GhazzyTV - THE Spectre Summoner [LOW & HIGH BUDGET VERSIONS]

Solar Guards found in Chateau and Bazaar maps (t11)

I'm missing a lot of chaos resistance so is it a good idea to swap Mistress of Sacrifice ascendency with Beacon of Corruption for +21% chaos resistance?

@mattc3303 Frost sentinels sounds interesting! What's your gem setup with them? (auras,curses,...)
japanladies1 escreveu:
The SRS spawning spectres are really bad tbh.

I would prefer to only cast SRS whilst lvling over having anything else added to it.

thx for answer ;) what about Kitavas from act10?

No worries bro :)

Kitava Heralds are decent for lvling, though they are extremely overhyped. The problem with them is that they have 4 different attacks:

1. Normal Melee attack
2. Cleave, generates bleeding ailment
3. Single projectile splash attack
4. Leap Slam with 100% added fire damage based of the physical damage (really nice)

This makes them ineffective in scaling as they don't really stick with 1 attack form which makes their scaling iffy as they will do their less effective attacks too often to bother with imo.

Ryant12 escreveu:
Ghazzy escreveu:
Due to this I will remove the information of their existence in Harbour Bridge.

Thank you!

Yeah, I just confirmed it last night. Solar Guards from Harbour Bridge = won't be added to Desecrate table in Maps (sounds like bug) whereas Solar Guards from Act 8 Solaris Temple = will be added to Desecrate table in Maps.

Tested it with a simple Arcade Map and the difference was immediate. First 3 Desecrates in Arcade had a Solar Guard.

Glad you like it bro :)

Problem with this shit is that it's all based around a god damn bug ... -.-'

oldkan96 escreveu:
A Spectre-lover from Taiwan server here. Sorry for any weird grammar/wording.

I would like to switch between Flesh Offering and Bone Offering for different situations, not just for minions but myself.
With better stats of the remaing gold gears (rings, amulets, gloves, helmet) ,it is able to reach 75% chaos resistance when the three elemental still >90%, 5700 life pool and about 1000 ES at level 90.
Having 75% chaos resistance allow me to use Forbidden Taste to save me life,
and those % life regen from passives can totally offset the side effect from Forbidden Taste.

Thank you for this amazing build and brand-new experience of spectres!


That's fine bro, looked fine to me!

Not sure if I like that approach over whats shown in the guide, chaos resistance isn't that needed tbh :/

My pleasure, glad you like it this much :)

Puxo1105 escreveu:
Hey there.

Returning player, was thinking on rerolling a new Necromancer and was going to follow your guide as the game have changed abit since I played last :)

But what I dont understand, in the video your ES is over your mana, is it cuase the video is from 2.6? Did you had EB back then?
Even without it (ES on HP) is it still better to go hp build and follow the skill tree in the guide?^^

Welcome back to Wraeclast!

Correct, the video is for 2.6 using 4 keystones and now with the 3.0 I improved it based of the changes to be pure life instead.

It should be vastly better in 3.0 to do this than the old version indeed.

Airbasex escreveu:
Hi guys. Just for your consideration, doing the same exact build on HC right now, but different spectres - Frost Sentinels. They have prety much same damage but sentinel's projectile forks thus providing a greater damage output when the density is high. With lvl60 spectres anything until red maps feels super smooth, for red maps just get map spectres and breeze through content as well.


Frost Sentinels are my second choice atm prior to the spectres available in act 9 & 10, I have plans on making this build to update gameplay footage when I'm done with a few things and that will later evolve to a second spectre build using one of the new ones from the last 2 acts.

Solar Guards have inherited splash effect on their projectiles (similar to Flame Sentinels) whilst Frost Sentinels have inherited forking :)

ReIent escreveu:
What items should I be focusing for end game? I ask because I don't understand the recommended item for the sword. I get the 2 additional spectres, that is self-explanatory, but please explain the sword and also what shield I should prioritize if there is a "best" one or ones.

The sword is only recommended for lvling, later on things like Brightbeak for faster shield charging or any Essence of Fear crafted weapon or even higher budget The Scourge claw would work great for damage increasement. Regarding shield, nothing beats the clear speed provided by the Victario's Charity as it generates charges for you & your minions with the Necromantic Aegis keystone.

japanladies1 escreveu:
Airbasex escreveu:
Hi guys. Just for your consideration, doing the same exact build on HC right now, but different spectres - Frost Sentinels. They have prety much same damage but sentinel's projectile forks thus providing a greater damage output when the density is high. With lvl60 spectres anything until red maps feels super smooth, for red maps just get map spectres and breeze through content as well.

where u can find frosts and what kind of links u use?

gebashOrt escreveu:
Airbasex escreveu:
Hi guys. Just for your consideration, doing the same exact build on HC right now, but different spectres - Frost Sentinels. They have prety much same damage but sentinel's projectile forks thus providing a greater damage output when the density is high. With lvl60 spectres anything until red maps feels super smooth, for red maps just get map spectres and breeze through content as well.

I support this. I also use Frost Sentis. The best thing is with frostbite curse they freeze everything which makes it very safe.

Spectre-Echo-MinDmg-GMP are core for maps: for the 5th you can try Faster Projectiles for insane range, controlled destruction, Cold Pen.

For bosses switch GMP out for Cold Pen (Faster Projectiles->Hypothermia)

Also see the spectre compendium guide.


Generally I try to avoid using GMP or LMP for spectres who already has 3+ projectiles and go for more damage modifiers, though it will always come down to a matter of taste in the end :)

Elbustalol escreveu:
How do you differentiate between the solar guard corpses and the smaller solar corpses? really annoying when you get a few guards and then accidentally get a solar elementalist and you have to re summon them all

By default you hold down the "A" key, however, in the options you can change so you can always target corpses without holding a key, makes this and many other summoner builds much smoother to play :)

Oh, and remove Spell Echo when you raise the spectres to avoid double raising incorrect ones.

Lord_Tensai escreveu:
Why no animated Guardian with Dying Breath and Leer Cast Buff?

It's a matter of taste, the build is rather complex as it is and I didn't want to complicate it further for new players. If you feel comfortable with him you can absolutely make room for him :)

Puxo1105 escreveu:
Puxo1105 escreveu:
Hey there.

Returning player, was thinking on rerolling a new Necromancer and was going to follow your guide as the game have changed abit since I played last :)

But what I dont understand, in the video your ES is over your mana, is it cuase the video is from 2.6? Did you had EB back then?
Even without it (ES on HP) is it still better to go hp build and follow the skill tree in the guide?^^

Got 2 more question, how are using immortal call good? Base duration is really low, and we dont get end charge from anything, but is it still so good too use even with so low duration?

Also, why Vaal Lightning Trap, for "increased damage taken" effect?


It is very good to avoid getting instantly killed by Bone Husks or Porcupines when you kill a big pack :)

We use it to help you vs boss kills as of patch 3.0 the bosses were stupidly buffed in HP the VLT helps smooth out those fights.

japanladies1 escreveu:
mattc3303 escreveu:
was trying on lunar marshes but only rimes ;c

Another tip is to Desecrate with spell echo linked. They definitely spawn in lunar maps 100%.

Got them on Factory Lunar map ;)

Btw guys what u think about Necromantic Aegis? Should i use it or better drop it ?

NA is the reason Victario's Charity is so broken for most minion builds, this one included.

mattc3303 escreveu:
There are two shields that are kind of op with Necromantic Aegis.

Lycosidae, which gives any attack based minions 100% accuracy which is like 50% increased damage at highest level of maps. Since minions have really poor accuracy when targeting monster that are much higher level than them.

Necromantic Aegis, grants 3 frenzy charges and 3 power charges.

Very correct, and the Lyco doesn't provide speed which doesn't affect the general clear speed outside damage output, however, this only goes for attacking minions, we are using spells so accuracy is no longer an issue :)

Vickery escreveu:
Solar Guards are also appearing in the Castle Ruins map.

Thank you, will add.

Sorbetcitron escreveu:
Solar Guards found in Chateau and Bazaar maps (t11)

I'm missing a lot of chaos resistance so is it a good idea to swap Mistress of Sacrifice ascendency with Beacon of Corruption for +21% chaos resistance?

@mattc3303 Frost sentinels sounds interesting! What's your gem setup with them? (auras,curses,...)

Thank you, will add.

MoS gives too much clear speed to remove tbh.
What are the recommended Links? I can't seem to find that listed....
aneruok1 escreveu:
What are the recommended Links? I can't seem to find that listed....

They are listed in order of efficiency in the guide under the "Skill-gems & Setups" section.

- Raise Spectre, Spell Echo, Minion Damage, GMP, Controlled Destruction, Elemental Focus
If you want more clear speed:

Raise Spectre, Spell Echo, Minion Damage, GMP, faster projectiles, iAOE

Swap GMP/iAOE for more multipliers on any tough bosses.

Fun fact. For some reason spell echo echo's their beam cannon 3 times not 2 times. Could be a bug?
Summoner Dischord:
Youtube Channel:
mattc3303 escreveu:
For me, I personally use bright beak in my build since you get the fastest clear speed with that. Minions do plenty of damage to easily clear low tier red maps/high tier yellows where I spend the most time farming. The only other problem to clearing fast is how quickly you can traverse the map.

Since Frost Sentinels has such an amazing AI I am able to literally hold down shield charge and everything ahead of me gets cleared. They might miss a pack or two but if you only play on open linear maps they pretty much nail most packs.

A good damage option is something called the scourge which grants 70% minion damage if you hit something recently (like triggering EE with a spell). Also gives minions attack speed too. 70% minion damage is a whole lot since you can' really get minion damage as a stat very easily.

Are we 100% positive that triggering EE with a spell with grant specters +70% minion damage? I tried out the scrouge and didn't notice any different in clear speed or damage output over Aurumvorax.
Are we 100% positive that triggering EE with a spell with grant specters +70% minion damage? I tried out the scrouge and didn't notice any different in clear speed or damage output over Aurumvorax.

Yes the scourge reads. "70% increased Minion Damage if you have Hit Recently".

For example using ball lightning on something the instant it hits you get +70% minion damage. You can even see this happening in your character sheet.

You probably don't notice any difference because your one shotting everything anyways. But 70% minion damage adds up on bosses when there is not that many sources of minion damage out there.
Summoner Dischord:
Youtube Channel:
What auras you guys run with Frost Sentinels? I really don't have a clue what to use.
Finally made it to spectres and man is it fun. Couple of questions now though.

I totally missed the Solar guards in the title and thought it was flame sentinels based on the comments and video so just wanna make sure the kamehameha guys are correct.

Also with new spectres being discovered I'm still unsure what people are settling on. I tried the frost guys and the freeze and clear is super nice but they seemed a lot slower on bosses, I'm still in act 8 though. I've not used flame sents enough to judge between them and guards but they feel similar just guards are less bullet hell which is prolly a good thing with floor mechanics to dodge. I kinda wanna decide soon because the gem colours are different for frost and I wanna push for a 5L.

Will my Vorici ever get passed level 1? It seems utterly impossible to leave a single follower alive or keep the target alive for 8 seconds at low health. I've yet to see a just slaughter everyone mission. Any tips for this? On the other hand Elreon is hilarious.

Thanks in advance for any insight.

Edit: Not sure if I care anymore what's better, opening a door and seeing the guards nuke the room with 12 face lasers is too good to pass up. That sound too...
Última edição por Syche22#7096 em 16 de ago de 2017 03:53:55

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