falling behind the crawler every time I need to clear mobs. And against certain bosses that ping around like nobody's business (the unique Strand map is the worst by a maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasive distance), I basically can't hit them due to needing some time to boost up first. So I'm thinking maybe Arc would be good and fun - albeit it will be a different setup than this guide lays out. But I'd love to hear some feedback first on how you are doing with Arc in the mines. |
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" Your profile is private, put it public :) |
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So I have 2.5ex atm after some lucky drops. Looking at my current gear, would this be best spent on a 5L inpulsa and a doriyani catalyst you think?
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Shaddolf/characters Última edição por Shaddolf#0993 em 14 de set de 2018 04:20:52
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" I am running this build too, you can see my PoB info here - I strayed a little bit from the build but not much: https://pastebin.com/Ed89NSZY I just finished 300 solo, and delving thusfar at least is still trivial. The golems do die a lot, but I just make it a point and habit to re-cast them, especially if one dies. Even if both die, and I don't notice though, I still don't have a problem at 300. The only issue I have delving is in abyssal cities, and that one ice encounter with the round looking things that damage you with what sounds like a shotgun. That thing hurts, whatever it is. Looking at your pastebin, I think you're pretty much on the right track. My only recommendation would be to replace your mana flask with a 14 or 15% wise oak. You should not need any mana flask, to be honest, and you also spent some points on mana nodes such as the two toward Arcane Will that I would think is better allocated elsewhere such as going toward Storm Weaver, or the other jewel northwest of elemental overload. This build has always been lighter on single target damage. Vaal Breach would be a really nice to have for bosses to make the most use of arc chains/inpulsas explosion damage, but that's an extremely expensive option this league. Additionally, I find on most bosses having them twined helps a lot. Última edição por RexieRabbit#3886 em 14 de set de 2018 05:22:32
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@Azuriae & karac67
No idea what's wrong with the passive trees, they seem to be working fine for me. If clearing your browser cache doesn't help, just use the PoB setup for now, which has all passive tree steps included.
Only way to farm an Essence Worm that I could think of would be running Cells for The Penitent, but the layout isn't the best and not sure how rare this card is, and you may need a few sets until you get an Essence Worm.
As Bootleg_Mix wrote, finishing Uber Lab won't be any issue. The real challenge is keeping up Izaro's buffs for fullkey runs, since Arc may chain to them.
More attack speed is always better. However, with the newest change to Shield Charge it's not that relevant to get attack speed on your weapon anymore. All other sources are still legit tho.
As Ynera wrote, please make your character tab public.
Your flask setup is your biggest issue, i'm surprised you even got that far with this setup. You're also missing life on your amulet and gloves, the latter can be fixed with Haku, the amulet would need a really lucky annul, otherwise just buy a new ammy. And if you haven't done it yet, upgrade your Pantheon.
Ahn's is absolute BiS, the perma Onslaught and +3 maxres is just unbeatable. Esh's Mirror is more of a clearspeed shield, something that this build doesn't lack in the first place. The extra damage mostly won't be up at bosses, and you would lose a stronger flask to use a Silver Flask. Another pro for Ahn's Heritage is its price, this means even one with a great corruption won't be too expensive.
It may be the chain mod that's killing your golems in Delves. I currently don't even have them active anymore when doing Delves since that +3 chain mod can easily kill you, only using them for mapping. Unfortunately don't know any other solution.
You still got lots of upgrade potential. First thing you should do is getting a mana leech Watcher's Eye to make things smoother, this will also allow you to drop the mana flask for a Wise Oak, and i'd recommend to replace the Quicksilver for a Basalt. Your weapon and amulet have the biggest DPS upgrade potential right now, could also get some out of a different ring and boots with a damage enchant. A Stygian Vise with Flask Duration would also add a good amount. This would however require you to juggle around some gear to still cap resistances, overcap is easy to do with Wise Oak up.
Whatever you can realistically pull off with your setup. Take mastercrafted resistances into account while planning, they can be cheaply recrafted until you hit exactly what's needed. If you can't balance all three then it's still fine if just Lightning is highest. There's no replacement flask here really.
This question actually made me curious, so i've went and made one with the absolute BiS stuff that could be available in temp leagues. Note that this gear is also absolute bullshit and most of it probably won't ever exist, but i've just wanted to play PoB-warrior for once. Still left out fossil mods and double corruptions.
For a more realistic approach, check the video PoB or import one of my characters.
I'm somewhere around 360 now and no issue yet. Only the occasional EU server lag and +3 chain mod get scary, already disabling my golems for Delves before starting them now. However, this won't have to mean that you'll do equally well with a different Arc setup.
I see you already got a Catalyst. Next in line should be Inpulsa's, then Essence Worm and Watcher's Eye.
@everyone else: Thanks! twitch.tv/enkivt Última edição por Enki91#7725 em 14 de set de 2018 05:55:27
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For watcher's eye, is it just lightning penetration mod that makes it good? Because that is damn expensive =/
Also shopping for inpulsas on a 2ex budget, would you say I should be looking around the following?: 30%+ improved dmg 35%+ increased shock 9%+ explode as per follows; http://poe.trade/search/hanohoreinokok Última edição por Shaddolf#0993 em 14 de set de 2018 06:36:53
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