GhazzyTV - THE Spectre Summoner [LOW & HIGH BUDGET VERSIONS]

Hello and thanks for an AWESOME guide.

Let me just start saying necromancy is a totally new book to me, and that I’m a returning player after two years break.

I have one question – probably stupid too. I follow you guide to the note, but have picked up a few summoner nods along the way of leveling so my zombies can tank a bit while I rain them in fire - so now I’m 36 and I also got spectre. So here is the question: My spectre is a animation of a random monster I choose, while ALL videos I’ve seen of this kind of build has spectres as floating liches that fire spells.. How and where do i get Flame Sentinels?? I get rather useless monster that do NOT add any dmg at all, my zombies own them to the letter! I want floating liches!

Secondly, this is just more of a request, but goes for nearly any build I read - what excels in this build? Why should i choose this over any of the other summoner builds? What is the disadvantages and advantages?

A list of that would narrow it down to my playstyle to choose - for summoner I’ve decided SRS is not me, but why hp over shield? etc..

Thirdly, coming back its really hard to know the value of the currency now – when I played 1 ex was 25 c – now its 65c … So what I am asking, what is the current “average” price of Bones of Ull (the boots needed) and the Mortis armor 5L 6L? is there some site or post that keep track of the market prices?

Awesome guide and I appreciate everyone that take the time to help newbies and long-term players to better understand mechanisms and get better ideas to their build.


Thanks from
Última edição por hexipox#0272 em 27 de mai de 2016 06:04:17
Flame sentinels are in Solaris, he doesn't get spectres til cruel, but in the end of course you will get them from merc solaris.
To get spectres:

Goto merc solaris (or cruel if you're not that far yet, of course).
Take out spell echo.
Desecrate and grab only the sentinels.
Rinse and repeat til u are at max of spectres.
Put spell echo back in.

Time to rock.
hexipox escreveu:
Hello and thanks for an AWESOME guide.

Let me just start saying necromancy is a totally new book to me, and that I’m a returning player after two years break.

I have one question – probably stupid too. I follow you guide to the note, but have picked up a few summoner nods along the way of leveling so my zombies can tank a bit while I rain them in fire - so now I’m 36 and I also got spectre. So here is the question: My spectre is a animation of a random monster I choose, while ALL videos I’ve seen of this kind of build has spectres as floating liches that fire spells.. How and where do i get Flame Sentinels?? I get rather useless monster that do NOT add any dmg at all, my zombies own them to the letter! I want floating liches!

Secondly, this is just more of a request, but goes for nearly any build I read - what excels in this build? Why should i choose this over any of the other summoner builds? What is the disadvantages and advantages?

A list of that would narrow it down to my playstyle to choose - for summoner I’ve decided SRS is not me, but why hp over shield? etc..

Thirdly, coming back its really hard to know the value of the currency now – when I played 1 ex was 25 c – now its 65c … So what I am asking, what is the current “average” price of Bones of Ull (the boots needed) and the Mortis armor 5L 6L? is there some site or post that keep track of the market prices?

Awesome guide and I appreciate everyone that take the time to help newbies and long-term players to better understand mechanisms and get better ideas to their build.


Thanks from


Thank you! Glad my work is being appreciated! :)

You get these spectres in "Eternal Lab" which is the portal room in act 3. Simply use Desecrate (make sure its properly lvld) and have corpse targeting available in the option settings. And get "Flame Sentinels"!
Keep in mind that the usual recommendation is to use them when you find them in Act 3, CRUEL difficulty! Before that they tend to die a lot.

There are very few good summoner build creators in PoE, my builds will always come with a minmax optimized approach, coming from 1.5 years of exclusive summoner experience which includes over 6500+ Atziri & Uber Atziri kills as different summoner builds as well as lvl 100 summoner builds.
On top of this you have the possibility of coming to my stream ( for any questions you might have, and/or join our Discord server by typing !Discord in the stream chat.
In stream/discord you have our community as well as myself to help you with any questions you might have with my builds or any other for that matter.

This build specifically can be used with Necromantic Aegis keystone together with the shield "Victario's Charity" to generate charges for your minions which is insanely effective, but for a hardcore approach i personally preffered the defence from a shield to myself.

Currency fluctuates a lot, specially in temp-leagues. There is a currency market in but it is not to be 100% trusted all the time. I could recommend asking my guild if you apply/join via Discord and/or ask in my stream as well as in Discord for proper answers. Another easy way to sort it is to join the global channel 5055 (reddit global channel. Simply type: "/global 5055" to join in-game).

Again, I'm very happy that my work is being appreciated!

kolyaboo escreveu:
Flame sentinels are in Solaris, he doesn't get spectres til cruel, but in the end of course you will get them from merc solaris.
To get spectres:

Goto merc solaris (or cruel if you're not that far yet, of course).
Take out spell echo.
Desecrate and grab only the sentinels.
Rinse and repeat til u are at max of spectres.
Put spell echo back in.

Time to rock.

Keep in mind that you can also find them in maps but is a lot more tedious, but if you find them in maps one should resummon them there for the increased capabilities.

And thank you for helping out with answers in my absence :)
You are welcome. :)

Actually thinking of using this or similar in new league. Haven't done a summoner since ascendancy.
kolyaboo escreveu:
You are welcome. :)

Actually thinking of using this or similar in new league. Haven't done a summoner since ascendancy.

You know where to find me if you need more help :)
Thanks for the replay - Again your most helpful and your reply before helped me further and my build is now shining, thought my spectres is having a hard time surviving in the labyrinth cruel (boss only), but I bet that will change when I get merciless flame sentinals :)

I'm advancing as summoned but more questions approach as I follow your guide.

I’m sure these questions are related to me not understanding the game mechanisms properly.

They keystone this build is wrapped around does not make much sense for me. So maybe you can try and explain why they are good, ill start with my point of view:

Why is Elemental Equilibrium good for this build? As I understand the skill it overwrite itself. So if im lucky to throw a ball lightning first, my spectres will have 50% fire reduction on their first attack, on the next the fire will have overwrite the lightning so it will now do less damage, at the speed specres cast I don’t see how this will be a profit in damage. Ball lightning travel slow and I’m actually only casting it to add the curses.

Why is Mind over matters good for me, when the build does not focus on getting any mana, and you will have quite a bit of it reserved for Dicipline. For me at 65 that means I got 750 mana and about 400 after reserved – why is mind over matter good for me? Must admit I have not taken it yet, due to the fact listed here.

Zealot’s oath, well this one is hard to misunderstand, but im not really sure why I need it? I understand it works hand in hand with Eldritch Battery, but that I don’t get either, why would I want my energy shield to swap from protecting my death? I mean it’s not like I need mana at all, in a huge fight even with 2 auras (haste and discipline) I never run out, so why would I want this? I do understand that mind over matters will probably work in on this too, but the big picture – I really don’t see it.

So to be honest, the guide is called 4 key stone, but I don’t really understand why I am getting these keys at all :)

Again THANKS THANKS! I’ve told several ppl to use this guide because its awesome! Thanks!
Última edição por hexipox#0272 em 3 de jun de 2016 04:48:16
hexipox escreveu:
Thanks for the replay - Again your most helpful and your reply before helped me further and my build is now shining, thought my spectres is having a hard time surviving in the labyrinth cruel (boss only), but I bet that will change when I get merciless flame sentinals :)

I'm advancing as summoned but more questions approach as I follow your guide.

I’m sure these questions are related to me not understanding the game mechanisms properly.

They keystone this build is wrapped around does not make much sense for me. So maybe you can try and explain why they are good, ill start with my point of view:

Why is Elemental Equilibrium good for this build? As I understand the skill it overwrite itself. So if im lucky to throw a ball lightning first, my spectres will have 50% fire reduction on their first attack, on the next the fire will have overwrite the lightning so it will now do less damage, at the speed specres cast I don’t see how this will be a profit in damage. Ball lightning travel slow and I’m actually only casting it to add the curses.

Why is Mind over matters good for me, when the build does not focus on getting any mana, and you will have quite a bit of it reserved for Dicipline. For me at 65 that means I got 750 mana and about 400 after reserved – why is mind over matter good for me? Must admit I have not taken it yet, due to the fact listed here.

Zealot’s oath, well this one is hard to misunderstand, but im not really sure why I need it? I understand it works hand in hand with Eldritch Battery, but that I don’t get either, why would I want my energy shield to swap from protecting my death? I mean it’s not like I need mana at all, in a huge fight even with 2 auras (haste and discipline) I never run out, so why would I want this? I do understand that mind over matters will probably work in on this too, but the big picture – I really don’t see it.

So to be honest, the guide is called 4 key stone, but I don’t really understand why I am getting these keys at all :)

Again THANKS THANKS! I’ve told several ppl to use this guide because its awesome! Thanks!


Yeah Merciless spectres will be a huge upgrade!
By all means sir, fire away any questions you might have.

The most important rule within summoners to understand is this;
"Minions are seperate enteties" what this means is that unlike totems, traps and/or mines they do not benefit from stats/mods or even external buffs/debuffs that affects you. They are your allies not yourself. (Totems/traps/mines benefits from spell dmg/cast speed etc etc that YOU have). So the only way to scale minions is by having minion specific mods and/or external debuffs/buffs (like auras or curses) that affects your minions. This includes keystones like EE to never touch your minions.

Mind over Matter combined with ZO and EB, makes your energy shield regen instead of your life, the ES is also moved to cover your mana instead which means you will use ES as your source of mana. This allows you to reserv 100% of your mana pool (with the auras displayed you ll have like 98% mana reserved) but that's not stopping you from casting spells as they are taking their cost from your Eneergy Shield which is regenerating :) and MoM makes 30% of incoming damage take on your ES which maintains your effective HP much better than having ES over your life pool! :) I hope that made sense?

So to sum things up;
EE => Insane dmg booster as minions does not proc it
EB/MoM/ZO => Allows you to reserv all your mana and makes your effective life much more stable and higher with less input on your gear

I hope the answers sufficed, I'll be unable to respond to any posts til after the race in Prophecy!
It made A lot of sense - now i understand it 100%

i thought EE was affected by any spells :)

And now i get the whole point of ZO/MOM/EB setup!

Btw, dont i need some life leech or something then? to maintain my hp income?


I play normal so no HC for me. So if i want to get necromantic aegis, i assume this will increase my damage alot more too? having a shield with high spell dmg etc will affect my spectres?
Última edição por hexipox#0272 em 3 de jun de 2016 09:00:45
hexipox escreveu:
It made A lot of sense - now i understand it 100%

i thought EE was affected by any spells :)

And now i get the whole point of ZO/MOM/EB setup!

Btw, dont i need some life leech or something then? to maintain my hp income?


I play normal so no HC for me. So if i want to get necromantic aegis, i assume this will increase my damage alot more too? having a shield with high spell dmg etc will affect my spectres?

Cheers! :D
It is affected by every spell, minions are not considered spells per say though ;)

You'll be fine with the build as it is displayed.

Charges affects minions differently than they affect us so yeah you'löl do a lot more damage and have a much higher clear speed :)
Thanks again for the great summoner guides, Ghazzy! I asked for some advice about switching from an SRS summoner a little while back and I ended up making the switch. Wow, what a difference! SRS was pretty fun, but I feel much more powerful with this build. I clear faster too. But I do have another question. I was taking the necessary few minutes of preparation today, summoning my 9 zombies and 4 spectres, my golem, applying my buffs... and I got to discipline and thought... do I really need this one? I have 2,432 ES without it. With it, I have 3,241. So it's only an extra 800 ES. I'm wondeering if that 35% mana reserve might be put to better use somehow. Thoughts?

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