[2.1] SuperNova - 200k+ AoE dps ! Insane clear speed - Super fun - Atziri viable | Featured by GGG!
Hi Guys,
I like the build so far and recently got 3 exalts(darkshrine). I was thinking of either getting a 5L/6S Pledge of hands(3ex) or a 5L/6S Carcass Jack(3ex), or just a value one of each and then using jewellers/fusings(~3ex). Currently I'm able to clear Dried Lake pretty seamlessly, have some issues with certain mobs in maps. I have 4200 health with pretty low resistance. Any advice one what I should do? Let me know if I need to link my items. Thanks. Última edição por enigma322#6471 em 24 de nov de 2015 20:45:13
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" hey enigma332, FIRST thing you should do is fix your resses, even if you have to lower your HP pool and/or your damage. Second, 5L pledge is more important than carcass jacket, so I suggest buying one (you can try make one but to be honest, if your luck is as good as mine, you'll never 6L it xD well 5L is easier but can be a bitch too.). By the way ,Im selling a 5L PoH on Darkshrine league [153% spell damage] for 3.5ex in case you're interested feel free to whisper me (MagicalCrime). Good luck In-Game Nick: MagicalCrime. || Main Character: Level 100 Witch (Ice Nova). My standard shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1221095 My Loot Filter: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1313065 GTS - Stream Game: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1344346 Última edição por MagicalCrime#3366 em 25 de nov de 2015 12:28:34
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Builds looks pretty fun. Wouldn't Cold pen be better than CtF? I have a self found Freeze Pulse build myself, I use to do CtF on Freeze Pulse because of the big tooltip damage but then switched to Cold Pen, it was more reliable in terms of damage. Is that different with Ice Nova?
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" Well yea the tooltip can be misleading, but me and Aim_Deep checked it several times, the CtF gem is siginifacntly better than Cold penetration. Not sure about how it interracts with Freezing Pulse. In-Game Nick: MagicalCrime. || Main Character: Level 100 Witch (Ice Nova).
My standard shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1221095 My Loot Filter: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1313065 GTS - Stream Game: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1344346 |
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A lot of people asked for Atziri kill with the 2.0 build so here it is:
https://youtu.be/RjojBk1kBHg *I recommend watching in HD quality. otherwise it looks bad. In-Game Nick: MagicalCrime. || Main Character: Level 100 Witch (Ice Nova). My standard shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1221095 My Loot Filter: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1313065 GTS - Stream Game: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1344346 Última edição por MagicalCrime#3366 em 26 de nov de 2015 09:50:38
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First off... great build... once you realise what the important bits are (v important), it really is fun to play this build and even if you dont have the cash or 6l perf rolls, you can clear the game (pre 2.1 obviously) with a little careful play (and maybe a few deaths). even without 6ls, a perfectly copied passive tree, maxed charges or 4k life.. I feel tanky and unbuffed 15k damage is great and every so often it jumps to 25k on non-crits and you get a nice warm fuzzy feeling..
Secondly.. apologies if you have answered the following questions already.. looking through 18 pages is a little tough... Question 1 regarding party play.... specifically cursing... Obviously in single play, you double curse and everything is great and you are a force to behold... However in party play - especially where there are curse on hit type players... you are toast - especially against bosses or mobs where the cursing player gets there after you or fires from range and overwrites your cursing just when you need that life boost.. How do you handle this? Or is this Supa nova just not meant to play with friends...? ;-) Question 2 regarding flame surge... its really wimpy or am I missing something... I am only using a 4l PoH - for my ice nova and a 5l for my lightning but the flame surge seems so seriously underpowered when I try to swap it out for a single boss type fight... I read that other than Atziri, the nova is usually good enough.. but what do you do in instances like the Daresso boss where the ice nova barely tickles him and a battle seems to go on and on and on and on.... Thanks again for posting this build... been a pleasure to do something other than a ranger these last few hundred hours... ;-) |
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hey Heruka,
First of all im glad you enjoy the build. What is your level? and please link your gear. As for your questions: 1) I assume you don't think I leveled all the way to 100 by playing solo right? :-) we are AWESOME at parties, we dominate the speed of the clear and we do not experience any issues. You warp a lot, so even if someone re-cursing you (and most of the times all players have at least warlod or assassin mark as a curse) you can just re-curse with a warp. Monsters die in 1-3 seconds anyway. Bottom line is the build is great for parties, you just need a bit more dps to be able to "control" the party and its clear speed. 2) Flame Surge is a very strong and effective single target skill for us (you can check the new atziri video I added, and see how fast it rapes bosses). But then again, your dps, as for now, is a bit too low so your single target isn't too strong either. Thats why I wanted to see ur gear and know your level (since you said your passive tree is equals to mine I didn't bother asking to see it). In-Game Nick: MagicalCrime. || Main Character: Level 100 Witch (Ice Nova).
My standard shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1221095 My Loot Filter: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1313065 GTS - Stream Game: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1344346 |
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Ok.. so its a question of a little more DPS that helps solve the re-curse issue by clearing faster - i.e. mobs already dead by the time the curses are reset...I feel like a jackrabbit doing the repeated warps already so its just a question of gearing... probably getting my PoH to 5l at least.. lol Flame surge.. ok.. same DPS issue.. From my gear below, you will see that I am not yet running the good stuff and from your comments it seems that i have reached the inevitable step where I really need to get the end-game gear to take the next step in the char... e.g. I have the carcass jack but getting it 5l (and the PoH) has proven to be a futile gambling exercise right now... I am level 85 right now... Passive tree is almost the same as yours.. I like to mess around with 5 points on my own just to see how much of a dif a combination might make based on what gear or problems I experience.. cant just copy all the time - where is the fun in that ;-) Things like the Aursize I mess around with by swapping in Voidbringer and comparing how fast I loose mana vs dps etc.. I do the same with things like Astramentis and Ungils Harmony..Same with the gems while something is leveling up on alt weapons I will mess with another combination. Its just something to make it more fun especially while levelling or while I dont have your recommended gear.. I just mess around and see what works for that moment in time... I do tend to err on the side of defence and maybe that is exactly what is happening with my build right now - time to do a little more glass cannon... ;-) |
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Well look, a build can be completely different by changing one item, and u changed most of them to your own variation ;P
so, if it works its great but you say its not, so maybe better try to get the recommended gear :) In-Game Nick: MagicalCrime. || Main Character: Level 100 Witch (Ice Nova).
My standard shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1221095 My Loot Filter: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1313065 GTS - Stream Game: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1344346 |
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Thx for the build. Played it for a month in Warband leage. Leveled to 83 and took a break till november. Leveling was easy. Now bought PoH and 5linked it, pick-uped CJ and 5linked it. Bought second PoH, 6socketed it, divined to 153% spd and continue spending all alts/jews/fus for 6linking. ~300 spend, no succes. Leveled all 0%q gems to 20 and made them 1lvl 20%q. Now leveling back to 20. Here is my current gear. I have empower lvl 2 in a secondary weapon slot, also flame surge, and some other gems. As I noticed, it will take infinite time to level empower to lvl 3, so I'm using LL insted of it with HoI. My tree. lvl89. 4400HP / 650ES / 450 free mana. I have several question. 1) What about my gear. Is it good enough? (I have no exalts or divines right now.) 2) What gem will be suggested to buy 21/20 first of all? Ice Nova? 3) Is it better to buy 21/20 Ice Nova (or try to do it my self from buying 20/20 + vaal) insted of spending all alts/jews/fus to 6 linking PoH? With my 0%q 20lvl gems I had ~65k dps buffed with all charges (7Power + 3Frenzy). With this dps I can clear blue tier 12-13 maps. But some times ele reflect kills me :( I think, 20%q 20lvl will give me more dps. Última edição por trueZurg#4508 em 26 de nov de 2015 20:33:04
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