[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist

Shiverwarp escreveu:
Nirvanatone escreveu:
Shiverwarp - That sucks about Uber Lab, def a PITA for Hardcore players. Do you have a screen shot of your gear before your RIP linked on one of these pages?

Was thinking of playing your defensive build but might not have a great reference point now for gear/flasks/jewels.

Ah my bad, I usually delete my characters after they die, I didn't think people would be looking for my setup. Luckily I went to sleep just a little after, so I can still link you the gear!

I was aiming to get the Pantheon upgrade for Soul of Abberath and then switch out the Ignite immunity for Poison immunity. In fact it's probably already better with the Spirit Offering version to go for the Poison Immunity.

The single Ghastly Eye was just me testing movement speed on golems, life is the only other relevant stat.

I talked about my Golem gem setup a little earlier in the thread, but just to reiterate and expound: Empower only has more damage at the very peak (Level 4 Empower in +2 gem skin, and of course golem life. And since I found my golems never died, I went for more damage) Conc effect instead of Controlled Destruction is more relevant to Boss size. Clearing felt exactly the same with both, but I'm pretty sure Conc effect is better for small and large enemies (Large enemies will get hit by all balls no matter what, and small enemies are likely to only be hit by one ball whichever you use) and medium sized bosses Controlled destruction is better to get more overlap in the AoE damage.

YES! This is awesome. I plan on building your exact setup. Thanks so much for linking it!!!!
Shiverwarp escreveu:
SVNihilist escreveu:

Yeah, I thought it might have been touched upon. It's a hard ask to read through 170+ pages of this post though. Another problem with it is it's so much more involved than the build normally is when you're tracking your offerings for what you gain from the combo. I think i'll drop it just because of the hassle it adds.

EDIT: So after some testing I actually like your suggested middle ground. You have to give up totem, but you go like this: Main hand will have CWDT-Desecrate-Spirit Offering then offhand will have CWDT-Desecrate-Bone Offering at level 1. This will trigger the spirit offering and then immediately trigger the bone offering. The Bone offering will have less block, but you can reapply your main Bone Offering through the channeling chain once you reposition. This makes it a bit more automated and fluid. Basically you're trading off 7% block for 14% minimum ES heals after you take a hit.

I'm curious though, does spirit offering exceed your normal max ES? In that case a health build would get way more out of this setup.

Also I found a Watcher's Eye that had double mods in Discipline. 6% chance to block spells and +30 ES on hit with 6% to HP and ES. Might play around with it, you'd lose damage from a lost harmony but it beefs up some of your defenses.

I would never expect anyone to have read every post here haha.

Only problem I might possibly forsee with your new setup might be running out of charges on Desecrate with two CWDT proccing it. But it should work quite nicely. Just make sure you use Unearth in your CWC instead of Desecrate. You probably don't need more than one corpse, since it is CWC and easy to re-apply.

And yes, spirit offering does exceed your normal max ES. But it's also multiplied by your energy shield % increase bonus, so I'm pretty sure a 50/50 split is still ideal to get the most out of spirit offering.

Nice jewel, I would definitely use it personally!

EDIT: Also RIP, Died in Uber Lab while getting carried on the Floor Spike + Sawblade trap set. I think I've lost at least half my characters to uber lab traps, it's very frustrating. Was just about to do Yellow Elder too. Had just finished up the guardians. Oh well, next character! Been meaning to play Molten Strike.

Such a shame on the death. There should be a memorial on the first page for HC players. Yeah I didn't realize that desecrate shared timers, which really sucks. The Spirit Offering combo is actually pretty interesting, and I think i'd work a lot better on a different build that has a viable shield to work with. I was playing around with it on my Molten Strike char who happens to be a bit of a hybrid with the above mentioned gem, it's pretty crazy I feel fairly immortal. You'd have to focus on how to get around some of the lost damage though, but Spirit Eater synergizes real well. The build gets fairly expensive since you lose the popular choices for getting around fire reductions and most sources of fire pene are like 10 exalts each. Lots to play around with later on that build, though probably more HC viable then SC, once I start to get tired of my golemancer.

My main problem now is that My Vanguards are too squishy but I don't want to invest too much into them... I'm definitely trying to fit too much into the character but there's so much you can do and tweak with the build it's been pretty enjoyable to test the boundaries of what it can get away with.

Also how do people play this build with Convocation? It's almost required with how useful it is, like on boss fights where you can teleport them back to fireball range, or if they get clipped by the map and you dont have enough room to teleport them in without suicide diving into a pack. You can also use it to help them focus on one mob with the Aggressive gem in effect.
Última edição por SVNihilist#2503 em 1 de jan de 2018 15:58:19
mika2solo escreveu:
R.i.p your char :/

I really enjoyed your detailed and informative posts. Can you maybe leave gear on the char that died in the HC to let other players interested in the links / items to check them easily ;)

Thanks! Yeah the gear should stick around in the post I believe, I put it in my standard stash and deleted the character. It's been a lot of fun theorycrafting the build. I've never really spent so much time experimenting with a build, so it's been a blast exploring different mechanics. (Stone golems were pretty bad, by the way LOL) I don't mind the death so much as I was looking forward to playing a new character anyway. One of the reasons I play hardcore.

Nirvanatone escreveu:
YES! This is awesome. I plan on building your exact setup. Thanks so much for linking it!!!!

No worries, I'm curious to hear how you manage, and what you think. So I'll look forward to some posts here by you!

Also, I forgot to include my tree, though it isn't much different: http://poeurl.com/bIMK

SVNihilist escreveu:
Also how do people play this build with Convocation? It's almost required with how useful it is, like on boss fights where you can teleport them back to fireball range, or if they get clipped by the map and you dont have enough room to teleport them in without suicide diving into a pack. You can also use it to help them focus on one mob with the Aggressive gem in effect.

I personally wouldn't play the build without self cast Convocation. Even if just for bosses the DPS increase for resetting golems to range is amazing.
Última edição por Shiverwarp#6758 em 2 de jan de 2018 04:15:09
Shiverwarp escreveu:
mika2solo escreveu:
R.i.p your char :/

I really enjoyed your detailed and informative posts. Can you maybe leave gear on the char that died in the HC to let other players interested in the links / items to check them easily ;)

Thanks! Yeah the gear should stick around in the post I believe, I put it in my standard stash and deleted the character. It's been a lot of fun theorycrafting the build. I've never really spent so much time experimenting with a build, so it's been a blast exploring different mechanics. (Stone golems were pretty bad, by the way LOL) I don't mind the death so much as I was looking forward to playing a new character anyway. One of the reasons I play hardcore.

Nirvanatone escreveu:
YES! This is awesome. I plan on building your exact setup. Thanks so much for linking it!!!!

No worries, I'm curious to hear how you manage, and what you think. So I'll look forward to some posts here by you!

Also, I forgot to include my tree, though it isn't much different: http://poeurl.com/bIMK

SVNihilist escreveu:
Also how do people play this build with Convocation? It's almost required with how useful it is, like on boss fights where you can teleport them back to fireball range, or if they get clipped by the map and you dont have enough room to teleport them in without suicide diving into a pack. You can also use it to help them focus on one mob with the Aggressive gem in effect.

I personally wouldn't play the build without self cast Convocation. Even if just for bosses the DPS increase for resetting golems to range is amazing.

Thanks for the posts about your HC setup because i only play HC and i was folowing your gear and gems setup as a base.
does a helm with "socketed gem deal 30% more elemental damage" benefits flame golem gem in it? also is concentrated effect gem any good for flame golem?
I had no idea I could get a lvl3 empower for so cheap! I didn't even bother to price check it. I've been using a lvl1 all this time in my skin of the loyal. Thanks for your suggestions! I've made my characters public, I thought they already were... >.>

To the individual asking how MoM works with this build, I initially used it when my life and es pools weren't so good, and I couldnt wait to get rid of it. It did increase my survivability a bit, but it was a massive pain to not be able to use a moveskill or use convocation when i was taking some big hits. Overall definitely was not a fan.
Nirvanatone escreveu:
Shiverwarp escreveu:
Nirvanatone escreveu:
Shiverwarp - That sucks about Uber Lab, def a PITA for Hardcore players. Do you have a screen shot of your gear before your RIP linked on one of these pages?

Was thinking of playing your defensive build but might not have a great reference point now for gear/flasks/jewels.

Ah my bad, I usually delete my characters after they die, I didn't think people would be looking for my setup. Luckily I went to sleep just a little after, so I can still link you the gear!

I was aiming to get the Pantheon upgrade for Soul of Abberath and then switch out the Ignite immunity for Poison immunity. In fact it's probably already better with the Spirit Offering version to go for the Poison Immunity.

The single Ghastly Eye was just me testing movement speed on golems, life is the only other relevant stat.

I talked about my Golem gem setup a little earlier in the thread, but just to reiterate and expound: Empower only has more damage at the very peak (Level 4 Empower in +2 gem skin, and of course golem life. And since I found my golems never died, I went for more damage) Conc effect instead of Controlled Destruction is more relevant to Boss size. Clearing felt exactly the same with both, but I'm pretty sure Conc effect is better for small and large enemies (Large enemies will get hit by all balls no matter what, and small enemies are likely to only be hit by one ball whichever you use) and medium sized bosses Controlled destruction is better to get more overlap in the AoE damage.

YES! This is awesome. I plan on building your exact setup. Thanks so much for linking it!!!!

Such a shame on the death. There should be a memorial on the first page for HC players. Yeah I didn't realize that desecrate shared timers, which really sucks. The Spirit Offering combo is actually pretty interesting, and I think i'd work a lot better on a different build that has a viable shield to work with. I was playing around with it on my Molten Strike char who happens to be a bit of a hybrid with the above mentioned gem, it's pretty crazy I feel fairly immortal. You'd have to focus on how to get around some of the lost damage though, but Spirit Eater synergizes real well. The build gets fairly expensive since you lose the popular choices for getting around fire reductions and most sources of fire pene are like 10 exalts each. Lots to play around with later on that build, though probably more HC viable then SC, once I start to get tired of my golemancer.

My main problem now is that My Vanguards are too squishy but I don't want to invest too much into them... I'm definitely trying to fit too much into the character but there's so much you can do and tweak with the build it's been pretty enjoyable to test the boundaries of what it can get away with.

Also how do people play this build with Convocation? It's almost required with how useful it is, like on boss fights where you can teleport them back to fireball range, or if they get clipped by the map and you dont have enough room to teleport them in without suicide diving into a pack. You can also use it to help them focus on one mob with the Aggressive gem in effect.

No worries, I'm curious to hear how you manage, and what you think. So I'll look forward to some posts here by you!

Also, I forgot to include my tree, though it isn't much different: http://poeurl.com/bIMK

I personally wouldn't play the build without self cast Convocation. Even if just for bosses the DPS increase for resetting golems to range is amazing.

Thanks for the posts about your HC setup because i only play HC and i was folowing your gear and gems setup as a base.

Hey :)

At least Shiverwarps HC char will stay alive as finder of charges on Golems once I find time to add it in the guide ^^

The Vanguards seriously need the "Soul Weaver" node to stay alive. You can drop "Spirit Eater" and "Beacon of Corruption" pretty safely if you have good chaos res on rest of gear. With Soul Weaver TVs really start to melt bosses down even on six link and my own lvl 84 TVs just today tanked Vaal Temple boss fight. Necro Aegis with Victarios seems to help their survival quite bit.

I have used and not used Convocation and its great skill that helps clearspeed quite a bit depending on play-style. If you have enough movement speed on minions and like to charge through enemy packs, it's not needed as Minions are forced to teleport on your location very often. However if you like to play slower of don't have minion speed, it certainly makes clearing faster. My main problem with it is that 8 sec cooldown is too long and GGG should add the skill in some item added, like Stone Golem is in Clayshaper.

Thanks! Yeah the gear should stick around in the post I believe, I put it in my standard stash and deleted the character. It's been a lot of fun theorycrafting the build. I've never really spent so much time experimenting with a build, so it's been a blast exploring different mechanics. (Stone golems were pretty bad, by the way LOL) I don't mind the death so much as I was looking forward to playing a new character anyway. One of the reasons I play hardcore.

Hello :)

Stone Golems are just too bad for even a joke build ^^ They are however next coolest Golems and I hope someday they would be viable.

I wish you best of luck with your next build and if you ever decide to do another Golemancer ill be waiting for your next take on it ;)

does a helm with "socketed gem deal 30% more elemental damage" benefits flame golem gem in it? also is concentrated effect gem any good for flame golem?

Hi :)

Yep, "socketed gem deal 30% more elemental damage" works for socketed Golems. Flame Golems also have area skills so concentrated effect also works with them.

I had no idea I could get a lvl3 empower for so cheap! I didn't even bother to price check it. I've been using a lvl1 all this time in my skin of the loyal. Thanks for your suggestions! I've made my characters public, I thought they already were... >.>

To the individual asking how MoM works with this build, I initially used it when my life and es pools weren't so good, and I couldnt wait to get rid of it. It did increase my survivability a bit, but it was a massive pain to not be able to use a moveskill or use convocation when i was taking some big hits. Overall definitely was not a fan.

Np ^^

After Anime Stone, rest of gear for high level maps is actually reasonable cheap. Links look pretty good, expect gloves and boots have some random gems or no gems in them. Adding Extra Specters / Animate Guardian / Zombies is good way to increase both DPS and defenses.

Mom, really is kinda bad when you run totally out of mana. Not sure is some new rare with "damage taken added as mana" would help the zero mana left problem.
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 2 de jan de 2018 16:43:25
Hey mika2salo, do you plan on going 4 linked AG like you did on your 100 Character you have in standard, or are you gonna run a 2 link of AG this time with some specters?

I've been thinking of running some different ones, as of right now I'm running Flame Sentinels.

Still going back and forth if I want to get a vertex and Rainbow Stride boots too, or just keep elder helm with bones boots.

before all thx for the great guide, is now my main char and i enjoy it very much.
I have only one noob question, maybe already answered, but not find in 177 pages of replies...
why temporal chain on helm enchant and not minions 40% damage? ...i miss something?

Thx for the info mate!!!
I'm not an expert on build but am playing it this league. Once you see all the monsters barely moving from 20/20 temp chains + enhance + 20 quality blasphemy + helm enchantment you'll see why.

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