[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
Probably going to play this build in Abyss league. I'm guessing golems are very dependent on having the jewels? How good is this build with SRS + spectres, until I have the money for all the jewels? Still viable in red maps?
Última edição por An1Lusion#4563 em 5 de dez de 2017 11:57:59
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" Yes sir, the golem build really need the jewels. Without them it's not really a golem build :) Srs + specters should be no problem for currency gaining until you can buy jewels :) My guess is that yes, it will be viable in red maps, but for pure currency gain (to be able to buy jewels) you'd likely be much better off running yellows faster than potentially struggle in reds. Mind you, these comments are made before reading patch notes, and with the vanguard/wicker man specters in mind. If they nerf that combo and maybe flame sentinel and solar guards, then i don't know... |
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" Alright, great. Now we just have to pray that they don't destroy this build in the patch notes. |
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Well, the patch notes are out - one big change to a certain endgame playstyle, and other changes to levelling:
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This is not bad at all, build is alive and well!
The no dps on death is not really an issue, that was just a cheese mechanic, so we're good, in my opinion at least. The buff to minion life must make the guardian basically immortal. For leveling wickers are dead, and probably vanguards too, but hell, get 2 +1 fire wands and put srs - minion damage - spell totem in one and srs - minion damage - melee splash in other, then make a +1 minion helmet and put raise spectre - minion damage - gmp - spell echo for flame sentinels/solar guards and laugh your way to golem jewels :) |
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" Thx for the tip :) Fixed trees and screenshot of tree. " " " " " Hello all :) Answer and analysis below. UPDATE Patch notes are finally out! :) There are some wins and some losses : + Minion Life Support now affects Minion Life multiplicatively (it now provides 30% MORE Minion Life rather than 30% increased Minion Life) at level 1 of the gem (up to 49% more life at level 20). Animate Guardian will be almost immortal with new life total. Mine can already tank Shapers laser. + Added a new Dexterity Support Gem - Volley Support: Adds two projectiles to supported skills, and causes them to be fired from points to either side of you, in parallel. Projectiles Nova (found on Sire of Shards) will currently override the projectile source part of this support, however, this will change in a future patch. + Added a new Intelligence Support Gem - Spell Cascade Support: Supported area-targeting skills will also target an area in front of and behind your initial target. New very interesting gems to try with Flame Golems instead of GMP. GMP will probably still be better but have to test first. + Desecrate: Now creates 5 corpses (up from 3). The cooldown has been reduced to 3 seconds per stack (down from 5), and the cast time has been reduced to 0.8 seconds (down from 1). Desecrate's maximum corpse level now grows more steadily as the skill gem levels up. It can now create higher level corpses at most levels, except level 19 of the gem, in which the maximum corpse level has been lowered from 100 to 81. More corpses = longer block duration. + Monster mods "Reflects Physical Damage" and "Reflects Elemental Damage" have been reworked. They now appear as Nemesis mods. Attacking a monster with Physical or Elemental Reflect now triggers a mortar spell targeted at your location. This spell has a cooldown. Most likely makes Necros Golems also reflect immune. No idea how the targetting will work if Golems teleport near you when you move too far or just use convocation. Maybe even lose the target completely. + Raging Spirits now have a 15% less Added Damage multiplier, up from 30%. Boosting SRS damage makes early leveling lot easier. +Introduced Shaped and Elder items. These items can only be obtained in areas where the Shaper or the Elder holds influence, or by defeating the Shaper or Elder themselves. Shaped and Elder items can obtain mods not found elsewhere, as well as higher-tier versions of some existing mods. Possible mods seem to be : Hubris circles helmet - +2 Minion level - Socketed gems are supported with level 18 (any gem from Golems 6-link) - Socketed gems are supported with level 18 (any gem from Golems 6-link) This will end as being level 26 Golems with 6 link and in potentially 300+ ES helmet. Armor can be replaced at that point by any armor in the game. +"From what I overhear in the office, the new Abyss Jewels are "outrageously powerful for summoners" and can roll "so much crazy shit"." - Quote from Chris https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2036309 The mods are for all minions, so could be nice buff for Flame Golems also. - Your minions (and their minions) will no longer deal or take damage while you are dead This was bugged behavior and not how minions were meant to play. Been strengthening defenses long time for this. I'll add max block variant without Necro Aegis and manual cast bone offer. With 10k ehp and almost immortal Golems this should be enough to do all bosses deathless. - Tukohama's Vanguards no longer summon multiple totems at a time while spectred, and the duration of their totems has been lowered to 5 seconds (from 10). They are less likely to place additional totems while they have at least one totem. - Wickerman Righteous Fire damage has been lowered while spectred. These monsters were using a version of Righteous Fire not intended for spectres, and were dealing significantly more damage than intended as a result. This change brings them in line with other spectres who use Righteous Fire. These are very harsh but waited hits for certain Specters. Flame Sentinels and Solar Guards will be default Specters for leveling. Looks pretty much what I was expecting. EHP(ES + HP) is not touched and Temp Chain will be as broken as ever. Elemental Equilibrium still works and no change to Golems stats, so most important stuff continues to work. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 5 de dez de 2017 21:52:40
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Are skeletons good when leveling now? They got a pretty sick buff.
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" Hey :) They might be pretty viable option. Their life and speed has always been bigger problem, but now they at least hit like a truck. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 5 de dez de 2017 21:21:18
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ITEM (this should be ITEMS?) - GEAR RECOMMENDATIONS - RINGS - Two-Stone Ring "Gives ALL resistances" |
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" Hi :) Nice finding as usual ^^ Fixed now, thx! [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f |
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