GhazzyTV - Beginner's Build: Lich Queen Skeleton Summoner [AWAKENER FARMABLE]
Hey i love the build my damage and survability is great but i got an issue.
My animated guardian die all the time in figth like Phoenix or Minotaur even tho the gem is 20/20 link with fortify. is it bad playing or ? How to i keep my AG alive? Thanks |
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" I recall watching or reading something in this thread that stated you have to watch your animated guardian once you start taking on guardians and other end game content. The tip I remember is to unsocket his gem when he reaches half health so he will just unsummon and you won't lose your AG gear. You can then resummon him after the fight. So, not really bad play more just unfamiliar with the intricacies of this build. Seems like this is just one of the wrinkles where skill and experience matter in helping you determine when you need to unsocket the gem to save your guardian. Also, knowing how and when to use convocation in these boss fights will likely prolong the amount of time you have your guardian in the fight. |
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The quality of gems...for boss you can swap Slow proj/GMP and added fire/melee splash if you need it.
Almost 8 k life...with my char. I made all the maps pretty damn easy and i like to kill all boss. from every far, at lvl 16. I have been able to do only chimera. deathless without swap. gems. yeah unfortunately i have a really bad rng at red maps:( I made the solar guards in plaza or colosseum at lvl 14. |
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How good is the 2 socket belt with gems, is it recommended or can be replaced with something else?
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Hey guys,
Pardon the delayed responses I just moved to my new apartment! " Hey, This is a common misstake, the threshold jewel doesn't require them to be specced, they merely have to be within range, which they are :) I personally prefer the melee skelly version though as the mages are more of a niche approach imo ^^ " Hey, Well, I can only tell you to get higher numeric values on your gear, specially the life rolls (make sure you're still resistance capped!) Great jewels as well, literally can't complain on anything else. " I'm afraid I have the most build guide threads of all content creator, on top of the most viewed thread on the entire poe forums. Sadly, I'm not a fulltime streamer (yet) but I do my best to keep up, so thank you, it's always nice to hear that my time & work is being appreciated! " It's frustrating, you'd have to whisper the guy and have him link it to you :| " With hybrid mods it can sometimes be hard to decipher, but yeah works, believe works as well to some degree. " Hey, Glad you're enjoying it! Hm... could you direct me to where I promote that setup for SGs? Cause that setup is for Tukohama's Vanguards, the SG setup is as you describe with full 6L it looks like this: Raise Spectre - Minion DMG - Spell Echo - GMP - Elemental Focus - Controlled Destruction GMP is a matter of taste, other gems that benefits them greatly are: Conc effect PoB sadly doesn't have SGs :/ Regarding EE I'd recommend you watch this video: this is a generic summoner mechanic guide, also, read the pinned msg below that video. It will teach you everything you need to know about how summoner mechanics works. If you're lazy and don't want to know these things the answer to EE is that since minions are seperate entities EE will not be proced by them. " ^^^ " Hey, It owns the lab, though since it's not phasing izaro I wouldn't recommend running full key runs with it. Thank you! <3 " Hey, I actually cba to switch melee splash, they deal so much dmg anyways xd PoB considers extra lvls if you make sure to change in the skill setting that those specific links are linked in the helmet :) " ^^^^ " Correct, it's more for us to have increased clear speed. However, the other options are available if you prefer :) " Hey, Absolutely an option, though Brightbeak grants the best atk speed for shield charging :) " Hey, Basically it works like this: Melee Skellies & Tukohama Vanguard = optimal minions for boss killing Mage Skellys & Solar Guards = optimal minions for clear speed The build mixes these 2, I personally feel that melee skellies are better than TV for bosses and that Solar guards are better than mages for clear speed which is why I prefer Melee Skellies with SGs. The reason I was using Melee Skellys with TV spectres was for bossing but I realised that Uber Elder turns immortal and same with Shaper when you need to hit the other guy which makes TVs extremely unreliable in that specific fight which made me opt back to Melee skellies with SGs even for bosses :) " ^^^^ " ^^^^^ And Solar Guards are known for handling such content by themselves as well, which is again another reason for me to just keep Melee Skellies with Solar Guards (not just because of Uber Elder) :) " Matter of personal taste, +1 spectre is imo optimal, but anything else grants better survival. " So sorry 4Head <3 " I think it can work very well, I've personally never been big fan of going max block with any build but again, it can surely work well :) " #1 % minion damage if you used a minion skill recently #2 Flat Life (hardcore) #3 Blind #4 Taunt (attacks only so only melee skellies) #5 PHYS dmg #6 any other flat dmg / atk/cast speed etc etc " ^^^^ Brightbeak also brings in resistances which is actually really nice for the rest of your gearing. " After looking at the video I can safely confirm that my build runs Uber Elder smoother than that, it's basically the same just that my version has spectres on top of that helping out with add phase & general dmg output. " Hey, Thank you bro <3 Hall of the Grandmaster is a stupid map designed for PvP builds which isn't this games focus at all anymore :/ Regarding pure spectre build, I also have one of the most if not the most popular spectre build guide thread on the forums as well, can check out this link: Either way, this build can be done vs Uber Elder in a Tabula as well, though I would not recommend it in hardcore for obvious reasons. My spectre build can do the same :) " PoB showed Severed to be better than Scourge in terms of DMG, but I also concluded that despite higher DMG I kept Brightbeak for the sake of mobility vs the end-game bosses to avoid dying :) " Been streaming 3 characters dying with this build in BHC, currently running it with a Tabula to get some currency to opt over a new secret build idea I've got that might turn in to a build guide if it works as well as it should according to the theoretical level xd " ^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^ Thank you for helping out with responding :) Couldn't have explained it better myself! " Settings => set it to always showing and you'll never have problems again :) " Sounds like a cool idea to me :) Though keep in mind that Loreweave doesn't give you that res, it merely raises the max available res to that #, it also locks that max res so you can't raise above it with res flasks either. Yes, it's for EE, and I prefer OoS for the reason you state and some end-game bosses where I can place it before they are attackable and then move away which means it procs the EE directly as they spawn meaning I won't have to try to time and move at the same time to get the EE up asap. (If I were to use a Ball Lightning instead that is) " Afraid we don't get the resistances, it's a bit complicated to explain and since I have another 4 pages to go through + a few other threads in less than 25min please hop in to my stream for a verbal description of it, if you wish :) " Hey, Well, you can keep 3R1G1B as well and switch Multistrike for Faster Attacks, I will update the guide for this as it's a very small difference, where FA is numeric wise better but comes down to a matter of taste. You can use any chest you wish, I just prefer Vis for the extra spectre. " Hey, If you have 3 spectres and you had 1 more, it literally means that you deal 33.37% more damage from your spectres, on top of this it also grants you another "decoy-target" for enemies to attack, it also grants you better AoE coverage for the sake of clear speed. All in all there are too many benefits for us to give up on the +1 spectre without feeling a loss, at least imo. But then again, it's a matter of taste. I'm sure +1 lvl of gems for skellies results in more dmg output, but it's as stated above, not just about the damage :) " Hey, I didn't feel it to be worth it. I actually kept using Brightbeak even for t16+ maps. " ^^^^ " Hey, If you exclude some of the low life rolls you got yourself a pretty damn nice setup there! I'd say fix higher numeric values on your life rolls and get more jewel slots with %min dmg when you've used a min skill recently :) " Very true, I'm finding it hard to explain these things as well in the guide, specially as GGG are already limiting how many words I can use in a guide thread :/ Problem is that Malformation map and any tier above that can be rippy vs the boss with him, if you're uncertain of his survival, remove him before the boss and resummon him in your HO (to avoid replacing items on him) and run like that instead. He's not needed for the boss fights, he is more of a QoL addition to the build and a Maim provider if you wish. " Yeah I hate gem switching and stopped doing it as well, the build can still handle the content with ease :D! " It's very good but you kind of benefit better from a properly rolled Stygian Vise belt with 1 socket instead :) Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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Kudos to your guide. I love it so far. First off this is the first time I really play PoE And I've gotten to mapping the first time in 3.0 (When 3.0 hit I tried the build twice in HC ssf btw and died twice around act 7 or 8) so this is the first time "endgame" for me since 3.0. I have a couple of questions... 1. So did it turn out, that melee Skellingtons are the way to go later on? 2. How hard is the switch from mage to melee skellies? I would consider it but I spent quite some coin on Victario's Charity, Dead Reckoning etc. Also I don't have access to anything fancy just yet like shaper items Gotta sort out my Tabula/general gear and resistances first. Is it viable with Baron and strength stacking? 3. You didn't specify what you would put in the Baron after switching from SRS (got lucky with a Tabula so made the switch early on) 4. Is it worth dropping zombies? I still use Barons because I just finished act 10 and I saw you dropped them in your high budget version, right? Isn't it dangerous to lose a meatshield for the AG? 5. I'm unsure about the AG as well. I started using him in part II of questing and I spent a bit on a Leer Cast and a Victario's Flight. I'm unsure if I should commit further as it might get a bit pricey. 6. Some of your references are out of date I think (Build enabling items - Regarding Ascendency perks: mentioning both Mistress of Sacrifice and Commander of Darkness which iirc references the old Ascendency Notes back in ye olde days of 3.0 when I read the guide the first time.) 7. Regarding this Mistress of Sacrifice or Commander of Darkness? Solo softcore. Does the damage boost affect our winions? 8. I have a bit of downtime right now when clearing maps as I have to wait for my skellies/zombies/spectres to clear the packs. Is this normal? Which leads me to my last point 9. Is this the reason why you run EE? How does it work out? What do I have to do? How does it boost our damage? I saw it mentioned in the last few pages but I can't make sense of it. Do we spam 1 spell for our spectres to do the bonus damage? Also I'm quite limited on sockets right now so I honestly have no clue where to fit it even if I wanted. Maybe could you elaborate on this more in the guide itself? Sorry for the wall of text this build up over the course of 3 leagues :P Love you man and greetings from Germany. - Cren |
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I am not Ghazzy but I will give it a go with my 2 days or so of play time with this character.
" Melee skellies are very nice. I started as mage skellies but made the switch while I was leveling. I would not switch back because Solar Guards pretty much wreck everything at range and melee act as nice blockers in addition to their damage output. " I made the switch while leveling and it wasn't hard. The more difficult decision was to move from the Strength stacking version over to non-stacking as the Brawn jewels with good rolls were at least 10c ea along with the other gear I had to swap out. I used Victario's Charity until I decided to recover the 6 points required to get Necromantic Aegis. The earlier you make the switch the better though as you do have to think about sockets and whether to relevel or buy leveled skill gems. " I started out in a Tabula and I leveled my Spectres in the Baron until I got rid of it. I suppose you could also put your AG and Zombies in there but I felt Spectres would benefit most from the +2 levels to minion gems. " I would imagine part of that is because he was playing in a party with at least one support. Biggest challenge with this build is you are extremely socket starved so if you want to add something new at some point you have to drop something. From what I recall, Ghazzy stated Zombie survivability was an issue in high tier red maps and other end game content. Therefore, it would not surprise me if he felt dropping them was not a big loss since he is working with a limited mana pool and resummoning zombies would exacerbate that in the middle of boss fight. I would certainly like to know Ghazzy's reasoning here as well since I am working toward switching to the high budget version myself. " AG is well worth it as a mini aura bot. I actually ran him with garbage gear while I got used to his mechanics during the leveling process. He never died and became much tankier as the gems leveled up. Generally, he is very hard to kill short of sitting in traps or running rippy high tier red maps and end game content. Biggest thing to do is decide which spec of AG you want to run so you only have to buy gear once. Lastly, as Ghazzy stated earlier, if you doubt your AG can survive a boss encounter, just unsocket him and resummon in your HO after the fight. His bonuses are nice but not required for bosses. " The damage boost does affect minions for Commander of Darkness. Since Mistress of Sacrifice damage bonus does not specify allies, I would assume it only affects you. " I run the melee skellies with solar guards version and I am hindered more by the move speed of the build and my dislike of Shield Charge rather than my minions time to kill. " EE is proc'd by your damage, not your minions. So, by using Orb of Storms he can get precast it for bosses to give them weakness to elemental damage that his skellies and spectres are using and have time to get out of the way. Once cast, orb of storms will periodically strike targets for a set duration. So you only have to periodically reapply the spell. As mentioned above, the socket starved nature of this build is probably why he dropped Zombies since he is in party play. I am not running this in my build yet but that is mainly a function of my poor T13+ map pool. If I do decide to run it, I will have to reconsider my links. The prime candidate is to pick up a second weapon for use on bosses, take out Faster Attacks from my movement skill, and pick up orb of storms. Vaal Haste might be another option for bossing since you may not get enough souls to charge it up. I will have to feel it out to decide what is best for me. No matter the choice, you have to compromise somewhere in the build to add this bit of utility. |
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Skeleton Shaper Kill: Path of Building : My build is changed to add zombie as map clear with maim support (maim add +% dmg for skeletons and are perfect for no regen maps) and full physical brutality skeletons Última edição por Shyane#1445 em 5 de abr de 2018 06:32:24
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hmm, maybe im blind or...can't proc the Elemental Equilibrium:O I don't see any fire on my setup and i have cold/lightning dmg...ring, amu or jewel
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got this helmet, but i am unsure of my links :P got it for 50 chaos, guess its decent enough :P |
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