[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
So I got one shot in Merciless Lab (Totally my fault, wasn't paying attention to buffs, golems killed everything too fast, so Izaro was fully buffed in final phase, got one leap slam off that killed me, even though I was around 4k life)
But I've been doing some thinking and experimenting with links, and I've come up with my favourite utility gem setup for hardcore version of this build (My personal preference, curious what others think, I'll put my thought process here) 4L Gloves/Boots (SR, Unearth, BL) [GGBB] GMP - Unearth - Ball Lightning - Bone Offering This lets us self cast Bone Offering before bosses, or on map start. I Found the CWC version too clunky and slow, and it also blew up corpses when I didn't want them to be exploded. For me personally this setup is a quality of life improvement. The CWC version has you standing still for quite some time,more than I'm comfortable with (It was the reason I died to izaro, really) and because of the way CWC cycles gems, it meant sometimes it would take longer for Bone Offering to come out. This way we can place a bunch of extra corpses from Unearth, and ball lightning also benefits from the same GMP support, making nice use of our limited sockets. The self cast bone offering means I can keep bone offering up full time by blowing up corpses at the end of a pack before moving on to the next. 4S Gloves/Boots (CWDT Desecrate IC) [RBGR] CWDT1 - Spell Cascade - Desecrate - Immortal Call Spell cascade does wonders with desecrate. Still only uses one charge, and makes the max amount of corpses. I'm still not sure if I should tweak the CWDT level, but it seems good at level 1. Bonus Immortal call, works great with block making sure to ward off bad luck block streaks. 4S Helm (Geofri's Crest until Vertex) [GGBB] Temp Chains - Flammability/Enfeeble - Blasphemy - Enhance Same setup as in normal in the guide. Blue socket means we can socket Flammability if we need more damage. Makes ignites stronger. 3L Weapon (Guardian Disc) [RBB] Animate Guardian - Minion life - Discipline Similar setup again to the original. No room for empower in Animate guardian. I don't think he should be dying with the very defensive gear we give him. I'm considering Ambu's Charge to share endurance charges generated from Bringer of rain. Thoughts? I feel like the physical damage reduction is more powerful than the consecrated ground regen, but not sure if he generates enough endurance charges for it to be worth it. 3L Shield (CWDT Spirit Offering-Bone Offering) [RBB] CWDTlv20 - Spirit Offering - Bone Offering (Order important!) This one is the real key, and the reason for messing around with things. CWDT procs the spells in order, so Spirit Offering goes first, and because of the way it works, from the gem text: "The new energy shield is recovered as it's granted", means that even if it is overridden almost instantly with bone offering again, we STILL gain the ES, and essentially never lose our block chance. Note: This can't go in the weapon, or you'll CWDT cast the stone golem. Now, the problems with this setup as far as I've seen: 1. No movement skill. This kinda sucks, but if we're running a quicksilver, I actually don't notice it much, other than being unable to cross gaps. If we're really missing the movement skill, we can swap out immortal call or the animate guardian's minion life for it. Using a movement skill on swap for gaps is an option, but it really slows you down because you lose a golem and your discipline, and have to re-cast them. This might be remedied by running a spare clayshaper in your weapon swap, as well as a spare discipline, but I've not tested this and have no idea how it would work. Might be good though, actually. 2. No CWDT Phase Run. This one was personal preference for me, you could swap it out for immortal call. But I've found I'm mostly taking damage from things that were already flying at me that phase run would not have helped against, because projectiles/AoEs already being cast will still hit you, even if no further ones will be targetted. I will definitely miss the phasing for when you get surrounded or just for the nice movespeed boost. 3. Self cast Ball lightning. Now this is again a personal preference thing. I prefer self cast ball lightning simply because it's better to direct golems with when not using Primordial Might. In the previous iteration we would have to use the spell totem (Don't really want to keep re-placing it because it messes with the casting of the actual ball lightning), or the CWC Scorching ray, which would blow up bodies we didn't want blown up. The down side is that you might spend a little more time casting, and less time dodging, but I think it's better than relying on CWC, which had you standing still longer. EE Lasts 5 seconds, so you don't have to re-apply it on bosses that often. 4. No convocation. Can make positioning a little annoying sometimes. 5. No fortify. Sorry for the hugely long post, but I've been theorycrafting a lot on this because I love the build, and want to personalize it a bit. I really wish we had another 6 sockets to work with, heh. TL;DR -> If you didn't want to read this, what do you think about Ambu's Charge vs Cassock on animate guardian? Última edição por Shiverwarp#6758 em 13 de dez de 2017 17:49:57
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" Hello :) The best corruption for Clayshaper is probably 5% chance to flee on hit. Only Spell totem will bet it, but the hit rate is so high that might even trigger sometimes. But after all its not really worth corrupting Clayshapers. " Hey :) Wow, that's pretty sick o_0 +3 to minion gems gives lvl 27 Golems which is same as +1 corrupted Infernal Mantle. +1 Skin of the Loyal gives level 28, which is more level but the helmet might roll 7-8 link. So, yes it can replace Skin of the Loyal and you can any armor or 6 link if you are lucky. - Minion damage support - Conc effect support are pretty much needed lines - Immolate - Burning Damage are nice extra ones but not needed. " Hi :) Nice post with detailed links! For HC most of the self-cast might be better when you need maximal defense. For SC dying once in a while for slow CWC or not having enough corpses might be easier when you can play with 1-2 buttons. Desecrate + Spell Cascade looks interesting, have to test that one out :) Flammability is ok curse but Ele Weak scales with quality better. Flamma gives just chance to ignite which is bad, ele weak drops more resistances. Immotal Call without inc duration is pretty short. Might help or be over too soon. The new "more" life in minion life makes AG a tank. That was huge boost in patch. Maybe it only needs AG + Minion life in +1 socket item now. Dual Offering looks interesting. Doesn't that just use 2x more corpses? So if first eats all corpses, next wont trigger. No movement skill is ok, Flask gets job done. You might want to use one phasing flask to run through packs in bad situations? Self cast for EE is fine. Just spamming corpses and manual Offerings might take focus from battle. No fortify is pretty big loss in HC. But on the other hand Fortiy requires to hit something to trigger so might be as dangerous either way. For the Animate Guardian and charges. Ambu charge or soul conduit gloves says "share charges with party members" and AG is not in party with you unfortunately. It's not even in party with other minions so it wont work at all. Only other players can be in party with other players. Very cool variant and looks definitely personal. If you keep improving it in HC please share links again later ;) [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 13 de dez de 2017 18:18:41
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" Ooh, thanks for the info about Ambu's, I figured it was too good to be true. Ah well, Zahndethus is already super nice. It's very easy to miss the difference between "party members" and "allies", I'm sure I've made this mistake before. So for flammability I wasn't taking into account that we've got it linked with Enhance! this definitely makes it better. If we don't have enhance, Flammability and Elemental Weakness actually have the exact same amount of Fire Resistance removed (If Ele Weakness is 20 quality), but flammability has the small bonus of ignites. But enhance definitely pushes it a bit ahead, thanks for reminding me. Now as for dual offering, yes both of them use corpses. But the CWDT-Spell Cascade-Desecrate really solves this issue, because you'll be creating 21 corpses each time. 7 per "cascade" with the new base 5 corpses, +2 from ascendancy. It'll be cut down to 15 though because of the Desecrate corpse cap. Offerings use up to 9 corpses at a time, for maximum effect and duration. We want Spirit offering to use the most corpses possible to gain back the most ES. So spirit offering will use up 9 of the 15 corpses, and then bone offering will use up the rest. EDIT: Spell cascade does not work with triggered gems =[ This doesn't ruin everything, just makes it less crazy. With CWDTlv1 we should still get 2 casts of desecrate off before our CWDTlv20 pops, meaning we'll have enough corpses for both offerings to go off, even without self cast unearth, or any monsters dying. This does however open up another socket for me. And it's really tough to decide. Could put phase run there, or convocation, or tempest shield for more consistent block. Or I can replace immortal call and just put a Shield Charge - Fortify there. Última edição por Shiverwarp#6758 em 14 de dez de 2017 00:36:30
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Spell echo isn't working on flame golems right now.
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i dont know this question is dumb or not but why my block chance from shield not display in my character def stat ? only show up when using bone offering @@
EDIT : forget it found it xD Última edição por linhdeptrai94#1199 em 14 de dez de 2017 08:35:54
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" Yeah, this is addressed at the top of the topic post: " |
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" Fixed now \o/ |
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" Hey :) The working is so mysterious in Poe that players will confuse them until last day of the game ^^ Thx for explaining the Cascade + Desecrate. Will test it also and see how it functions. It not working with CWDT gems is pretty big loss in utility. Free socket depends purely on how you like to play :D Long distance kiting = Phase Run Close Kiting = Fortify Maximal clearspeed = Convocation Rumi spamming = Tempest Shield " XD " " " " \o/ Thx GGG! \o/ [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f |
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If I have the currency already for the jewels and gear, when is the earliest time you'd say you can start doing golems? Is it as soon as you get them at 38? I really like leveling with the build I'm playing as much as possible instead of leveling as something else. Thanks for the write-up. Última edição por Nonny#3597 em 15 de dez de 2017 08:37:22
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