[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist

Out of the abilities golems have, which abilities do they decide to cast? Is it completely random? It sure doesn't seem like it. It seems like with flame golems literally all they do is spam magma orb and SOMETIMES flame wave.
so ive reached 94 level and got pretty stacked up gear
rerolled from elementalist to necro now and all going nice and smooth

i reaally liked to use Spirit Offering :D
i can just sit in any pack and spam ball with linked corpses and this offering and it heal me my ES by insane ammount.
i was trying allso node that convert your life regen to es regen, its quite nice. if something will bypass your es you have Hp potion to heal.

allso im trying to make some new helmet, now hunting for some good lab enchant for it

would be cool if there is any tool to check if i can master craft something instead of es on it ?

ty alot, on behalf of this league i just have cool time with testing other posibilities with summoner, i definitly start summoner in new league

dransureu escreveu:
Ahh thanks for the help anyways. yea I wish I could somehow add an essence without rerolling the other stats. :(

I guess I could just start crafting another helmet for 7L haha. I might multimod the belt as it might make it endgame worthy. Maybe.

Could just make minion rings meanwhile.

@Kayella Yeah the 2 open suffixes are why I thought about multimodding it too but not sure if the lines I want are even suffixes. But should be possible on the belt since the free mods are prefixes. Just not sure if its worth 2ex.

But yea in the end crafting minion speed rings next might be the best move, as I dont think the minion life and one line of es on belt would be as worth at the moment. Unless I start doing some high end bosses and realize that I will need it asap.

Hello :)

I can really recommend crafting of minion speed rings. They add huge amount of quality of life improvements in faster clear speed and better defense. You become less dependent on Convocation and minion move better in crowded maps with lots of small rooms.

Hello, been lurking this thread for 3 days now and levelled a Witch to 60 with this build in mind, but I still can't decide on Ascendency. :D

My goals with this character:
Have a safe, tanky and effective Boss Killer.

Fights I want to succeed in easily:
Red Elder
Elder's Guardians
Shaper's Guardians
Uber Elder

As you can see it's a very specific set of goals here, and very specific fights as well, I don't really care about Uber Atziri or whatever else, I just wish to be self sufficient on farming Elder and eventually Uber Elder, and none of my previous builds even came close.

A side note is I'm not the best at avoiding damage by jukes haha. At least I'm honest about it. :P

Anyway, I was hoping I could get some advice on ways to specialize this build for these scenarios?

So far I have a nice 6-Link Hubris with Minion Life + Minion Damage, about 110 ES and triple resist, I have 3b2r1g SotL, I have the Might + Anima + 6x15% CDR Harmonies, and I have enough to buy Presence of Chayula as well. Working on crafting rings and gloves etc, and collecting gems. I have Empower 3 so far and Enhance 4 so at least this is a start.

In regards to these boss fights, I've heard you guys say that Necro is the "Easier" spec to start with, has best boss DPS, survivable spectres (especially with minion life hat) and block chance in case I don't juke, which all sounds good on paper. Then again, Elementalist with the Ele Immune Golems has some sort of advantage against the Ele dmg Shaper and Elder use correct? Is there a clear winner here, because it sounds like Necro has tankier spectres while Ele has tankier Golems and I have no clue which is more important.

Also yeah, just any Shaper + Elder + Uber Elder pointers would be welcome. I'd love to heavily specialize for these fights even if it means sacrificing clearspeed in normal mapping.


(PS: Mika you seem like a genuinely nice person with a great guide and I just wanted to give you props for both of those things.)

Shaper / red elder / guardians are easily done with either necro or elementalist.

As said, necro will be tankier and have tanky golems thanks to the bone offering, but you may want to be sure they are at maximum resistance / increase their resistance to cold damage for shaper for example. Also block will help the golems to regenerate / take less damage.

Elementalist's golems will have the advantage of dps and that they are immune to elemental damage, so you don't care about this. But on the contrary, you'll have to know how the bosses behave, as you have no block, probably just a little evasion and your only real source of tank is the fact you kite bosses.

About uber elder, I can't say: i never did it, but looking at the damages you can take, elementalist would be appropriate to make sure your golem are always alive, but necro will give you more chance to stay alive ^^'.

Thanks for support! ^^

Red Elder, Elder's Guardians, Shaper and Shaper's Guardians are easily doable with Necro, Occu and Elementalist once you are familiar with boss moves and how to kite them. You have to focus only on dodging biggest hits that are manifested nicely.

Like Anakhon said Necro is cheaper and more new player friendly. Chance to block can help lot with bad kites.

For Uber Elder Tukohama Vanguard Specs provide probably fastest boss kill time with Necros Soul Weaver node. Minion life in minion support in helmet should really help as some guild players have lost their TV specs in Uber Elder fight.

Elementalist has less defenses but elemental immune Golems mean that they can survive easily whole fights. 6x Golems gives most damage from all setups and 4+1+1 gives status immunities which makes mapping very nice as flasks are not needed.

For Uber Elder Golems elemental immunity really helps them to last whole fight. TV specs will probably die at some point if not using Necro Aegis and switching shield to raise minions resistances (Kaltensoul, Saffels frame, etc).

Maybe try first with Necro as its easier to get running. Once you are familiar with bosses and if Uber Elder seems to kill Specs during the fight you can easily switch to Elementalist and kite around while elemental immune Golems kill boss.

Question, the spell echo for flame golem is only to summon them?
Do we switch the gem with something else once they're up ?

The golems double cast their spell when you link them to Spell Echo as well. So it's useful for both things, you cast 2 golems at once, and the golems cast 2 spells at a time each time they use their cooldowns.

Ahh gotcha! Thanks :)

Hi :)

Yep, Echo dual-casts both Golems and their spells.

Hello :)

Thanks so much just with these tweaks im feeling like a complete god :D I got another question

-Could i fit HH in or think thats overkill

-I wanna try out the 4-1-1 with 2 spectres with the blind gloves would this be a better set up for say Elder / Ubers?

Thanks again love this build :)

Hey :)

HH is not very useful for Golemancer. You only get part of the kills (Only TV Specs burn kills) and the auras are not very useful as they mostly boost only your damage.

I'm not sure which Elementalist setup is better for Uber.

6xGolems + 3xTVs is most offensive setup and gives fastest kill time if you can keep TVs alive.

4+1+1 is basically my favorite atm in everywhere else while mapping or in other bosses. However Uber doesn't really freeze, ignite, shock or bleed. Blinding elder doesn't seem very effective also.

So I swapped my Necro to this build and wanted to make sure I could get Chayula but affording the proper colored skin of the loyal and chayula was costly. I found a good alternative color idea you could possibly recommend to newer people in league who don't have 15+ ex to toss around.

2R 2G 2B Skin and run faster projectiles instead of controlled destruction. You can get a Skin with those colors for 20c and faster projectiles increases cast speed and dmg as well as helping clear speed for how fast the golems hit enemies as you zoom around.

Just a thought I think is worth sharing in your gearing section.

If you're gonna splurge on one big purchase for this build Chayula is huge for doing endgame content.

I run a 222 SotL as well but Slower Proj instead of faster its better boss dps and my clear speed is still phenomenual

Hi :)

2r2g2b Sotl is basically public secret in the thread. It's mentioned in thread every few pages but not listed for a reason.

When I added 3r1g2b Sotl to guide, it was also very cheap at start compared to 2r1g3b. However prices rose soon after that and they are now near 2r1g3b.

I assume this has happened cause :
- Price fixers (I have seen traders with 10x plus Sotls in similar colors selling overpriced)
- Vaaling Sotls (Many players buy cheaper color Sotl to vaal it for +1 level and either use it or sell it. This drops supply significantly as some players buy all they can find and then resell them for higher prices. Bricking Sotls also drops amount that can be resold)
- Other builds are using same color Sotl (not sure if any)

2r2g2b is not listed in armor section so that price fixers can't easily grab the info from first page and start hoarding them. It has remained 20-30c item for 2-3 leagues not so it seems to be working.

Is enfeeble a good alternative to elemental weakness for increasing survivability?
Does it stack with Occultist's Malediction?

Hey :)

Enfeeble is good alternative to improve survival.

With Enhance Enfeeble get boosted very high and when I checked Pob, my chance to evade hits rose from 12% -> 45%. If you can add blind on hit gloves, it rises from 45% -> 72%.

Not sure how exactly Enfeeble reacts with Malediction but both will lower damage taken.

Thanks for the detailed explanation. Aspect of the avian was done for science, i mean for completing some challenge. Its a somewhat nice boost on lower-tier maps but completely unnesessary.
I already rerolled the belt and getting skittering runes next, will look for some better gloves.

What I haven't got is about missing HP/ES passive nodes, I think i got all the possible life/ES in the guide's passive tree, only missing +1 specter and +1 curse so far plus 3 points leading to Leadership node.

Hi :)

You are missing "Unnatural Calm" from below the Specter node. 6%+6%+18% ES nodes.

Out of the abilities golems have, which abilities do they decide to cast? Is it completely random? It sure doesn't seem like it. It seems like with flame golems literally all they do is spam magma orb and SOMETIMES flame wave.

Hey :)

The ability Golems are using seems to be determined by cooldown and distance. Magma Orb has longest reach and Golems will first cast its 3x charges from far (6x casts with echo). After they have used 3x charges they check if they have more Magma Orb charges generated and if they are empty they try to move closer and use other "melee" range skills while Magma Orb is in cooldown. However at close range it seems like they cant cast Magma Orb and will loop 2x melee skills with lower damage.

You want to add as much cool-down as possible to let them cast Orbs as long as possible.

so ive reached 94 level and got pretty stacked up gear
rerolled from elementalist to necro now and all going nice and smooth

i reaally liked to use Spirit Offering :D
i can just sit in any pack and spam ball with linked corpses and this offering and it heal me my ES by insane ammount.
i was trying allso node that convert your life regen to es regen, its quite nice. if something will bypass your es you have Hp potion to heal.

allso im trying to make some new helmet, now hunting for some good lab enchant for it

would be cool if there is any tool to check if i can master craft something instead of es on it ?

ty alot, on behalf of this league i just have cool time with testing other posibilities with summoner, i definitly start summoner in new league

Thanks for support ^^

Gz on high level!

Spirit offering seems interesting as self-heal. My only concern with it is that it that Desecrate has cooldown after 3x charges and that minion don't really get much out of it. I will test it later to see how much ES it restores.

Maybe one way would be to link :

Spell totem -> Unearth -> GMP

To create corpses much faster and then just spam Storm Burst to offer all the corpses. No idea what gems to drop for totem.

Zealots Oath is nice but makes desecrate ground maps terrible to run as you have to use flask every 5 seconds. With enough chaos res the HP regen is enough to counter the desecrate ground degen. Basically not taking Zealoths you can counter Desecrate and with the small Pantheon counter burning ground degens to make mapping as pleasant as possible.

Helmet looks very nice :) Minion levels however don't boost Specters much. I would also love to know if there is any tool / script to check items prefixes & suffixes.
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 6 de abr de 2018 06:56:44
It's no surprise this thread is over 200+ pages, not only the build&guide are awesome, you answer literally every question we ask best you can ^^

mika2salo escreveu:
dransureu escreveu:
I would also love to know if there is any tool / script to check items prefixes & suffixes.

I'm noob so I probably won't be helpful here, I doubt you mean checking existing affixes on items? If that's what you mean, then I hearthily recommend Run_TradeMacro.ahk

https://i.imgur.com/pcZ7aQD.jpg [screenshot of trade macro in use]

I also use this website for full list of affixes https://poecraft.com/basicmods , however it has not been updated since patch

Wish you all best
Última edição por Theurgus#5962 em 6 de abr de 2018 07:10:16
I'm only level 45 but... holy crap!!

I decided to "alter" the leveling build a bit and go for heavy golem when I hit 41 (The STR requirement for the weapon was... challenging but I made it work).

5 fire golems, 2 spectres and 6 zombies is madness at that level, I'm in love. Can't wait to run 2nd lab and get my 6th golem.

Zebedin escreveu:
so ive reached 94 level and got pretty stacked up gear
rerolled from elementalist to necro now and all going nice and smooth

i reaally liked to use Spirit Offering :D
i can just sit in any pack and spam ball with linked corpses and this offering and it heal me my ES by insane ammount.
i was trying allso node that convert your life regen to es regen, its quite nice. if something will bypass your es you have Hp potion to heal.

allso im trying to make some new helmet, now hunting for some good lab enchant for it

would be cool if there is any tool to check if i can master craft something instead of es on it ?

ty alot, on behalf of this league i just have cool time with testing other posibilities with summoner, i definitly start summoner in new league

What exactly made you switch and do you think it was worth to do it? Im playing as elementalist atm and even though I have a spectre necro build character I feel like ele is better for golems. But did you just make it for the easier res stacking + auras and 50% offering to yourself? Im not sure if I should too..

@mika2salo I just did a t15 lich and lost 4 golems and 1 spectre. Is is normal in harder bosses? I guess so though.

Yeah I wanna get minion speed rings, I just bought out poe tradew of the good prices essences and got jack shit lol. Ofc if I changed away from necrotic shield and got a resistance shield I would get resistances much easier.

Would you think its worth dropping aegis and getting a personal def shield? I just feel like it would lower my minion damage a lot.

Thanks for the great guide!
I'm interested in the Elementalist 4+1+1 build, but now that "storm burst - CwC - desecrate - bone offering" has been switched out for "ice golem - gmp - ball lightning - lightning golem - (blind from gloves)". How do you desecrate to raise spectres? weapon switch?
dransureu escreveu:
Zebedin escreveu:
so ive reached 94 level and got pretty stacked up gear
rerolled from elementalist to necro now and all going nice and smooth

i reaally liked to use Spirit Offering :D
i can just sit in any pack and spam ball with linked corpses and this offering and it heal me my ES by insane ammount.
i was trying allso node that convert your life regen to es regen, its quite nice. if something will bypass your es you have Hp potion to heal.

allso im trying to make some new helmet, now hunting for some good lab enchant for it

would be cool if there is any tool to check if i can master craft something instead of es on it ?

ty alot, on behalf of this league i just have cool time with testing other posibilities with summoner, i definitly start summoner in new league

What exactly made you switch and do you think it was worth to do it? Im playing as elementalist atm and even though I have a spectre necro build character I feel like ele is better for golems. But did you just make it for the easier res stacking + auras and 50% offering to yourself? Im not sure if I should too..

@mika2salo I just did a t15 lich and lost 4 golems and 1 spectre. Is is normal in harder bosses? I guess so though.

Yeah I wanna get minion speed rings, I just bought out poe tradew of the good prices essences and got jack shit lol. Ofc if I changed away from necrotic shield and got a resistance shield I would get resistances much easier.

Would you think its worth dropping aegis and getting a personal def shield? I just feel like it would lower my minion damage a lot.

hello, i ejoyed elementalist till like 92 level, he clears maps alot faster cause of more golems
and golems are invicible

but than i wanted to test things out,
1 - make changes to elementalist immune to alightments
2 - make necro for better res cap and overall boost to all minions

i picked necro cause in some really hard maps my specters died alot

now i have NO problem with any of these things, allso uber lab is no problem now, all minions surviving traps (excluding animate guardian i wont tested him there yet)
specters are invicible and golems allso, so things are nice and equall

i allso choose necro because offerings afect you, you can have perma max block or perma vaal haste or insane ES intant leech and it give you like 700 pure es and chaos dps for minions AND 3x% all resistances, as you see i freacking love spirit offering xd

i feel much more confortable as necro, i not only run away and kite now. i am using my ball lighthing linked with corpse eating and healing myself like a boss : D

Última edição por Zebedin#5037 em 6 de abr de 2018 17:24:40
Ahh that does seem cool tbh. I also occasionally lose a golem/spectre or 2 in rippy fights. I think I could try necro if it wasnt for the elemental reflect immunity, increased amount of golems and ele immune golems. I played a necro spectre but for some reason rolled a new char for the ele.

The easier resists do feel kinda nice haha. Wouldnt even need to drop necromantic aegis for a res shield to get easy resistances as necro...

But do you feel your clearspeed is still fine after losing 2 whole golems? Feels scary.
Hi, is the guild still active? Thanks!

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