Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

@celestin_17: Get Doom Cast. I didn't feel like Vaal Pact has a huge influence on survivability with this build anymore - leech + topaz flask + Alchemist cluster alone is enough to survive reflect, and Thornflesh doesn't exist anymore.

@Jexyll: Cold Pen would give longer freeze duration, which may enable you to freeze some high life targets you couldn't freeze before. The same applies to Lightning Pen but with shocks/shock duration.

So with CotB, Lightning Pen is still the best DPS solution while Cold Pen adds a little more survivability.
Quick question: Why not take advantage of the Celestial Punishment node?

We gain 100% shock chance on crit. Since this is a crit build, our overall dmg would increase by 25% for every crit dealt.

I apologize if this has already been asked.
I found the broken crown but i was wondering if i could fit that into this build, thanks in advance and would could i put in it XD
Última edição por Balance12#5100 em 8 de ago de 2015 13:43:02
@Acamas: Celestial Punishment is only an "increased" modifier, so not really worth it. If the wording was "enemies shocked/frozen/burnt by you take 25% increased damage" - similar to the mod in Taryn's Shiver - it would be a "more" modifier and really worth it.

@Balance12: The Broken Crown is not really useful for this build in any way, better use a rare helmet.
Hi Enki,

Thank you so much for this build. I recently came back to poe after 2 years and l have found your build very enjoyable. I was wondering if you could look at my gear and tell me what l should be aiming for. I currently have 2 exalts and im not too sure how l should be upgrading my current gear. I'm currently at 3.2k life at level 84 and l don't die too often however im farming 73/74 maps so l havent tried higher ones yet. Also my arc is currently sitting at 12k dps unbuffed, is that considered decent?Thank you for all work you have done, appreciate it!
Última edição por thundersp3ar#4816 em 9 de ago de 2015 00:58:52
@thundersp3ar: Hey, it's always great to hear something like this! :)

Your gear is already fairly good. I would replace the Glyph Knuckle ring with somehting similar with life, and if possible mana/mana regen (not that necessary with mana reg on both weaps) and then aim to get a good 6l chest. They're fairly cheap in Warbands already, you could also just get a base and roll life + some resis yourself.

Your DPS is alright, nothing to worry about here.
Witch done by your build is my second character (my first is 2h cyclonist duelist), and I find this build really fun to play, easy and enjoyable! This is much better than my previous character.
I don't die this often, actually I die only when I make some huge mistake, like taking big hit from melee boss, cuz I was too lazy to dodge it xPP
I would like to know, how am I supposed to get crit chance in this build? Because I kinda don't understand. I have like 14% of crit chance on Arc (I assume it's very low). I'm using two wands, so I think about changing to some good Platinum Krises. It should make my % crit change much bigger.
Also on what stats should I focus in armors? Only Energy Shield? Or Energy Shield + something?

Thanks for writing up this build.
Última edição por gabarunes#1569 em 9 de ago de 2015 17:44:20
thanks for sharing. keep up the good work!
@gabarunes: Hey there, glad you like this build :)

Arc has a base crit chance of 5%, we can raise that through global critical strike chance and spell critical strike chance. Both stats are equal for us and can be added together to calculate maximum crit chance. 100% are equal to 5% additional crit chance, every 20% is 1% additional crit chance.

We can get these stats through our passive tree, gear and power charges. The easiest way is gear - when dual wielding kris-type daggers with a moderate spell crit chance roll, you can easily get 300%+ just from weapons. You can also get ~30% crit chance from an amulet and another 30% from a diamond ring to raise crit further.

At Lv80+, you'll be mostly done with getting survivability nodes so you can start speccing into crit nodes like Assassination and Doom Cast, which will be another substantial boost.

The third way to raise our crit chance is through power charges. We get up to 7 power charges in this build each giving 50% global crit chance, so 350% total. However, these charges need to be generated somehow - we do that through Power Charge on Critical, which requires a 5L chest.
This method requires a good amount of crit before power charges are applied to be effective, that's why i keep the additional charges from passive tree for higher levels. The four power charges you'll have without speccing additional ones in passive tree are good enough until that point.

Btw. i really recommend two good cast speed + spell crit wands for endgame, after you've got most of the crit nodes on the passive tree. Daggers can't roll cast speed, which is a big disadvantage in the long run.

@radish: Thanks!
This is such a fun build!.

I'm level 72 with casual gear, 3K Health - 12K DPS with 4 charges, the clearing speed is crazy good!. I'm also using arc spell totem which gives an additional 5k DPS, when i get into end game i will pick up vaal haste but for now this suites my play style. Unfortunately i forgot to pick up Herald of Ice early on so I've been using HoT+Wrath, I'm leveling HoI up so hopefully it will be much better than wrath so i can finally get MoM.

A few tips for this build, that's already been mentioned in this guide:
- Even though we have crazy good clearing speed, don't rush in. Elemental reflect can wipe you in seconds if you're not careful.
- Balance your skill point placements and don't just rush for spell damage nodes. You don't want to end up a glass cannon.
- Frost wall will save your ass a million times over.
- Get a good Loot Filter and know it inside out. From leveling 30-60 i picked up enough currency to trade up for 50 chaos. This meant i could get started on gearing the right way. (I'm still a long way off)
- You NEED a flask with 'Remove Bleeding'

Now i'm saving up for my next lot of gear upgrades!

One question though, Increased Critical Strikes in chest gives me an additional 138% chance to crit and my tool tip dps is almost 700dps higher than having lightning pen. Do you recommend swapping this out? Bare in mind i don't have a crit amulet or crit wands right now.
IGN: Xelciah ¦ Looking For Guild, Standard - EU.
Última edição por Zelciah#3950 em 10 de ago de 2015 06:32:29

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