[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist

So what is better ascendancy to use?
i updated some gear. cant really change sotl yet so slow projectiles on golems and i run minion and totem res on specters, specters still ocassionally dieying :/
i feel like my clear speed and dps on bosses has lowered alot because of that and sometimes i cannot stand the fight. longer fights = rip

10k EHP max rez and still getting ocassionally 1 shoted :/ i cannot make past 92 level
i run 14 / 15 rare maps with reflects no regens and hexproof and maby its my lack of experience
read: L2P issue

i was thinking running curse enfeeble instead of temporal chains, what you think abhout it ?
if i need to get hit anyways to have conviction up

im collecting exalts to upgrade this char further cause i really want to get to 100 without ocasionally being instant gibbed >.<

allso what you think about me switching to just Necromancer i can afford it but how is necro ?
this can be much more safe better block and this ES regen
i wonder how good is this ES regen with offering for yourself

ty for your good work and build !

Última edição por Zebedin#5037 em 26 de mar de 2018 10:14:43
Hi mika, everything is totally good until now. Doing t14-15 now with no problem. Gonna try t16 after i complete my atlas. This build offer both decent defence and DPS. Thanks again for the build guide. But there are 2 more things i'm not sure : this build can't do ele reflect maps and phoenix right ? I planned to farm phoenix but then i realize the golems are no longer immune to ele dmg any more. Dunno if it's true so i'm waiting for your answer xD
Hi all, I'm a lvl 89 Necro using this build and liking it so far. I recently managed to afford my Presence of Chayula and Skin of the Loyal but I'm just sitting on about 2.1k life and 6.3k ES. I couldn't do Uber Atziri and still can't take it easy in T14+ maps and bosses. This is without Necromantic Aegis and Victario's Charity using a 50% block chance to spells shield. Also already got Anima Stone and 6 Harmonies.

Here's my character page: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/toilet94/characters?characterName=PikaPikaMudafuka

I realize my gear isn't maxed, but am I supposed to be having trouble? I tried to follow the leveling guide as exactly as possible. Please let me know if there's some kind of upgrade or point allocation I'm missing cause it isn't really fun running high level content right now.

Thanks for all the help!

Hello :)

Your gear is starting to look pretty good with gems. Build requires some kiting and knowing boss mechanics as 75/75 block chance can not be archived anymore with Necromancer. Block chance is now meant to save from bad kites few times in the battle rather than tanking boss damage.

As boss fights should be pretty short with your minions damage, I recommend kiting in circle around the boss the whole time the fight lasts. Move in circling about 1/3 screen away from boss in same direction. This lets Temp Chains and Ele weak to hit boss, while boss cant use really dangerous melee attacks on you. Temp Chains slowss all boss minions down, so you can only focus on kiting boss.

Most important part is to never stop for long time. Just to keep Offering up and hit boss with Elemental Equilibrium.

You can check FAQ section for how to kill bosses. Gear part is bit outdated, but strategies about how to move in bosses and how to kite are exactly the same.

After learning boss moves, all bosses are easily doable deathless as they manifest moves pretty nicely. Hope this helps ;)

Thanks for the reply! You were right, I just needed to change my approach and play the mechanics. After that, bosses were pretty easy. Uber Atziri would be hard anywhere I think, haha. I've been trying to understand the build more and I don't understand something.

Is it important for Animate Guardian to have the Curse with Ele Weakness on Hit implicit on it's gloves? I'm already running Elemental Weakness on Blasphemy, does it mean that both curses would stack?

I read somewhere that the Guardian's curse isn't counted as part of my curses. Does that mean that my 2 curse limit = Temp Chains and Ele Weakness on Blasphemy, then stacks on top of Guardian's Ele Weakness on Hit and Singularity Hinder? That would be pretty damn smart.
Why wouldnt you use Shaper of Desolation and Beacon of Ruin instead of Pendulum of Destruction and Paragon of Calamity, with Beacon of ruin your shocks will always increase the damage the target takes by 20% for 2 second and with Shaper of Desolation you get 6 seconds of 100% shock chance per 14 seconds, if you also use Arc to proc EE you get extra chance to shock on that meaning that you get a baseline 30% chance to shock. Pendulum of Destruction and Paragon of Calamity just seem really bad compared to Shaper of Desolation and Beacon of Ruin offensivly.
any room in the Golemancers guild?
IGN - FlameGolemancer

AlexAndonov escreveu:
Sorry for the noob question again, but how do I get 6 golems at a time ?

2 for 2x clayshaper
2 for anima stone and 3x primordial
2 for elementalist

Hello :)

Yep, Golems come from these sources :

- 1x from gem itself
- 2x from Anima Stone and three other primordial jewels
- 2x from elementalist
- 1x From Clayshaper

Number could be increased to 7x by adding second Clayshaper, but charges from Victarios Charity shield are better in defense and offence than extra Golem.

So what is better ascendancy to use?

Hey :)

Theres not single best Ascendnancy atm, as all 3x are well balanced.

Differences are defense, offence and utility related :

Necro is cheapest to gear and has best boss damage. Specters deal massive damage while Ascendancy gives nice block chance and elemental resistances which makes gearing easier.

Elementalist is more damage oriented, but I really like the 4+1+1 Golems mix if you have currency to buy Death's Door boots and maybe chance to blind gloves. You are immune to freeze, chill, burn, shock, bleed and with blind mobs miss you half the time. Bit expensive but really worth it.

Occultist is demanding on gear as it requires high ES to really regen ES back fast. However ability to curse hexproof mobs makes maps super safe and chaos explosions clear trash mobs faster than Necro or Ele. ES regen can easily stay at 20-30% per sec, so dying to trash mob is very hard. Capping curses is easier with Occultist as you get free curse effectiveness and extra curse.

I'd say that easiest to play is Necro as it has highest block chance and fastest boss kill speed with Specters. Its also easiest / cheapest to gear and guide is written as Necro being base class.

i updated some gear. cant really change sotl yet so slow projectiles on golems and i run minion and totem res on specters, specters still ocassionally dieying :/
i feel like my clear speed and dps on bosses has lowered alot because of that and sometimes i cannot stand the fight. longer fights = rip

10k EHP max rez and still getting ocassionally 1 shoted :/ i cannot make past 92 level
i run 14 / 15 rare maps with reflects no regens and hexproof and maby its my lack of experience
read: L2P issue

i was thinking running curse enfeeble instead of temporal chains, what you think abhout it ?
if i need to get hit anyways to have conviction up

im collecting exalts to upgrade this char further cause i really want to get to 100 without ocasionally being instant gibbed >.<

allso what you think about me switching to just Necromancer i can afford it but how is necro ?
this can be much more safe better block and this ES regen
i wonder how good is this ES regen with offering for yourself

ty for your good work and build !

Hey and thanks for support ^^

I recommend getting pseudo 6 link helmet with minion damage and minion life support. The minion life support will keep Specters alive in any boss fight and minion damage support will boost Specters damage. Something like :

but drop burning damage support if they are too expensive. With 2x supports and 100 ES helmets cost around 10-20c.

I recommend switching Ele Weakness to Enfeeble rather than Temp Chains. Dual defensive curses should increase survival quite a bit.

Elementalist is most DPS oriented class and has least defenses. Necro has chance to block and faster boss kill. Occultist has more EHP (HP + ES) and lots of ES regen. I recommend switching to Necro for now if boss mechanics are not familiar yet.

Hi mika, everything is totally good until now. Doing t14-15 now with no problem. Gonna try t16 after i complete my atlas. This build offer both decent defence and DPS. Thanks again for the build guide. But there are 2 more things i'm not sure : this build can't do ele reflect maps and phoenix right ? I planned to farm phoenix but then i realize the golems are no longer immune to ele dmg any more. Dunno if it's true so i'm waiting for your answer xD

Thanks for support ^^

Build can easily do reflect maps. Golems get so much life and regen from Empower and Harmonies that they wont kill themselves to reflect unless they are shooting at shrine full or mobs in high packsize map. Specters are totally immune to Reflect as they are not "hitting" enemies, but rather "setting" them to fire.

Phoenix is one of the easiest bosses to farm. Just drop Animate Guardian from the fight if you are using it and focus on 100% kiting boss blast. The boss minions will be taken care by Temp Chains and the whirling attacks are very easy to dodge. When boss stops and starts to load blast, just run across the arena to make sure some random 100% increased monster area mod wont kill you.


Thanks for the reply! You were right, I just needed to change my approach and play the mechanics. After that, bosses were pretty easy. Uber Atziri would be hard anywhere I think, haha. I've been trying to understand the build more and I don't understand something.

Is it important for Animate Guardian to have the Curse with Ele Weakness on Hit implicit on it's gloves? I'm already running Elemental Weakness on Blasphemy, does it mean that both curses would stack?

I read somewhere that the Guardian's curse isn't counted as part of my curses. Does that mean that my 2 curse limit = Temp Chains and Ele Weakness on Blasphemy, then stacks on top of Guardian's Ele Weakness on Hit and Singularity Hinder? That would be pretty damn smart.

Hey :)

Glad to hear it helped!

Curse on hit gloves on Animate Guardian are useful, but not needed as char is already running Ele Weak. AG with curse just makes sure that if boss is outside of Ele Weak range from Blasphemy, AG will still curse it with weaker version of it to maximize DPS.

AG curse is counted from player max. If you have 1x limit and run Temp Chains on Blasphemy, and AG hits enemy with Ele Weak your Temp Chains will over-ride AGs Ele Weak immediately. With extra curse both curses can coexist.

Why wouldnt you use Shaper of Desolation and Beacon of Ruin instead of Pendulum of Destruction and Paragon of Calamity, with Beacon of ruin your shocks will always increase the damage the target takes by 20% for 2 second and with Shaper of Desolation you get 6 seconds of 100% shock chance per 14 seconds, if you also use Arc to proc EE you get extra chance to shock on that meaning that you get a baseline 30% chance to shock. Pendulum of Destruction and Paragon of Calamity just seem really bad compared to Shaper of Desolation and Beacon of Ruin offensivly.

Hi :)

I tested Desolation and Beacon, but they were very unreliable sources of damage. Less than 50% uptime is too weak and Arc is slow spell to keep casting every 2 seconds.

Arc will shock only for 6 seconds and not for chill or burn phase. Arc deals too little damage to shock boss even if you have enough shock chance.

any room in the Golemancers guild?
IGN - FlameGolemancer

Hey :)

Sorry but the guild is full atm :/

GGG guild system is pretty dumb in the way that old members have pay for new members slots. I have to wait if someone in guild will be kind enough to donate for new members slots. I'll post in thread and news when slots open, maybe you can join then ;)
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 27 de mar de 2018 02:28:52
Arc will shock only for 6 seconds and not for chill or burn phase. Arc deals too little damage to shock boss even if you have enough shock chance.

In 3.0 shock was changed to have a baseline duration of two seconds no matter the hit, the now determines the damage increase of shock but with Beacon of Ruin it will always increase the damage the target takes by 20% and arc will have 30% chance to increase the damage the target takes by 20% for two seconds, damage wise this far outclasses Paragon of Calamity or Pendulum of Destruion since neither increase the damage your minions do.
I had a search through the thread and I couldn't seem to find any mention of using Vis Mortis instead of SotL.

My idea would be using:

Flame golem in a helmet with +2 socketed minion gem & + minion damage support gem
Spectres in 6L Vis Mortis

Would 4 TVs (with 21/20 gems) + 4 Level 23 golems be more effective in T16+ than the original spec of 3 TVs + 4 Level 28 golems?

🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Greetings, quick question.
I read the first posts regarding ascendancies and I can't make my mind.

What would be the "best" (I know this is a terrible word) ascendancy just for fast mapping, mostly in low tiers (t6-t10)?
All I care about is clear speed, I don't need it for progression. Just t6-t10 maps, nothing else.

I already have a character that can clear all the content (very slow mapper), I just want the Golemancer to be an alternative character for fast mapping.

I can invest 3-4ex on it.

TL;DR: What's the "best" ascendancy JUST for t6-t10 speed map clearing?

Thank you!
Última edição por FaustoFanti#1658 em 28 de mar de 2018 01:28:02

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