Concentrate Area of Effect


Could this gem get some re work so it actually CONCENTRATES EEFECTS? ATM it should be re-named Concentrated Damage. Couldn't this support simply add a percentage effect increase to whatever AOE skill you want it to affect, EX: Rejuvenation totem, CE(Concentrated Effect) should simply increase its regenerative prowess but it doesn't because CE only increases damage,sigh.

IDEA:new support gem, drop only, Concentrated Buff: Red/Blue gem, Increase buffs effects, player cannot share auras. This way it will be the opposite of generosity and it will affect more then just auras.

Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever...
-I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes-
Nullus Anxietas:)
How does the support gem Concentrated Effect affect the area/radius of skills when it is used together with "increased Area of Effect" such as from the support gem Increased Area of Effect.

Assuming both gems have the level 1, will the final area of effect be:
- (1-0.3) * 1.14 = 0,798 (meaning it reduces the base radius)
- 1-0.3 + 0.14 = 0,84 (meaning it reduces the radius by a certain amount)
As always, all sources of Increased and Reduced are additive. More and Less are multiplicative.
+14 + -30 = -16% Radius
It would be nice to have a support gem, which would make auras stronger, but making them "self-only".
Or, as it was said, a gem, which improves "side effects" of AoE skills but reduces AoE.
However, it should be a separate gem, because keeping balance in "all thing" will be impossible with just a single gem there (look at Reduced mana, for example)
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
I can see why the area of effect was changed to manipulatively in 2.0 as every aoe build was using inc AOE + Conc effect combo, but some builds got hit harder than others. For example Righteous fire (stand alone version), the whole dps of that build comes from standing on top of the mobs & the aoe is so bad due to "less" mode on conc effect, its almost unplayable.

OpieOP builds will be fine without conc effect still, but Righteous fire's whole dps comes from 2 support gems (inc burning & conc effect).

When I use Conc Effect on a Caustic Arrow, i get the %reduction of area on the tooltip info,
but the % increase of area damage does not show on the Chaos damage per second, why?

Chaos damage per second remains the same with or without the Conc effect gem.
It's a limitation of the game engine. It can only grab one set of modifiers to apply to the listed Damage values, and adding AoE to that would incorrectly show it affecting the arrow as well. The cloud does benefit from AoE Damage bonuses.
Thanks for the answer Viper.
When I like Conc with Molten Strike the Tooltip does not change. Is this intended? MS has the AOE tag so I assume it would affect the damage done by the skill, my damage doesn't go up on the character sheet either when it should be 54% MORE. When I link WED/Ele Focus the tooltip goes up and I can see the affect dps in my character sheet as well but not with conc. I think it warrants looking into because as far as I can tell nothing isn't being concentrated.
Working as intended:
The tooltip only shows Damage dealt by the initial Melee strike, it does not show Projectile Damage. The Melee strike is a single-target hit and thus does not deal Area Damage. The Projectiles do deal Area Damage, and will benefit from Conc.
Última edição por Vipermagi em 3 de abr de 2017 07:19:15

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