What about enchantments? Which ones work for minions, I mean which do they trigger if it says *you* or something like that..also which ones are recommended?
What about enchantments? Which ones work for minions, I mean which do they trigger if it says *you* or something like that..also which ones are recommended?
Minions do not trigger any of the conditions that refer to 'you' such as 'if you've killed recently' so those probably won't help much. I'm shooting for any of these, though I haven't tested to see which is best:
- Skeletons deal #% increased Damage
- Spectres have #% increased Damage
- Spectres have #% increased Attack and Cast Speed
- Flesh Offering grants an additional #% increased Attack Speed
- Bone Helmet's implicit minion damage or a minion damage corruption
- #% Increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently
- Regenerate #% of Life and Mana per second if you were Hit Recently
- +1 gem level corruption and socket AG + Zombies (+ Empower maybe) in them
- Any of the 'Of Light' enchants, if you get hit with a crit they drop consecrated ground which grants 6% life regen per second while you stand in it
Hey Ghazzy. I wanna start by saying I really appreciate all of the work you put into helping noobs like me enjoy the game with fun and successful builds.
I have a few questions for you or realistically anyone who feels they can help me, as this if my first Necromancer build... and I really want it to work out for me.
I was blowing through Acts 1-5. It was fun and fast and I didn't experience any issues. Now that I am in Act 6 I'm starting to notice that I get deleted pretty quickly (I do realize I need to work on resistances). Apart from being rather squishy, I'm also noticing my damage plummeting. It's taking me too long to kill trash with SRS now.
I'm awaiting the level 55 Lab (currently level 49) to get another good ascendancy trait. After this I probably will switch from SRS to skeletons, but until then I don't know what to do because it's starting to get rather rough for me.
Do you have any leveling tips for me? I'm going for the melee skeletons and I'm not focusing on stacking Strength. I may change my focus to the mage skeletons but for now I want to go for the melee ones.
My character is available for viewing and I'm open to all criticism.
I appreciate any help very much. Thanks!!
Última edição por Gold3h#6418 em 7 de mar de 2018 01:12:41
Hey Ghazzy. I wanna start by saying I really appreciate all of the work you put into helping noobs like me enjoy the game with fun and successful builds.
I have a few questions for you or realistically anyone who feels they can help me, as this if my first Necromancer build... and I really want it to work out for me.
I was blowing through Acts 1-5. It was fun and fast and I didn't experience any issues. Now that I am in Act 6 I'm starting to notice that I get deleted pretty quickly (I do realize I need to work on resistances). Apart from being rather squishy, I'm also noticing my damage plummeting. It's taking me too long to kill trash with SRS now.
I'm awaiting the level 55 Lab (currently level 49) to get another good ascendancy trait. After this I probably will switch from SRS to skeletons, but until then I don't know what to do because it's starting to get rather rough for me.
Do you have any leveling tips for me? I'm going for the melee skeletons and I'm not focusing on stacking Strength. I may change my focus to the mage skeletons but for now I want to go for the melee ones.
My character is available for viewing and I'm open to all criticism.
I appreciate any help very much. Thanks!!
It looks like you aren't using any meat shields, which is probably part of why you're dying. SRS don't get targeted by enemies and Skelles aren't exactly tanky so you're pretty much taking all the hits yourself. I recommend the following:
- Stick Raise Zombie + Minion Life + Fortify in your helm to act as meat shields. Later you can add an AG with Dying Breath, Leer Cast, Victario's Flight, Southbound, and Ambu's Charge (or Zahndethus' Cassock) to this for some nice damage and speed buff, you'll lose his items if he dies so wait until you have a good amount of minion life / regen so he stays alive (for me I felt comfortable doing this around the beginning of A9)
- Since you're in A6 right now you should throw Raise Spectre + Minion Damage (+ Burning + Elemental Focus if you can fit them) somewhere and go pick up some Tukohama's Vanguards in the Mud Flats or Karui Fortress. They'll help a ton on bosses but you'll probably want to desecrate + re-raise them every few zones or whenever they die to get higher level versions. As you're going for melee skelles, once you reach the Solaris Temple in A8 you can swap those TVs out for Solar Guards and switch the links to Spectre + Minion Damage + GMP + Spell Echo (remember to take the echo out when summoning spectres or you'll raise things you don't mean to and have a bad time)
- Go pick up Death Attunement to get another spectre as well as some minion damage and health. You can also snag a Bones of Ullr for a third spectre and another skeleton. 3 TVs should pretty much melt any bosses for you.
- Head over to Necromantic Aegis and get a Victario's Charity so your SRS will start generating Power and Frenzy charges
In addition to all of that you generally want to hang back and send your minions out ahead rather than charging into packs yourself. Your minions are disposable, you are not.
Hey Ghazzy. I wanna start by saying I really appreciate all of the work you put into helping noobs like me enjoy the game with fun and successful builds.
I have a few questions for you or realistically anyone who feels they can help me, as this if my first Necromancer build... and I really want it to work out for me.
I was blowing through Acts 1-5. It was fun and fast and I didn't experience any issues. Now that I am in Act 6 I'm starting to notice that I get deleted pretty quickly (I do realize I need to work on resistances). Apart from being rather squishy, I'm also noticing my damage plummeting. It's taking me too long to kill trash with SRS now.
I'm awaiting the level 55 Lab (currently level 49) to get another good ascendancy trait. After this I probably will switch from SRS to skeletons, but until then I don't know what to do because it's starting to get rather rough for me.
Do you have any leveling tips for me? I'm going for the melee skeletons and I'm not focusing on stacking Strength. I may change my focus to the mage skeletons but for now I want to go for the melee ones.
My character is available for viewing and I'm open to all criticism.
I appreciate any help very much. Thanks!!
It looks like you aren't using any meat shields, which is probably part of why you're dying. SRS don't get targeted by enemies and Skelles aren't exactly tanky so you're pretty much taking all the hits yourself. I recommend the following:
- Stick Raise Zombie + Minion Life + Fortify in your helm to act as meat shields. Later you can add an AG with Dying Breath, Leer Cast, Victario's Flight, Southbound, and Ambu's Charge (or Zahndethus' Cassock) to this for some nice damage and speed buff, you'll lose his items if he dies so wait until you have a good amount of minion life / regen so he stays alive (for me I felt comfortable doing this around the beginning of A9)
- Since you're in A6 right now you should throw Raise Spectre + Minion Damage (+ Burning + Elemental Focus if you can fit them) somewhere and go pick up some Tukohama's Vanguards in the Mud Flats or Karui Fortress. They'll help a ton on bosses but you'll probably want to desecrate + re-raise them every few zones or whenever they die to get higher level versions. As you're going for melee skelles, once you reach the Solaris Temple in A8 you can swap those TVs out for Solar Guards and switch the links to Spectre + Minion Damage + GMP + Spell Echo (remember to take the echo out when summoning spectres or you'll raise things you don't mean to and have a bad time)
- Go pick up Death Attunement to get another spectre as well as some minion damage and health. You can also snag a Bones of Ullr for a third spectre and another skeleton. 3 TVs should pretty much melt any bosses for you.
- Head over to Necromantic Aegis and get a Victario's Charity so your SRS will start generating Power and Frenzy charges
In addition to all of that you generally want to hang back and send your minions out ahead rather than charging into packs yourself. Your minions are disposable, you are not.
Thanks for all of those suggestions. I will be sure to follow them. I really appreciate your help. Likely I will be back with more questions later on :p
I really enjoy this build so far (my first try at summoner builds) but I have a couple of questions (I watched you video first :) )
1. I tried to understand the mage skeletons mechanic to summon 9 instead of 10 but I couldn't. Also this info was not mentioned in your YT video. Buying the 2 gems with 5 mage skeletons and if we take into consideration other points from the build I think we reach a number even bigger than 10.
Could you please go into more details on this?
2. How is this build (warrior / mage skeletons) working on higher tier maps compared to pure SRS or pure Spectre builds? As far as I know you have guides on all of these.
3. Some of the sections from the guide are for an older version of the game:
- "We are not using any skilltree points nor any support gems that affects our cast speed of summoning skeletons, instead we are scaling this from our Ascendancy tree via aura stacking Commander of Darkness, combining Flesh Offering with Mistress of Sacrifice." This is not up to date I think.
- the leveling trees also give me notification on top that the skill tree versions are for 3.0.0 or something like that.
Should I follow only the POB version of this build?
Thank you for all the time you have put into this.
Just switched to skeleton mages. Since another user here kept insisting that you will allways summon 10 skeleton mages if you have two jewels and 10 available mages I decided to try it myself. As far as I can see no warriors, recorded it so you can have a look yourself.
I'm doing Melee Skellies (Mellies?) as my starter for Bestiary and I just downed Uber Atziri for the first time. The Oversouls and the Trio was done deathless but the split phase on Atziri herself gave me some trouble since they burst down my zomboys and skellies faster than they could kill one of them. I managed it with 3 portals left. Here is my current gear:
It's impressive how much damage 13 skeleton warriors do with cheap gear. Red Elder is also down so next up is Shaper.
Yesterday I finally got my last Dead Reckoning jewel that I needed (now I have 2), and from what I have been able to prove every time I invoke the skeletons they always come out in their version of magicians, my limit of skeletons is 10 at the moment, and every time I use summon skeleton they are summoned from 6 to 6, so it's no longer the case that you summon a melee skeleton in the mix, or at least that I have noticed.
Updated guide with this information. Thank you.
Laue escreveu:
Ghazzy escreveu:
Last ascendancy node is a matter of taste, I've chosen MoS for the sake of the growing clear speed meta and it's currently the only way we summoners can somewhat keep up with it.
Though, once I bring this build towards Uber Elder I will most likely spec into Puppet Master as it's more dmg for us instead.
CoD functions very well but I'm not sure how half a flesh offering will feel for the sake of clearing yet as I'm not done with Uber Lab yet!
By half an offering, you mean offerings not affecting you at all? Because Mistress of Sacrifice 50% reduced effect of offerings on self really much makes this talent very underwhelming for me. Sure, you get to shield charge a BIT faster, and.. that's it. No other real practical benefit.
As for Puppet Master versus Commander of Darkness, that's a bit tougher choice, yes. The res really makes gearing easier, buffs minions and the damage boost is nothing to scoff at either. Puppet Master is straight up buff too for minion damage and duration. Maybe with Brightbeak's resistances you can skip CoD, but since RN im using only zombies and skellies with Queen's Escape, I REALLY need CoD's resistances. That, and I took a lot of aura nodes anyway and run Haste, Hatred and Clarity.
Still planning to respec to your setup, after I get ~20 more Orbs of Regret, anyway, since your version is far more tanky and mobile. It's just your choice of Mistress of Sacrifice that's odd to me, considering it was nerfed significantly.
Yeah I feel you, though it's still the only real option we have to let us somewhat keep up with the growing clear speed meta.
bullmastif escreveu:
This is my current "crappy" gear. What would you suggest me upgrading next as I feel the damage for higher tier maps is not yet sufficient
Note that I also put there combination of CWDT + Immortal Call in my gloves as I feel that it protects me better for those "one hit" occasions.
All my resistances are now maxed out, and that's the main reason of current gear.
pob link:
Getting higher numeric values helps a lot obviously it's literally the only thing that can be said besides the fact that the amulets gota go man >.< You need the rare amulet unless Astramentis for the huge attribute stick.
SnatchAdams escreveu:
I have really enjoyed your solar guard summoner build, great all around clear speed and boss killing. How do you feel this build compares? Better or worse clear speed? Better or worse vs bosses(running skele mage tukomaha van setup)? Do you prefer the mage skeleton setup or melee? I'm leaning towards mage with tukohama for bosses but melee skeletons look like they can be pretty nasty as well. Great guide as always and thanks.
Cheers bro! :)
I prefer melee skellies cause they are brokenly good vs bosses and SGs are brokenly good for map clearing ^^
OrKToS escreveu:
is this build works without Specters? i don't like their mecanic. i think to replace it with vaal skeleton gem.
They certainly help the efficiency of the build but nowhere near mandatory :)
Ahumm escreveu:
FenixLeeYiRen escreveu:
Hey Ghazzy,
why is the mage skelly set up linked to an echo but the melee skelly set up is not?
The echo will result in 2 skelly being summoned in 1 cast, but will it affect the casting rate of the skellies?
Spell Echo linked to mages will result in it summoning twice as many skeletons, causes their projectiles to echo, and increases their cast speed at the cost of them doing 10% less damage. When linked to melee skeletons it still doubles the number summoned and makes them do 10% less damage but does not do anything to buff the skeletons.
This + Bone Sculptor summons 5 skellies per cast with a From Dust jewel as well :)
Kalenji87 escreveu:
another thing, minions speed is that better than ruthless for bosses or melee splash for mapping?
i'm playing melee skelly of course
Melee Splash is a must for clearing.
Ahumm escreveu:
FrooostyTheBlowman escreveu:
What about enchantments? Which ones work for minions, I mean which do they trigger if it says *you* or something like that..also which ones are recommended?
Minions do not trigger any of the conditions that refer to 'you' such as 'if you've killed recently' so those probably won't help much. I'm shooting for any of these, though I haven't tested to see which is best:
- Skeletons deal #% increased Damage
- Spectres have #% increased Damage
- Spectres have #% increased Attack and Cast Speed
- Flesh Offering grants an additional #% increased Attack Speed
- Bone Helmet's implicit minion damage or a minion damage corruption
- #% Increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently
- Regenerate #% of Life and Mana per second if you were Hit Recently
- +1 gem level corruption and socket AG + Zombies (+ Empower maybe) in them
- Any of the 'Of Light' enchants, if you get hit with a crit they drop consecrated ground which grants 6% life regen per second while you stand in it
Gloves: + "Of The Grave" works for minions :)
You got the help you needed ^^
kapkaunu escreveu:
Hey Ghazzy,
I really enjoy this build so far (my first try at summoner builds) but I have a couple of questions (I watched you video first :) )
1. I tried to understand the mage skeletons mechanic to summon 9 instead of 10 but I couldn't. Also this info was not mentioned in your YT video. Buying the 2 gems with 5 mage skeletons and if we take into consideration other points from the build I think we reach a number even bigger than 10.
Could you please go into more details on this?
2. How is this build (warrior / mage skeletons) working on higher tier maps compared to pure SRS or pure Spectre builds? As far as I know you have guides on all of these.
3. Some of the sections from the guide are for an older version of the game:
- "We are not using any skilltree points nor any support gems that affects our cast speed of summoning skeletons, instead we are scaling this from our Ascendancy tree via aura stacking Commander of Darkness, combining Flesh Offering with Mistress of Sacrifice." This is not up to date I think.
- the leveling trees also give me notification on top that the skill tree versions are for 3.0.0 or something like that.
Should I follow only the POB version of this build?
Thank you for all the time you have put into this.
Awesome to hear bro!
1) This has been confirmed to be fixed which was an issue before the 3.2 patch. You should go for 10 skellies now with mages :) if you go for 11 you get 1 melee using 2 dead reckoning jewels making that extra skelly count completely useless for you.
2) Pure spectres will be faster in general, melee skellies is probably the best boss kill minion in the game atm though. Other than that I believe this will be faster in general than SRS.
3) Thank you for pointing that out, I will fix it asap.
PoB is 100% accurate, I personally prefer melee skellies that does not strength stack :)
Just switched to skeleton mages. Since another user here kept insisting that you will allways summon 10 skeleton mages if you have two jewels and 10 available mages I decided to try it myself. As far as I can see no warriors, recorded it so you can have a look yourself.
Very apprecaited to see some video proof as well, cheers!
wolviesaurus escreveu:
I'm doing Melee Skellies (Mellies?) as my starter for Bestiary and I just downed Uber Atziri for the first time. The Oversouls and the Trio was done deathless but the split phase on Atziri herself gave me some trouble since they burst down my zomboys and skellies faster than they could kill one of them. I managed it with 3 portals left. Here is my current gear:
It's impressive how much damage 13 skeleton warriors do with cheap gear. Red Elder is also down so next up is Shaper.
This is sexy to hear :)
Could you do me a favour and get us some video footage? I'm planing on getting a tweaked version of this build for Uber Elder in Hardcore actually!